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Journal of Sedimentary Environments

Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878




1 Universidade Federal Fluminense, Instituto de Geociências, Departamento de Geologia, 24210 -346, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
alexsilfre@gmail.com; cintiapalino@yahoo.com.br; jabneto@id.uff.br
2 Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Avenida Brasil 4365, 210 40-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. monikabarth@gmail.com
3 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Departamento de Ecologia e Recursos Naturais, 29090-
600, Espírito Santo, ES, Brazil. alex.bastos@ufes.br

* C ORRESPONDING AUTHOR , alexsilfre@gmail.com, +55 21 26295977 (fax): +55 21 26295931

Received on 04 March 2016 Citation:

Received in revised form on 20 March 2016 Freitas, A.S., Barreto, C.F., Barth, O.M., Bastos, A.C., Baptista-Neto, J.A., 2016.
Accepted on 01 April 2016 Late Holocene palynological record and landscape change from the Piraquê-Açu
and Piraquê-Mirím estuarine system, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Journal of Sedimentary
Environments, 1(2): 165-177.
Maria Virgínia Alves Martins, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,

The Piraquê-Açu and Piraquê-Mirim estuarine system sediment cores demonstrated that palynomorphs deposition
(PAPMES) is located next to the Aracruz City (19˚ 57' S and were directly influenced by local water circulation. Pollen
40˚ 9' W), Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Palynological analyses analysis indicated the striking presence of mangrove
were conducted based on two sediment cores (PA20 and vegetation, which is mainly characterised by the Rhizophora
PM1). The main purpose of the present study was to pollen type. The other vegetation communities underwent
recognize and interpret the vegetation dynamics in the region little variation over the studied period. The top sediment
around the collection site in the last 2000 cal yrs BP. The layers of both sediment cores are characterized by the
sediment cores were subsampled at each 10 cm depth. The presence of exotic pollen grains of Eucalyptus, introduced by
samples were submitted to standard palynological processes. humans, and by the decrease of the original vegetation.
The PA20 sediment core obtained the oldest age of 1758±68
cal yrs BP at a depth of approximately 105-cm. However, the
PM1 sediment core obtained the oldest age of ≈2071±82 cal Keywords: Holocene. estuarine sediments. palynological
yrs BP at a depth of 95-cm. The comparative record of the analysis. Vegetation. environmental evolution.

1. Introduction
classified based on their geomorphology, saline stratification
The estuarine environment can be characterized as a and dynamic processes (Allee et al., 2000).
system of drowned valleys towards the sea that receives Among the landscapes that are found in coastal areas,
sediments of marine and river sources. Being highly estuaries emerge as sites that have been heavily impacted by
complex environments, estuaries are influenced by the anthropic action. These regions are considered ideal
current circulation, water column mixing and stratification, locations for economic development because of the
tidal and wind. From these characteristics, estuaries can be abundant amount of available fresh water as these regions

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

are coastal areas that serve to shelter commercial and tourist this estuary lays the largest mangrove area in Espírito Santo
vessels (Barbier et al., 2011). The past knowledge and State with approximately 12.3 km2 (Barroso, 2004). The
current assessment of the use of these coastal areas become geomorphology of this estuary contains a Y shape, where the
important tools for the management of the surrounding Piraquê-Açu and Piraquê-Mirim rivers meet together and
ecosystems. Through pollen analysis, it is possible to jointly flow to the sea.
recognize changes in the landscape caused by climatic or The studied region is characterised by a tropical coastal
anthropogenic factors (Flantua et al., 2015). climate, with dry winters and very wet summers, which have
Palynological analysis can provide a regional overview of pronounced annually rainfall, approximately 1250 mm
the different vegetation gradients that are found throughout (Mello et al., 2012). The geomorphological structure of
estuary locations (Brush and Brush, 1994). These studies Espírito Santo State presents a crystalline basement that is
play an important role in understanding the dynamics of the covered by coastal strip sandstone from Barreiras
vegetation along the Holocene to the coastal regions that are Formation, originated in the Neogene (Dominguez, 2009).
under the influence of both rivers and sea (Miranda et al., In the region between Riacho (Aracruz) and Ponta do
2002). In Brazil, there are few studies of palynological Tubarão (Vitória), where the PAPMES is located, there is a
approach-developed estuaries, the most concentrated being weak development of the Quaternary sediments at the
in the North (Behling et al., 2004; Cohen et al., 2005; Vedel Barreiras Formation base. The fluvial-marine deposits are
et al., 2006; Rodrigues and Senna, 2011). Some studies have more pronounced along the river valleys, such as the
focused on the Northeastern (Behling and Costa, 1997), Piraquê-Açu and Piraquê-Mirim, Reis Magos and Santa
Southeastern (Belem, 1985; Amaral et al., 2006; Barth et al., Maria da Vitória rivers (Martin et al., 1996).
2006) and Southern regions (Medeanic, 2006). Therefore, a The Espírito Santo vegetation is extremely diverse and
larger number of studies are required for a systematic caught the attention of naturalists in the early nineteenth
integration of this environment (Miranda et al., 2002). century (Saint-Hilaire, 1974). Throughout the state, different
Studies of paleoenvironmental reconstruction in biomes (Ruschi, 1950) are observed. The Restinga vegetation
different Espírito Santo State localities have been developed and Ombrophilous Forest are among the most studied
over the last years. The present studies have focused on the formations (Thomaz, 2010; Valadares et al., 2011). Other
Delta of Rio Doce (Cohen et al., 2014; França et al., 2015) studies have focused on the mangrove region in the Anchieta
and at a lagoon located 40 km on the northern coast (Buso (Petri et al., 2011) and the São Mateus municipalities (Silva et
Júnior et al., 2013a, 2013b; Lorente et al., 2014). Freitas et al., 2004), and few studies have focused on an upstate
al. (2015) used palynological analysis of a sediment core floristic survey (Rolim et al., 2006; Paula et al., 2009; Paula
obtained in the lower Piraquê-Açu river, in order to and Soares, 2011).
understand the dynamic of the surrounding vegetation. This The Ombrophilous Forest has historically been the major
river, joining together the Piraquê-Mirim river, builds a very area of vegetable coverage in the state. Naturalist reports
large estuary (Piraquê-Açu and Piraquê-Mirim estuarine have recorded the great diversity and preservation of this
system, PAPMES). Rhizophora was the main representative ecosystem (Saint-Hilaire, 1974). However, due to intense
of the outstanding mangrove vegetation during the last 1700 anthropogenic activities through the last century, this vegetal
cal. yrs BP. formation has been extensively deforested for monocultures
The present study aims to recognize, interpret and farming (Gibbs et al., 2010). The areas surrounding the
compare two sediment cores through the dynamic of the PAPMES were modified to raise animals and for agricultural
surrounding vegetation in the Piraquê-Açu and Piraquê- expansion (Perota, 1974). At the end of 1960s, areas that
Mirim drainage basin located in the Espírito Santo State in were previously owned by the indigenous Tupi-Guarani
order to contribute to its understanding and providing underwent the intense large-scale cultivation of Eucalyptus sp.
insight for future studies and management. by the pulp cellulose industry (Loureiro, 2006).

1.1. Study site 2. Material and methods

The Piraquê-Açu and Piraquê-Mirim estuarine system Two sediment cores collected in the PAPMES area were
(PAPMES) is located at 40°09’W and 19°57’S, near the Santa analysed. The Piraquê-Açu (PA20) core 110 cm long, was
Cruz district, in the Aracruz municipality, 83 km from the collected at the coordinates 19°56'13.63"S and
capital Vitória, Espírito Santo State (ES), Brazil. This estuary 40°10'29.50"W (Fig. 1) and 2.7 m water depth, and the
has a water surface area of approximately 5.1 km2. Around Piraquê-Mirim (PM1) core, 100 cm long, at the coordinates

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

19°56'10.36"S and 40°13'54.89"W (Fig. 1) and 6.6 m water Palynological data published by Freitas et al. (2015) in the
depth. The gathering of cores was conducted by the lower Piraquê-Açu river are reanalysed in the present study
Department of Oceanography and Ecology of the in comparison with lithological data. In the other hand, these
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), led by Prof. obtained data are compared with the new obtained sediment
Dr. Alex Cardoso Bastos. core (PM1) as lithology and the results of palynological data.

Fig. 1. Location map of the collected sediment cores at PAPMES.

The sediments were described according to the routine palynologycal analyses received chemical treatment specific
methodology for the research group LaboGeo/UFES for quaternary sediments as was proposed by Ybert et al.
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo). Four samples of (1992). This methodology includes chemical treatment with
the PA20 sediment core and three of the PM1 core were 10% HCL to eliminate carbonates, 40% HF to eliminate
selected for dating by the AMS method (Tab. 1) in the silicates, acetolysis and palynomorphs were recovered using
geochronological laboratory at Arizona University (USA). a Cl2Zn n gradient (density=2). In PA20 core were studied
Subsequently the 14C ages were calibrated using the Calib 7.0 the palynologycal content in 12 samples and in PM1 core 10
program, making use of the IntCal 13 (Stuiver et al., 2014) samples.
curve for the two studied cores using 2-sigma. One tablet of exotic spores of Lycopodium clavatum
For palynologycal analyses, two grams of sediment (Stockmarr, 1971) was introduced into each sample in order
collected every 10 cm, in both cores. Samples used in to obtain the absolute concentration of palynomorphs per

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

gram of sediment. At least 300 pollen grains per sample were 3. Results
counted and analysed using photonic light microscopy. The
reference catalogues of Roubik and Moreno (1991), The 14C results showed that the PA20 sediment core
Colinvaux et al. (1999), Luz and Barth (2000), Luz and Barth presented its oldest age of 2071±82 cal yrs BP (2102±35 BP
(2002), Barreto et al. (2013) were used to identify pollen non-calibrated years) at 95 cm of depth. The other sediment
grains. Diagrams of pollen grain percentages and core (PM1) presented its oldest age of 2071±82 cal yrs BP
concentration were obtained using the TILIA and CONISS (2102±35 BP non-calibrated years) at 95 cm of depth
programs (1987, 1992). (Table 1).

Tab. 1. Data on the 14C and calibrated ages from the Piraquê-Açu (PA20) and Piraquê-Mirim (PM1) cores.

Sediment Sample 14C non-calibrated age yrs

Laboratory code* 14C calibrated age yrs BP
cores (cm/depth) BP
AA93437 39-40 1304±34 1255±37
AA93435 58-59 1531±37 1436±88
- 86-87 1723±34 1632±75
AA93433 105 1816±35 1758±68
AA93436 54-57 994±34 930±36
- 85-84 1982±37 1933±70
AA93439 93-95 2102±35 2071±82
* Arizona AMS Laboratory

The sediments description does not show particle size Mangrove elements have the highest percentage values,
variation and the analysed sediments presented a especially of Rhizophora (36%), along with the pollen types of
homogeneous muddy lithology. Bioturbation, bivalve shells the Ombrophilous Forest (Alchornea, Arecaceae, Celtis,
and vegetal fragments were observed throughout both cores. Combretaceae, Melastomataceae, Tetrapterys, Trema) (38%)
However, the PM1 core presented a sandy facies near the and fern spores (43%) at the base of this section. The
top (Tab. 2). herbaceous/shrub pollen types from the Alluvial
Community are mainly represented by Cyperaceae and
It was possible to identify and group the pollen types into
Poaceae, whose values remain around 18% (Fig. 3).
three major vegetation types (Mangrove, Alluvial
Community and Ombrophilous Forest) in both cores. The At the core depth of ≈100-cm there is a decrease of the
pollen types that occurred in more than one vegetal mangrove pollen types (42-24%) and fern spores (43-15%),
formation were grouped into "Wide Distribution", and those followed by an increase in the frequency of Ombrophilous
of introduced plant species into "Exotic" (Tab. 3). Forest taxa (26-38%) caused mainly by the Phoradendron,
Alchornea, Arecaceae, Cecropia, Celtis, Sebastiania and Tetrapterys
pollen types along with a small increase in the Alluvial
3.1. PA20 core Community (18-22%) (Fig. 2). However, there is a decrease
in the mangrove vegetation and fern spores towards the top
Pollen analysis of this core allows distinguishing three of this core section, while the Ombrophilous Forest showed
main core sections (I, II and III) (Figs. 2, 3). a small increase in these percentages (26-38%). There is no
Section 1: 110-95 cm. This core section is characterised increase in the algae or marine elements (2-9%) (Fig. 3).
by a high pollen grains concentration at its base (205.824 Section II: 95-35 cm. The total pollen grains
palynomorphs/g), followed by a significant decrease concentration from section II is similar to those observed on
(123.453 palynomorphs/g) towards the top. This decrease in top of the previous section with a significant decrease
palynomorph accumulation is more significant of pollen (123.453-60.339 palynomorphs/g) at depth of 60 cm (Fig. 3).
grains of the Mangrove vegetation (85.649 – 30.250 The Mangrove pollen type (Rhizophora) showed the highest
palynomorphs/g) and of fern spores (87.641 – 18.395 percentage throughout the entire section (36.4-38%) with a
palynomorphs/g) (Fig. 2). slight decrease near the top (27%). The Ombrophilous

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

Forest elements remain constant throughout this section increase all the vegetal groups. The highest Botryococcus
(26-25%) (Fig. 3). concentration at the core (73 palynomorphs/g) and an
The same pattern can be observed in the Alluvial increase in the marine elements towards the top (Fig. 2) is
Community. However, a small increase of plant taxa is identified.
observed at an approximately 70 cm depth (17-26%), mainly The Mangrove vegetation shows a small expansion (31-
due to increase Cyperaceae, Poaceae and Myrcia pollen types, 36%) similar to that of the Alluvial Community. The
which are related to an herbaceous/shrub vegetation. The increased frequency in the Alluvial Community is
values of fern spores and marine elements are similar to the characterized by Cyperaceae, Gomphrena, Machaerium and
previous section (Fig. 3). However, it is worth noting the first Poaceae pollen types.
occurrence of Botryococcus (Algae). A small decrease in the Ombrophilous Forest (27-19%)
Section III: 35-0 cml, top of the core. A sharp decrease is also observed after 10 cm depth. On top of this section, a
of the total pollen grain concentration at a depth of ≈10 cm low frequency (3%) of the Eucalyptus pollen type is recorded
can be observed in this section, followed by a tendency to at the onset (Fig. 3).

Tab. 2. Lithological description of sediment cores that were collected from the Piraquê-Açu (PA20) and Piraquê-Mirim (PM1) rivers.

Sediment cores Depth (cm) Lithological description

0-30 Fluid mud 5YR 2/1 5GY 4/1

30-55 Mud 5Y 3/2 with vegetal fragments

PA20 55-70 Mud 5Y 3/2 with shell fragments and bioturbation
85-110 Mud 5GY 4/1 with bivalve shell and bioturbation
0-7 Vegetal fragments
7-8 Top layer with mud presence 5YR 2/1 and sand
8-34 Mud layer 5YR 2/1 with bioturbation presence between 24-31 cm
47 Sand layer
48-49 Mud layer
76-77 Mud layer and shell presence at 77 cm
PM1 80-86 Shell and vegetal fragments
86-87 Mud 5YR 2/1 with shell fragment and well preserved shell
93 Well preserved shell

3.2. PM1 core percentage of the Poaceae pollen type of this group (6.6%).
Later, a small drop in the Alluvial Community (Fig. 5) can be
Pollen analysis allows establishing three main core observed generated by a decrease in the
sections (I, II and III) with one subsection (Figs. 4, 5). Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae and
Section I: 100-80 cm. This section is characterised by its Myrcia pollen types.
low total pollen grains concentration at the base, decreasing The Ombrophilous Forest is significantly represented by
sharply toward the top (266.784-159.241 palynomorphs/g) the Arecaceae, Alchornea and Piper pollen types (7%). Starting
(Fig. 4). at the section I base (90 cm of depth), there is a vegetation
Mangrove elements have the highest percentage values of decrease in the Alchornea, Arrabidaea, Cecropia, Celtis,
all of the vegetal formations (Fig. 5). The Rhizophora pollen Hedyosmum, Lecythis, Myrtaceae, Piper, Sebastiania, Tabebuia and
type shows a high percentage (66%) compared to that of the Tapirira pollen types (Fig. 5).
Avicennia pollen type (0.7%). The herbaceous/shrub Alluvial Section II: 80-30 cm. This section is subdivided into
Community (Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Myrcia) is also well subsections IIa and IIb. The subsection IIa starts at 80 cm
represented based on this section having the highest of depth and is characterized by the significant increase of all

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

the vegetal formations and fern spores (Fig. 5). A high value 38.835 palynomorphs/g) and Ombrophilous Forest (11.557
of total pollen grains concentration (4.735.441 – 45.988 palynomorphs/g). The fern spores also show a
palynomorphs/g) is found at 70 cm of depth. After this step, considerable variation in their concentrations (38.523 –
the total concentration of all vegetal formations tend to 15.329 palynomorphs/g) (Fig. 4). This subsection does not
decrease significantly, such as the Mangrove (412.428 – present significant percentage differences in its vegetal
177.821 palynomorphs/g), Alluvial Community (101.974 – formations.

Tab. 3. Botanically taxa identified using pollen morphology and the vegetal classification present in the PAPMES.
Mangrove Rhizophora, Avicennia
Alluvial community Alternanthera, Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae, Bernardia, Borreria,
Brassica, Cleome, Cordia, Cyperaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Dalbergia, Desmodium,
Eringyum, Gomphrena, Machaerium, Myrcia, Poaceae.
Ombrophilous Phoradendron, Cassia, Alchornea, Anadenanthera, Arecaceae, Arrabidaea, Bauhinia,
Forest Bignoniaceae, Bombacaceae, Casearia, Cecropia, Celtis, Cedrela, Combretaceae,
Cupania, Citrus, Dendropanax, Didymopanax, Hedyosmun, Ilex, Lauraceae, Lecythis,
Mabea, Malvaceae, Melastomataceae, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Pera, Piper, Pachira
aquatica, Paullinia, Phyllantus, Polygonaceae, Pouteria, Protium, Pseudobombax,
Psychotria, Sebastiania, Tabebuia, Tapirira, Tetrapterys, Trema, Trichilia.
Exotic Eucalyptus
Wide distribution Anacardiaceae, Boraginaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Cassia, Euphorbiaceae,
Fabaceae, Malpiguiaceae, Mimosaceae, Moraceae, Rubiaceae, Sapindaceae,

Fig. 2. Concentration diagram of the vegetation forms identified in the PA20 core.

Section IIb starts at 45 cm of depth. This subsection is throughout the core (61.061 palynomorphs/g) (Fig. 5). Total
marked by a sharp decrease in the vegetal formations pollen grains concentration increased at the 30 cm depth
concentration (Mangrove, Alluvial Community and (475.398 palynomorphs/g) (Fig. 5). However, a sharp
Ombrophilous Forest), with the lowest value presented decrease in the percentage values that are characteristic of

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

the mangrove pollen types can be observed at 40 cm depth the presence of a coarser sediments grain size. However, this
(57-28%) with a small increase in the Alluvial Community record was not featured in the macroscopic core description.
(10-25%) and Ombrophilous Forest (11-22%) (Fig. 5). In 10 cm of depth occurs high palynomorphs concentration
Section III: 30-0 cml, top of the core. No (226.704-459.537 palynomorphs/g), evidenced by the high
palynomorph preservation occur in 20 - cm of depth, due to mangrove concentration (386.128 palynomorphs/g) (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3. Percentage diagram of the vegetation forms identified in the PA20 core.

Between 10 cm depth and the core top, the Mangrove aquatica, Piper and Trema pollen types. This section presents a
vegetation dominate. This dominance is characterized by low frequency (1%) of the Eucalyptus pollen type (Fig. 5).
high frequency of Rhizophora pollen type (72-84%) (Fig. 5).
However, Alluvial Community slightly decreases (8-5%) due
to the lower frequency of Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae 4. Discussion
and Myrcia.
This vegetation decrease is also observed in the The PA20 core showed a homogeneous lithology
Ombrophilous Forest (11-5%) (Fig. 5) due to the lower consisting of mud and displaying bioturbation in some
frequencies of Arecaceae, Arrabidaea, Bignoniaceae, layers. However, despite the PM1 core being similar to the
Bombacaceae, Cecropia, Hedyosmum, Ilex, Lecythis, Pachira PA20 lithology, there are two sandy facies (47 and 8 cm

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

depths), emphasising the presence of vegetal fragments at sediments can generate an inversion dating but in the
the core top and bioturbation. analysed cores this fact it was not observed.
Areas that are dominated by mangroves favour the This effect also was not observed and in the sediment
organisms’ establishment that can cause bioturbation in the cores from mangrove area in Zanzibar (Woodroffe et al.,
sediment (Woodroffe et al., 2015). Likewise, mangrove roots 2015). In fact, the records of both cores display a coherent
may penetrate up to 2 m into underlying sediments signal and were not apparently affected by bioturbation. This
generating youngest sediments remobilization to oldest is indeed similar to what was also observed by Woodroffe et
(Hutchings and Saenger, 1987). The remobilization of al. (2015) in analysed sediments from southeast India.

Fig. 4. Concentration diagram of the vegetation forms identified in the PM1 core.

The pollen record of the cores (PA20 and PM1) 1996). This concentration difference between the two cores
demonstrated significant differences in the water circulation may be related to different environmental conditions, related
behaviour of each river that forms PAPMES. The PM1 core for instance to higher salinity at this local or to the high
showed high values of pollen grain concentration compared productivity as observed by Pienkowski et al. (2011) in
to that of the PA20 core. This may be related in addition to southwestern Canadian Artic Archipelago.
the collection point of the PM1 core, located upstream of
Likewise, there is in the PM1 record the occurrence of
the Piraquê-Mirim river. The size of the drainage basin of
Botryococcus algae but not in the PA20 core. This algae genus
this river, which is approximately 69 km2 compared to 379
can occur in freshwater as environments with a certain
km2 of the Piraquê-Açu river is also significant (Vale and
salinity (Traverse, 2008). Pienkowski et al. (2011) found this
Ferreira, 1998).
colonial alga in the Coronation Gulf and associated its
The PM1 core only presented marine elements occurrence with increasing fluvial input.
(foraminiferal linings) in two sections (I, IIb). However, this The fact that the collection point of the PM1 core, which
pattern was varied throughout the PA20 core. The is located upstream of the Piraquê-Mirim river may have
foraminiferal linings are the microforaminifera organic part contributed to the lower salinity conditions, favouring algae
and is always related to the marine conditions (Stancliffe, establishment.

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

The analysis of the two cores showed a high pollen grain The Mangrove vegetation was well represented
concentration in the PA20 section I and in the PM1 section throughout the studied cores mainly by the occurrence of the
IIa. According to Martin et al. (1996), the Espírito Santo Rhizophora pollen type. It was well preserved in estuaries and
coast underwent a marine transgression approximately 1959 bay regions, and has also been observed by other authors
cal yr BP, where the shoreline was approximately 1.2±0.5 m (Behling et al., 2004; Barth et al., 2006; Rodrigues and Senna,
above the present shoreline. The relative sea level slightly 2011) in sediment cores collected in the North, Northeast
above the current one could influence the palynomorph and Southeast regions of Brazil.
deposition, blocking the flow of water from the watershed Similar observations also were observed in other regions
and hampering the transport of palynomorphs to more such as in Venezuela (Muller, 1959) and India (Woodroffe et
distant areas. al., 2015).

Fig. 5. Percentage diagram of the vegetation forms identified in the PM1 core.

The analysed sediments in the mangroves influence areas analysed pollen in Sepetiba Bay showed damages that may
in the southeastern region of Brazil and have been found at be related to the transport and leaching of the grains through
low frequencies (Belem, 1985; Coelho et al., 1999, Amaral et the influence of rivers flowing close to the area of study.
al., 2006). However, Coelho et al. (1999) emphasised that the Muller (1959) notes that Rhizophora sp. have high pollen

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

production and the pollen grains can be transported over Ombrophilous Forest was the primary source for the
long distances by wind due to their small size (Hogarth, agriculture in the last century. The anthropogenic activity in
2007). the studied region modified deeply the landscapes with the
new open areas used for livestock and agricultural expansion
Buso Júnior et al. (2013a, 2013b) showed a high
(Perota, 1974).
accumulation from mangrove taxa at a lagoon located at
Espírito Santo State. The authors highlights that in the The Eucalyptus pollen type was found in samples from
period between 7623 and 3190 cal yrs BP the site location both of the core tops. The Eucalyptus genus was introduced
suffered a marine transgression. With the saline water in Brazil in the late XIX century and for the Espírito Santo
entrance into the study area, the formation of mangrove state, the Eucalyptus sp. record took place from the late 1960
became possible. In 3190–585 cal yrs BP occurred the paleo- AD in indigenous areas (Loureiro, 2006). The presence of
estuary progradation and the disappearance of the this pollen type at the cores top may indicate the beginning
mangrove. The environment was transformed from an of the cellulose industry’s installation in the state. Species of
estuary to a coastal lagoon and it was also observed by this genus are cultivated in different areas of PAPMES in
Lorente et al. (2014). To the present study, other factors, order to implement its monoculture on a large scale (De
such as specific characteristics of each studied site, Souza and Zanuncio, 1998; Loureiro, 2006) to meet the
hydrodynamics, wind direction and sedimentation rate, can demand for raw material production for the pulp industry.
induce sedimentary particles deposition, accumulation and
preservation (Hofmann, 2002).
5. Conclusion
The data of pollen concentration analysed in both cores
were significantly different (Fig. 6). Core PA20 presented ¼
The core records comparison showed that mangroves
of the total pollen grain concentration of the PM1 core. This have been present since 2071 cal yr BP in the PM1 core and
fact may be associated with the high energy level of the water
since 1758 cal yr BP in the PA20 core, with a well preserved
flow in these rivers, which possibly hindered the process of
vegetation, reported by naturalists in the mid nineteenth
palynomorph deposition. Cohen et al. (2014) analyzing
century (Saint-Hilaire, 1974). Thus, despite physical factors
sediment cores at the deltaic plain at Rio Doce, Espírito
have influenced the deposition of palynomorphs, the
Santo State points out that during the Holocene the
vegetation remained stable during the studied period,
vegetation (arboreal/herbaceous) found at the coastal plain
suffering minor variations at the core top with the
supply conditions to the estuarine system development from
anthropogenic influence.
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This fact also is observed to França et al. (2015) that The authors would like to thank to the reviewers of the Journal of
analysed from one deep sediment core collected at deltaic Sedimentary Environments to CAPES and CNPq for financial
plain at Rio Doce. In the present study the core location and support.
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Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
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doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

Fig. 6. Comparative scheme of the total pollen grain concentrations from the collected PA20 and PM1 cores at PAPMES.

Journal of Sedimentary Environments
Published by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
1(2): 165-177, April-June, 2016
doi: 10.12957/jse.2016.21878

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