Thesis-1 2 3
Thesis-1 2 3
Thesis-1 2 3
Presented to
In Partial Fulfillment
Ponce, Reymond A.
Rementizo, Louie B.
May 2022
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
PERFORMANCE MONITORING”, prepared and submitted by Maria Theresa C. Genon, King Cyrus
A. Bacas, Jerry Boy M. Gallego, Reymond A. Ponce, and Louie B. Rementizo in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AUTOTRONICS has been examined
and is recommended for oral examination, acceptance and approval.
This thesis is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
The goal of this study is to create and test an Integration of network device for vehicle engine
performance monitoring to eliminate or considerably reduce the risk of a sudden accident caused by engine
components malfunctioning. A network device that provides an advanced monitoring that automatically
addresses problems of engine components. Common issues inevitably encountered when travelling is the
unexpected damage of the automobile engine wherein do not have a basic understanding of how to
diagnose the problem. In this situation, integration of network device for vehicle engine performance
monitoring is extremely beneficial in terms of emergency travel or urgent use of vehicle. This innovation
will have capability to display the current condition and troubleshoot the engine. The software for this
system is developed, and it can display the system’s flaws by showing diagnostic trouble codes. This
device aids automobile owners in determining the present status of their automobile engine and makes it
easier to check for problems in the vehicle’s engine systems and subsystems. Functionality, Aesthetics,
Portability, Cost Effectiveness, Safety, and Durability were among the six criteria used by the researchers
in this study, which were scored by respondents. The researchers have concluded that this innovation is
viable. All of the project’s pieces and features have been tested, and it is now operational. Based on the
results of the designer’s study, several recommendations have been made to further improve the project.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
First and foremost, praise and appreciation to God, the Almighty, for his many gifts that enabled us
We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our research adviser, Mr. Joe Vane N.
Antifuesto, LPT, for allowing us to conduct research and for providing crucial help throughout the process.
We have been tremendously moved by your dynamism, vision, genuineness, and motivation. It was a great
honor and privilege to work and study under your direction. We are appreciative for everything you have
done for us. We’d also like to express our gratitude to everyone who assisted us in completing our research.
We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for educating
and preparing us for our future. We are grateful to our friends and professors for their support, prayers, and
We would also want to express our gratitude to our panel chair, Mr. Arnelo D. Naelga, as well as
the panelists Mr. Antonio A. Abales, Mr. John Huss E. Tongco, and Mr. Randolph P. Sollano, for sharing
their knowledge in examining every piece of evidence and ensuring that it all fits within the scope of our
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
5.1 Summary 47
5.3 Recommendations 48
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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Vehicle systems are difficult to maintain since they are complicated in both
hardware and software. The typical maintenance technique utilized in the automotive
industry is reactive, which reduces the vehicle's lifetime and costs money. To overcome
European Commission that there will be 50% increment in transport vehicles within 20
Early detection and repair of a problem is beneficial in nearly any situation since
it reduces the inevitable buildup of damage down the road. This cause-and-effect idea
holds true for automobile engines as well. Engine problems should be diagnosed as soon
as possible because engines are more repairable at this time. If a problem is ignored, it
will worsen and end up costing a motorist hundreds of dollars to fix. And if the problem
For many people, this means that their cars are wrecked because the cost of a new
automobile engine exceeds the worth of their car. To avoid having to buy a new car
engine, make sure you notice and solve problems as soon as possible ( NORTHEAST Auto
Service, 2017). A car's engine is its beating heart. It's a complex machine that transfers
heat from burning gas into the force that propels the vehicle forward.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
sealed cylinder and forcing it to burn quickly, a spark sets in motion a cascade of
operations that achieves that purpose. It is for this reason that the machine is known as
an internal combustion engine. The mixture expands as it burns, generating the necessary
power to move the car. The engine must have a sturdy construction to endure its
enormous duty. The cylinder block, a casing for the engine's major moving elements is
the bottom, heavier section; the cylinder head, a detachable upper cover, is the higher,
lighter section.
The cylinder head has valve-controlled channels through which the air and fuel
mixture enters the cylinders, as well as tubes through which the combustion gases are
evacuated. The crankshaft, which converts the reciprocating motion of the pistons into
rotary motion at the crankshaft, is housed in the block. The camshaft, which controls the
mechanics that open and close the valves in the cylinder head, is frequently housed in
the block. The camshaft can be either in the head or placed above it ( How a Car Works,
applications. On rare occasions, a single vehicle type or equipment family will encounter
several engine failures, necessitating the unavoidable necessity to figure out what caused
one or all of the failures. This comprehensive engine performance interfacing introduces
participants to the methods and techniques used to understand the types of variables and
inputs that can affect engine reliability and then determine the most likely cause of a
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
the three types of maintenance procedures utilized in the automotive industry. In the
automotive business, preventive maintenance is typical practice, with car parts being
processes, is concerned with the current status of any subsystem, whereas prognosis is
concerned with the subsystem's future state. There are serious challenges when we deal
Because the expense of developing on-board diagnostics in a vehicle is limited, there are
only a few sensors available. When the vehicle is in motion, these sensors generate
signals to a mobile phone or a laptop connected to the car ( Vehicle Remote Health and
types of systems are rarely used. During the last decade, there has been a remarkable
machine learning algorithms are employed in the automobile sector for defect prediction,
“Consensus self-organized models for fault detection (COSMO)” was presented in which
sensor’s data is used. Experiments were conducted with heavy vehicles and municipal
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Another method for predicting vehicle compressor faults was examined, which
relied on logged on-board data. This approach was shown on a Volvo truck, and it was
presented as a way to predict the need for air compressor replacement in buses and
trucks. For prediction, a random forest was applied to logged on-board data.
Because of the rising complexity of the automotive sector, the focus has shifted to
automated data analysis. Meanwhile, with the low cost of wireless connection and the
growing popularity of Android phone applications, on-board car diagnostic systems for
vehicle health monitoring were developed, with the driver being warned in the event of
any alarming situations ( Vehicle Remote Health and Prognostic Maintenance System 2018). There
are numerous ways for performing diagnostic and prognostic maintenance for each of the
network device for vehicle engine performance monitoring using data collected when
vehicle is on move. On the dashboard, Integration of network device for vehicle engine
engine components. Our contributions are twofold: defect prediction in various engine
One significant benefit of the proposed method might be in the current automotive
industry projects, such as driverless cars, in which every system in the automobile is
automated. This study describes a method for analyzing subsystems and predicting faults
utilizing flexible brackets and machine learning algorithms, as well as smart phone
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
The researchers aimed to design and develop an Integration of network device for vehicle
underlying problems of the engine. For the study to come into fruition, the following framework is used
First, researcher must gather data from various sources such as but not limited to the internet, news
and interviews from automotive technicians in relation to the study conducted. The collated data can help
in the identification of the problem as well as provide input as to the design, development and evaluation of
the system. The process includes initially the designing of the device, and then followed by the actual
development of the prototype. The prototype is then evaluated for its functionality, aesthetics, portability,
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
3. Evaluate the performance of integration of network device for vehicle engine performance
Predictive maintenance has grown more significant in numerous industries, including the automotive
vehicle industry. Because of the restricted availability of sensors and some of design efforts, it is difficult
to diagnose failure in advance in the automobile sector. However with the great development in
automotive industry, it looks feasible today to analyze sensor’s data along with machine learning
techniques for failure prediction. Specifically, this paper seeks to give dissertation to the following
1. What should be taken into account when building and constructing an integration of network
2. What elements, components, and specifications are required to create an integration of network
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
What is needed?
An advance monitoring device to monitor the condition and performance of engine of vehicle that
The integration of network device for vehicle engine performance monitoring has the potential to
eliminate or considerably reduce the risk of sudden accident caused by a vehicle’s engine components
malfunctioning. A system that provides an advanced monitoring device that automatically addresses
The information gathered in this investigation will be used to develop a new vehicle monitoring
device. The study’s findings would be extremely beneficial to anyone who is concerned about their
vehicle’s predictive maintenance and fault prediction. In addition, this study is significant for car owners to
secure the condition of their automobile engine; reduce the repair cost and avoid sudden vehicle fault.
This study focuses on Integration of Network Device for vehicle engine performance monitoring.
However, it is not possible for the researcher to cover every types of automobile engine to monitor, so this
study will focus only on Toyota Hilux Engine. This study has the ability to automatically address problems
of engine components.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Monitoring Device – Display produced by a device that takes signals and displays them on a
Networking device – Networking devices, or networking hardware, are physical devices that are
Engine – The engine is the part of a vehicle that burns fuel and converts it into mechanical power.
Vehicle owner – Means the registered owner or any person who is a purchaser of a vehicle whether
by way of conditional sale or otherwise howsoever, and any person who has title to or possession,
Industry expert – Ultimately, it’s someone who has considerable expertise in a field and is willing
Academic expert – Most often include professors who research, publish and/or lecture in their field
of expertise. Academic experts who regularly teach courses may also have developed remarkable
Design – To create fashion, execute, or construct according to the plan: devise, contrive design, a
Development – Growth, progress, positive change, and the addition of physical, economic,
environmental, social, and demographic components are all part of the development process.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
The Integration of network device for vehicle engine performance monitoring has the potential to eliminate
or considerably reduce the risk of a sudden accident caused by engine components malfunctioning. A
network device that provides an advanced monitoring that automatically addresses problems of engine
Related Study
Machine learning approaches are being used in vehicle industry since last decade to improve
vehicle up-time. The existing technologies being used in vehicle industry include machine learning
approaches, soft computing, and on-board data analysis. A new algorithm named “Sequential Pattern
Mining Algorithm” was proposed in which proposed algorithm learned patterns from warranty data of
vehicles and the learned pattern are converted to rule based expert system. An overview of application
being used in manufacturing industry using machine learning approaches including classification,
clustering, and prediction. Then with development in manufacturing of vehicle, trend moved from
diagnostic of vehicles to prognostic using sensor data as large number of sensors were being implemented
in vehicles. An innovative fault prediction model called “Consensus Self-Organized Model for Fault
Prediction” was developed using the data from these sensors. In which model learned interesting
relationship between sensor’s data in vehicles and also in small mechatronic systems.
Since traffic is getting crowded day by day, accident danger increases. To overcome this situation,
intelligent systems are being used with new technologies. Turker and Kutlu presented an overview of
existing systems using OBD2 tools and systems using communication through OBD2 interface. A
comprehensive analysis of vehicle maintenance used unsupervised and supervised techniques with the help
of telematics gateways which enables the vehicles to communicate with back-end server.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
On-board and off-board data was used for vehicle fault diagnostic and prognostics. Then a novel
data cloud service in Internet of things for vehicle was proposed in which two data mining algorithms were
used including Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression for warranty analysis using warranty data record of
vehicles while the Multisensor fusion technique to monitor vehicle’s health using oil data and vibration
signals. A comprehensive discussion on how smart sensors could be used for health monitoring of a system
and to diagnose a problem (Another vehicle health monitoring system using data base, data distribution
network, and a communication system). One more system for health monitoring was demonstrated on a
passenger vehicle. System was able to detect any problem or fault in sensors or actuators. There are cost
constraints when sensor data is being used as large memory space and processor speeds are required.
One solution for data reduction is using different machine learning techniques for engine. Another
prognostic health monitoring system is used for sensor data in which agent based system was used. Using
on-board data, another remote health monitoring system in which vehicle no start condition was analyzed
in detail. A vehicle embedded system for health monitoring analyzes the internal condition of vehicles
components by using traveler’s information. The said system was also able to predict future failures to
avoid interruption in journey. To monitor health state of machines and technical vehicles, a remote
diagnostic and monitoring system was proposed by Manakov et al. An application development project
was presented by Ganesan and Mydhile to monitor vehicles health condition remotely using self-adaptive
technique. Failure analysis was used to create a prognostic vehicle health monitoring system for electric
vehicles. A model for prognosis and health monitoring for electric vehicles has been developed to improve
safety and dependability. In the railway business, a survey of wireless sensor networks was conducted.
Another android application based vehicle health monitoring system was introduced in which engine’s
condition, battery condition, and emission system were monitored, and driver of vehicle was notified about
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
A vehicle health maintenance system using Kalman model; sensor data was used for fault
prediction; moreover engine abnormal behavior was also observed by anomaly detection. Then in the same
year another vehicle maintenance system was proposed for diagnostic and remote prognostic of vehicles
based on least squares support vector machine classifier; the system promoted the use of smart phones in
automotive industry. There are a large number of devices that conduct diagnosis for abnormality of vehicle
in the market. However, those devices support only C-CAN signal among the vehicle signals; therefore, it
is not possible to diagnose parts that use B-CAN signal. A majority of vehicle parts generate analog signal
in order to operate sensor and actuator. On that account, it is essential to collect electric signal for an
accurate diagnosis. However, it is required to connect a number of individual devices in order to diagnose
by using the existing equipment; thus, the level of reliability of collected data will be reduced. Moreover, it
is also required for an user to undergo data extraction process manually in order to extract valid data from
the collected data. As a result, it takes a lot of time and the efficiency of overall inspection and verification
will be reduced.
It is possible to acquire C-CAN data through the equipment called vehicle diagnostic equipment or
vehicle diagnostic device. One can conduct self-diagnosis of a vehicle through connecting this equipment
to OBD (On Board Diagnosis) port of a vehicle. Some of the prominent domestic devices thereof include
'Carmanscan' of Nextech and 'G-Scan' of GIT. C-CAN is able to measure airbag control module, parking
guide module, vehicle diagnostic module, electronic parking brake module, tire pressure monitoring
module, lane departure detection module, smart cruise control module, ABS control module.
The service sector of industry also known as the tertiary sector is one of the three major sectors in
the industry. The service sector emerged as the major sector of the economy both in growth and share in
gross domestic product (GDP) in the 1990s. This sector has shown uniform growth and has shown that it is
resilient even to the economic adversities even during down turn of the industry.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
The global automotive repair and maintenance services industry is expected to be worth almost
billions by 2015. The Indian automotive aftermarket is currently estimated at 2.3% in contributing of
India's GDP. The automotive aftermarket for parts in India is a large and growing market that spans
manufacturers, distributors, retailers, service providers, and garages. The auto services sector currently
employs an estimated manpower of 787, 7702 and increasing at the rate of 12% p.a. This service sector is
more prevalent in the rural areas when compared to the urban areas due to lower penetration of the
organized sector into these areas. Studies among this sector has shown employees suffer long working
hours combined with poor remuneration and little social security, in the event of disease, disability, or
death. The owners of such small workplaces are generally found to discount the health hazards and leave it
to the workers themselves to manage their health problems. Occupational risk among technicians working
in these places range from exposure to various chemicals such as gasoline, benzene, lead, asbestos, exhaust
fumes to work related accidents, musculo-skeletal trauma due to poor ergonomics at work places and
A study done in France to identify risk factors of laryngeal and hypo pharyngeal cancers showed
that there was an excess risk among auto service workers (odds ratio-2.2, 95% confidence intervals-1.3-
3.9). Another study done among automobile radiator repair workers in New York City revealed that 67% of
workers had blood lead levels in excess of permitted hazard levels. A similar study assessing lead exposure
in automobile workers in India showed a significant increase in levels of lead and an associated significant
reduction in levels of zinc. A 10years follow up study among automobile repair workers in The
Netherlands, to assess because specific mortality showed an increased mortality due to mesothelioma,
urinary tract cancer, pancreatic cancer and ischemic heart disease. A proportionate mortality ratio analysis
of deaths in New Hampshire state of the United States of America among automobile mechanics, revealed
increases in mortality from leukemia, lymphoma, oral, lung, and bladder cancers apart from an increased
Integration of network device for vehicle engine performance monitoring is a monitoring device
for determining and troubleshooting automobile engine problems. Researchers must develop a real-time
performance monitoring device of automobile engine to minimize the production hours lost to
Car owners from all form all across Cagayan de Oro City and professors/experts from the
This study was conducted at the heart of the gateway of Northern Mindanao rises the third state-run
University System of the Philippines in Cagayan de Oro, geared towards excellence in education, research,
extension and innovation. USTP Cagayan de Oro is recognized as the CHED Center of Excellence in
The goal of this research is to find out consumer or car owner’s satisfaction in using the proposed
system. Researchers were able to contextualize this data study in current research by using significant
terms from the previous literature, which also helped them find similar studies. To demonstrate, we
conducted extensive research and discovery on this study’s integration of network device for vehicle
engine performance monitoring, to show how data can be managed, analyzed, and presented.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
The technique will result in the development of large amounts of data, regardless of the researcher’s
philosophical perspective or data collection method. This study uses quantitative research; to quantify
opinions, attitudes, behaviors, and other defined variables with the goal to support or refute hypothesis
about a specific phenomenon, and potentially contextualize the results from the study sample in a wider
(16 PINS)
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
The goal of this research is to get information from customers about how the integration of network
device for vehicle engine performance monitoring is implemented. The integration of network device for
vehicle engine performance monitoring has the potential to eliminate or considerably reduce the risk of a
sudden accident caused by engine failure. A technology that enhances vehicle predictive maintenance by
OBD Port – To perform a variety of tasks on the vehicle’s computer, including emissions tests and
Flexible Bracket – Capable of being bent, usually without breaking easily and easily bent.
When discussing how to install an integration of network device for vehicle engine performance
monitoring, this study considered the relevance of hands-on expertise. The right connection and
arrangement of components and terminals will be assured to prevent lost contact and minimize wire
interference. The design will also examine the safety aspect of using this monitoring device.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Process of the Integration of Network Device for Vehicle Engine Performance Monitoring
Manual Process
Initial set-up
To begin, look for the vehicle diagnostics socket, which should have a similar shape to the adapter,
under the driver’s side dashboard, or behind a flap near or behind the steering wheel, are two frequent
hiding spots. Some vauxhall/GM vehicles have them in the ‘tunnel’ between the drivers and passengers’
seats beneath the ash tray, whereas Alfas may have them in the passenger glove box. Once you have
located the socket, plug the adapter into it. Some lights on it should light up. The adapter must now be
paired with the device. ‘0000’ and ‘1234’ are two typical pairing codes in this area. You may need to pair
the device ‘twice’ with older Android versions (1.5 & 1.6). (Check the notification bar for the pairing
Go to the device Bluetooth settings, accessible via the device ‘Setting->wireless and
networks->Bluetooth settings’.
Wait until the Bluetooth device shows in the list. It should say ‘scantool’,obdkey’,’plx
Select the device, you will be asked for a pairing code, enter the pairing code for the
If you are using Android 1.5, you may get asked a second time (in the notification bar) to authorize
the pairing and use the same pin code here as well.
Scroll down the list of items until you see ‘Connection Type’ in the list. Make sure this
is set to ‘Bluetooth’.
Scroll down to the Bluetooth preferences section, select ‘Choose Bluetooth Device’ and
Torque is now set-up, and should connect to the adapter. To speed things up, you might
Make sure the ignition is turned on (the automobile does not have to be running) and torque will
begin reading sensor data from the ECU. All the flashing icons in the top right corner of the main screen
should turn blue and stay solid when torque is properly connected.
Click the “settings” icon on the torque lite app and choose “Fault codes” and “Show logged faults”
and it will show you the scanned fault codes. You can click the displayed fault code and it will show you
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Click the “settings” icon on the torque lite app and choose “Fault Codes” and then click “Clear
logged faults” and it will automatically delete the logged fault codes.
Click the “settings” icon on the torque lite app and choose “Fault Codes” and then click “Show
Click the “settings” icon on the torque lite app and choose “Fault Codes” and then click “Show
Due to the type of equipment or other factors, the parameters listed in the chart may not be exactly
If a malfunction codes is displayed during the DTC check in check mode, check the circuit for the
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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
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Fuel depravation
(running out of fuel or
blockage in the system)
Faulty spark plug for
cylinder 3
Faulty cylinder 3 coil
Bad O2 sensors
Bad fuel injector for
PO303 Misfire detected 0 0
cylinder 3
cylinder 3
Burned exhaust valve
Faulty catalytic
Fuel depravation
(running out of fuel or
blockage in the system)
Faulty spark plug for
cylinder 4
Faulty cylinder 4 coil
Bad O2 sensors
Bad fuel injector for
PO304 Misfire detected 0 0
cylinder 4
cylinder 4
Burned exhaust valve
Faulty catalytic
Fuel depravation
(running out of fuel or
blockage in the system)
Open or short in knock
Knock sensor 1 sensor circuit
PO325 0 0
circuit malfunction Knock sensor
(bank 1) (looseness)
Open or short in
crankshaft position
Crankshaft position sensor circuit
PO335 0 0
sensor “A” circuit Crankshaft position
malfunction sensor
Crank angle sensor plate
Open or short in
camshaft position sensor
Camshaft position
PO340 Camshaft position 0 0
sensor circuit
Intake camshaft
PO420 Catalyst system Gas leakage on exhaust 0 0
efficiency below system
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Ignition system
Open or short in IGF
and IGT1 circuit from
Igniter circuit No.1 ignition coil with
P1300 0 0
malfunction (No.1) igniter to ECM
No. 1 ignition coil with
Ignition system
Open or short in IGF
and IGT2 circuit from
Igniter circuit No.2 ignition coil with
P1305 0 0
malfunction (No. 2) igniter to ECM
No.2 ignition coil with
Ignition system
Open or short in IGF
and IGT3 circuit from
P1310 Igniter circuit No.3 ignition coil with 0 0
malfunction (No.3) igniter to ECM
No.3 ignition coil with
Ignition system
Open or short in IGF
and IGT4 circuit from
P1315 Igniter circuit No.4 ignition coil with 0 0
malfunction (No.4) igniter to ECM
No.4 ignition coil with
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Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Crankshaft position
P1335 sensor circuit Same as DTC No. - 0
malfunction (during PO335
engine running)
Mechanical system
P1346 position sensor 0 0
(jumping teeth of timing
chain, chain stretched)
problem (bank 1)
Valve timing
P1349 VVT system
VVT controller 0 0
malfunction (bank 1)
Open in back up power 0
P1600 ECM BATT 0
source circuit
Body ECU
Vane pump assembly - -
P1645 Body ECU with motor
malfunction ABSECU
Combination meter
Airbag sensor assembly
Communication bus
Open or short in OCV
P1656 OCV circuit circuit 0 0
malfunction (bank 1) OCV
*:0···MIL- lights up.–···MIL- does not light up.
Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to
find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider
populations. Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative research, which involves collecting and
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
A likert scale is a unidimensional scale that researchers use to collect respondent’s attitude and
opinions. Researchers often use this psychometric scale to understand the views and perspective towards a
brand, product, or target market. Different variations of likert scales are focused directly on measuring
people’s opinions, such as the Guttman scale, Bogardus scale, and Thurstone scale. Psychologist rensis
likert established a distinction between a scale that materializes from a collection of responses to a group of
When responding to a likert scale item, the user expresses their level of agreement or disagreement.
These scales allow in determining the level of agreement or disagreement of the respondents. The likert
scale assumes that the strength and intensity of the experience are linear. Therefore it goes from a complete
1 = Not Acceptable
2 = Slightly Acceptable
3 = Moderately Acceptable
4 = Highly Acceptable
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Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
designed and developed the vehicles. As per the illustration it has OBD Port, Android
Tablet, Flexible Bracket and automobile for testing. The integration of network device
monitoring the condition of automobile engine. Auto mechanics or shop workers can use
this device to naturally locate the problem if there is malfunction of engine components.
The researchers put the monitoring device properly positioned on the dashboard so that
the driver or owner of the car is comfortable to check the condition of their automobile
It has three (3) materials needed in order to install the monitoring/network device;
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has successfully reached the main goal of researcher’s expectations. During testing, the
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analysis of the subject, and measuring the data gathered from 15 respondents who were
given a survey questionnaire to rate the project in terms of functionality, aesthetics, cost
and effectiveness, portability, safety and durability. It specifies that the device is
4.4.1 Functionality
The data in Table 4.1 indicates the respondent’s rating of the device that is
easy to use with a mean of 4.53. On the second parameter shown below has a mean
portable of the device has a mean of 4.27. As to the 4 t h Parameter that indicates
“the components are simply to identify” has a mean of 4.40 while the parameter
that indicates the usefulness of the products in all vehicles has a mean of 4.67.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
4.4.2 Aesthetics
The data in Table 4.2 shows the five (5) parameters in terms of aesthetics.
The respondent’s rating as to the first parameter on whether the device is really
prepared has a mean of 4.53, while the second that indicates “the device is
properly installed” has a mean of 4.53. The data that indicates “the components of
the device are safety installed has a mean of 4.60, while the fourth that indicates
“all components are simple to comprehend" has a mean of 4.40 and the parameter
that indicates if the data is all pleasing appearance has a mean of 4.47.
The data in Table 4.3 shows the five (5) parameters in terms of cost and
parts can be bound at any auto parts store or on the online shop has a mean of
4.53, while the second that indicates “the devices parts are inexpensive” has a
mean of 4.53. The data that indicates “the device is made at a modest cost” has a
mean of 4.60, while the fourth that indicates “the output given is worth the total
cost of manufacturing” has a mean of 4.73 and the parameter that indicates if the
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
online shop.
4.4.4 Portability
The data in Table 4.4 indicates the respondent’s response rating if the
device is simple to move from one location to another has a mean of 4.73, the
device is light or tiny enough to be readily carried and transported with a mean of
4.80, a vehicle of medium size can be fitted with the device with a mean of 4.47,
the device is manually turned on with a mean of 4.67, and there is a light indicator
4.4.5 Safety
The data in Table 4.5 indicates the respondent’s response rating if the
device has the ability to be operated both automatically and manually has a mean
of 4.60, the device is completely safe to use with a mean of 4.67, the device has
been designed and fitted correctly with a mean of 4.73, the components are
properly sealed with a mean of 4.80, and the devices components are properly
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
4.4.6 Durability
The data in Table 4.6 indicates the respondent’s response rating if the
device has the right size to do its operation has a mean of 4.60, the operation of
device is durable with a mean of 4.67, the device is both practical and secure with
a mean of 4.73, it is a good device that is simple with a mean of 4.80, and the
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
was investigated in this study. The researchers wanted to see if the said project will be
effective for future usage. The following questions were investigated in this study: 1.)
What should be taken into account when building and constructing an integration of
network device for vehicle engine monitoring 2.) What elements, components, and
specifications are required to create an integration of network device for vehicle engine
performance monitoring? 3.) What are the function and effects of this innovation? 4.)
What needed? And 5.) What can we offer? What impressions and feedback did the
The descriptive research design was used in this study to show the device of
this paper, the components that are needed to completely install the device are only
three, which are the OBD, Android Tablet, and Flexible Bracket. In terms of
Functionality, Aesthetics, Portability, Cost Effectiveness, Safety, and Durability that was
Philippines and random car owners. It signifies that the device’s function and operation
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Based on the average mean score of 4.44 in terms of Functionality, 4.51 in terms
of Aesthetics, 4.55 in terms of Cost and Effectiveness, 4.67 in terms of Portability, 4.74
in terms of Safety, and 4.71 in terms of Durability from a six-questions evaluation for
each criterion. The evaluation’s overall average result is 4.60; it denotes a successful
research project. The integration of network device for vehicle engine performance
monitoring has been evaluated and tested, and the results show that the device can be
operated manually. It claims that the device is suitable for troubleshooting automobile
engines which is particularly crucial for those drivers who lack fundamental knowledge
The research project contains flaws and limits in various areas. This provides an
opportunity for the initiative to expand in the next years. The following are the
2. More study of different types and model of network device for vehicle engine
performance monitoring.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Direction: Shown below is the Integration of Network Device for Vehicle Engine
Portability, Safety, and Durability by checking the appropriate column of your choice.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
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Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
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1 2 3 4 5
and manually.
1 2 3 4 5
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Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Table 1.B: Detailed feedback on the evaluation of Integration of Network Device for
Vehicle Engine Performance Monitoring in terms of functionality.
The device is easy to
4.53 0.64
The device is efficient in
disseminating 4.33 0.72
The device is lightweight
4.27 0.70
and portable.
The components are
4.40 0.74
simple to identify.
The product is useful in
4.67 0.49
all vehicles.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
The data in Table 1.B indicates the respondent’s rating of the device that is easy to use
with a mean of 4.53. On the second parameter shown below has a mean of 4.33, as to
device has a mean of 4.27. As to the 4 t h Parameter that indicates “the components are
simply to identify” has a mean of 4.40 while the parameter that indicates the usefulness
Table 2.B: Detailed feedback on the evaluation of Integration of Network Device for
Vehicle Engine Performance Monitoring in terms of aesthetics .
The device is really
4.53 0.52
The device is properly
4.53 0.64
The components of the
devices are safely 4.60 0.51
All components are
4.40 0.63
simple to comprehend.
The device has a
4.47 0.74
pleasing appearance.
The data in Table 2.B shows the five (5) parameters in terms of aesthetics. The
respondent’s rating as to the first parameter on whether the device is really prepared has
a mean of 4.53, while the second that indicates “the device is properly installed” has a
mean of 4.53. The data that indicates “the components of the device are safety installed
has a mean of 4.60, while the fourth that indicates “all components are simple to
comprehend" has a mean of 4.40 and the parameter that indicates if the data is all
pleasing appearance has a mean of 4.47. The parameter that indicates the usefulness of
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Table 3.B: Detailed feedback on the evaluation of Integration of Network Device for
Vehicle Engine Performance Monitoring in terms of cost and effectiveness.
The devices parts can be
bound at any auto parts
4.53 0.64
store or on the online
The devices parts are
4.53 0.74
The device is made at a
4.60 0.63
modest cost.
The output given is
worth the total cost of 4.73 0.46
The device can be set-up
by instructors and 4.67 0.49
The data in Table 3.B shows the five (5) parameters in terms of cost and effectiveness.
The respondent’s rating on first parameter on whether the devices parts can be bound at
any auto parts store or on the online shop has a mean of 4.53, while the second that
indicates “the devices parts are inexpensive” has a mean of 4.53. The data that indicates
“the device is made at a modest cost” has a mean of 4.60, while the fourth that indicates
“the output given is worth the total cost of manufacturing” has a mean of 4.73 and the
parameter that indicates if the device can be set-up by instructors and students has a
mean of 4.67
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Table 4.B: Detailed feedback on the evaluation of Integration of Network Device for
Vehicle Engine Performance Monitoring in terms of portabilit y.
It is simple to move from
4.73 0.46
one location to another.
The device is light or
tiny enough to be readily 4.80 0.41
carried and transported.
A vehicle of medium size
can be fitted with the 4.47 0.52
The device is manually
4.67 0.49
turned on.
There is a light indicator
4.60 0.63
on the device.
The data in Table 4.B indicates the respondent’s response rating if the device is simple
to move from one location to another has a mean of 4.73, the device is light or tiny
enough to be readily carried and transported with a mean of 4.80, a vehicle of medium
size can be fitted with the device with a mean of 4.47, the device is manually turned on
with a mean of 4.67, and there is a light indicator on the device with a mean of 4.60.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Table 5.B: Detailed feedback on the evaluation of Integration of Network Device for
Vehicle Engine Performance Monitoring in terms of safety.
It has the ability to be
operated both
4.60 0.51
automatically and
The device is completely
4.67 0.49
safe to use.
The device has been
designed and fitted 4.73 0.59
The components are
4.80 0.56
properly sealed.
The devices components
4.53 0.64
are properly installed.
The data in Table 5.B indicates the respondent’s response rating if the device has the
ability to be operated both automatically and manually has a mean of 4.60, the device is
completely safe to use with a mean of 4.67, the device has been designed and fitted
correctly with a mean of 4.73, the components are properly sealed with a mean of 4.80,
and the devices components are properly installed with a mean of 4.53.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Table 6.B: Detailed feedback on the evaluation of Integration of Network Device for
Vehicle Engine Performance Monitoring in terms of durability
The device is the right
4.60 0.51
size to do its operation.
The operation of device
4.67 0.49
is durable.
The device is both
4.73 0.46
practical and secure.
It is a good device that is
4.80 0.41
The device can easily
4.80 0.41
The data in Table 6.B indicates the respondent’s response rating if the device has the
right size to do its operation has a mean of 4.60, the operation of device is durable with
a mean of 4.67, the device is both practical and secure with a mean of 4.73, it is a good
device that is simple with a mean of 4.80, and the device can easily respond with a mean
of 4.80.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Bill of Materials
Other Materials
Overall Total
Materials P2,019.00
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
An android tablet is
a touch screen, mo -
bile device that runs
Android Tablet some version of the
android operating
system on it.
An overhanging
member that
projects from a
structure (such as
wall) and is usually
designed to support
a vertical load or to
Flexible Bracket strengthen an angle.
A fixture (as hold -
ing a lamp) project -
ing from a wall or
Automobile, by
name auto, also
Automobile called motorcar or
car, a usually four-
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
wheeled vehicle de -
signed primarily for
passenger trans -
portation and com -
monly propelled by
an internal-combus -
tion engine using a
volatile fuel.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
A. Personal Data
Status: Single
Religion: Catholic
B. Educational Attainment
A. Personal Data
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Status: Single
Religion: Catholic
B. Educational Attainment
A. Personal Data
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Zamboanga City
Status: Married
B. Educational Attainment
A. Personal Data
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Status: Single
Religion: Catholic
B. Educational Attainment
A. Personal Data
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Status: Single
Religion: Catholic
B. Educational Attainment
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid │Cagayane de Oro │Claveria │Jasaan │Panaon │Oroquieta
Carla Di Cairano-Gilfedder, Chong Chen, Scott Titmus, Xianfang Sun, and Ying Liu
(2019) Automobile maintenance prediction using deep learning with GIS data
Indian J Occup Environ Med (2014, Jan-April) A study on morbidity among automobile
Northeast Auto Service (2017, April 7) Early Diagnosis of Engine Problems is important
Robert Kuhn SAE International , Engine failure investigation and analysis C1344
Uferah Shafi (2018, Jan 18) Vehicle Remote Health Monitoring and Prognostic
Maintenance System