4-2-7 Indri Harmaili Lubis
4-2-7 Indri Harmaili Lubis
4-2-7 Indri Harmaili Lubis
Volume 4 No. 2 Juli 2020
This research aimed to identify the students’ ability in grammar, to describe the effect of using
inductive and deductive methods as independent variable (X), and the students’ ability in grammar as
dependent variable (Y). There was a significant difference of using inductive and deductive methods
on the students’ ability in grammar. The method that used in this research was a quasi experimental
study. The population in this research were 130 students at the seventh grade of MTS Al-Ittihadiyah,
Medan consists of five classes, class VII-1, VII-2, VII-3,VII-4, and VII-5. And the samples were 26
students in VII-3 and 25 students in VII-5. The technique of collecting data was test. And the research
data were analyzed by applying t-test formula. The result of data analysis by using t-test showed the
value of tobserved is 2,149 with degree of freedom 49 in significant degrees 0.05 (5%), and ttable is 1.674.
It meant that to ttable < tobserved is higher than ttable). On the other hand, the null hypothesis (Ho) is
rejected, and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It showed that teaching grammar especially in
past tense, quantifier and preposition by using inductive method more effective than deductive method.
widely studied in the field of second language needs to be explained.4 Knowing that they can
acquisition. work out the rules from examples by themselves
Therefore, I would do the research about greatly increases learners’ motivation, makes
the title “The Effect of Inductive and Deductive them attentive, more actively involved in and
Methods on the Students’ ability in Grammar”. confident and enthusiastic about the learning
process rather than simply passive recipients, and
at the same time contributes to its effectiveness.5
2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE During the process, the teacher begin with the
Ability in Grammar learner’s experiences until a tentative
According to Martin H. Manser, Ability is generalization or hypothesis is stated which is
apower, and Allyn and Bacon say that Ability is later analyzed for acceptance, rejection or
potential capacity or power to do something modification.6 In general, De Keyser said that
physical or mental or special nature power to do inductive techniques tend to adopt a naturalistic
something well.1 approach.7
Grammar of a language is the description There are three steps of implementation
of the ways in which words can change their in teaching grammar inductively; (a) Presentation
forms and can be combined into sentence in that of example and illustrate in a systematic way, (b)
language.2 Observation and analysis the example, (c)
Grammar ability, can be concluded, is Generation of rules.8
the potential capacity or power to describe and a. Presentation of example and illustrate
master the ways in which words can change their in a systematic way
forms and can be combined into sentence in that When teachers use inductive method in
language. teaching grammar, they should give the examples
at the first time before giving the formula or rule.
Inductive Method They give some examples that make sense or
The inductive refers to a process of going contextual in order to make students can
from the specific example to the generalization, understand that matter easily.
or a broad principle. The inductive method b. Observation and analysis the example
emphasizes learning discovery, where students After teachers give the examples, teacher
generalize rules from a large amount of and students analyze the example
underlying examples. The teacher functions as a c. Generation of rules.
counselor and presents grammar rules after It can be teachers that state the rule and
students have already noticed the target features guide their students in identifying the rule, or
of the language through participating in tasks. students can formulate the rule by themselves.
Therefore, the inductive method moves from Here is the example of teaching simple
specific instances of language use to general rule present tense by using inductive method:
Don Snow favors this method because
problem solving makes students more active 4
Snow, Don. From Language to Language Teacher, (Alexandria:
participants in the learning process; he also Capitol Communication Systems, 2007),p, 189
suggests it because a deductive approach may Mohammad Akram Alzu’bi, Effectiveness of Inductive and
Deductive Methods in Teaching Grammar, Advances in Language
lead the teacher into overly long and elaborate and Literary Studies, Vol. 6, 2015, ISSN: 2203 ‐ 4714, p, 188,
grammar lectures. An inductive method allows accessed on Monday, January 18th 2016 at 12.45 p.m,
student to try a structure out before the teachers (http://www.journals.aiac.org.au/index.php/alls/article/view/1392
explain it, thus giving the teacher a chance to /1362)
Vernon S, Gerlach and Donald P. Ely, Teaching and Media a
assess what problem they have with it and what systematic approach, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, second edition),
p, 80
Samaneh Negahdaripour and Ali Amirghassemi, The Effect of
Deductive vs. Inductive Grammar Instruction on Iranian EFL
1 Learners’ Spoken Accuracy and Fluency, International Journal of
Allyn and Balcon, Phsycology The Science, (London: Applied Linguistics & English Literature, Vol. 5, 2016, ISSN 2200‐
2 3592 (Print), ISSN 2200‐3452 (Online), p, 8, accessed on Friday,
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, th
January 15 2016 at 09.30 a.m,
(England: Longman, 2003), p,12
3 (http://www.journals.aiac.org.au/index.php/IJALEL/article/view/19
Pei‐ling Wang, Teaching and Learning English Verb Tenses in a
Taiwanese University, English Linguistics Research, Vol. 1, 2012, E‐ 8
ISSN 1927‐6036, p, 20, accessed on Friday, January 15 2016 at
Singh, Y. K. Teaching of English, (New Delhi: APH
09.30 a.m, Publishing Corporation, 2007)p,177
b. Verification and application of the rules by presentation may be off-putting for some
observation and analysis students, especially younger ones. They may not
After teachers state the rule and give the have sufficient metalanguage (i.e. language used
examples in a sentence, students make the to talk about language such as grammar
other sentence by themselves which is based terminology). Or they may not be able to
on the rule that teachers stated. understand the concepts involved; (2) Grammar
c. Practice the new pattern explanation encourages a teacher-fronted,
When understanding the pattern or rule, transmission-style classroom; teacher explanation
students are expected to do more practice is often at the expense of student involvement
about that new pattern. Therefore they can and interaction; (3) Explanation is seldom as
memorize the rule and easy to make sentences memorable as other forms of presentation, such
in written or oral. as demonstration; (4) Such an approach
The examples of teaching past tense that is encourages the belief that learning a language is
taught deductively: simply a case of knowing the rules.18 (5)
- Teacher gives the rule first: Teacher’s explanation which dominates the
The formula = teaching and learning process may decrease the
Subject + Verb II + Object/Complement learners’ interaction, Therefore the learners may
- Then teacher explains about the rule: become passive learners.19
what are past tense , use, rule.
- And he gives the examples, for instance: 3. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH
I drove a car. Population and Sample
He cooked the cake. The population of this research is the
I read a book marketing students of 2015/2016 academic year
On the other hand, students have to which consist of 166 students. That are class VII-
remember the rule of simple past tense to practice 1 consist of 26 students, VII-2 consist of 27
their writing in the exercises. students, VII-3 consists of 26 students, VII-4
In order to be able to implement this method consists of 26 students, VII-5 consists of 25
well, teachers who are going to apply this method students. The sample of this research was 52
should know the benefits and the problems that students. The sample was divided into two
they may find during the implementation of this groups 26 students for experimental group and 25
method. By knowing the benefits and the students for control group. The experimental
problems, teachers will be able to adjust this group was thought by using inductive method
method based on the situation that is faced by the and the control group was thought by using
teacher. deductive method. I use the cluster random
Thornbury stated that there are some of sampling to determine the sample in research
advantages and disadvantages in teaching
grammar deductively: Research Method
The advantages of deductive method are: (1) This research was conducted by
It gets straight to the point, and can therefore be experiment group research. The research was
time-saving. Many rules – especially rules of conducted treatment by applying the inductive
form- can be more simply and quickly explained and deductive methods in grammar. The method
than elicited from examples. This will allow of the research is a quantitative research. The
more time for practice and application; (2) It design of the research are post-test design and
respects the intelligence and maturity of many – use a quasi-experimental research to take two
especially adult-students, and acknowledges the classes in conducting the research; control class
role of cognitive processes in language and experimental classes. The experimental class
acquisition; (3) It confirms many students’ was taught grammar by giving treatment of
expectations about classroom learning, inductive method and the control class was taught
particularly for these learners who have an grammar by giving treatment of deductive
analytical learning style; (4) It allows the teacher method. Although these groups were treated
to deal with language points as they come up, differently, the giving the material, the length of
rather than having to anticipate them and prepare the time and the teacher were exactly same.
for them in advance.
The disadvantages of deductive method are: 18
Scort Thombury, op.cit., p, 30
(1) Starting the lesson with a grammar 19
I Ketut Trika Adi Ana and Ni Made Ratminingsih, op. cit., p, 999
data analysis, this was found that the value of t- explained. Teacher and student are active in this
table is 1,677 at the level of significance 0,05 and method. This can push students to think and think
df =49. Because of the teacher usually motivate and ask
In this case, Testing the hypothesis test as this them to give the opinion about the material.
formula. While in deductive method, the teacher is more
active than the students. It may make the students
are bored. Teacher had explained the material
before. The students just listen and think about
From the computation of testing hypothesis
example and the characteristics. In summary,
(see appendix IV), this can be seen that be
Thinking about the material from the example
coefficient of tcount is 2,149 with the at the
that usually used in daily life is more interesting
significant level of 5% and dk= 26 +25 – 2 =49
than just listen and try to understand the material
which the real level of ttable = 1,676 because of
from teacher in beginning. Don Snow favors also
tcount > ttable that is 2,149 > 1,676 therefore, this
inductive method because problem solving makes
can be concluded that hypothesis was accepted.
students more active participants in the learning
This meant that the alternative hypothesis which I
process; he also suggests it because a deductive
proposed about the students who are taught by
approach may lead the teacher into overly long
inductive will be better in learning grammar than
and elaborate grammar lectures20.
those who are taught by deductive method was
Actually, both experiment and control
classes were getting the improvement in their
In summary that there is a significant
test. Inductive and deductive methods are
difference between the students’ ability in
effective to use in teaching grammar. But for the
experimental group by inductive method and the
students AlIttihadiyah, Medan, inductive method
students’ ability in control group by using
is more effective.
deductive Method.
My findings confirm another study on
“The Effectiveness of Inductive Instruction in
Teaching Simple Present Tense at the seventh
The statistic data of this research about
Grade of SMP Islam Bait Al-Rahman” Nurbaiti
the effect of inductive and deductive methods on
Rahayu. The objective of her research was to get
the students’ ability in grammar showed that
the empirical data of the differences between
there is difference effect between using inductive
students’ score of simple present tense who were
method and using deductive method on the
taught inductively and students’ score of simple
students’ ability in grammar, the students’ ability
present tense who were taught deductively, and
with inductive method was better than the
to know how effective inductive instruction in
students’ ability with deductive method. It can be
teaching simple present tense. The result showed
seen from the scores of mean. The students’
that inductive instruction was an effective
ability in experimental class by using inductive
instruction in teaching simple present tense. This
method showed the mean was 74. And the
meant that the grammar learning of students at
students’ ability in control group by using
seventh grade of MTS A-l-Ittihadiyah and the
deductive method showed the mean was 65,68. It
students at seventh Grade of SMP Islam Bait Al-
means that the students who were taught by using
Rahman were more effective were taught by
inductive method got higher score than the
using inductive method.
students who were taught by deductive method.
But the my findings were contradicting
Inductive method gave the higher development of
by the result of a previous study about
students’ ability in grammar.
“Deductive and Inductive Methods in Teaching
In learning process, teaching method can
Passive English Construction” by Risma Asriany
influence the result of teaching. Actually, many
A. G, Burhanuddin Arafah, and Abd. Hakim
methods can be applied in the class room. The
Yassi, “at STKIP YPUP South Sulawesi,
teacher should be able to choose an appropriate
Makassar: Department of Culture State
method that can make their students understand
University of Hasanuddin”. The result of this
the material. One of them is inductive method.
study showed that the students of STKIP YPUP
An inductive method allows student to try a
who learnt grammar through the deductive
structure out before the teachers explain it, thus
method was more effective to improve their
giving the teacher a chance to assess what
problem they have with it and what needs to be 20
Don Snow, op cit., p, 189