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Physics ss3

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Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to
change Now answer the following questions

Do Now answer the following questions.

1. The time rate of increase in velocity is called

A. force. B.momentum. C.acceleration. D.speed.

2. Which of the following quantities is a vector?

A. Volume. B.Momentum. C.Energy. D.Speed

3. In an elastic collision, momentum is conserved as well as

A. Velocity B. Kinetic energy. C. Potential energy. D. Speed

4. The induced current in a coil always flows in a direction so as to oppose the change
that causes it. This statement is known as
A. Coulomb's law B.Lenz's law C.Faraday's law D.Ampere's law.
5. Which of the following instruments can be used to compare the magnitudes of charges
on two given bodies.
A. Electrophorus. B.Ebonite rod. C.Gold-leaf electroscope. D.Proof planes

6. A body of mass 2 kg is released from a point 100 m above the ground. Calculate its
kinetic energy 80 m from the point of release.
A. 1600 J. B.900 J. C.600 J. D.200 J

7. Which of the following waves is not mechanical?

A. Waves in pipes. B.Water waves. C.Radio waves. D.Sound waves

8. A loaded spring is set in simple harmonic motion. The force that tends to restore the
load to its equilibrium position is
A. adhesive. B.elastic. C.frictional. D.gravitational.

9. Which of the following cases cannot produce total internal reflection? A light ray
travelling from
A. glass to water. B.kerosene to air. C.air to water. D.water to ice.

10. The vacuum in a thermoflask reduces heat loss resulting from

A. radiation only. B.conduction and convection only.
C. radiation and convection only.
D. conduction only.


The diagram above represents an experimental set-up for verifying

A. lens formula. B. refraction laws. C.reflection laws. D.mirror formula.
12. Which of the following statements about a moving object is correct?
B. When accelerating, the resultant force acting on it must be equal to zero.
C. There must always be a non-zero resultant force acting on it.
D. At a steady velocity, the resultant force acting on it must be equal to zero.
E. Ata steady velocity, the air résistance must be equal to zero.

13. If the efficiency of a transformer is 100%, which of the following equations would be
a. NpEp = NSES. B. NsE P= NPIS. D. NsIs = NpIp. D.IPES — ISEP

14. A freshly demagnetized bar magnet is placed in the East-West direction to ensure that
a. the molecular Magnets remain randomly arranged.
b. the molecular magnets are properly aligned.
c. it is affected by the earth's magnetic field.
d. the magnetic domains are within the earth's field.

15. Which of the following graphs of a charge Q against potential difference V across
capacitor is correct?

16. A small amount of air is introduced into the vacuum above the mercury in a mercury
barometer tube. The mercury level goes down because the air molecules
a. heat the mercury and make it to expand.
b. increase the pressure above the mercury.
c. cool the mercury and make it to contract.
d. decrease the pressure above the mercury.

17. Calculate the quantity of heat needed to change the temperature of 60 g of ice at 0 °C to 80
°C. [Specific latent heat of fusion of ice
= 3.36 x l05J kg-1
Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2x l03J kg-1 K-1
a. 4.80 kJ. B.20.16 kJ. C.40.32 kJ. D.22.17 kJ

18. The wire of a platinum résistance thermometer has a résistance of 3.5 Ω at 0 °C and
10.5Ω at 100 °C. Calculate the temperature of the wire when its résistance is 7.5 Ω.
A. 78 °C. B.25 °C. C.36 °C. D.57°C

19. A transverse pulse of frequency 9 Hz travels 4.5 m in 0.6 s. Calculate the wavelength
of the pulse.
a. 3.33 m. B.0.30 m. C.0.83 m. D.1.20 m
20. In which of the following media is speed of Sound the least?
a. Air. B.Brass. C.Water. D.Wood

21. Which of the following characteristics of waves can a ripple tank be used to
I. Reflection
II. Refraction
III. Diffraction

A. I, II and III. B.II and III only. C.I and III only. D.I and II only

22. Which of the following graphs gives the correct relationship between energy and
mass when mass is converted to energy.

23. An 800 kg car moving at 80 km hr-1 collides with a 1200 kg car moving at 40 km hr-1 in
the same direction. If the cars stick together, calculate their common velocity.
a. 60 km hr-1. B.8 km hr-1. C.40 km hr -1. D.56 km hr-1

24. The mass of a load is doubled while the force acting on it is halved. The resulting
acceleration of the load is
a. quadrupled. B.quartered. C.halved. D.doubled.

25. The maximum and minimum thermometer reads the

a. maximum temperature during the day and the minimum temperature at night at all
b. maximum temperature at night and minimum temperature during the day from the last
c. maximum temperature at night and minimum temperature during the day at all
d. maximum temperature during the day and minimum temperature at night from the last

26. An a.c. generator can be converted to a d.c. generator by replacing the

a. commutator with an armature.
b. armature with a commutator.
c. commutator with slip rings.
d. slip rings with a commutator.
27. Which of the following statements is the correct reason for using soft iron in making the
armature of an electric bell?
a. It is a diamagnetic material.
b. It loses its magnetism readily.
c. It is not easily magnetized.
d. It retains its magnetism for a long time.


The diagram above illustrates a meter bridge circuit under balanced condition.
Determine the value of x.
a. 71.4 cm. B.10.0 cm. C.28.6 cm. D.57.2 cm

29. Which of the following devices is used for storing electric charges?
a. Transformer. B.Ammeter. C.Potentiometer. D.Capacitor

An electron of mass 9.1 x 10-31 kg moves with a speed of 2.0 x 106 ms-1 round the
nucleus of an atom in a circular path of radius 6.1 x 10-11 m.

30. Determine the angular speed of the electron.

a. 3.28x1016 rad s-1. B. 8.55 x 103 rad s-1. C.9.11 x 1013 rad s-1. D. 5.22 x 1015 rad s-1
31. Two travelling sinusoidal waves are described by the wave functions
y1=10sin[π(8x−1400t)] and y2=10sin[π(8x−1400t−0.5)] Where x, y1, and y2 are in metres and t is in
seconds . which of the following options is correct ?

A. Amplitude of the resultant wave is 10√ 2 m. B.Frequency of the resultant wave is 920 Hz C. Time
period of the resultant wave is 0.1 s. D.None of the above

32. Which of the following is not a product of nuclear fission? A. Neutron B. Helium nuclei C. Gamma
rays D. Fission fragments
33. What is a diode primarily used for in electronic circuits? A. To amplify signal B. To store information
C. To regulate voltage D. To switch between circuit
34. What is the most common material used as fuel in nuclear power plants? A. Uranium 235. B. Thorium
232 C. Hydrogen -1 D.plutonium 239
35. Calculate the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with area of plate 0.01m?, with a dielectric of
er=7 and separated by 10mm. E0=8.85×10-12Fm-' (a) 62.00 x10-12F (b)6.205 x10-12F (c) 0.62 x10-
12F (d) 0.06 x10-12F
36. What length of resistance wire of diameter 0.6mm and resistivity1.1x10-62m would be cut in order to
make a 442 resistor? (a) 1.52. b) 3.02 (c) 4.5 (d) 6.09
37. If a current carrying coil is mounted on a metal frame, the back e.m.t. induced in the coil causes (a)
inductance (b) eddy current. c) electromagnetism (d) inertia
38. Energy losses dues to eddy currents are reduced by using (a) low resistance wires (b) insulated soft
iron wires (c) few turns of wire (d) high resistance wires
39. An object of mass 12kg is held at a height of 5m above the ground for 30 seconds. The work done
within this period is (a) 600J (b)200J (c) 60J (d) 0J
40.An object having a mass 40kg will experience a gravitational force of 68N on a planet on which the
intensity of the gravitational field is (a) 0.4 Nkg-' (b) 1.7 Nkg-' (c) 9.8 Nkg-' (d) 2,720 Nkg-1
41. The mouthpiece of a telephone primarily converts sound energy to (a) mechanical energy (b) heat
energy (c) electrical energy. d) chemical energy
42. A transformer with 5500 turns in its primary is used between a 240V a.c. supply and a 120V kettle.
Calculate the number of turns in the secondary (a) 2750 (b) 460 (c) 11,000 (d) 232
43. Which of the following is not a vector quantities? (a) Speed (b) force. ©Velocity (d) Acceleration
44. Two force, whose resultant is 100N, are perpendicular to each other. If one them makes me an angle of
60° with the resultant, calculate its imaginationCalculate its magnitude.(Sin 60° =0.8660, cos 60°=
0.5000)(A) 200.0 N (b) 173.2N (c)115.5N (d) 86.6N4.
45. Find by drawing and by calculating the resultant of two vector 3units and 4units inclined to each
other at (a) 30° (b) 90° (c) 120° (d)75°
46. . Resolve a force of 100N inclined at 50° to the horizontal, calculate the horizontal components.(a)
62.28N (b) 60.28N (c) 70.00N (d) 28.60N
47. A body starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration. Which of the following quantities varies
/ vary linearly with the square of the line?(i) I = velocity, II = Displacement, (III) momentum(a) I
only (b) II only (c) I and II only (d) III only7.
48. A body which is uniformly retarded comes to rest in 10s after traveling a distance of 20m calculate its
initial velocity:(a) 0.5ms-1 (b) 2.0ms-1 (c) 20.0ms-1 (d) 200.0ms-1
49. A mango fruit drops to the ground from the top of its tree which is 5m high. How long does it take to
reach the ground/(a) 1.05 (b) 2.05 (c) 3.05 (d) 0.55
50. A ball is projected horizontally from the top of a hill with a velocity of 30ms-1. If it reaches the ground
5 seconds later. The height of the hill is____ (a) 20m (b) 125m (c) 250m (d) 65m

ESSAY 11 hours
[ 60 marks ]
Answer seven questions in all.
Five questions from Part I and two questions from Part II.

[15 marks]
Answer any five questions from this part.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Define strain.

(b) A rubber band is stretched to twice its original length.
Calculate the strain on the rubber band.

2. State three materials used for making optical fibres.

3. Name three classes of magnetic materials.

4. (a) What is an intrinsic semiconductor?

(b) Distinguish between the p-type and n-type semiconductors.

5. A black body radiates maximum energy when its surface temperature T and the
corresponding wavelength λmax are related by the equation, λmax T = constant.
Given the values of the constant and surface temperature as 2.9 x 10-3 mK and 570C
Calculate the frequency of the energy radiated.

6. (a) What does the acronym LASER stand for?

(b) What is a laser?
[45 marks]
Answer any two questions from this part.
All questions carry equal marks.

8 (a) Define uniform acceleration,

(b) Forces act on a car in motion, list the:
(i) horizontal forces and their directions;
(ii) vertical forces and their directions,

(c) A car starts from rest and accelerate uniformly for 20s to attain a speed of 25 ms -1.
It maintains this speed for 30s before decelerating uniformly to rest.
The total time for the journey is 60 s.
(i) Sketch a velocity-time graph for the motion,
(ii) Use the graph to determine the:
(α) total distance travelled by the car;
(β) deceleration of the car.
d. The figure here illustrates force-extension graph for a stretched spiral spring.
Determine the work done on the spring

9. (a) List two factors each that affect heat loss by:
(i) Radiation; (ii) convection,
(b) State two factors that determine the quantity of heat in a body.
(c) Explain the statement: The specific latent heat of vaporization of mercury is 2.72 x
(d) A jug of heat capacity 250 J kg-1 contains water at 28°C
An electric heater of resistance 35 π connected to a 220 V source is used to raise the
temperature of the water until it boils at 100°C in 4 minutes.
After another 5 minutes, 300 g of water has evaporated. Assuming no heat is lost to the
surroundings, calculate the:
(i) Mass of water in the jug before heating;
(ii) Specific latent heat of vaporization of steam.
[Specific Heat Capacity of Water = 4200 Jkg-1 K-1]

10. A satellite launched with velocity VE escapes the earth's gravitational attraction. Given
that the radius of the earth is R, show that VE = 20R−−−− [g = 10ms−2
b) The equation of a progressive wave is given by y=5 sin (100πt−0.4πx) where y and x are
in meters and t is in second . Find
(1) The amplitude of the wave
(2) The wavelength of the wave
(3) The frequency of the wave
(4) The velocity of the wave

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