Cyber Cafe Automation System
Cyber Cafe Automation System
Cyber Cafe Automation System
Project guide: Dr. M.P.Sebastian, Asst.Professor , Department of computer science and engineering, National Institute of Technology, Calicut-673601.
This is to certify that this project report titled Cyber caf automation system is a bonafide record of the Project done by Bijay kumar (Y2M007) fifth semester MCA student, National Institute of Technology Calicut.
I would like to put on records my sincere thanks to: Dr. M.P.Sebastian, Asst. Professor, Computer Science and Engineering department NIT Calicut. Who helped me in preparing this software and given a useful guidance. I would also like to thank Dr. Vineeth Kumar P. Asst. Professor Computer Science and Engineering department NITC for his kind guidance and regular assistances that he has given through out the fifth semester. . I would also like to thank all of my friends and well-wishers who helped me a lot in the successful completion of my mini project.
Bijay Kumar
1) There is separate password for different administrator he can produce login and id for each user.
2) The administrator can do the system rate setting time setting generates messages to the users about there time period and renewal of the login in prescribed time.
4) The most attractive feature of this software is that it provides the daily monthly and yearly report of the earnings of the caf or center
In this Project Report it has been defined how the system works by the following diagram. 1) There is data flow diagram. 2) The relational data base diagram. 3) The UML diagram is represented by (i) The class diagram (ii) Use case diagram (iii) Sequence diagram. After completion of the system it can go under various testing schemes for defect testing a Black Box Testing can be done by giving certain inputs and for that input checking the expected output. Since the system is developed in module wise so Top down and Bottom up testing is done on the system. In this project report it is defined that how the project was implemented, What were the designed issue and how it was implemented?
System requirement:
1) Front-end java net beans. 2) Back-end oracle 9i. 3) Windows 2000. This software is developed by using java net beans as a front end. So that this software, is platform independent. It can work on Windows as well as Linux. At the back end oracle is as a database server for different query sql+ is used. It is developed by using windows operating system.
Important features of this software. i) Separate password for different administrator he can produce login and id for each user by the Password he may enter to do the various system adjustment. ii) userlog is main table which contains the list the administrator gives the login no to the Various users. ii) When the user gets the login then the timer will starts for him and after the successful completion of the time interval the system generates massages that his time is going to expire please login again.
1) form: This forms keeps track of the billing table this form is responsible for the various user information like the time for which the user gets the login and the amount that he paid for it. It also keeps track of the user name and starting time this is the base table that is going to be used further. 3) Createuser form : This form is used to get the detail data of the user who used the system Administrator is the main actor in this system he do the various job the brief detail is given as : 2) Entry form: The administrator does the entry of the various machines by name and the code no. And at the same time the starting date is also added to the database. He can also extract the list of the different machines Billing for the whole day or the whole month or the whole year. This form extracts the data from the data base. 4) Exit : By clicking the exit the control again go back to the main user form.
m/c setti
Gene rates
Tot hrs Hours Amount Mnth rep Reports Year rep Hours +no use Rev gen Daily Amt
1) Daily Reports: Daily reports give the details of the different user that have got a login for that day. It also gives the revenue generated for that day and number of user in that interval. 2) Monthly Reports: Monthly reports give the details of the different user that have got a login for that day. It also gives the revenue generated for that day and number of user in that interval. 3) Yearly Reports: Yearly reports give the details of the different user that have got a login for that day. It also gives the revenue generated for that day and number of user in that interval. Reports form gets the data from the billing table which is the base table to extract the data.
Adm id( ) Adm passwd( ) Adm name( ) Gen. report (daily,mnt,y rs)
System testing Price setting: By using the price setting form the administrator can fix the detail price set of the machine. Machine setting: By using the Machine setting form the administrator can set the machine name and the details. Deleting: This form deletes the detail of the different machines that we entered earlier. In this system the userlog table is the base table for the different queries that are related with getting user no and getting the detail of the various user at a time from userlog table.
System testing:
Defect testing: a) System is undergone through defect testing by using black box testing scheme. Here the system is a black box whose behavior can be determined by studying its the input and various related output. The testing is only concerned with the Function not the implementation of the software. b) Since the system was developed as the module wise so after each module there was white box testing which was applied to small module of the program such that each and ever code was tested line by line.
Cyber caf automation system is not only used in the Internet caf it can be used in the application, which is, used to store the database and the no. of users . Since it is developed in java so it is platform independent)