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7 authors, including:
Miljenko Marotti
Poliklinika Drinković, Zagreb
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Martina pero, Darko Bedek, Miljenko Kalousek, Josip Hat, Zoran Rumboldt, Nenad Stupariæ
and Miljenko Marotti
Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital,
Zagreb, Croatia
SUMMARY The objective of the study was evaluation and radiologic clinical correlation of brain com-
puted tomography (CT) scans performed at emergency service. The relation between the number of ur-
gent and total CT scans performed during a 2-year period (January 1, 2001 December 31, 2002) was
analyzed. Emergency brain CT scans were especially investigated according to clinical indications, requests
from particular clinical specialties, and need of anesthesiologists assistance. CT scans were correlated with
clinical examinations and diagnoses as well as with literature data. During the study period, 15,933 CT
scans were performed at our department, 3132 (19.66%) of them at emergency service (1757 male and
1375 female, mean age 56.97 years), and 2576 (82.25%) of the latter emergency brain CT scans (1398 male
and 1178 female, mean age 57.80 years). Data analysis showed the following distribution of emergency
brain CT scans according to hospital departments: neurology 1441 (55.94%), neurosurgery 632 (24.53%),
internal medicine 186 (7.22%), surgery 138 (5.36%), other departments 150 (5.82%), and other institu-
tions 29 (1.13%). Clinical diagnoses for emergency brain CT scanning were as follows: stroke 905 (35.13%),
subarachnoid hemorrhage 128 (4.97%), head injury 617 (23.95%), consciousness disorders and convulsions
389 (15.10%), intracranial expansive lesions 234 (9.08%), headache and/or vertigo 141 (5.47%), cerebrovas-
cular insufficiency 50 (1.94%), infectious disease 46 (1.79%), hydrocephalus 12 (0.47%), metabolic disor-
ders 2 (0.08%), and lost or unavailable data at the time of the study 52 (2.02%). Anesthesiologists assis-
tance during emergency brain CT scanning was needed in 234 (9.08%) cases. Correlation of CT findings
with clinical diagnosis yielded the following results: 96 (3.73%) lost or unavailable data at the time of the
study, 639 (25.77%) normal findings, and 1841 (74.23%) pathologic findings. Study results showed the
number of emergency brain CT scans to be quite high with a tendency of continuous growth (cerebrovas-
cular disorders, new therapeutic approaches, head injury). Difficulties encountered on brain CT scanning
because of the patients state, and delicacy of the emergency interpretation of CT scans impose the need of
higher availability of a neuroradiologist within the frame of the emergency state algorithm.
Key words: Brain radiography; Central nervous system diseases radiography; Tomography x-ray computed
utilization; Emergencies; Emergency service hospital
CT has been traditionally used in acute stroke to exclude Table 1. Distribution of emergency CT examinations (January 2001
cerebral hemorrhage intracerebral hemorrhage and sub- December 2002)
arachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), since these patients may
rapidly deteriorate because of increased intracranial pres- Emergency CT n %
sure, and to identify possible alternative pathologies such Head CT 2576 82.25
as tumors or arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Devel-
Abdominal CT 291 9.29
opment of a new generation of higher resolution spiral CT
scanners and new methods in the treatment of acute stroke Thoracic CT 132 4.21
such as thrombolytic therapy in ischemic stroke (throm- Spinal CT 61 1.95
bolytic drugs can dissolve clots that reduce perfusion by cervical spine 16
obstruction of cerebral vessels), and prevention of intrac- thoracic spine 9
erebral hematoma enlargement have changed the use of lumbosacral spine 36
CT in acute stroke. Other emergency CT (orbit, PNS, 72 2.30
Traumatic injury is the most common cause of death temporal bones, neck, pelvis)
and permanent disability in the early decades of life. The
neurologic aspects of trauma are responsible for the vast
majority of these deaths and disabilities. A minimum of of 2576 emergency brain CT scans were carried out in 1178
500,000 new cases of head injury can be expected to oc- (45.73%) female and 1398 (54.27%) male patients, mean
cur in the US each year. Up to 10% of the new cases will age 57.80 (range 0-93) years. Emergency CT studies of the
be fatal, and 20% to 40% will be at least moderate in se- head were requested for the following clinical diagnoses:
verity. As many as 5% to 10% of those victims that survive stroke (n=905; 35.13%), SAH (n=128; 4.97%), head in-
will experience some degree of residual neurologic deficit2. jury (n=617; 23.95%), consciousness disorder and convul-
The primary task of the diagnostic radiologist in neurotrau- sions (n=389; 15.10%), intracranial expansive lesion
matology is to provide diagnostic information crucial to the (n=234; 9.08%), and other symptoms (n=251; 9.75%), i.e.
clinical management in order to reduce the morbidity and headache and/or vertigo (n=141; 5.47%), cerebrovascular
mortality. insufficiency (n=50; 1.94%), infectious disease (n=46;
With this retrospective study, we want to point to the 1.79%), hydrocephalus (n=12; 0.47%), and metabolic dis-
important part of the pathology we deal with in our daily orders (n=2; 0.08%). In 52 (2.02%) patients, data were lost
emergency service routine. The aim was to evaluate emer- and unavailable at the time of the study. Clinical diagnoses
gency CT studies, to analyze emergency brain CT stud- for emergency brain CT scan are summarized in Table 2.
ies, to correlate clinical and radiologic CT findings, and to
correlate these findings with literature data.
Table 2. Clinical diagnoses for emergency brain CT examinations
Brain CT finding n %
Stroke 638 50.72
brain infarction 467 73.20
brain hemorrhage 171 28.80
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 72 5.72
Head injury 364 28.93
skull fracture without intracranial lesion 69
skull fracture with intracranial lesion 140
cortical contusion 202
epidural hematoma 38
acute subdural hematoma 116
chronic subdural hematoma 22
traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage 114
diffuse traumatic brain edema 70
Intracranial expansive lesion 105 8.35
Metastases 55 4.37
solitary metastasis 20
multiple metastases 35
Infectious disease 6 0.48
Obstructive hydrocephalus 11 0.87
Aneurysmatic dilatation of cerebral artery 4 0.32
Rare variations 3 0.24
continuously and appropriately monitored throughout the measures for acute ischemic stroke3 to improve the qual-
study. In the present cohort, anesthesiologists assistance ity of care. ASTs are an approach to reduce in-hospital
was necessary for extremely restless or life-threatening delays in obtaining medical care for stroke patients. ATS
condition in 296 (9.45%) of 3132 emergency CT exami- consists of a selected group of physicians and nurses who
nations, and in 234 (9.08%) of 2576 emergency brain CT have received special training and gained experience in
examinations. caring for acute stroke patients. The team is usually led
by a neurologist, and includes attending physicians, resi-
Discussion dents and nurses. ATS operates on a 24-hour-per-day, 7-day-
per-week basis, with a group paging system as a special
Stroke and head injury have a high incidence in mod- method for rapid notification and very short response time.
ern societies. Because of the high incidence of consequen- Physician coverage for these teams is of a rotating basis,
tial disability and new therapeutic approaches, appropri- so that it does not interfere with other duties.
ate use of the diagnostic tests available is essential to min- The emergency department physician performs gen-
imize the cost and to improve the patient outcomes. eral patient evaluation, whereas stroke team performs fi-
Therefore, brain CT scanning is an imperative in emergen- nal screening for eligibility, obtains informed consent, and
cy neurologic and neurosurgical diagnostic patient evalu- conducts thrombolytic treatment and monitored care at
ation. the intensive care unit (ICU). These procedures are in-
In the US, approval of tissue plasminogen activator corporated in the stroke performance measures3: patients
(tPA) for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke within 3 who arrive at the hospital with an acute ischemic stroke
hours of symptom onset has changed the overall approach with symptom onset of ≤3 hours should be seen by a phy-
to acute stroke patients, resulting in the formation of acute sician in the emergency room within 10 minutes, by a
stroke teams (ASTs)1, thus to accelerate the delivery of stroke expert within 15 minutes, and should have head CT
acute stroke care, and in the development of performance scan completed within 25 minutes and interpreted with-
in 45 minutes. CT is immediately interpreted, off the eration. CT is usually of no help in the diagnosis of tran-
console or off hard copies, by an attending radiologist or sient ischemic attacks (TIA)8 and reversible ischemic
by a team leading neurologist alone or with help of a ra- neurologic deficits. It is of little use in diagnosing acute
diologist when there is a question that might affect drug posterior fossa infarcts, as these areas are often obscured
administration. by beam-hardening artifacts from temporal bones. CT may
Subtle signs of acute ischemia on CT include loss of or may not show the extent of infarcts and suggest the
gray-white matter differentiation, mild sulcal effacement, etiology. Identification of the potentially reversible ischem-
obscuration of the lentiform nucleus, and hyperdense ic tissue is of critical interest in acute stroke therapy. This
middle cerebral artery sign (HMCAS). Using new gener- is the key to successful thrombolytic therapy, and modern
ation of higher resolution spiral CT scanners, subtle signs techniques such as CT angiography (CTA), and diffusion
of acute ischemia may be recognized on CT as early as 43 weighted technique (DWI) MRI and MR angiography
minutes after the event. These CT signs may be very sub- (MRA) have been used to overcome these problems with
tle, yet this is when therapeutic intervention has the great- a variable level of success.
est chance of being successful. The first sign is often sub- The advent of MRI has significantly changed the use
tle cortical hypodensity resulting in the loss of gray-white of CT. MRI with DWI, and MRA are currently superior
matter differentiation because of the developing cytotoxic methods for the detection of acute stroke and to show the
edema induced by ischemia; it may be reversible if perfu- sequels of infarction such as hemorrhagic transformation,
sion is restored. Recognition of early signs of acute ischemia cystic encephalomalacia, gliosis and wallerian degenera-
is also critical to avert complications of thrombolytic ther- tion. However, in most institutions CT is available around
apy: HMCAS is often associated with major neurologic the clock, whereas MRI is not. Therefore, CT still plays a
deficit and a poorer response to thrombolytic therapy. CT major role in emergency workup of patients with cere-
can therefore help decide who should and who should not brovascular disease.
receive thrombolytic therapy. CTA is a widely available technique and is used as part
The thrombolytic treatment at ICU starts within 3 of CT examination to image acute stroke patients. CTA
hours3; it has been shown that tPA can reduce disability can rapidly visualize the site of vascular occlusion and the
and improve functional outcome after stroke4. length of the occluded segment. CTA is as sensitive to
Before ASTs, the average time from stroke onset to intracranial vascular stenoses and occlusions as MRA and
hospital arrival was 115 minutes, and times from arrival to intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Us-
examination by a physician and CT scan were 28 to 100 ing standard spiral CT scanners, maps of the cerebrovas-
minutes. Community education and the presence of AST cular flow can be obtained and areas of reduced perfusion
have shortened the time to examination by a stroke expert and major vessel compromise reliably identified.
and CT scan by 13 and 63 minutes, respectively, and in- Patients with cerebral hemorrhage, either intracerebral
creased the number of patients admitted to ICU and treat- hemorrhage or SAH, also benefit from rapid therapy aimed
ed with thrombolytic therapy1,5,6. The costs of creating a at limiting the extent of the bleed and related complica-
system for immediate evaluation and management of hy- tions such as increased intracranial pressure. Drugs that can
peracute stroke should be minimal and will be offset in limit the enlargement of intracerebral hematoma are still
longterm by the cost savings of using tPA in the greatest in the phase of clinical trials. CTA is important in case of
number of eligible patients7. SAH because recent studies showed higher sensitivity of
According to the stroke performance measures, all pa- CTA in detecting very small aneurysms compared with
tients ineligible for thrombolytic therapy should have head intra-arterial DSA9,10. In patients with a perimesencepha-
CT or brain MR imaging study within 24 or 72 hours, or lic pattern of hemorrhage on CT, CTA is the best diagnos-
within 7 days of admission. tic strategy. DSA can only be performed if CTA is nega-
The importance of emergency brain CT is illustrated tive, and if uncertainty exists about the presence or loca-
by our results: during the 24-month period, 1096 (42.55) tion of a vertebrobasilar aneurysm on the CT angiogram11,12.
emergency head CT scans were performed for cerebrovas- After confirming SAH on emergency head CT scans, MRA
cular symptomatology, 638 (58.21%) of them for stroke. followed by DSA is usually performed at our department.
Despite the importance of head CT scanning in emergen- Although tPA is not yet in use for acute stroke patients
cy neurologic and neurosurgical diagnostic patient evalu- in our country, and our hospitals do not have organized
ation, CT has limitations that should be taken in consid- ASTs as described above, patients with acute stroke symp-
toms receive all the necessary therapeutic treatments and Neurosurgeons in the United Kingdom and Italy have
medical care at ICUs. All patients presenting with acute defined acute minor head injuries as mild head injuries,
stroke symptoms are immediately seen by a neurologist and classified these injuries as low-risk (GCS 15, with-
who triage them, according to the severity and duration of out history of loss of consciousness, amnesia, vomiting or
symptoms, to ICU or neurologic ward, where they have diffuse headache); medium-risk (GCS 15, and one or
proper medical treatment and therapy. According to the more of the symptoms mentioned above); and high-risk
patients state and severity of symptoms on admission, mild head injury (GCS 14 or 15, skull fracture and/or neu-
head CT scanning is performed immediately or after sev- rologic deficits). The risk of intracranial hematoma requir-
eral hours or days of admission. ing surgical evacuation in patients with low-risk mild head
In this retrospective analysis, head injury was the sec- injury is less than 0.1:100, therefore these patients can be
ond most common reason for emergency CT brain scan. referred for home care with written recommendations. The
Different traumatic lesions, most of these requiring neu- risk of intracerebral hematoma in medium-risk mild head
rosurgical and/or maxillofacial treatment, were identified injury is in a range of 1-3:100, therefore CT scan should
in 364 (59%) of 617 cases of head trauma for which emer- be obtained in such patients. High-risk mild head injury
gency head CT scanning was requested. In the literature, patients have the risk of intracranial hematoma requiring
brain injury is classified clinically as minimal, minor (also surgical evacuation in a range of 6-10:100, therefore CT
referred to as mild, trivial, moderate), and severe brain examination must be obtained15.
injury according to Glasgow Coma Score (GCS), duration Canadians have developed CT head rule or guidelines
of unconsciousness and post-traumatic amnesia, and any for the use of CT in patients with minor head injury. The
focal neurologic findings. authors have identified five high-risk variables and two
Patients with minimal head injuries (GCS 15) have not additional medium-risk factors that could be used to pre-
suffered loss of consciousness or amnesia, and rarely require dict the selected clinical outcomes. They have determined
admission to the hospital and further diagnostic tests like that patients with any one of the following high-risk crite-
head CT or MRI. Patients who have suffered severe head ria: GCS <15 within two hours of the injury, suspected or
trauma and have GCS 12 or less, an obvious penetrating open skull fracture, any sign of basal skull fracture, two or
skull injury or obvious depressed skull fracture, an acute more episodes of vomiting, and age ≥65, are at a substan-
focal neurologic deficit, a consciousness disorder, a seizure tial risk of requiring neurosurgical intervention and that
before hospital assessment, or with unstable vital signs CT examination is mandatory in these cases. High-risk
associated with major trauma, require immediate hospital factors were 100% sensitive in predicting the need of in-
admission, emergency CT brain scan and neurosurgical tervention. Patients with either of the medium-risk fac-
treatment. tors, amnesia before impact of more than 30 minutes and
Minor head trauma is characterized by the history of dangerous cause of injury, can have clinically important
loss of consciousness, amnesia or disorientation and GCS brain injury but no need of surgical intervention. Medium-
13-15, however, the use of CT in its evaluation is still con- risk factors were 98.4% sensitive and 49.6% specific in
troversial. In the US, opinions are divided into three predicting the presence of clinically important brain inju-
groups: one group think that CT is indicated in all patients ry, and their use would require only 54% of patients to
with minor head trauma regardless of the clinical findings, undergo CT. The authors suggest that the use of their
whereas the other two groups recommend a very selective decision rule could reduce or eliminate the possibility that
approach or suggest that more studies be performed13. In patients are discharged with an undiagnosed intracranial
Europe and Canada, the use of CT is much more selec- hematoma and would result in safely reduced CT usage
tive for minor head injury. The Scandinavian Neurotrau- in the management of minor head injury by 25% to 50%,
ma Committee suggests guidelines that should be safe and with significant savings to emergency departments13.
cost-effective for the initial management of minimal, mild MRI is unequivocally more valuable than CT in assess-
and moderate head injuries. According to these guidelines, ing the full magnitude of brain injury. It also provides more
in patients with mild head injuries (history of loss of con- accurate information on the expected degree of final neu-
sciousness, GCS 14-15), routine early head CT is recom- rologic recovery. MRI can be performed as the initial ex-
mended, and patients with normal scans may be dis- amination in stable patients with minor to severe head
charged, whereas emergency head CT scanning and ad- injury. In unstable patients, however, it is best to delay the
mission are mandatory in moderate injuries (GCS 13)14. examination until they can be safely imaged. It is advis-
able to perform MRI within the first 2 weeks of the injury, 7. FAGAN SC, MORGANSTERN LB, PETTITA A, WARD RE,
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as for minor head injury CT scanning is performed in cas- Emergency imaging of patients with resolved neurologic deficits:
es with documented skull fracture, focal neurologic defi- value of immediate cranial CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1994;163:667-
cit, or mental status deterioration. 70.
There is a great number of emergency brain CT scans, 9. VILLABLANCA JP, HOOSHI P, MARTIN N, JAHAN R, DUCK-
showing a tendency of steady rise (head trauma, cere- WILER G, LIM S, FRAZEE J, GOBIN YP, SAYRE J, BENTSON
brovascular disorders, new therapeutic approaches). Fig- J, VINUELA F. Three-dimensional helical computerized tomogra-
phy in the diagnosis, characterization, and management of middle
ure 9 shows the number of emergency brain CT examina-
cerebral artery aneurysms: comparison with conventional angiogra-
tions during the 2001-2002 period. Difficulties encoun- phy and intraoperative findings. J Neurosurg 2002;97:1322-32.
tered on CT scanning because of the patients state, and
delicacy of emergency interpretation of CT scans call for ER G, PATEL A, SAYRE J, MARTIN N, FRAZEE J, BENTSON
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BROTT T, and the NINDS rt-PA Stroke Study Group. The NINDS vian guidelines for initial management of minimal, mild and mod-
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Cilj ove studije bila je evaluacija i radioloko-klinièka korelacija CT pretraga mozga u hitnoj slubi. Tijekom dvogodinjeg
razdoblja (1. sijeènja 2001. 31. prosinca 2002.) analiziran je odnos hitnih i sveukupnih CT pretraga. Posebno su obraðeni hitni
CT pregledi mozga prema klinièkim indikacijama, zastupljenosti pojedinih klinièkih struka i potrebi anestezioloke asistencije.
CT nalazi su korelirani s klinièkim upitima i dijagnozama, te usporeðeni s literaturnim podacima. Tijekom 24 mjeseca na Klinièkom
zavodu su izvedene 15.933 CT pretrage, od èega 3132 (19,66%) u hitnoj slubi (1757 mukaraca i 1375 ena srednje dobi od
56,97 godina). Èak 2576 (82,25%) svih hitnih CT pretraga bile su hitne CT pretrage mozga (1398 mukaraca i 1178 ena srednje
dobi od 57,80 godina). Rasporeðenost hitnih CT pretraga mozga prema klinikama bila je slijedeæa: neurologija 1441 (55,94%),
neurokirurgija 632 (24,53%), interna medicina 186 (7,22%), kirurgija 138 (5,36%), ostale klinike 150 (5,82%) i vanjske ustanove
29 (1,13%). Klinièke indikacije za hitnu CT pretragu mozga bile su slijedeæe: modani udar 905 (35,13%), subarahnoidno krvarenje
128 (4,97%), trauma glave 617 (23,95%), poremeæaj svijesti i konvulzije 389 (15,10%), intrakranijska ekspanzija 234 (9,08%),
glavobolja i/ili vrtoglavica 141 (5,47%), cerebrovaskularna insuficijencija 50 (1,94%), infekcija 46 (1,79%), hidrocefalus 12 (0,47%),
metaboliène promjene 2 (0,08%) i nedostupni podaci u vrijeme studije 52 (2,02%). Anestezioloka asistencija pri hitnom CT
pregledu mozga bila je potrebna u 234 (9,08%) sluèaja. Korelacija CT nalaza s klinièkom dijagnozom (klinièkim upitom) pokazala
je kako je 96 (3,73%) podataka bilo nedostupno u vrijeme studije, dok je od 2480 preostalih nalaza hitnih CT pregleda mozga
bilo 639 (25,77%) normalnih i 1841 (74,23%) patolokih. Provedena je i usporedba s podacima iz literature. Zakljuèeno je kako
je velik broj hitnih CT pretraga mozga s tendencijom stalnog porasta (cerebrovaskularne bolesti, novi terapijski pristupi, trauma
glave). Oteano izvoðenje pretrage zbog tekog stanja bolesnika i osjetljivost hitne interpretacije nalaza nameæu potrebu veæe
dostupnosti neuroradiologa uz pridravanje algoritma pretraga u hitnim stanjima.
Kljuène rijeèi: Mozak radiografija; Bolesti sredinjega ivèanog sustava radiografija; Tomografija rendgenska kompjutorizirana
primjena; Hitna stanja; Hitna sluba bolnica
Fig. 1. Acute left middle cerebral artery infarction 4 hours after the symptom onset: (a) hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign (arrow);
(b) loss of gray-white matter differentiation in the left lateral insular cortex, and mild effacement of the left Sylvian fissure.
Fig. 2. Acute right middle cerebral artery infarction within the first 24 hours of the acute ischemia: (a) hypodensity of the infarction,
marked right parietal sulcal effacement, mild right lateral ventricular compression; (b) hypodensity of the infarction, marked right tem-
poroparietal sulcal effacement.
Fig. 3. Subacute left posterior cerebral artery infarction (a), and (b) wedge shaped left occipital hypodensity of the infarction.
Fig. 4. Massive intracerebral haemorrhage of the basal ganglia with (a), and (b) marked mass effect of the hematoma with ventricular
compression and midline shift, and intraventricular blood.
Figure 5. Acute thalamic hematoma with intraventricular blood: (a), and (b).
Figure 6. Acute subarachnoid haemorrhage with (b) intracerebral hematoma, and (a, b) intraventricular blood.
Fig. 7. Head trauma: (a) skull base fracture (arrow); (b) and (c) epidural, subdural and intracerebral hematomas, traumatic subarach-
noid hemorrhage (intraventricular blood), multiple hemorrhagic contusions, and herniation through the tentorial incisure.
Fig. 8. Intracranial tuberculosis (contrast enhanced scans): (a) intracranial tuberculoma, and (b) tuberculous meningitis affecting lateral
Emergency brain CT study number