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Cast Iron Brochure

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QS-9000 ISO 9001 ISO 14001


This brochure describes some of the conditions in the production of cast iron
which call for the addition of an inoculant to ensure the reliable production of a
sound, strong, machinable casting. The mechanism of inoculation and graphite
nucleation in cast iron during solidification is also described.

Two irons have virtually the same chemical composition. One was melted and alloyed in the furnace with the
desired content of silicon. The other was brought to the same composition by furnace alloying combined with a
controlled late ferrosilicon inoculant addition in the ladle. The two irons will show remarkable differences in their
microstructure and mechanical properties. The reason for these differences is that the second iron was inoculated
with an alloy containing important nuclei forming trace elements.

What is Inoculation of Cast Iron?

Inoculation is a means of controlling chilled structures are undesirable. section thickness and other
the structure and properties of cast Chilled structures interfere with conditions, the metal will cool below
iron by minimizing undercooling and machining, necessitate additional the eutectic temperature before the
increasing the number of nucleation heat treating operations, result in start of final solidification. If the
sites during solidification. An non-conformance with undercooling is slight, random
inoculant is a material added to the specifications and, in general, graphite flakes form uniformly in the
liquid iron just prior to casting that will increase the total cost of production. iron matrix. This is known as Type A
provide a suitable phase for graphite. As the undercooling
nucleation of graphite during the
Inoculation changes the structure increases, the graphite will branch,
subsequent cooling. Traditionally,
of cast iron by altering the forming abnormal patterns. This is
inoculants have been based on
graphite, ferrosilicon or calcium solidification process. A look at the known as Type B and D graphite. A
silicide. The most popular inoculants solidification of hypoeutectic grey further increase in undercooling will
today are ferrosilicon containing small iron (iron with a carbon equivalent suppress the formation of graphite
quantities of elements such as Al, Ba, below 4.3%) helps in understanding and result in a hard iron carbide
Ca, Sr, RE, and Zr. the effects of inoculation. structure.

The purpose of inoculation is to aid The first metal to solidify in The role of the inoculant is to
in providing enough nucleation sites hypoeutectic grey iron is primary produce nuclei in the liquid iron melt
for the carbon to precipitate as austentite. As cooling continues, the which enhance the graphite
graphite rather than iron carbide remaining iron grows richer in nucleation at very small under-
(cementite, Fe3C). This is done by dissolved carbon. Eventually, this coolings. This will, in turn, promote
preventing undercooling to liquid reaches the eutectic the formation of Type A graphite
temperatures below the metastable composition of 4.3% carbon structures in grey cast irons, and a
eutectic where carbidic (white) equivalent, at which final or eutectic high number of small graphite
structures are formed. The iron solidification starts under nodules in ductile cast irons.
solidification mechanism is prone to equilibrium conditions. Equilibrium
form chilled iron structures when the solidification, however, does not
inoculation is inadequate, and there occur under most foundry
are several reasons why conditions. Due to variations in
chemistry, pouring temperature,
solidification rate,

Superseed, Ultraseed, Foundrisil, Barinoc, Zircinoc and Reseed

Registered Trademarks owned by Elkem ASA

1. Structure and Phases in Cast Iron
The structure of cast iron has a achieved during solidification This review demonstrates that
dominant influence on strength and without the necessity for heat solidification results in a minimum of
machinability, and in order to obtain treatment. two solid phases, and austenite is
a machinable grey iron structure for present in all the phase
thin sections, the addition of an The microstructure of an iron combinations. As the casting cools,
inoculant to molten iron is widely casting consists of several phases, the austenite subsequently
practiced and often absolutely each having varying levels of transforms to pearlite and/or ferrite
necessary. For convenience, carbon, iron and other elements at a lower temperature (eutectoid
potential difficulties with present. Table 1 shows the analysis transformation).
machinability can be determined by and specific densities of the solid
carrying out a hardness test (Brinell and liquid phases which take part in Of all the solid phases listed
hardness) on iron castings and, in the solidification process. When above, cementite has the highest
general, machinability improves solidification is complete, the hardness (~660 HB), whilst graphite
with decreasing hardness. following combination of phases is a relatively soft material of low
may be found: density, which can act as a lubricant.
The cast iron structure can be Hardness and machinability of the
influenced at two distinct stages in 1. Austenite + Graphite as-cast structure are, therefore,
the production route: => GREY structure influenced by the relative amounts
of cementite and graphite, with
- during solidification 2. Austenite + Graphite + austenite playing only a minor role.
- during heat treatment Cementite
=> MOTTLED structure
However, for economic reasons,
the desired structure should be 3. Austentite + Cementite
=> WHITE structure
Analysis (%)*
Phase Density
Fe C

Melt 94.6 - 93.6 3-4 6.9

Austenite 96.9 - 96.5 0.7 - 1.1 7.8

Table 1: Approximate analysis and
Cementite 93.3 6.7 7.7 specific densities of phases in the
0 100
solidification range of cast iron with
Graphite 2.2
2.4% Si.

2. Structure Stability
A metastable white or mottled specific density than the alternative encourages the formation of a grey
structure can be transformed into a phases, a major redistribution of structure with good machinability
stable grey structure by annealing, atoms is required to develop a and discourages a hard white
but the reverse transformation is not stable structure. A slow rate of structure.
possible as the stable structure solidification is therefore more likely
represents the lowest possible to produce a grey iron structure.
energy level (at a given temperature
and composition). The graphite The precipitation of cementite,
produced by annealing will have a requiring less atom redistribution
different structure to that formed than graphite, will be more likely
during solidification. Cementite, during solidification. This can be
austenite and liquid iron have demonstrated by examining a
similar densities and all contain typical wedge test specimen. The
carbon in solution (see Table 1). No narrow tip of the wedge solidifies at
major redistribution of the atom a faster rate than the thicker section
species is required for a white at the base of the wedge, and will
structure to be produced during show a white structure whilst the
solidification. area of slow cooling at the base will
However, the formation of a stable display a grey structure (see Figure
grey structure containing graphite is 1). Consequently, a slow rate of
quite different. Graphite precipitated solidification (slow cooling rate) and
from molten iron is virtually pure a small value of undercooling
carbon, and since it has a lower Figure 1: Chill wedge with fast solidifying
‘white’ tip and slowly cooled ‘grey’ base.

3. Influence of Analysis on the As-Cast Structure
Within the composition of cast In normal furnace charge can also display a similar variable
iron, graphitizing elements will materials, steel and external cast response to inoculation due to
promote the bond carbon-carbon to iron scrap may be heterogeneous fluctuating trace element contents.
produce graphite in the as-cast materials, especially on different A more consistent response to
structure, whereas carbide deliveries, with contents of Cr, Cu, inoculation is attainable by adopting
stabilizing elements promote the Sn, Sb, V, Mo, Ti, etc., depending on a charge containing a reasonable
bond carbon-iron and cementite will the original source and ultimately on proportion of ore-based pig iron due
appear in the structure. Table 2 lists the ability of the scrap dealer. Pig to its low level of trace elements of
a number of such stabilizing iron produced from steel scrap the carbide stabilizing type.
elements. Controlling the concentration of
trace elements allows the
As an example, in malleable cast foundryman a means of promoting
irons the need for the as-cast grey as-cast structures and, also,
Graphitizing Carbide Promoting
structure to solidify white Elements Elements helps in avoiding other undesirable
determines that the silicon level is Silicon Vanadium effects of trace elements on
much lower than in grey irons. Also, Phosphorus Chromium microstructure and properties.
Aluminium Manganese
since chromium is a carbide Molybdenum
promoting element it has to be kept Cobalt Tungsten
at a low level to allow transformation Copper Nitrogen
to a graphitic structure during Calcium Magnesium
Barium Rare Earths
subsequent heat treatment. Strontium

Table 2: Graphitizing and carbide

promoting elements

4. Influence of Nuclei on the Solidification Structure

seen from Figure 3.
When crystallization of eutectic
cast iron in chilled specimens is - Grey iron: graphite lamellae start
studied, a gradual advance of the growing from a common centre and
solidification front is revealed. stay in contact with the melt as
Transformation does not take place austenite fills the spaces between
instantaneously or uniformly over a the lamellae.
cross section. Initial solidification
occurs at the surface from distinct - Nodular iron: a graphite nodule
crystallization centres and after forms first and is surrounded by
some time a solid/liquid interface austenite at a later stage.
forms. Other isolated crystallization
centres are active in the remaining In eutectic nodular iron, the nodule
melt and initiate the formation of number is virtually identical with the
solid (see Figure 2). These isolated number of eutectic cells. The
Figure 2: Solidification of
areas are called eutectic cells. mechanism described is for eutectic
near-eutectic iron. 2) solidification and is not influenced by
Eventually, cells grow at the the presence of kish (primary)
expense of the liquid, and a solid graphite or austenite dendrites.
cast structure develops. Each for the deposition of carbon atoms
eutectic cell consists of graphite and and, subsequently, precipitation of The nuclei substances can be
austenite with graphite as the graphite and austenite onto existing more easily observed in nodular
primary phase. Its precipitation is graphite continues. graphite iron than in grey iron, since it
initiated by randomly distributed The morphology of these cells for is easy to locate the centre of a
crystallization centres, called nuclei. grey iron shows a marked difference graphite spheroid. Measurements
These nuclei offer favourable sites with that for nodular iron, as can be

lamellar nodular
Austenite Austenite

Graphite Graphite
Figure 3: Eutectic cells for lamellar

have shown that the nuclei are sulphide and magnesium silicate in problems as the original nucleus
between 0.5 to 2.0 microns in nodularized ductile irons.1) A similar of the irregular shaped graphite
diameter, with a bulk chemical investigation of nuclei composition flakes within the eutectic cell is
composition of magnesium for grey iron presents greater much more difficult to pinpoint.

5. Prerequisites for Successful Inoculation

5.1 Number of Nuclei As can be seen from the Table, the phases initiate graphite nucleation
number and mean size of nuclei at different undercooling levels, it is
About 2.4wt% graphite and particles are unaffected by the preferable to have a large number of
97.6wt% austenite are formed inoculant addition, although the nuclei particles which can initiate
during the crystallization of eutectic nodule characteristics obtained nucleation at very small
(nodular) cast iron, which after solidificaton are strongly undercooling. This is achieved by
corresponds to approximately dependent on the type of inoculant the addition of an inoculant to the
8 vol% graphite and 92 vol% used. These findings will be melt just prior to casting.
austenite. The mean diameter of discussed below.
graphite nodules is usually between 5.2 Constituents of an Inoculant
10-80 microns, although lower and The calculations used to generate
higher values are possible. This these figures contain certain Most of the inoculant material is
leads to about 3000 to 30,000 assumptions, but one can safely so-called ‘carrier’ material which is
nodules per cubic millimetre conclude that: doped with a minor additive
depending on the section size (“nucleant”) which produces
(cooling rate) of the casting. The - the number of nuclei per volume of nucleating particles in the iron melt.
total number of possible nuclei for melt is extremely high, and These particles will, in turn, initiate
graphite(inclusions) will be at least approximately one order of the crystallization of graphite. The
one order of magnitude larger than magnitude larger than the number carrier (e.g. silicon and iron
this graphite nodule density. This of graphite nodules actually combined as ferrosilicon) should
means that the number of inclusions nucleated; have the following characteristics:
or possible nuclei for graphite is at
least 100,000 per cubic millimetre, - the ability of the particles to - provide fast and homogeneous
and that only a small fraction of nucleate graphite is strongly distribution of the nucleant in the
these nuclei actually nucleates affected by the inoculant addition. melt
graphite during solidification.1) Table - have a composition which is
3 gives examples of number In order to obtain a nucleation compatable to the analysis of the
densities and mean particle sizes event, a certain degree of melt
for nuclei and graphite nodules in undercooling during solidification is - form an alloy between the nucleant
ductile cast iron under various required. But since different nuclei and the carrier
inoculation conditions. - be cost efficient

Trials using very pure ferrosilicon

as an inoculant have demonstrated
that it does not have any
NUCLEI PARTICLES GRAPHITE NODULES nucleating effect for graphite, as
shown in Table 3. The nucleant
CASE INOCULANT NN(mm-3) DN( m) VN NG(mm-3) DG( m) VG(%) (e.g. Ca, Sr, Ba or Al) only needs a
limited presence and it is beneficial
1 Foundrisil 2.1x105 1.1 5.4x10-4 1.8x104 20.6 11 if the nucleant forms an alloy with
the carrier. Also, the nucleant must
2 Superseed 1.1x105 1.1 3.3x10-4 1.7x104 23.3 10 have a limited solubility in cast iron,
and form stable compounds with the
3 Pure Ferrosilicon 1.9x105 1.0 1.9x10-4 0.3x104 18.2 1 other elements forming the nuclei
particles (e.g. sulphur and oxygen).
4 None 1.1x105 1.0 2.3x10-4 0.3x104 17.8 3 Good nucleation effect may be
achieved if the ferrosilicon contains
where NN is the 3-D nuclei number density (per mm3), DN is the mean 3-D small but controlled amounts of
nuclei diameter ( m), VN is the volume fraction of nuclei, NG is the 3-D nodule calcium, strontium or barium in the
number density (per mm3), DG is the mean 3-D nodule diameter ( m), and VG range of 0.6 to 2.0%.
is the volume fraction of graphite (in per cent).

Table 3: Examples of nuclei and nodule number densities, mean nuclei and nodule
diameters (in microns) and volume fractions of nuclei and graphite (in per cent) in ductile
iron castings inoculated with various inoculants.1)

5.3 Composition of the Nuclei not act as potent nucleation sites for
CaO SiO2 or
Laboratory test results are used in
graphite during solidification
because of a large nucleus/graphite
CaO AI2O3 2SiO2 }
the following paragraphs to explain interfacial energy barrier.
the role of calcium as an example of The interfacial energy barrier is the
a trace element behaving as the controlling factor in heterogeneous
nucleant in ferrosilicon. Calcium will nucleation behaviour.
occur in ferrosilicon as a silicide
(CaSi2). Calcium has virtually no After inoculation with a Ca- MgS
solubility in iron melts, and reacts containing ferrosilicon, hexagonal
with components in the melt to form silicate phases of the CaO SiO2 and
sulphides and oxides. the CaO Al2O3 2SiO2 type will form at
the surface of the existing oxide MgO SiO2
In magnesium treated cast irons, 2MgO SiO2
inclusions produced during
the inclusions contain mainly nodularization. These silicates will
magnesium, calcium, sulphur, act as very favourable nucleation
silicon and oxygen. These are sites for graphite during Figure 5: Schematic representation of an
primary reaction products of the solidification, due to their hexagonal inclusion after inoculation with a calcium
magnesium treatment. The crystal structure which matches the containing ferrosilicon. The surface layer
inclusions are composed of a graphite crystal lattice very well (i.e. of calcium silicates is the effective phase
sulphide core and a faceted outer low energy interface). Figure 4 for graphite nucleation. 1)
silicate shell. shows a typical inclusion in ductile
The sulphide core contains both cast iron which is formed after
MgS and CaS, while the outer shell nodularization, while Figure 5 gives
consists of complex magnesium a schematic representation of the
silicates (e.g. MgO SiO2, 2MgO inclusion composition after
SiO2). These phases will

inoculation. The surface shell

contains hexagonal calcium
silicates formed during inoculant
addition, while the bulk particle is a
product of the nodularization
treatment. Hence, the inoculation
does not increase the total number
of nuclei particles in the melt, but
rather modifies the surface of the
already existing products from
nodularization. This explains why
the number density of particles in
uninoculated and inoculated ductile
iron melts are the same (Table 3),
while the resulting nodule numbers
Figure 4: Transmission electron micrograph of duplex sulphide/oxide inclusion in will differ greatly due to the inclusion
ductile cast iron. 1) surface modification.

When inoculation is carried out

Inoculant %Si %Ca %Ba %Sr %Zr %RE %Al
with a strontium or barium
Superseed®75 73 - 78 0.1 max 0.6 - 1.0 0.5max containing ferrosilicon inoculating
Superseed®50 46 - 50 0.1 max 0.6 - 1.0 0.5max
hexagonal silicates equivalent to
the calcium silicates (CaO SiO2 and
Superseed®Extra 73 - 78 0.1 max 0.6 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.5 0.5max
CaO Al2O3 2SiO2) will be formed (i.e.
Superseed®Quantum 72 - 78 0.1 max 0.8 - 1.2 1.8 - 2.2 0.5max SrO SiO2,SrO Al 2O3 2SiO2, BaO SiO2
Ultraseed® 70 - 76 0.75 - 1.25 0.75 - 1.25* 0.75 - 1.25 and BaO Al2O3 2SiO2)
Foundrisil® 73 - 78 0.75 - 1.25 0.75 - 1.25 0.75 - 1.25

Barinoc® 72 - 78 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 3.0 1.5max

Zircinoc® 73 - 78 2.0 - 2.5 1.3 - 1.8 1.0 - 1.5

Reseed® 72 - 78 0.5 - 1.0 1.8 - 2.1 0.5 - 1.25

Alinoc 70 - 75 0.5 - 1.5 3.5 - 4.5

*Rare Earth present as Cerium, total added sulphur and oxygen content of this inoculant
is less than 1%. Table 4: Inoculants produced by Elkem

5.4 Specification of Inoculants The inoculants listed in Table 4 differ of the above inoculants at smaller
by analysis, price and application. addition rates. Similarly, inoculant
The chemical composition and Elkem’s foundry experts can give fade can be overcome by reducing
reliability of the analysis from lot to detailed information on each the time interval between the
lot is important if a ferro alloy is to be inoculant and its individual features, inoculant addition and solidification
considered as a good and and also suggestion as to the most by placing the inoculant piece, or
consistent inoculant. Many suitable alloy for a specific foundry granules, into the gating system.
foundrymen insist on silicon and condition. The reaction with liquid iron occurs
phosphorus analyses in pig iron, but within the mould and this is known
pay little attention to the analysis of 5.5 Addition Technique as in-mould inoculation.
an inoculant.The preceding
paragraphs indicate quite clearly Chemical considerations alone Fading is the decrease in
that the minor constituents in ferro will not ensure satisfactory results inoculation effect with increasing
alloys, not the major constituents since equal attention must be paid time taken to pour inoculated iron.
(usually silicon),are critical for the to addition technique. For ladle Elkem inoculants have been
performance as inoculants. All the inoculation this means a continuous assessed against untreated
Elkem inoculants are alloys that addition of inoculant to the stream of reference melts and even after 10
have been smelted and alloyed to iron so that the high turbulence minutes the inoculation effect of the
the quoted specifications, and with encourages fast and homogeneous treated melt proved to be good.
the exception of Ultraseed, no distribution of the alloy. Stream Provided ladle inoculation has been
further additions have to be inoculation may be practised, in carried out in a satisfactory way and
mechanically blended with the alloy. conjunction with automatic pouring the ladle is not delayed for an
The analysis guaranteed by the furnaces, using finer sized grades excessive period before pouring,
specification ensures consistent the need for mould inoculation can
inoculant properties from lot to lot. be avoided.

6. Control of Inoculation
Although nuclei cannot be Conversely, when the inversion formation of white iron. In the iron-
observed directly at solidification point is at a low level on the cooling carbon system there is only a 7oC
temperatures, they have an effect curve, there will be a tendency for temperature interval between
on some properties which can be cementite to precipitate in place of “grey” solidification and sufficient
measured by: graphite giving a “white” structure. An undercooling to cause “white”
increased cooling rate, as found in solidification. In Figure 6 the cooling
- recording cooling curves thin sections, will increase the degree curve for an uninoculated reference
- measuring depth of chill in chill of undercooling which must be melt is compared with a curve from a
wedges balanced by an increased number of melt inoculated with 0.25wt%
- counting the number of eutectic active nuclei to avoid the inoculant addition.
- counting the number of graphite
nodules. 1300

6.1 Cooling Curves


Cooling curves record the drop or

increase in temperature with time as 1220
a consequence of a change of
Temperature (OC)

energy within the system. A

deviation from normal cooling
indicates the occurrence of a source
of heat such as the heat of 1140
crystallization released by a
precipitating phase. The location of
the inversion points on the generally
S-shaped cooling curve in the
region of eutectic crystallization 1060
indicates the tendency of the melt to
solidify “grey” or “white”. A high level 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
of nucleation promotes a higher Time (min)
arrest temperature which, by
avoiding the white eutectic, will
result in less risk of carbide
formation. Figure 6: Solidification curves for (a) uninoculated ductile cast iron, and (b) inoculated
ductile cast iron (30mm section size).1)

The uninoculated melt shows 6.3 Eutectic Cell Count
inversion at 1145o C whereas
inversion occurs at 1162oC for the The number of eutectic cells in grey
inoculated melt. This means that the irons can be determined on etched
uninoculated melt is undercooled by microspecimens. If an effective
20oC and the inoculated melt by 3oC, inoculant has been added to the
which gives “white” and “grey” melt, there will be a large number of
solidification, respectively. active nuclei to promote graphite
precipitation at low undercooling
6.2 Chill Testing - Regular and during solidification. This will be
Forced Chill Tests represented on the microspecimen
by a high cell count for grey irons
The traditional method to determine and a high nodule count for ductile
the tendency of a melt to solidify irons. Table 5 shows the result of cell
“grey” and “white” is by examining Figure 7: Cupola melted grey cast iron counts after inoculation. The
chill wedges. The larger the zone of (2.6X); no inoculation (left), inoculated with eutectic cell number increases as
white iron, the fewer the number of 0.2wt% FeSi85% (centre), and inoculated the inoculant addition to the base
nuclei were active in initiating a with 0.125wt% Superseed (right) melt is increased.
“grey” solidification. Figure 7 shows
chill wedges from a foundry which
Analysis (%)*
had an average 11.2mm of chill for a Inoculant Eutectic Cell
Addition% Count
period of two weeks on
uninoculated cupola iron. By adding
C Si
0.2% FeSi (85% Si), the average
chill depth was reduced and with 0 3.13 - 3.25 1.69 - 1.76 750 - 1000
0.125% Superseed addition, the
3.21 - 3.24 1.81 - 1.83
chill depth was reduced even 0.1 1000 - 1550

further. 0.2 3.23 - 3.25 1.80 - 1.83 1550 - 1950

0.4 3.17 - 3.18 1.91 - 1.94 1950 - 2300

*0.51 - 0.55% Mn; 0.10 - 0.11% S; 0.10 - 0.11% P

Table 5: Eutectic cell count (30mm round bars)

7. Fading of Inoculation
7.1 Principal Effects the mechanical properties of the 4) inoculating effects vary according
casting; to inoculant composition. It is
The effects of inoculation are at a desirable that foundries should
maximum immediately after the 3) to reduce the number of eutectic carry out tests to determine
addition of the inoculant. The rate of cells growing in flake graphite which is the most suitable
inoculant fading, which depends irons resulting in a less uniform inoculant for their purpose.
upon the composition of the size distribution of graphite in the
inoculant and of the iron to which it is casting and a reduction in 7.2 Coarsening of Inclusions
added, may be very rapid and much mechanical properties.
of the inoculating effect may be lost It is a well known fact that graphite
in the first few minutes after the There are some well established nucleation occurs from non-metallic
addition. The principal effects of facts concerning fading which are of inclusions in the melt. A significant
fading are: practical significance: coarsening of these inclusions
occurs within the time interval
1) to cause greater undercooling to 1) all iron/steel treating inoculants between inoculation and
take place during eutectic fade; solidification of the cast iron. This
solidification and to lead to a coarsening of inclusions will result in
greater tendency to chilling in 2) there is no period after inoculation a reduction in the inclusion number
grey and ductile cast irons, during which fading does not density, consequently reducing the
particularly in thin sections; occur. To obtain the maximum graphite nucleation frequency.
effect, metal should be cast as
2) to reduce the number of nodules soon as possible after the Hence, the fading of inoculation can
formed in ductile iron and to addition of inoculant; be explained by this coarsening of
cause a deterioration in their the inclusion population with time.
shape. If sufficiently severe, the 3) some inoculants fade more Due to the coarsening, the total
deterioration in shape may affect slowly than others;

number of possible nucleation sites
for graphite during solidification is 5 x 105
reduced. Figure 8 shows a plot of
the number density of inclusions in
cast iron as a function of holding
time after inoculation. The shape of 4 x 105
the curve is in close agreement with
experimental observations of

Inclusion number (per mm )


3 x 105
7.3 Effects of Various Inoculants

Inoculants lose their ability to

reduce chill and nucleate graphite if 2 x 105

the metal is held for extended

periods before casting. However,
inoculants have different fading
1 x 105
characteristics. The barium-
containing inoculant Foundrisil
produces a high initial number of
nucleation sites throughout the 0
holding period, thus making it an 0 10 20 30
excellent inoculant for ladle
treatments. Foundrisil is an effective Holding time (min)
chill reducer for both low and high
sulphur grey irons as well as ductile
irons. Another effective inoculant
that maintains the inoculation effect Figure 8: Coarsening behavior of inclusions in liquid cast iron during holding.1)
is the strontium-containing
Superseed inoculant. Figure 9
shows the fading characteristics of
different inoculants in cast iron.

Grey iron
Eutecitic cells/sq.mm

4 3

0 4 8 12 16 20

Ductile iron




Figure 9: Fading characteristics for various 0 4 8 12 16 20
inoculants in cast iron.
Time after inoculation (min)
1. Foundrisil, 2. Superseed, and
3. Foundry Grade ferrosilicon

8. Inoculation and Cast Iron Properties
8.1 Inoculation and Strength 8.2 Inoculation and unmachinable white iron structures.
Inoculation increases the Inoculation also reduces section
number of eutectic cells (or nodules) a) inoculation increases the number sensitivity. While uninoculated irons
which leads to a finer structure of the of potent nuclei which will will show a wide variation in
iron, and in particular, this will cause promote graphite nucleation at hardness, inoculated grey or
an increase in tensile strength in low undercooling; nodular cast irons will show more
hypoeutectic irons. Figure 10 shows consistent hardness values over a
the increase in tensile strength by b ) i m p r o v e d m a c h i n a b i l i t y i s wide range of sections (see Figure
adding an inoculant. a c h i e v e d b y i n o c u l a t i o n 11)
suppressing the formation of

Tensile strength N/mm2

262* 255* 248* 229* 223* 223 235 223 217 217 212 217
Inoculant Addition (%)

260 0.40
293* 262* 260* 241* 235* 235* 235 235 228 228 228 241
0.25 . 0.50 0.75 1.00
Inoculant Addition (%)

Figure 10: Increasing inoculant additions 415** 285* 285 255* 235* 241* 241 241 235 228 228 241

improve tensile strength. The final

analyses of these trial melts are identical
after inoculation. 0
469** 477** 453** 415* 260 255* 248 228 228 223 223 235
Figure 11: The wall thickness sensitivity of
(Brinell) hardness can be reduced by an 3.2 6.4 12.7 25.4

inoculant (partly calculated from Rockwell - Section Size (mm)

B* and -C**)

9. Inoculation and Shrinkage

The solidification of “grey” cast increased volume of the mould dilation of the mould although mould
iron is characterized by the cavity becomes too great for geometry will have an influence.
formation of a skin type array of compensation by graphite
eutectic cells at the mould/metal precipitation at the end of Unfortunately, inoculation changes
interface, followed by the solidification. Some shrinkage may the mode of solidification in such a
development of eutectic cells ahead occur as a result of excessive way that the rigidity of the
of the advancing solidification front.
Newly formed graphite
compensates partly or fully for the
liquid iron contraction, provided it
precipitates within a relatively rigid
“skin” which is characteristic of Inoculation grade FeSi Superseed

uninoculated “grey” cast iron.

However, if the mode of
solidification is changed, the good
shrinkage characteristics can be
jeopardized, especially if a rigid skin
cannot be developed at the
mould/metal interface leaving the
mould directly exposed to ferrostatic
pressure. Eventually, the mould
may yield under the ferrostatic
pressure from the remaining liquid, Figure 12: Comparison of the eutectic cell
and the count in 5mm sections at about equal chill
depth (from BCIRA)

“skin” is decreased. Inoculant a greater shrinkage tendency, and it content forming new nucleation
additions should not become is interesting to see that the sites.
excessive to avoid shrinkage and solidification pattern is in fact similar
yet the addition should be adequate to over-inoculated grey iron. Due to the powerful effects of
to ensure “grey” solidification. Test Ultraseed inoculant on raising
specimens in Figure 12 show that Ultraseed inoculant has proven nodule count and improving chill
for an equivalent chill depth, the highly successful in providing fresh protection, it has been found that the
eutectic cell count will be lower nucleation sites to ductile irons of tendency to shrinkage formation is
when using Superseed in place of long holding time where the base also reduced with this inoculant.
inoculating grade ferrosilicon. The iron or magnesium treated iron have Especially, the type of shrinkage
lower cell count reduces the been held for prolonged times that often occurs as small porosities
ferrostatic pressure on the mould before addition of the post inoculant. in hot-spot sections of the complex
and improves the tendency to avoid Such long hold times are well known castings, appear to be effectively
shrinkage defects. to reduce the overall capabilities of reduced or even eliminated by
the iron prior to inoculation resulting Ultraseed inoculant. Figure 13
Since the eutectic cell count for in so-called “dead” iron. Ultraseed shows an example of micro-
nodular cast iron is much higher inoculant will thus reinstall good shrinkage porosity that has been
than for grey iron, one would expect nucleation effectiveness from minimized by the use of Ultraseed
reactions with its sulphur and inoculant.

Figure 13: Example of micro-shrinkage

porosity in a ductile iron casting that has
been minimized by Ultraseed inoculant. (a)
Ultraseed inoculant, (b) Manganese-
zirconium type inoculant.

(a) (b)

10. Elkem Solves Your Problem

Elkem has tested many alternative new improved alloys goes on a sound base for a foundryman to
alloy analyses to develop the continuously. For further select the appropriate inoculant for
current range of inoculants which information on Elkem’s extensive his foundry’s particular
includes the well established range of inoculants, please contact requirements.
Superseed. More recently, your local representative. The
Ultraseed and Reseed have been success of Elkem products
added to the range of inoculants and worldwide justifies their elaborate
the development of development and provides

1) Skaland, T. : Ph.D Thesis, The Norwegian Inst. of Tech., 1992.
2) Engler, S. : Giesserei, techn.-wiss.Beih., 17(1965), p 169/202.
3) Moore, A. : Brit.Foundrym. 68 (1974) March, p 59/69
Patterson, V.H. : Foundry 100 (1972) June, p 68/71

Elkem ASA
Foundry Alloys
Hoffsveien 65B
P.O. Box 5211
N-0303, Oslo, Norway

Telephone : +47 22 45 01 00
Telefax : +47 22 45 01 52
Telex : 77133 esfer n
Printed in England. Ref: Revised April 2000

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