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Miguel Dimacali
LU III UP College of Medicine
A man finds that he can walk 1 km in 20 mins, 3 km in 1 hr, 6 km
in 2 hr, and 9 km in 3 hr. These indicate the distance he travels is

A. Inversely proportional to time

B. Inversely proportional to time squared
C. Directly proportional to time
D. Directly proportional to time squared
What are the factors that determine the speed of a satellite
which moves in a stable orbit around a planet? (G = universal
gravitational constant)

A. Mass of planet and G

B. Mass of satellite and G
C. Mass of the satellite, mass of the planet, and G
D. Orbital radius of the satellite, mass of the planet, and G
𝐺𝑚𝐸𝑚 𝑚𝑣2
𝐹= 2
𝑟 𝑟
A pingpong ball and a golf ball are dropped in a vacuum chamber
from the same height at the same time. When they have fallen
halfway, they have the same

A. Potential energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Acceleration
D. Velocity
A body thrown vertically up into the air possesses KE at the
beginning of its flight, but as it rises, it loses KE and acquires PE
with respect to the level from which it has started. Which of the
ff is not likely to happen?

A. As it reaches its highest point, KE completely converts to PE

B. As it falls, PE is transformed to KE
C. PE is maximum at the highest point of its flight
D. KE is minimum at the lowest point of its flight
𝐾1 + 𝑈1 = 𝐾2 + 𝑈2
𝐾 = 𝑚𝑣2
𝑈 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ
Based on the graph above, the acceleration of the moving body is

A. 10 m/s2
B. 5 m/s2
C. 4 m/s2
D. 0 m/s2
How much heat is required to warm 10 grams of ice from -10˚C
to 0˚C?
Specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal/g˚C

A. 75 cal
B. 50 cal
C. 25 cal
D. 10 cal
Body X is in contact with Body y which is hotter than Body X.
Which of the following statements are true?
I. X gains heat and Y loses heat
II. Temperature of X decreases and temperature of Y increases
III. Temperatures of X and Y will eventually be equal

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II and III
How many calories is given off when 200 grams of water is
cooled from 100 to 20 degrees C?

A. 2000
B. 4000
C. 16000
D. 20000
If the absolute temperature of a gas is quadrupled and its
pressure is halved, then the volume will

A. Increase 4 times
B. Increase 8 times
C. Decrease 4 times
D. Decrease 8 times

𝑃𝑉 = 𝑛𝑅𝑇
The tale above gives the specific heat and thermal conductivity of some
substances. Based on the table, which substance requires a greater
amount of heat to raise the temperature of its unit mass by one degree?
A. Water
B. Iron
C. Aluminum
D. Copper
In hydroelectric plants, electric energy is generated by

A. Making the water evaporate

B. Distilling the water
C. Changing the water chemically
D. Making use of the power of a waterfall
A label of an electric stove reads: 1500 watts, 220 volts.
How much current will the appliance draw when it is used?

A. (1500) (220) amp

B. 1500/220 amp
C. (1500)1/2 (220) amp
D. 1500/2201/2 amp
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅
𝑃 = 𝑉𝐼
The ammeter in the circuit above should read

A. 10 amp
B. 200 amp
C. 2 amp
D. 0.5 amp
E. Winamp
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅
A capacitor acquires 2 mC when 20,000,000 µV is applied. Find
its capacitance

A. 0.0001 microfarad
B. 0.0001 millifarad
C. 0.0001 farad
D. 0.0001 decifarad
2𝑚𝐶 1𝐶 106µ𝑉
𝑥 3 𝑥 = 0.0001 𝐹
20,000,000µ𝑉 10 𝑚𝐶 1𝑉
The power rating of an electric motor which draws a current of 2
amperes from a 220-volt line is

A. 440 kilowatts
B. 0.44 kilowatts
C. 4.4 kilowatts
D. 44 watts
E. Watt de Ef
𝑃 = 𝑉𝐼
What is the induced emf when magnetic flux through a coil at 50
turns is reduced from 0.5 weber to 0 weber in 0.2 s?

A. 125 V
B. 5V
C. 20 V
D. 250 V
The equivalent resistance of the circuit above is

A. 4/5 Ω
B. 2Ω
C. 3Ω
D. 5Ω
Resistors in series:
𝑅𝑒𝑞 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 𝑅3 + …
Resistors in parallel:
1 1 1
𝑅𝑒𝑞 = + + + …
𝑅 1 𝑅2 𝑅3
A lemon is colored yellow because

A. It only absorbs yellow light

B. It only reflects yellow light
C. Only yellow light can pass through a yellow lemon
D. Only yellow light actually hits the lemon
Which explains why the appearance of a rainbow in the sky after
a rainstorm?

A. White clouds act as prisms composed of different colors

B. Sunlight reflected by the ground separates into different
colors in the sky
C. Raindrops act as prisms that separate sunlight into its
D. Nobody knows…
How many images will be formed if a boy stands in front of two
mirrors standing at a 45 degree angle to each other?

A. 2
B. 7
C. 8
D. Infinite
A 10-meter object is placed at a distance of 175 meters in front
of a lens whose focal length is 50 meters. Which of the ff
describes the image formed?

A. 4 m long and inverted

B. 4 m long and erect
C. 25 m long and inverted
D. 25 m long and erect
1 1 1
+ ′=
𝑠 𝑠 𝑓
Compared to the wavelengths of visible light, the wavelengths of
the radiation in A and B are

A. Shorter
B. Longer
C. Just as long
D. Not measurable
𝑐 = λ𝑓
A certain solar cooker is made of a big concave mirror. To get the
greatest amount of reflected sunlight, where should the food be

A. Center of curvature of the mirror

B. Between focus and center of curvature
C. Focus of the mirror
D. Above the center of curvature of the mirror
An alpha particle is the same as

A. 2H

B. 3H

C. 3He

D. 4He
When a large atom such as U235 splits into two smaller atoms,
then the combined mass of the products resulting from the
splitting will be

A. ½ original mass
B. Same as original mass
C. 3/2 original mass
D. Twice original mass
The atomic reaction where 136𝐵 becomes 137𝐶 results in the
release of

A. Neutron
B. Alpha particle
C. Beta particle
D. Gamma particle
Which of the ff is an implication of the formula 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐2

A. Energy can be created from nothing

B. Matter can be created from nothing
C. Relatively large amounts of matter can be changed into
relatively small amounts of energy
D. Relatively small amounts of energy can be obtained from
relatively small amounts of matter
A beam of electrons is directed between two charged plates, as
indicated in the diagram above. In which direction will the beam
curve when it gets between the plates?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. Ewan
The radiation from a sample of Krypton-85 decreases to one
third of the original intensity Io in 18 years?

A. Io
B. 1/3 Io
C. 1/6 Io
D. 1/9 Io
A force of 60 N is used to raise a 240-N load using a system of
pulleys. The load covered a distance of 1 m for every 5 m of rope
pulled through the system. The system has an efficiency of

A. 12%
B. 48%
C. 60%
D. 80%

In the diagram above, the focal length of the lens is F. No image will
be projected if an object is placed

A. At 2F
B. At 3F
C. Beyond 4F
D. Between F and lens


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