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SS3 Physics MOCK

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SS3 Mock

1. A piece of rubber 10cm long stretches 6mm when a load of 100N is hung from it. What is the strain?
A. 6 X 10-3 B. 6 C. 60 D. 6.0 X 10-3

2.Two cars moving in the same direction have speeds of 100km/h and 130kmh-1. What is the velocity of
the faster car as measured by an observer in the slower car? A. 130 kmh-1 B. 230 kmh-1 C. 200 kmh-1 D.
30 kmh-1


The diagram above shows a velocity-time graph. The statement that is true about this motion is that, the
car A. decelerates between points F and H B. accelerates between points F and G C. has a constant
speed between points E and D. has no acceleration between point F and G.

4. A stone and a feather dropped from the same height above the earth surface. Ignoring air resistance,
which of the following is correct?

A. The stone and feather will both reach the ground at the same time. B. The stone will reach the ground
first C. The feather will reach the ground first D. The feather will be blown away by the wind while stone
will drop steadily.

5. A car moves with an initial velocity of 25 ms-1 and reaches a velocity of 45 ms-1 in 10s. What is the
acceleration of the car? A. 5 ms-2 B. 25 ms-2 C. 20 ms-2 D. 2 ms-2

6. An object is weighed at different locations on the earth. What will be the right observation?

A. Both the mass and weight vary B. The weight is constant while the mass varies C. The mass is constant
while the weight varies D. Both the mass and weight are constant.

The diagram above represents balls in an undulating surface. Which of the following options represents
positions of stable equilibrium?

A. II, V and VIII B. I, II and VII C. III, VI and IX D. III, IV and VIII

8. A bob of weight 0.1N hangs from a massless string of length 50cm. A variable horizontal force which
increases from zero is applied to pull the bob until the string makes an angle of 60° with the vertical. The
work done is A. 0.250 J B. 0.025 J C. 0.050 J D. 0.500 J

9.The surfaces of conveyor belts are made rough so as to A. Prevent the load from slipping B. Make
them stronger C. enable them to carry more load D. protect them while carrying load.

10. A machine of velocity ratio 6 requires an effort of 400N to raise a load of 800N through 1m. Find the
efficiency of the machine. A. 50% B. 22.2% C. 33.3% D. 55.6%

11. I. High thermal capacity II. High sensitivity III. Easy readability IV. Accuracy over a wide range of
temperatures . From the statements above, the qualities of a good thermometer are

A. II, III and IV B. I and II C. I, II, III and IV D. I, III and IV.

12. A machine is used to lift a load of 20 N through a height of 10m. if the efficiency of the machine is
40%, how much work is done? A. 120 J B. 80 J C. 500 J D. 300 J.

13. Which of the following could be effectively used to reduce friction? A. Petrol B. Kerosene C. Grease
D. Water.

14. A copper wire was subjected to a tensile stress of 7.7 x 107 Nm-2. Calculate the tensile strain of the
wire. [Young modulus = 1.1 x 1011Nm-2] A. 2.2 x 10-4 B. 2.0 x 10-5 C. 7.0 x 10-3 D. 7.0 x 10-4

15. An object weighs 22kg in water an 30kg in air. What is the up thrust exerted by the liquid on the
object? [g = 10 ms-2] A. 80 N B. 50 N C. 520 N D. 220 N.

16. A block of aluminium is heated electrically by a 30 W heater. If the temperature rises by 100˚C in 5
minutes, the heat capacity of the aluminium is A. 200 JK-1 B. 900 JK-1 C. 90 JK-1 D. 100 JK-1

17. A perfect emitter or absorber of radiant energy is a A. red body B. conductor C. black body D. white

18. The phenomenon that shows that increase in pressure lowers the melting point can be observed in
A. regelation B. sublimation C. condensation D. coagulation.

19. If the volume of a gas increases steadily as the temperature decreases at constant pressure, the gas
obeys A. Charles’ law B. Graham’s law C. Boyle’s law D. pressure law.

20. Steam burn is more severe than that of boiling water because

A. steam burn is dependent on relative humidity B. steam burn is independent of relative humidity C.
steam possess greater heat energy per unit mass D. water boils at a higher temperature

21. 2000cm3 of a gas is collected at 27°C and 700mmHg. What is the volume of the gas at standard
temperature and pressure? A. 1896.5cm3 B. 1767.3cm3 C. 1676.3cm3 D. 1456.5cm3
22. Calculate the temperature change when 500 J of heat is supplied to 100g of water.

A. 12.1°C B. 2.1°C C. 1.2°C D. 0.1°C (Specific heat capacity of water = 4200Jkg -1K-1)

23. Which of the following is NOT a factor that can increase the rate of evaporation of water in a lake? A.
Increase in the pressure of the atmosphere B. Rise in temperature C. Increase in the average speed of
the molecules of water D. Increase in the kinetic energy of the molecules of water.

24. The quantity of heat energy required to melt completely 1kg of ice at -30°C is A. 4.13 x 10 5J B. 4.13 x
105J C. 3.56 x 104J D. 3.56 x 102J (latent heat of fusion = 3.5 x 105 Jkg-1, specific heat capacity of ice = 2.1 x
103Jkg-1 K-1)

25. I. It is a rapid, constant and irregular motion of tiny particles. II. It gives evidence that tiny particles of
matter called molecules exist. III. It takes place only in gases. IV. It gives evidence that molecules are in a
constant state of random motion. Which of the combinations above is correct about Brownian motion?

A. I, II and III B. II, III and IV only C. I, III and IV only D. I, II and IV only

26. The equation of a wave travelling in a horizontal direction is expressed as y=15 sin(60t-x) what is its
wavelength? A. 60m B. 15m C. 5m D. 2m

27. What is the velocity of sound at 100°C, if the velocity of sound at 0°C is 340ms −1?

A. 497ms −1 B. 440ms −1 C. 397ms −1 D. 240ms −1

28. If a sonometer has a fundamental frequency of 450Hz, what is the frequency of the fifth overtone?
A.2700Hz B. 456Hz C.44Hz D.75Hz

29. A man 1.5m tall is standing 3m in front of a pinhole camera whose distance between the hole and
the screen is 0.1m. What is the height of the image of the man on the screen?

A. 0.05m B. 0.15m. C. 0.30m. D. 1.00m.

30. A ray of light passing through the centre of curvature of a concave mirror is reflected by the mirror
at A. 0°. B. 45°. C. 90°. D. 180°

31. From the diagram below, calculate the incident angle i.

A. 41°. B. 49°. C. 55°. D. 61°.

32. Total internal reflection will not occur when light travels from

A. water to air. B. water into glass. C. glass to air. D. glass into water.
33. What does the diagram above represent? A. telescope in normal use. B. microscope in normal use.

C. telescope in abnormal use. D. microscope in abnormal use.

34. If the linear magnification of the objective and eyepiece convex lenses of a compound microscope
are 4 and 7 respectively, calculate the angular magnification of the microscope. A. 2. B. 3. C. 11. D. 28.

35. The angle of deviation of light of various colours passing through a triangular prism increases in the
order A. red → green → blue. B. green → violet → blue. C. blue → red → green. D. blue → green → red.

36. Calculate the force acting on an electron of charge 1.5 x 10−19C placed in an electric field of intensity
105V −1. A. 1.5 x 10−11N B. 1.5 x 10−12N C. 1.5 x 10−13N D. 1.5 x 10−14N

37. Capacitors are used in the induction coil to A. control circuits. B. dissipate energy. C. prevent electric
sparks. D. prevent distortion of electric fields.

38. A cell of emf 1.5V is connected in series with a 1Ω resistor and a current of 0.3A flows through the
resistor. Find the internal resistance of the cell. A. 4Ω. B. 3.0Ω. C. 1.5Ω. D. 1.00Ω.

39. Which of the following obeys ohms law? A. electrolytes. B. metals. C. diode. D. glass.

40. A house has ten 40W and five 100W bulbs. How much will it cost the owner of the house to keep
them lit for 10 hours if the cost of a unit is ₦5? A. ₦90. B. ₦50. C. ₦45 D. ₦40.

40. What is the best method of demagnetizing a steel bar magnet? A. Hammering B. Heating it C. Rough
handling it D. Solenoid method

41. The magnitude of the angle of dip at the equator is A. 360° B. 0° C. 90° D. 180°

Use the diagram below to answer question 42 and 43

42. The diagram above is the setup for a A. a step- up transformer B. a step - down transformer C. an
auto transformer D. an oil transformer.

43. The electromotive force in the secondary winding is A. increasing B. reducing C. Stabilizing D. Varying
44. What type of reaction is represented by the equation 1 X→32 Y + 10 n + energy A. Ionization B.
Fusion C. Fission D. Chain
45. When an atom undergoes a beta decay, the atomic number of the nucleus A. Remains unchanged B.
Decreases by one C. Increases by one D. Becomes zero

46. Calculate the mass of the copper deposited during electrolysis when a current of 4A passes through
a copper salt for 2 hours. [ece of Copper z=3.3x10-7kgC-1 ]

A. 2.9 x 105kg B. 9.5 x 10-7kg C. 9.5 x 10-3kg D. 2.9 x 10-4kg

47. Which gas produces a pink coloured light in a discharge tube? A. Mercury B. Argon C. Air D. Neon

48. When210 82Pb decays to 20680Pb, it emits A. two alpha and two beta particles B. an alpha particle C.
one beta particle D. one alpha and one beta particle

49. In a common emitter configuration, the output voltage is through the A. Resistor B. Base C. Collector
D. Emitter

50. Which of the graph below shows the characteristic of an i-v transistor?



Answer any five questions from this part. ( 15marks)

1. The load-extension graph of an elastic material is illustrated below.

Use the graph to determine the work done in stretching the material.

2. (a) Name two artificial satellites.

(b) A geostationary satellite moves in an orbit of radius 6300km. Calculate the speed

with which it moves in the orbit { = }

3. A projectile is fired at an angle of 30° to the horizontal with a velocity of 40 ms-1.
Calculate the velocity attained after 1s. {g = 10 ms-2]
4. The circuit diagram below is simple current rectifier circuit. Use it to answer the questions
that follow.

(a) State the function of each of the parts labeled A and B.

(b) Sketch the output signal produced.

5. (a)Explain the wave-particle duality of light.

(b) A particle of wavelength 4.2 x 10 -11m travels with a momentum of 1.6 x 10 -23 kg ms-1.
Determine the value of the Planck’s constant, h.
6. State three observable phenomena where a particle behaves like waves.

7. (a) State the scientific principle underlying the operation of fibre optics.
(b) Explain each of the following terms as used in fibre optics:
(i) core;
(ii) cladding

Part II ( 45marks)

Answer any three questions from this part

8(a) Define uniform acceleration (b) Forces act on a car in motion. List the:
(i) horizontal forces and their directions;
(ii) vertical forces and their directions.
(c) A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly for 20s to attain a speed of 25 ms-1. It maintains this
speed for 30s before decelerating uniformly to rest. The total time for the journey is 60s. Sketch a
velocity- time graph for the motion and use the graph to determine the i)total distance travelled by the
car; (ii)deceleration of the car.

III) Calculate the work done represented by the graph below

9(a) List two factors each that affect heat loss by:
(i) radiation; (ii) convection
(b) State two factors that determine the quantity of heat in a body
(c) Explain the statement:The specific latent heat of vaporization of mercury is 2.72 x 105 J kg -1
(d) A jug of heat capacity 250 JK-1 contains water at 28°C. An electric heater of resistance 35 Ω
connected to a 220 V source is used to raise the temperature f the water until it boils at 100°c in 4
minutes. After another 5 minutes, 300 g of water has evaporated. Assuming no heat is lost to the
surroundings, calculate the:

(i) mass of water in the jug before heating;

(ii) specific latent heat of vaporization of steam. [Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg -1 K-1]

10. (a) Define diffraction. (b)(i)Explain critical angle.

The diagram above illustrates a ray of light passing through a rectangular transparent plastic block.
(α) Determine the value of the critical angle.
(β) Calculate the refractive index of the block.
(c) A pipe closed at one end has fundamental frequency of 200 Hz. The frequency of the first
overtone of the closed pipe is equal to the frequency of the first overtone of an open pipe. Calculate
(i) fundamental frequency of the open pipe;
(ii) length of the closed pipe;
(iii) length of the open pipe. [speed of sound in air = 330 ms-1]

11(a) Define: (i) reactance; (ii) impedance in an a.c. circuit.

The diagram above illustrates an a.c. generator. When the coil is rotated, an e.m.f. is induced in the coil.
(i) Explain why an e.m.f. is induced.
(ii) State the purpose of the slip-rings.
(iii) Name and state the law used to determine the direction of the induced current.
(iv) State two ways to increase the induced e.m.f.
(c) A lamp is rated 12V, 6 W. Calculate the amount of energy transformed by the lamp in 5 minutes.

12(a) Define binding energy in an atom.

(b) List three evidences to support the claim that X-rays are electromagnetic waves.
(c) List three peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
(d) Light of wavelength 4.5 x 10-7m is incident on a metal resulting in the emission of photo
electrons. If the work function of the metal is 3.0 x 10-19 J, calculate the: (i) frequency of the incident
light; (ii) energy of the incident light;
(iii) energy of the photoelectrons. [speed of light = 3.0 x 108 ms-1, h = 6.6 x 10-34 Js]

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