Infrastructure As Code: Using Terraform and Ansible
Infrastructure As Code: Using Terraform and Ansible
Infrastructure As Code: Using Terraform and Ansible
Using Terraform and Ansible
1. Introduction .................................................................................. 3
1.1 Terraform – The Maestro Provisioner ..................................................................... 4
1.2 Ansible – The Configuration Expert ........................................................................ 5
1.3 Azure and Cloud Shell – Cloud and Command Line Specialists ............................ 6
1.4 Visual Studio 2019 – The Pro IDE .......................................................................... 6
7. References .................................................................................. 32
1. Introduction
Before the concept of DevOps, the deployment of applications into various environments was a daunting
task requiring time, effort, and skills. A separate Operations team with extensive knowledge and
experience of various servers, Virtual Machines (VMs), and host Operating System’s (OS) used to
manually access the servers and configure them according to the requirements of the application. In the
case of small organizations usually, developers of the application were in charge of doing this (well, not
a good sight to imagine).
Now, thanks to the advancements in the field of cloud and DevOps in recent years, these tasks are
becoming less complex. The virtual servers on cloud and onsite physical servers can be provisioned and
configured easily in minutes just by executing a script written in a user-friendly language (mostly
YAML). This is possible by a concept known as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) which allows us to deal
with servers, networks, security groups, databases, etc. as if they are a part of the software. The leading
solutions in the market nowadays for IaC are provided by Terraform, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc. [1].
1. Code Once, Iterate Multiple times: As the configuration files are coded initially for creating
and configuring the environment for an application. These files can be used to spin up multiple
environments (for example testing, production, staging, etc.) and can also be used to deploy
similar environments for applications with the same OS and package requirements. They can also
be tweaked a little bit if the configurations change and Voila! We have a new environment setup
and ready to go.
2. Immune to Human error: As before, the infrastructures were configured manually and by
different people, there used to be errors known as infrastructure deviations. These were minor
differences in the configuration of environments due to the manual process of deployment by
different people on multiple servers. Now, because of using scripts for provisioning and
configurations, this process is standardized.
3. Scaling, a piece of cake!: When there is high incoming traffic in your application at a particular
time of the day or year, you can create new environments with just a few clicks and commands
and deploy multiple instances of your application. Similarly, you can bring down environments
when there is less traffic leading to cost efficiency. Scaling environments up and down is as easy
as it gets.
Now, let us have some basic understanding of the tools we will be using in this project.
In the language of Software development – “Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning
infrastructures safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as
well as custom in-house solutions” [2].
The configuration files written in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) describe the resources and
components which are required to run your application. Terraform will then go ahead and produce an
execution plan describing the steps to reach the desired state, and then goes ahead and executes it [3]. If
there are changes that are applied to the configuration files, terraform sees what is changed and based on
it creates incremental execution plans.
Terraform is supported by multiple cloud providers and the infrastructure that can be provisioned by it
includes application instances, networking resources, databases, SaaS features, DNS items, etc.
Also, the main difference between Terraform and the other IaC tools is that it does not re-provision
resources that are successfully provisioned if it encounters them in some future execution of the
configuration script. Instead, it focuses on the new additions and the failed resources from the previous
executions. Working of terraform is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1:
Although Ansible is a tool that can do a lot more than configuring existing infrastructures. It is primarily
known for the configuration tasks as it is very easy to do it using Ansible. A whole network of computers
can be configured using Ansible at once.
The primary architecture of Ansible is shown in Figure 2 which consists of two kinds of nodes – Control
and Managed nodes. A Control node is the main system that has Ansible installed on it, while the
managed nodes are the clients that are connected to the Control node using SSH (secure shell) or any
other authentication techniques. The Control node has a host inventory file containing the addresses of
the Managed nodes.
The Control node sends configuration programs which are known as modules to the Managed nodes.
These programs are saved as Ansible playbooks (name of the Ansible specific configuration files written
in YAML) on the Control node. These modules compare the states of various Managed nodes to what is
mentioned in the modules, finds the mismatch, and then updates the state of the managed nodes [4].
1.3 Azure and Cloud Shell – Cloud and Command Line Specialists
Azure is a cloud computing service provider by Microsoft. It offers a multitude of services including
Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, etc. In the context of our project,
it will provide space and resources for our infrastructure to be built in it. The Virtual Machines which
will be built by Terraform and configured by Ansible will be hosted on Azure Cloud.
Alas! Like most of the things in the world, it is not free to use but comes with a flexible charging plan.
If you have a student email ID it will provide you with a credit of 100 dollars for a period of 1 year and
for a general email ID it gives credit of 200 dollars for 1 month. On a side note, do not forget to clean
up the resources after successfully executing and testing your project, because keeping them on Azure
for a long period of time may turn out to be a costly affair.
Azure Cloud Shell is a browser integrated shell that is used to manage resources on Azure. You can use
PowerShell, Bash, or Azure CLI (a cross-platform command-line tool that can be used to run commands
on the resources present in Azure Cloud) on it. Head over to the Azure portal and click on the command
line icon at the top near the search bar to get going.
Just make sure while installing Visual Studio 2019, these workloads are also installed – “ASP.NET and
web development”, “Azure development”, “.NET Core cross-platform development”. If Visual Studio
2019 is already installed, make sure these workloads are present by opening the “Visual Studio Installer”
through windows search and then clicking on the “Modify” button and checking the workloads.
Note – The email id used to sign-in into Visual Studio and Azure portal must be the same as the email
id used for signing in for Windows. Otherwise, during publishing the apps into VMs, some errors may
occur due to permissions issues. If the email ids are different, the id which is used in the Azure portal
should be added into the appropriate permissions of the folder where the ASP.NET app is present.
2. Deployment Plan
Now, after having some basic understanding of the tools and technologies used in this project. Let us
have a look at the design of the project depicted in Figure 3 which we are going to implement [5].
1. The user will login into the Azure portal and use Azure Cloud Shell to run Terraform and Ansible
2. Terraform scripts are run and a resource group with two Windows VMs having proper network
configurations are created.
3. After the successful creation of VMs, IIS (Internet Information Services – a web server software
package specifically designed for windows) and some other modules are configured on both VMs
using their IP’s. They are required to run an ASP.NET web app on a Windows server.
4. A self-created web app or app cloned from the provided GitHub link is published on both VMs
using Visual Studio 2019 and accessed through the public IP of the load balancer.
Workflow of Terraform to build the cloud infrastructure will follow the steps shown in the block diagram
shown in Figure 4. The description of each step in the workflow is provided below [6],
1. Scope: In this step, we identify the resources required for the project. In this particular project we
require resources such as Virtual Machines, resource groups, network security groups, load balancer,
2. Author: In this step, we need to create a configuration of identified resources using HCL. A detailed
overview of this process is provided in the ‘Bringing up the Infrastructure with Terraform’ sub-
section of this report.
3. Git Repository: After creating terraform configuration for the given project we need to add these
files in the Git repository of our project.
4. Azure: We need to link the project repository at GitHub with the Azure account using which we are
deploying our project. Detailed information about this process is mentioned in the ‘Deploying the
Web Application’ section of the report.
5. Initialize: To download the appropriate provider plug-ins for the project and initialize the working
directory with Terraform configuration files, we need to run terraform init command in the project
directory containing terraform configuration files.
6. Plan & Apply: Execution of terraform plan command creates execution plan to verify infrastructure
creation process. Also, terraform performs a refresh in order to determine the necessary actions to be
performed to achieve the expected state of the infrastructure. This command helps us to know in
advance that the infrastructure being created is matching with the expected infrastructure. After
successful verification of the execution plan, we need to run terraform apply command to build real
infrastructure with specified resources. It also creates a state file that stores the existing state of
infrastructure and compares configuration modification files with existing configuration of
deployment environment.
3.2 Prerequisites
1. Azure Subscription
We need a valid Azure subscription to deploy the project on cloud. In this project we are using Azure
for Students subscription.
In this project we will be using Azure CloudShell pre-built in Azure portal. If you want to run the
scripts using local machine the next steps are necessary.
3. Install Terraform
In order to use Terraform, we need to install Terraform as a binary package (version 0.14.5) from the
official website of Terraform.
az login
This will open your browser window and ask you to enter your Azure login credentials. After successful
authentication, your terminal will display your subscription information [8].
1. We need to define the service provider as azurem and its version that is 2.0 as shown in Figure 5. To
create infrastructure, a resource group is required to hold all project-related resources. We defined
an Availability set which is the logical grouping for isolating VM resources from each other after
Figure 5: Terraform Configuration Service Provider Resource Group and Availability [9]
2. We need to create Network Security Group (NSG) to filter the traffic to and from resources in Azure.
Below image (Figure 6) shows NSG configuration,
3. It is very important to define the rules to filter the traffic. For our project, we have created four
different rules for the following purpose as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8:
a) Allowing Ansible to connect with the VMs.
b) Allowing Visual Studio installed in our local machine to interact with Azure to deploy web
c) Allowing web clients to connect to our web application.
d) Optional rule if we need Remote Desktop Protocol RDP for troubleshooting purpose.
4. Now we need to define the infrastructure for Virtual Network which is the representation of our network
in the cloud. We also defined subnets under the Virtual Network shown in below Figure 9.
5. We need to assign a static IP address to the load balancer in advance. Also, need to assign public IP
address for each VM that we are deploying as shown in below image (Figure 10). We require two
VMs for this project.
6. It is important for every VM to connect to the network. For this, we created a virtual Network
Interface Card (vNIC) for each VM as shown in Figure 11. vNIC severs as a gateway between
network and VMs. It is required to provide IP configuration to each of the Network Interface Card.
Before creating vNIC it is mandatory to ensure that our subnet is up and running.
7. We need to apply the NSG rules that were created in second and third steps to the VMs and NICs in
our network. Configuration for applying NSG is shown in below Figure 12.
8. Now we are ready with the declaration for creating the VMs. We need a load balancer to rout the
traffic to our VMs. The load balancer directs the traffic towards the healthiest VM and avoids
redirection of traffic towards failed VM. As load balancer is acting as a mediator between outside
traffic and VMs, we need to configure frontend and backend of load balancer where backend part
will consist of NICs and VMs. Load balancer configuration is shown in below Figure 13.
9. As described in the previous step, load balancer directs the traffic to the healthiest VM in the network.
For this we configured the health probe for VMs as shown in Figure 14. This will periodically check
on both VMs for an open port 80.
10. Using the health probe defined in the step above, we need to create a rule to direct the incoming
traffic on port 80 to the healthiest VM available in the backend as shown in below Figure 15.
11. As an important step we need to create VMs and associate it with vNICs created in earlier steps.
Association configuration is coded as shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17.
12. We need to install a custom script VM extension on each virtual machine using the code shown in
Figure 18. This will download the ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 script from GitHub. Execution
of this script will open the Windows Remote Management (WinRM). Using WinRM Ansible
connects with Azure Cloud Shell.
13. After declaring all the required resources in file, we are now ready with our Terraform code
for the deployment of our infrastructure. Before proceeding to understand Ansible configuration and
deployment steps, we need to look at terraform.tfvars (Figure 19) and (Figure 20) file
where we have stored values for frequently used variables in order to maintain consistency. The
values of variables in these files can be modified without affecting the main configuration.
3. Now we need to move to the newly created directory. Use the following command to move to the
created directory:
cd terraform
4. Once we are in the terraform directory, we need to get the, terraform.tfvars, files
from the git repository.
foreach ($file in @('','terraform.tfvars',''))
$uri = "
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $file
The syntax above will download all the files from the git repository to the terraform directory which was
created in step 2.
5. Now, we have all the required files, and we will initialize Terraform using the command:
terraform init
6. After the initialization of Terraform we will bring up the plan using the command:
terraform plan
7. We require the IP address (public) of Azure session. We need to pass this IP in Terraform apply
command (In step 9).
8. Find the IP address (public) of your machine. We need this because, a port is created and opened in
NSG by Terraform and it is used to deploy the ASP.NET application later. Run the following command
in PowerShell to know the IP address.
curl or we can directly type ‘amazon whats my ip’ in web browser.
11. The below image (Figure 21) shows all the resources that are created along with the IP addresses of
load balancer and the VMs.
1. Ansible playbook: This is the main script with the set of instructions that need to be implemented on
multiple hosts.
2. Inventory: This is the part that maintains the structure of the network environment. We create different
nodes and pass these nodes to the playbook, so that it knows which action needs to be implemented on
which resource.
The various parts of the Ansible playbook (iis.yml) for our deployment are explained below:
1. Specify the hosts as azurevms (Figure 22). This node consists of the list of IP address of our VMs.
3. Regedit (registry) values are entered for remotely managing the Web-Mgmt service (Figure 24).
a) win_regedit: add, modify or remove registry keys and values.
4. The Windows package of Web Deploy is downloaded and installed (Figure 25).
a) win_package: installs or uninstalls software packages for Windows.
5. We are changing the configurations from manual to auto and starting the below service (Figure 26):
a) win_service: manage and query Windows services.
6. Install .net core IIS hosting module with no frameworks (Figure 27) [12].
a) win_chocolatey: manage packages using chocolatey. If chocolatey is missing, the module will
install it.
8. Restart IIS after installing .net core IIS hosting with the help of handlers (Figure 29) [12].
The inventory (hosts) for our ansible includes the following (Figure 30):
1. [azurevms]: This is a node that contains the list of Windows VMs on Azure that we want to configure.
2. [azurevms:vars]: These are the variables that are needed to make the WinRM connection to work.
a) ansible_user= Select a username to connect to the VM
b) ansible_password= Select a password
c) ansible_connection=winrm (this connection is set to SSH by default, so to make the connection to
Windows VM to work, this needs to be set as winrm)
d) ansible_winrm_transport=basic
e) ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=ignore (set to ignore as the certificates are generated
locally to virtual machines are self-signed)
f) ansible_port=5986 (ansible port)
2. Make a new directory for Ansible files and change to this directory using the following commands:
mkdir ansibleConfigs
cd ansibleConfigs
3. Get the hosts (inventory) and iis.yml (playbook) files from the git repo using the following command:
foreach ($file in @('hosts','iis.yml')) {
$uri = "
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -OutFile $file }
4. Now, we update the hosts inventory and add the IP address of the VMs created using Terraform. This
is done so that the inventory points the playbook to the correct VMs.
5. To Edit the inventory, type code . This will open VS Code editor. Now update the IP addresses (Figure
31) under the [azurevms] node and add the IPs of the two VMs we got as the output of the terraform
apply step (Figure 32).
7. Finally, it is time to execute the Ansible playbook. This is done using the ansible-playbook command
which takes the following two parameters:
a) name of the playbook (iis.yml)
b) - i name of host (- i hosts)
9. This should configure the VMs by installing IIS features, enabling IIS remote management, installing
WebDeploy, starting and setting management service to auto, installing .net core iis hosting module and
creating a logging directory. The output of this steps looks like the below (Figure 33):
2. Login to the Visual Studio using university email id (or with the same email id that is used for logging
to Azure portal).
3. In order to deploy the application using Visual Studio we need the following three workloads .Net
Core cross-platform development, ASP.NET and web development, Azure development. We need to
download these three workloads (Figure 34) while installing Visual Studio.
4. Once the required workloads are downloaded, we are ready to deploy an application to the cloud.
5. Create a simple app or clone a sample application in a folder on the local machine. Use the
command below to clone the application [13]:
git clone
6. Open Visual Studio and open an existing project as shown below (Figure 35).
7. Navigate to the folder where the application is cloned. Open the web application1 folder and select
.sln file (It is a file created by Visual Studio which ties up all the assemblies required by the ASP .Net
Once the project is opened in Visual Studio, right-click on the project and select Publish option as shown
below (Figure 36).
8. This will open the publish window (Figure 37). Click on Azure and then on Specific target select
Azure Virtual Machine.
9. Once we select Azure Virtual Machine it will automatically fetch the details from our Azure account
(Figure 38) such as subscription type, resource group and the available VMs.
10. Select the first VM (i.e., cloudvm-0), if everything goes well, there will be no error messages (i.e.,
we can see the Finish option enabled). Click on Finish.
Note: As we have cloned a project from GitHub and trying to deploy it, we might face an error in the
above step. The error says, “Web deploy cannot be succeeded”. This might be because of permission
issues. This error occurs if we have used different accounts for Visual Studio and the local machine. For
example, if the local machine is logged in with the account and Visual Studio is logged
in with then this error might occur. In order to overcome this error, we need to
enable permissions for that folder on the local machine.
a) Select the folder which contains the application and right-click on it. Click on properties. Move to the
security tab. Click on the Edit option, this will open the permissions of that folder. Click on Add, under
Enter the object names to select type “Everyone” and select Check Names. Then click on OK and Apply
(Figure 39). By performing the above process, we will enable the permissions to everyone, and the error
will be fixed.
11. Now, the next step is to connect to the VM. In order to do that we should provide the credentials
and authenticate the self-signed certificate. To make these changes select the Edit option. Refer the
below Figure 40.
12. After providing the Password make sure to save it, so that the password will be saved for future
deployments. Now, we need to Validate the Connection (Figure 40). By performing the validation, the
certificate will be placed in the VMs. If we did not perform the validation, we will not be able to connect.
14. After Validating the Connection, an error will pop up (Figure 41) regarding the certificate. This is
an expected outcome. Check the Save Certificate checkbox and select Accept.
14. We must repeat the steps from 6 to 13 for the second VM (i.e., for cloudvm-1). Select the web
application2 folder and run it on VM 2. Both the VMs have different web application deployed i.e., the
structure of the application is same, but the welcome message is different in each of the VMs. This is to
know that which VM is picked by the load balancer in case of traffic.
15. Select both the VMs (cloudvm-0 and cloudvm-1) and Publish them. By publishing, WebDeploy will
transfer the files from local machine to both the VMs.
16. Once the Publish button is clicked, a web browser will be opened with the deployed application.
17. Below Figures 42,43 are the images of the deployed web application in first and second VM,
respectively. For the same load balancer IP, we can see that same application is running in different
After successful implementation of this project, we were able to achieve the above-mentioned points in
the following manner:
1. Automating the infrastructure provisioning process through a reusable Terraform script.
2. Automating the configuration of the VMs using an Ansible playbook.
3. Publishing a .NET CORE web application to configured machines directly through Visual Studio
using Web Deploy.
The next steps from here could be automating this process further by configuring these steps into a CI/CD
(Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline. This would even automate the process of
manually executing the Terraform and Ansible scripts and replace it with just triggering build and release
pipelines. While the process of configuring these steps into pipelines could be a little tricky, once
achieved, this could make the life of the DevOps or cloud engineer much easier. This would mean that
new environments could now be spun in a matter of minutes and that too without the worry of
infrastructure deviations or configuration drifts.
7. References
[4] End-to-End Application Provisioning with Ansible and Terraform | IBM
[5] For creating deployment diagram - Creately
[7] Step 1 - PowerShell | Distech Wiki (
[9] For generating code screenshots - Carbon | Create and share beautiful images of your source code