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Psychological Factors Influencing Technology Adoption A Case S - 2021 - Technov

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Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

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Psychological factors influencing technology adoption: A case study from

the oil and gas industry
Ruby Roberts a, *, Rhona Flin b, David Millar c, Luca Corradi c
Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Garthdee, Aberdeen, AB10 7QE, Scotland, UK
Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
The Oil and Gas Technology Centre, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK


Keywords: People have the power to make an innovation a success or a failure. Corporate decision makers act as both fa­
Technology acceptance cilitators and barriers to the introduction of technologies into their organisations. Psychological factors clearly
Psychology have an impact on their decisions and acceptance behaviours, but these have not been fully explored. Conse­
quently, an understanding of these factors is essential for organisations who wish to accelerate technology
Decision making
Adoption culture
adoption as well as for innovators who face numerous barriers when introducing their new products to the in­
Innovation process management dustrial market.
The upstream oil and gas (O&G) industry has been characterised as reluctant to adopt new technology. The
analysis of three technology introduction case studies in the UK offshore O&G sector (including interviews with
22 personnel involved in developing and commercially buying new technology) confirmed the influence of 15
psychological factors on organisational technology adoption decision making. These have been organized into a
framework (P-TAF) consisting of six categories of psychological constructs, namely: personality, attitudes,
motivation, social, cognitive, and organisational factors. With further development, this preliminary framework
can be used to develop interventions that support the successful technology uptake in O&G and in other sectors
experiencing resistance to the introduction of new technology.

1. Introduction influence it, has never been more relevant (Nambisan et al., 2019).
Psychological barriers to introducing new technology in industry
Innovation continues to transform the global market and the modern include managers’ attitudes and resistance to prototypes being trialled
workplace, offering potential solutions to the challenges that organisa­ on their worksites, their concerns about being an early adopter if there
tions face (e.g., climate change, remote working, circular economy, and could be productivity risks, as well as end-users’ reluctance to change
cyber security). This has been illustrated most recently with the Covid- familiar ways of working (Kratzer et al., 2017; Roupas, 2008). Under­
19 pandemic in which technology plays a key role in containment and standing how these psychological factors influence technological inno­
mitigation strategies (e.g., testing and contact tracing; Whitelaw et al., vation adoption in industrial consumers is vital to support the successful
2020) as well as essential healthcare equipment (Javaid et al., 2020). introduction of new products and systems.
Many people work tirelessly towards developing innovations in a Whilst market, economic and organisational factors are frequently
fiercely competitive and rapidly changing digital world. Yet their crea­ discussed within the innovation literature, psychological factors can also
tions are only successful if they are adopted and used (Frambach and act as powerful facilitators or barriers to corporate and institutional
Schillewaert, 2002). Reluctance of organisations to adopt new technol­ technology adoption (Knobloch and Mercure, 2016; Makkonen et al.,
ogy can result in significant costs, such as through loss of competitive 2016). However, these are typically examined to a lesser extent. The
advantage and potential revenue (Makkonen et al., 2016; Prybylski, term ‘psychological’ refers to the spectrum of factors pertaining to the
2019). With the wave of digitalisation spreading across many industries mind and behaviour. Recognition of the psychological influences on
including transport, healthcare, and energy production, understanding technology adoption places a spotlight onto the individual decision
the organisational innovation adoption process, and the factors which makers who determine if a technology is to be introduced (or not) into

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: r.roberts2@rgu.ac.uk (R. Roberts).

Received 12 October 2020; Received in revised form 17 December 2020; Accepted 23 December 2020
Available online 14 January 2021
0166-4972/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

their organisation. This individual is a central feature in technology banking; Laukkanen, 2016). Research on managerial judgment and
adoption and acceptance models (e.g., Davis et al., 1989) and is decision-making strategies at the individual level has identified psy­
particularly relevant within the B2B context where industrial/corporate chological factors such as attitudes and social influences (e.g., Bazerman
consumers make decisions on behalf of a company. These ‘gatekeepers’ and Moore, 2017) and these apply to the technology adoption context (e.
can be in formal roles, such as the managers and technical specialists g., Streletskaya et al., 2020). However, across the literature on indi­
who make the pivotal decisions to appraise, trial or adopt technologies vidual consumers, although psychological influences have been listed (e.
for deployment in their organisations. However, they can also be in g., Huijts et al., 2012), these concepts are typically not considered in
informal roles, such as those who determine whether to allow a com­ depth or within a comprehensive framework that outlines the full
pany to give a presentation on a new product to their colleagues. The spectrum of psychological factors.
gatekeepers are often located at key milestones of the innovation pro­ Moving to the corporate level, several key organisational technology
cess, with the potential to make a significant impact on the success or adoption models include psychological factors (e.g., Frambach and
failure of a technology (Nochur and Allen, 1992). Schillewaert, 2002), such as within the acceptance of IT systems
An industry which exemplifies resistance to technological innovation (Hameed et al., 2012). For example, trust in security has been identified
is the oil and gas sector. Innovation is critical to its future success as a critical factor for cloud computing acceptance (Schneider and
(Perrons, 2014; Wood, 2014), however, the road to adoption of new Sunyaev, 2016). Risk aversion has been identified as a barrier to inno­
technological innovations is not as smooth as might be anticipated vation procurement in a range of sectors (Uyarra et al., 2014). Charac­
(Daneshy and Bahorich, 2005). Consequently, examining the consider­ teristics of B2B transactions between industrial consumers may heighten
ation of new technologies in O&G offers an interesting perspective from the impact of psychological processes and influencing factors, as
an industry which must innovate to survive but is well known for its compared to B2C transactions. For example, the longer decision-making
resistance to innovation. This article reports a set of three case studies process within a complex procurement structure and greater reliance on
(based on three product types) designed to explore the contribution of expertise and credibility built on long-term relationships (Sethna and
psychological factors that influence technology adoption, within the UK Blythe, 2016). Organisational innovation adoption is an active behav­
offshore oil and gas industry. ioural process undertaken by the constituent individuals (see Makkonen
et al., 2016), consequently it is influenced by their attitudes, motiva­
2. Psychological components of innovation adoption tions, and social pressures (Roupas, 2008), as well as psychological
factors operating at an organisational level (e.g., culture; Dziallas and
Innovation adoption, and the factors which influence it, have been Blind, 2019).
studied from multiple perspectives over the past five decades. Whilst a Despite inclusion across multiple literatures, the psychological fac­
full review of this expansive research area is beyond the scope of this tors are unevenly spread across models, theories, sectors, and applica­
paper (see Meade and Islam, 2006 for a review), several key models tions (Keupp et al., 2012; van Oorschot et al., 2018), resulting in a level
should be highlighted in relation to the psychological component of of confusion. There does not appear to be an integrated framework
innovation adoption. Rogers (1983) diffusion of innovation theory which outlines the potential psychological variables for business tech­
(DOI) became a seminal work, providing a framework to understand nology adoption. This could be valuable for many sectors which are
why new ideas and technologies are introduced and integrated (or not) experiencing resistance to technology introduction but need to embrace
into an organisation. His five-stage model of the innovation-decision innovation to remain competitive (e.g., healthcare; Williams and Dick­
process model (knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and inson, 2010). In response to this gap, recent research has developed a
confirmation) included psychological factors such as personality char­ new psychological technology adoption framework (P-TAF) within the
acteristics, attitudes, uncertainty, and social norms (Rogers, 2003). This oil and gas industry (Roberts, Flin, Millar & Corradi, in press) and it will
has been a highly valuable model for directing subsequent innovation be examined in this study.
research which has also identified additional psychological factors such
as incentives (green energy; Simpson and Clifton, 2017) and leadership 2.1. Technology adoption in upstream oil and gas
(education; Keengwe et al., 2009). Similarly, the Technology Accep­
tance Model (TAM, Davis et al., 1989; Venkatesh and Davis, 2000), The oil and gas industry still provides the majority of energy that is
which also incorporates psychological elements, has been valuable for used in many countries (e.g. UK Government, 2019; EIA, 2019) by
predicting user acceptance of IT systems within the information systems searching for and then producing hydrocarbons, often from remote and
literature. It was originally based upon the psychological Theory of inhospitable locations, such as beneath the oceans. Historically, to cope
Reasoned Action (TRA; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975) in order to under­ with these hazardous and complex environments, the O&G industry has
stand the acceptance behaviours associated with new information been innovative, developing and deploying a broad arsenal of technol­
technologies through users’ attitudes and subjective beliefs. Another ogies including intricate hardware, data analytics, remote monitoring,
psychological model was later added to the TAM in the form of the and drone technology for inspections. Some of the inventions which
Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1991) by applying the supple­ were developed for the O&G industry have been applied to other sectors.
mentary component of perceived behavioural control (Davis et al., For example, seismic nodes which were designed for exploration have
1989). Throughout the model’s refinement, further psychological fac­ been used for monitoring earthquakes or Remotely Operated Vehicles
tors have been added including social influence (Venkatesh and Davis, (ROVs) developed for O&G subsea surveys are now used by scientists
2000), trust and risk (Pavlou, 2003). Although, it has been criticised for across the world (Jacobs, 2019).
not recognising the role of emotional, social, and cultural components In recent years, the industry has become increasingly competitive
(Bagozzi, 2007). Whilst prominent models do recognize that psycho­ with multifaceted challenges, such as climate change, decommissioning,
logical factors influence technology acceptance, they are not typically and a changing workforce (Opito, 2018; Perrons, 2014; Radnejad and
all incorporated within one framework for the business technology Vredenburg, 2017). These issues, when combined with the significant
adoption context. risks of failure and the high cost of being a first user, have resulted in the
From an individual consumer perspective, psychological factors that industry gaining a reputation for being conservative and slow to uptake
have been identified as impacting on acceptance decisions include new inventions (Daneshy and Bahorich, 2005; Perrons, 2014; Wood
innovativeness (virtual reality in aeronautical assembly; Sagnier et al., Review, 2014; Bereznoy, 2018). To address these barriers, there have
2020), trust and social influence (automated vehicles; Zhang et al., been recent attempts to encourage the sector to become more technol­
2020). Perceptions of risk, social norms, image, and attitudes have also ogy intensive, as can be seen with the accelerator programs, the signif­
been found to influence rejection decisions (e.g., internet and mobile icant increase in investment in start-up technology companies ($70

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

million in 2019; Jacobs, 2020), and internal corporate venture units Table 1
designed to foster the development of innovative technologies in major The preliminary Psychological Technology Adoption Framework (P-TAF): cat­
producers (Masucci et al., 2020). Despite incremental improvements, it egories, factors, and definitions.
is critical that the industry accelerates technology adoption as it moves Category Factor Definition
towards becoming an integrated energy sector (Oil and Gas Authority, Personality Individual differences in configuration of characteristics and
2019). The industry’s residual resistance to technology adoption, pro­ Factors behaviour that encompasses an individual’s adjustment to life,
vides an interesting opportunity to examine the technology adoption including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept,
process. abilities, and emotional patterns (APA Dictionary).
Innovativeness An individual’s orientation towards
Roger’s DOI (2003) model also emphasised the importance of the
novelty and change, relating his or her
level of innovativeness shown by the individual or organisation, with willingness to try out new
early adopters illustrating the greatest openness to new ideas and technologies (both in personal life and
technologies. This is valuable within the context of O&G and psychology work life) (Hurt et al., 1977;
for two reasons. From an outward perspective, it appears that many Aldahdouh et al., 2019).
Risk Aversion The tendency, when choosing between
organisations within the O&G industry can be characterised as late alternatives, to avoid options that
adopters. These organisations are slower to adopt products compared to entail a risk of loss, even if that risk is
other users, showing higher levels of resistance to innovation, and more relatively small (APA Dictionary).
skepticism towards new technologies. According to Jahanmir and Cav­ Motivation The impetus that gives purpose or direction to behaviour and
Factors operates in humans at a conscious or unconscious level (APA
adas (2018), late adopter firms are particularly influenced by psycho­
logical factors, including attitudes and word of mouth. Evidence from Personal Incentives Perceived rewards or punishments (to
O&G industry bodies reflect this, indicating that psychological factors be avoided) acting as drivers for
play a key role in technology adoption, such as risk aversion (Wood, behaviours, including desires to
2014), lack of ownership and leadership around technology (OGTC and improve job performance, pay or
promotion or to avoid redundancy (
ABB, 2018), combined with a reluctance to change (OGA, 2018). This is
Gagné and Deci, 2005).
relevant beyond O&G as late adopters are becoming a larger and more Fear of Technology The motives and concerns about the
influential consumer group (Wells, 2016), particularly in the context of Failure consequences of introducing a new
digitalisation. To remain competitive, O&G organisations need to technology and its potential failure.
Similar to fear of failure when risk
embrace technological innovation, but previous approaches to induce
taking (Atkinson 1957), often applied
the acceleration of adoption do not appear to have been entirely suc­ in a business context (e.g. Cacciotti
cessful. Consequently, the industry provides a unique opportunity to et al., 2016) although in this case,
examine the psychological factors which influence technology adoption relates particularly to the operational
decisions. consequences than personal
implications for the decision maker.
Attitude Factors Mental evaluations that an individual forms about people,
2.2. Psychological technology adoption framework objects, events, or ideas, which can influence subsequent
behaviour. Attitudes have three components: affective
To address the innovation adoption challenge within O&G, recent (emotions about the object); conative (influence on behaviour
and actions towards the object); and cognitive (beliefs and
research has begun to examine the psychological factors that can in­
knowledge about the object) (Ajzen & Fishbein, 2005; APA
fluence technology uptake. As outlined above, psychological factors Dictionary).
have been identified within the innovation management literature, Technology The evaluations that an individual
however, they are often disparate and unevenly spread across different Attitudes makes about novel technical products
models, making it difficult to determine the key psychological factors including the people, objects, events,
and ideas associated with their
which may influence technology adoption decision makers. Conse­ adoption (Edison and Geissler, 2003).
quently, a set of possible psychological factors was initially identified Trust The belief that an individual has
from a literature review of studies from the oil and gas sector (Roberts & towards people (or objects) regarding
Flin, 2020), with reference to the key innovation adoption models their ability, reliability, and
truthfulness (Demolombe, 2004). In
mentioned above. This initial set was then revised on the basis of the
this context, trust is a belief about not
findings from an interview study with key technology adoption decision only the technology, but all the
makers in upstream O&G (e.g., senior and middle management, tech­ stakeholders involved (e.g. the
nology adoption consultants and representatives from start-up com­ developers, managers involved in
panies) to determine the psychological factors that influence technology adopting new technology, leadership)
(Ratnasingam, 2005).
adoption decisions. Thematic analysis identified 15 factors, organized Cognitive Factors Mental processes that drive knowledge and understanding of the
into six overarching categories (called the Psychological Technology world, including attention, perception, memory, language use
Adoption Framework P-TAF) representing major psychological con­ and problem solving (APA Dictionary).
structs influencing technology adoption, (Roberts, Flin, Millar & Corradi Risk Perception The gathering of information and
making a judgement of the hazard
, in press) as shown in Table 1 below.
level, and potential loss that could be
Within this context, psychological is defined as pertaining to mind incurred, in a given situation (APA
and behaviour and our primary unit of analysis is the individual decision Dictionary); it involves gathering
maker (typically the corporate buyer or his/her representative). information and making a judgement
Consequently, this framework includes factors from three different of the risk level, and potential loss that
could be incurred.
levels of psychological enquiry: individual (e.g., personality differences Technical The process of an individual recalling
and attitudes), social (e.g., subjective norms) and organisational (e.g., Knowledge their domain-specific knowledge
leadership) – all of which can influence technology adoption decisions. which contributes to his or her
The interview data indicated that many of the factors are interrelated. performance (Agarwal and Prasad,
For example, personality factors such as innovativeness may influence
Perceptions of The sense of surety that an individual
technology attitudes, risk perceptions, and leadership (and by proxy, Certainty has about the prediction of current or
organisational culture). Furthermore, there is a degree of conceptual (continued on next page)
overlap. For example, fear of technology failure can be linked to risk

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

Table 1 (continued ) psychological term is given in the definition.

Category Factor Definition Given that this is a preliminary framework, additional evidence is
required to confirm the components and to develop an understanding of
future events and states (e.g.,
decisions, or actions), including the
how they operate. The case study method offers a means of gathering
judged level of confidence about how data in an attempt to refine and validate it within realistic, specific
the technology (Johnson and Slovic, contexts. It may also provide further detail on the influence of the factors
1995). within different circumstances (e.g., well-established technologies
Previous The recollections of positive and
compared to start-up company prototypes), to direct future actionable
Experiences negative experiences with technology
and new ways of working (Agarwal tools and recommendations.
and Prasad, 1999).
Social Factors Refers to what can be called social cognition, in which people 3. Case study aim
perceive, think about, interpret, categorize, and judge their own
social behaviors and those of others (APA Dictionary).
Social Influence Any change in an individual’s
A set of three case studies was produced with a dual purpose. 1. To
thoughts, feelings, or behaviours refine the preliminary P-TAF by determining the indications of the
caused by other people in relation to factors within different circumstances in the upstream UKCS. 2. To
introducing new ways of working identify the best practices regarding the control of the psychological
(APA Dictionary).
factors’ impact on successful innovation adoption. The findings could be
Subjective Norms A perception that an individual has
regarding whether people important used to inform interventions to support technological innovation
to that individual (e.g., colleagues, uptake.
supervisors) believe that he or she
should or should not perform a 4. Method
behaviour (Ajzen, 1991).
Organisational This refers to the psychological factors that occur at the
Factors organisational level. An organisation being a structured entity A multiple-case study approach was used which allows investigation
(e.g., in business, industry, and services) consisting of various of phenomena in their general complexity and within their natural
components that interact to perform one or more functions. environment. Furthermore, it offers the opportunity for cross-case
(APA Dictionary).
comparisons permitting a more vigorous explanation building process
Leadership The values, behaviours, and attitudes
of people in all positions of leadership and understanding of contextual variables’ effects (Chiesa and Frattini,
and how this influences the 2007) which made it an appropriate method for this study. Following
organisational culture and behaviours standard case study practices (Yin, 2017), a multi-pronged approach
of employees (Northouse, 2018; was taken by collecting data from several sources namely, interviews,
Hameed et al., 2012).
Collaboration The specific aspect of organisational
document analysis, and observations (e.g., pitches, events, and online
Culture culture that relates to how people videos). To support the reliability of our study, these additional forms of
internally and externally work observational data and documents were used to complement the inter­
together to reach a shared goal ( view transcripts through triangulation (Angrosino, 2007). This
Dodgson, 2018).
approach is commonly used for examining technology adoption, such as
Technology The specific aspect of organisational
Adoption Culture culture that relates to how technology within healthcare (Kyratsis et al., 2012), automated driving (Horberry
and innovation is valued within an et al., 2017), and manufacturing (Trott and Simms, 2017).
organisation (Frambach and
Schillewaert, 2002; Kratzer et al., 4.1. Case selection

One of the aims of the study was to understand how psychological

aversion, risk perceptions and perceptions of uncertainty. The data factors influence technology adoption decisions in different circum­
indicated that fear of technology failure in the O & G sector mainly stances. Therefore, the intention was to select cases which represented
concerned anxieties about the repercussions for the adoption decision different aspects of the innovation adoption process, such as different
maker of a technology failing. Consequently, it was deemed to fit best as technology readiness levels (Mankins, 2009). For example, early-stage
a motivation factor i.e., a motive for not introducing a technology. start-ups trialling innovative technology (TRL7), companies with tech­
Given that many of the factors appear to be interrelated, there is nologies which were reaching commercialisation (TRL8), or at market
likely to be a level of overlap between them. However, the prior inter­ technologies which were adopted by some and resisted by others (TRL9
view study data, on which the framework is based, and psychological and adoption). Potential cases were initially selected based on a pur­
literature indicated that they were sufficiently disparate to be classified poseful sampling technique (Creswell and Poth, 2016) to capture a wide
in this manner. For a full explanation of the categorisation of factors, see range of experiences of introducing new technology into O&G. Selection
Roberts, Flin, Millar and Corradi (in press). Nonetheless, the framework criteria were based upon the study aims and consisted of: companies
would benefit from further application to test these categorisations. working to introduce new technologies into the UK O&G industry;
The factors relate to early stages of adoption decisions and processes, technology developed up to readiness level 7 implying that they were
e.g., a precursor decision to grant access to a technical or operational nearing commercialisation and potential introduction of the technology
manager, inviting a start-up technology company to give an internal into an organisation; experiences suggesting barriers to adoption; and
presentation to a potential client, or deciding to agree to a field trial (see sufficient time to commit to the case study. An initial list of companies
also Afolayan and de la Harpe, 2020). The 15 factors are grounded in and contacts was produced by O&G industry specialists (LC and DM)
both the psychological and innovation literatures, with the labelling and within the sponsoring organisation. Once potential companies were
definition of the main categories and component factors based on the identified by the research team, they were invited to participate in the
terms used for these psychological constructs in the American Psycho­ study through the UK Oil and Gas Technology Centre contacts. Whilst
logical Association Dictionary of Psychology (https://dictionary.apa. this may have influenced the potential sample, the initial contact list (28
org/psychology) and the psychological literature. Some of the factors companies) was sufficiently large, (i.e., covering a wide range of
(e.g. technical knowledge) have been labelled using terms already different services and readiness levels) to provide a representative
applied to the concept by the oil and gas sector, in which case, the sample.
Despite twelve companies initially agreeing to take part, after several

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

months of polite requests and flexibility over the data collection (e.g., (e.g., internal reports) and publicly available sources. The total length of
Skype interviews, flexible times, and locations), only two companies the documents was approximately 200 pages and where publicly
enabled access for data collection. Furthermore, a number of the com­ available, these are included in the reference section (the details of the
panies had raised concerns about providing contacts from potential blog documents are not included to maintain anonymity). The entire
clients to give a decision maker’s perspective (e.g., discussing slow up­ documents were initially read to provide a background on the cases and
take of a product might reflect poorly on the developer and/or potential then analysed using thematic analysis (see below) to identify the un­
client). It was therefore decided to develop a third case by examining a derlying psychological factors (Rapley, 2018).
technology which has experienced recent technological advances and
has been introduced by some O&G operators but not others. As this type 4.3. Data analysis
of technology is offered by more than one company, it afforded the
opportunity to examine this service from multiple perspectives (e.g., the The interviews were recorded, and notes taken. The interview coding
technology service providers, operators). and analysis was conducted by the two psychologists (RR and RF).
Whilst recruiting companies for the study was difficult, the addition The transcribed interviews, observation notes and documents were
of the third case was beneficial as together the three cases represented analysed using an adapted version of Braun and Clarke (2006) Thematic
different aspects of the innovation adoption process – case 1 was an Analysis via the software program Nvivo 11 (QSR International, 2013).
early-stage technology in the process of validation; case 2 was a com­ This is a structured method for identifying, analysing, and reporting
pany which had commercialised their technology with initial contracts themes within the interview, observational and document content. This
with major operators; and case 3 was an established set of technologies process followed a deductive, content analysis method to identify the
which had been adopted by some but not by others. underlying psychological factors that impact on technology adoption in
Approval for the study was granted by the university department’s the UKCS. An initial coding framework was developed with reference to
Ethics Committee. All the technologies are UK-based but may be the P-TAF factors with a coding scheme of 15 codes, each representing a
distributed internationally (see Table 2). psychological factor. During this process, the coders remained open for
additional or alternative psychological codes.
4.2. Data collection Each time a theme was identified within the text, this was coded and
is reflected in the frequency data (Torrens, 2018). The frequencies for
Before commencing data collection, case study candidates were the interviews, observation and document analysis data are shown in
informed that taking part would entail interviews, as well as sharing Table 3. Frequencies should not be taken to imply importance, issues
relevant documents and/or for the researcher to conduct observations, may not be mentioned as interviewees may believe that they are
where appropriate (e.g., confidential documents). The data collection obvious, unimportant or of a sensitive nature. Interviewee quotes are
(June–September 2019) consisted of face to face and phone interviews, included throughout the case studies to provide a rich description of the
live observations, and document analysis. The interviews were audio themes discussed. Each case study interviewee number is shown in
recorded and transcribed for analysis. brackets after the quote and the psychological factors are shown
The main company contact (e.g., the original technology developer underlined.
or CEO) was asked to take part in an initial interview lasting approxi­ To identify the psychological factors and determine how they influ­
mately 2 h and split into multiple sessions for convenience. As based enced the technology adoption decision outcomes, each case was ana­
upon Yin (2017) guidelines, a timeline was produced for each case lysed separately. This allowed immersion within each case before
during these initial interviews with the main contacts. This consisted of examination of the psychological factors identified across the whole
key dates, events, interactions, difficulties, and information relevant to data set. Discussion of the results with the non-psychologist authors
the technology adoption journey. It was reviewed by at least one of the provided a valuable opportunity to examine the categorisation of the
key stakeholders from the company to confirm accuracy. The timeline factors.
provided the basis for the subsequent interviews which asked about Data availability: Data analysis methods are included in the section
individuals’ jobs, their opinions on the technology and experiences of above and the semi-structured interview schedule is in Appendix A,
introducing this new technology into the UKCS, including barriers and however, to maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of the in­
facilitators that impacted on their experience. The remaining interviews terviewees, as per our ethical requirements, individual data will not be
with other employees and stakeholders each lasted approximately 45 made available.
min. This included interviewing potential gatekeepers and product
champions. The interview schedule, including the questions asked in the 5. Case study results
initial and subsequent interviews, can be found in Appendix A.
The types of data collected for each case study are shown in Table 3. The analysis of the interview data, observations, and document
A total of 22 interviews were conducted with an average interview analysis identified 15 factors across the three cases which could be
length of 47 min (range 25–120 mins) The total time for all the in­ allocated to the six psychological categories, labelled personality fac­
terviews was 16 h and 55 min. tors, attitude factors, motivation factors, cognitive factors, social factors,
In order to get the decision maker’s perspective, the interviews and organisational factors as per the P-TAF shown in Table 1. These
included those in potential decision-making roles such as prospective were regarded as influencing the introduction of the new technologies,
clients or technical specialists who may act as initial gatekeepers (e.g., outlined in the three case studies, into the UKCS O&G industry. No
technical or operational managers who may agree to a trial). For case additional psychological factors were identified.
study 1, two decision makers were interviewed; for case study 2, two The following sections present the results of the three case studies.
decision makers were interviewed; for case study 3, six decision makers This includes a brief description of the companies and technologies
were interviewed. These decision makers could act as potential gate­ within each case. Given the focus of analysis is on the decision maker,
keepers, allowing the technology to be trialled or introduced into their the results include reference to the gatekeepers, how they were
organisation or block any further uptake activities. Decision makers
represented approximately half of the sample. Observation data were
collected on six occasions in the form of field notes (Morgan et al., 2017)
gathered during live observations (e.g., pitches) and video recordings (e.
g., video presentations). The total length of observations was 120 min.
Nine documents were gathered from both confidential company sources

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

Table 2
Case study details.
Case Study Stage Technology Company size (employees = n)

1. Well Sealant Early-stage technology; in process of validation One technology; potential to be adapted to multiple applications 3
with several operators.
2. Subsea Well Commercialisation; several contracts with tier 1 Two technologies developed in parallel. 8
Construction operators.
3. Non-Intrusive Well established range of technologies available Several different NII techniques including ultrasonics (UT), phased Wide range of companies
Inspection at market. array ultrasonics (PAUT), radiography (RT). offering NII services.

Table 3
Data collection methods for each case study.
Case Study Data Collection

No. of Interview Roles of individuals Interviewed Observations Documents Total no.

Interviews Total length of sources

1. Well Sealant 5 225 mins CEO (1), company staff (2). Technical/operational managers of 30 mins (live) + 1x 3 (online blogs) 10
other organisations (2 – decision makers) online video (15
2. Subsea Well 6 280 mins CEO (1), company staff including directors (3). Technical/ 2x online videos (20 1 (internal 9
Construction operational managers in other organisations (2 – decision mins each) document)
3. Non-Intrusive 11 510 mins Asset integrity managers from operators (3 – decision makers) 2x online videos (15 4 (publicly 17
Inspection and contractors (3 – decision makers). NII service company mins +20 mins) available industry
technical specialists (3-developers). Technology centre reports)
advisors (2).

perceived and their role in technology adoption decisions.1 In this “You’ve got the generation of people who have grown up using computers
context, gatekeepers may be in formal roles (e.g., managers and tech­ and programming and coding and using iPads and wireless technology.
nical specialists) who make decisions to appraise, trial, or adopt the Generally, they have got another twenty, thirty-plus years in their career,
technologies. They can also be in informal roles and who indirectly in­ they’re looking at going “yeah, this could be a problem I’m going to have
fluence the decision-making process (e.g., agreeing to and then setting to deal with in the future. Yeah, let’s look at something now.” (CS1–I1:
up a pitch presentation to their colleagues). A summary of these results, developer).
as well as the findings on psychological facilitators and barriers, are
This was contrasted by gatekeepers and potential decision makers
given at the end of the section.
who appeared to be risk averse and were uncomfortable about new
technology, being described as “dinosaurs” (CS1–I2: developer).
Initially the CEO experienced negative technology attitudes in the
5.1. Case study 1: Well sealant
form of gatekeepers and decision makers resistance towards their new
product being used for well abandonment. In one example, he spoke
This company focuses on well barrier solutions and the technology is
about talking to a large operator within the UKCS who had such an
a well sealant which is pumped into the subsea wellbore. This can be
aggressive, anti-technology attitude that he felt they “pretty much got
used to seal off unwanted fluids (e.g. water or hydrocarbons) and leaks
chased out” (CS1–I2: developer). These attitudes, in part, led to the
from the seabed around the wellbore. The technology had originally
company changing from promoting the well sealant for well abandon­
been developed for well abandonment and decommissioning (i.e. where
ment to a well integrity application. This strategy proved to be effective,
a well is blocked off so that it can be safely closed, and the subsea
and the technology attitudes they encountered became positive with
infrastructure and equipment can be taken out of use). However, the
prospective clients becoming more open and interested in the product.
company decided to pivot after receiving considerable resistance to­
One potential decision maker and gatekeeper noted that “We thought we
wards the product for well abandonment and began to explore its use for
might have faced quite an uphill battle to get some of the larger organisations
well integrity instead (i.e. maintenance of an active subsea well). From 5
even interested in playing in this area, but I think the tide is almost changing
interviews, document analysis and 30 min of observations, 14 out of the
with regards to the attitudes around using solutions developed by start-up
15 factors were identified (all six categories were represented) as
companies” (CS1–I4: decision maker). One of the developers suggested
influencing the development and early deployment of this technology
that this positive attitude change may be a result of “[companies] possibly
(shown in Table 4).
being hit on the bottom line when they’ve not adopted these technologies, so
Personality differences were identified in the context of the inno­
attitudes have definitely improved in the North Sea” (CS1–I3: developer).
vativeness of technology gatekeepers and decision makers. The CEO
The developers perceived some of the gatekeepers with whom they
perceived that gatekeepers (e.g., individuals who may set up a presen­
interacted to hold significant power over the outcome of the interaction
tation, provide access to a budget holder or decision maker, or managers
(e.g., whether their technology may be trialled into the gatekeeper’s
who may agree to and set up trialling the technology) and potential
organisation), and that was heavily influenced by the gatekeeper’s at­
gatekeepers tended to have a mix of innovativeness. In some instances,
titudes and motivations (see below). However, this power was not
he judged them to be innovative, open minded and comfortable with
perceived to be effective outside the gatekeeper’s sphere of control (e.g.,
new technology. This was summarised by the CEO below:
their department or organisation) and should the developers encounter a
resistive gatekeeper they would “not bother talking to you, we’ll work
1 round you, talk to someone else, work elsewhere” (CS1–I2: developer).
We would like to thank one of the reviewers for highlighting the critical role
A key influencing factor on gatekeepers’ negative technology atti­
of the gatekeeper and the data were re-examined to provide a fuller examina­
tion of the gatekeeper and product champion’s roles, the powers perceived to tudes and decisions that he encountered was motivations. This included
be assigned to them, and the psychological factors which influence them. gatekeepers’ and decision makers’ personal incentives about job

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

Table 4
The total number of times each P-TAF factor was mentioned in the interviews, observations, and document analysis.
Category Factor Number of times coded across data

Total (Observations & Document Case Study 1: Subsea well Case Study 2: Well Case Study 3: non-intrusive
Analysis) construction sealant inspection

Personality Factors 27 (0 &3) 8 16 3

Innovativeness 24 (0&3) 7 14 3
Risk Aversion 3 (0&0) 1 2 0
Motivation Factors 59 (0&4) 20 9 30
Personal Incentives 58 (0 &4) 20 9 29
Fear of Technology 1 (0&0) 0 0 1
Attitude Factors 111 (4 &3) 35 32 44
Technology Attitudes 67 (0&1) 13 19 35
Trust 44 (4&2) 22 13 9
Cognitive Factors 235 (5& 29) 59 59 117
Risk Perception 145 (5&14) 45 43 57
Technical Knowledge 62 (0&11) 6 9 47
Perception of Certainty 15 (0&0) 4 4 7
Previous Experience 13 (0&4) 4 3 6
Social Factors 123 (6&2) 65 26 32
Social Influences 111 (6&1) 60 26 25
Subjective Norms 12 (0&1) 5 0 7
Organisational 117 (0&4) 35 24 58
Leadership 32 (0&1) 4 3 25
Collaboration Culture 16 (0&4) 2 0 14
Technology Adoption 69 (0&0) 29 21 19

security and being unwilling to take a risk or make a change towards the for a while and you’ve got more oil out” (CS1–I5: decision maker). In
end of a contract or career. The developer recognised that adopting new addition, they recognised that applying this sealant to land rigs would
technology may represent further work for companies, consultants who reduce the risk and cost involved to the operator. As a result of this new
are working with traditional methods “may feel threatened” (CS1–I2: strategy, several managers (acting as gatekeepers and potential decision
developer), and summarised gatekeeper’s potential motivations as makers) were keen to use the technology for current problems and up­
below: coming campaigns, leading to field trials. Gatekeeper’s negative previ­
ous experiences of deploying technologies that were perceived to be
“There are other aspects of, what’s in it for these guys? And we talked
similar were also found to be influential. Technical knowledge was an
about the motivations, and is it just a headache? Is it just a risk? Is it
influencing factor upon risk perceptions and technology decision mak­
unhousing one of their best friends that takes them out to play golf every
ing, particularly that of gatekeepers to be able to assess the relative value
year? You know, they’ve got a corporate box at football that they go to,
that the technology may offer the organisation. It was noted that there
stuff like that.” (CS1–I2: developer)
was a need for further knowledge to support effective decision making
Trust was identified as a key facilitating factor to work against regarding using the well sealant for well integrity - “we need to rewrite
negative attitudes and motivations. The well sealant company created guidelines that we can get these materials in the right space” (CS1–I5: de­
trust with potential gatekeepers and clients by being honest about their cision maker). One-way of doing this was to use hands-on demonstra­
technical experience. “And just being open and speaking about the oppor­ tions to increase familiarity during a pitch:
tunity for any new technologies, not ours, not pushing it” (CS1–I3: devel­
‘He uses a demonstration to visually demonstrate how the product
oper) appears to have been an effective method for growing credibility.
works by mixing a powder into a clear flask of water and stirring with
Fear of technology failure was not identified within the data.
a coffee stick – he later tips the flask confidently to show the fluid has
When deployed for well abandonment, the sealant also allowed large
set. The audience responds well with sounds of exclamation’ (CS1-
sections of equipment to be left in the seabed, offering considerable
Observation Notes 1 (observing developer)).
savings (e.g., rig hire, days required to pull tubing out). Consequently,
“if you get it right, there is a billion-pound prize out there for industry” Social factors including social influences and subjective norms
(CS1–I5: decision maker). However, the gatekeepers and decision appear to have shaped the success of technology uptake within this case.
makers recognised that in some situations risk perception was too high Developing a broad professional network was highly valuable for the
for well abandonment as should the sealant fail, there could be signifi­ CEO, using connections from previous roles to conduct initial customer
cant consequences. “If you’re putting it as a permanent barrier, then what validation and gain access to potential clients. This included building
you’re saying is in perpetuity that barrier will hold any hydrocarbons from relationships with the gatekeepers and decision makers to understand
escaping to the environment, and therefore you have to qualify that barrier the problems that they are facing - “the most success I’ve ever had is where
against Oil and Gas UK guidelines for barrier materials. And until you do I’ve not even opened the computer, you sit there with a notebook, you talk
that, nobody’s going to accept it” (CS1–I5: decision maker). This may in about what you can do, what their problems are, and you see if there’s any
part be due to the gatekeepers and decision makers perceived uncer­ common ground” (CS1–I1: developer). Taking part in an accelerator
tainty associated with such a long period of time. “There’s a psychology of programme meant that “you’re not just a single entity on your own, you’re
forever” (CS1–I3: developer) that makes people nervous. with a group of other companies at a similar stage, the visibility that he got
The company pivoted by considering alternative applications of the was probably a lot higher than what he was able to achieve alone” (CS1–I3:
sealant, including well integrity as “it’s a lower risk, and it’s not a per­ developer). Subjective norms around well abandonment appear to have
manent integrity part of the well, and if the water ultimately comes back in, been a potential barrier to uptake of the well sealant. Typically, standard
you’re no worse off than you were in the first place, and hopefully it’s lasted practices focus on removing any materials downhole and using cement

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

as the go-to material. Whilst there have been changes in industry norms willing to try something. But then identifying those who perhaps are not
recently, there still appears to be a reluctance to change traditional innovative and are conservative, and just manoeuvring round them.”
behaviours. One of the developers articulated as “I’ve been warned not to (CS2–I3: developer).”
challenge the status quo and I just threw a cat in amongst the pigeons and In terms of the DownholeT, gatekeepers within the two potential
legged it, you know?” (CS1–I3: developer). customer companies who sponsored trials had positive technology at­
The developers assigned power to the impact that product cham­ titudes, recognising that whilst it would not make a radical change to
pions could have on the success of their technology. Fostering a pro­ well construction, the technology could make a significant saving for
fessional network of individuals who recognised the value of the well construction budgets in a relatively straightforward way. These
technology was crucial for creating product champions who bought into gatekeepers’ attitudes facilitated the positive technology decision to
the technology and provided potential routes to trial. In particular, conduct the field trials - “it was low hanging fruit, and so they were the ones
“within the operating companies that you’ll end up with the champion in the that jumped at the first instance” (CS2–I2: developer). However, once the
wells team like “this is great, really want that”” (CS1–I4: decision maker). CEO took the technology out to market, he was met with the familiar
In one instance, a product champion was able to secure the company a reluctant attitude that “they didn’t want to be first, they couldn’t take the
trial on a well in another country, through the champion’s network of risk, or were unsure about committing so they said, “you need to go away and
contacts within the client company. This provided the company with prove it”” (CS2–I6: decision maker). An attitude preferring the status
early validation data off the back of which they secured further trials and quo and being comfortable using current practices was likely a barrier to
eventually contracts. The reporting lines were different depending on adoption.
the individual champions as “you obviously have different communication The CEO perceived that gatekeepers, and their attitudes, had the
with different departments in the operating companies so the in wells might be power to facilitate positive technology decisions within their context (e.
like “this is great, really want that” but I need to talk to so and so to get it g., within their own organisations or social groups) as “when they were on
signed off” (CS1–I2: developer). In contrast, individuals could harness board, doors opened more quickly” (CS2–I1: developer). Alternatively,
their social networks to block the uptake of the well sealant within a where negative technology attitudes persisted, decision makers could
company, who “really got the bit between his teeth to try and cause some act as powerful blockers to any further actions or uptake, as illustrated
problems” (CS1–I2: developer). The developer termed these “product by the example below:
snipers” (CS1–I1: developer).
“Most people went away from the project thinking that was good. There
The overall industry technology adoption culture around innovation
was one guy who was headed back to Norway where he was working, and
was identified as a potential barrier. Developers “can create all the new
he went back still “this was a waste of time, we shouldn’t have done it.”
solutions to industry problems, but unless people within the oil & gas oper­
The rest felt there was a lot of benefit. He was quite keen that anything
ators are willing to be innovative themselves, and try something different, then
went wrong was blamed on the tech, even if it wasn’t. So, sometimes you
things will never change” (CS1–I2: developer). Collaboration culture was
have to agree to disagree and he was a real challenge.” (CS2–I5: Decision
also briefly mentioned by the CEO regarding how he would like to see
his own company work internally. Leadership is a fundamental driver
for that cultural change in which they send out a message at the top level In these situations, the developers communicated that they would
of the (customer) company and pass this down throughout the “work around” (CS2–I3: developer) these gatekeepers to reach other
organisation. potential champions or decision makers who may be more inclined to­
wards the technology. Furthermore, it was not just the attitude of a
5.2. Case study 2: subsea Well construction single gatekeeper or decision maker that could have an impact on a trial
or outcome but of the wider decision-making structure. Both developers
The company focuses on well construction technologies that aim to and decision makers recognised the wider context. “Breaking down the
save rig time with two technologies it developed. Subsea wellbores barriers that might be in [an operating company] means trying to get the
require complex engineering technologies, equipment, and processes to contacts of everyone involved, trying to convince them, trying to convince
build these structures to gain access to hydrocarbons. The “Downhole your line management – it’s what we have to prove and get the confidence and
Technology (DownholeT)” was developed first to support more efficient qualification of the product.” (CS2–I5: decision maker).
cementing operations (i.e., the cementing of the metal casing tubes into Developing a sense of trust between the developer and potential
the seabed and below). The “Subsea Technology (SubseaT)” was clients, as well as for the credibility of the technology was found to be
developed about a year later with the aim of allowing operations within crucial. Trust played a key role in getting support for field trials and
a wider ‘weather window’ for subsea operations (i.e., the technology subsequent contracts for both the products. “A lot of it comes down to
allows normal operations, which would otherwise halt during poor trusting the individual and their capability to deliver, so somebody who is new
weather). A further portfolio of technologies has subsequently been has to prove themselves” (CS2–I6: decision maker). One of the company
created but the case study will focus upon the first two. As these were directors recognised that fostering trust between the developer and the
developed in parallel within the same company, both technologies were clients (e.g., gatekeepers and potential decision makers) is imperative
analysed together. From six interviews, two online video observations for early-stage companies as “Concerns regarding the customer is multiplied
and document analysis, 12 out of the 15 factors across the six psycho­ by at least a hundred time when it’s a start-up compared to [ a tier 1 service
logical categories were identified as influencing the introduction of company]” (CS2–I4: developer). Credibility could also come in the from
these two different well construction technologies (see Table 4). promotional materials such as the videos of the SubseaT trials which
Personality characteristics were identified in the context of the were “filmed in the workshop with the tooling in the background, increasing
innovativeness of the gatekeepers, product champions and adopting the credibility of the CEO” (CS2 – OBS2: observing developers and deci­
organisation leadership. For example, it was reported that the product sion makers)”. Having two companies involved in the DownholeT trials,
champions for these devices were typically open minded, innovative increased the sense of credibility of the technology in which the
individuals. In some instances, technology decision makers were risk expertise of each company endorsed the involvement of the other - from
averse and displayed a “fear of the unknown” (CS2–I5: decision maker). one company’s point of view, “oh, they’re doing it, so it must be good”
In addition, it was found to be valuable to be able to identify the relative (CS2–I2: developer) (see Social Influences below).
innovativeness and risk-aversion of potential contacts during early trials In terms of SubseaT, initially, a supermajor had initially shown in­
and throughout the commercialisation process, such as clients, end- terest in the product recognising that it could solve a problem that they
users, and technical experts. One of the developers suggested that it currently had in terms of poor weather. However, personal incentives
was valuable to “know who is innovative - these are individuals who are

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

changed when the company experienced a merger. The individuals who connections with “the business growing organically through that network”
had originally been gatekeepers and product champions changed their (CS2–I2: developer). The use of social influences to the company’s
priorities, motivated by individual concerns including job security: advantage was also seen in a promotional video about the trial of the
“From a psychology respect, people do business with people, and if people’s DownholeT in which it ‘includes interview footage of representatives
reputations, jobs, mortgages, are on the line, do they want to stick their head from both [operator company] and the [sponsoring company] talking
above the parapet?” (CS2–I5: decision maker) Nonetheless, the clear about the technology, what problem it addresses and its value’ (CS2-
value proposition continued to foster positive technology attitudes to­ Observation 2 (observing decision makers)). Subjective norms were not
wards the SubseaT: “Doors opened up quicker because the technology was identified within the data.
easy to articulate. So, people were like “oh, that’s cool. Really awesome” Product champions within these sponsoring organisations and po­
(CS2–I2: developer). Fear of technology failure was not identified within tential clients were fundamental for the successful technology outcomes.
the data. “The big organisations get that reputation of being the reluctant ones to move
The DownholeT offered to improve efficiency of cementing opera­ forward and change, but I think ultimately, it’s not necessarily the organi­
tions but initially it was “a bit more of a tricky value proposition to sation, it’s usually the individual that drives it forward in an organisation”
comprehend or to easily articulate in a sentence or two in the elevator pitch” (CS2–I6: decision maker). The developers placed significant value on
(CS2–I1: developer). This made it much more difficult to sell the idea of the impact that product champions could have on the successful
the DownholeT and this influenced the risk perception. It was through outcome of a meeting, trial, or decision to commercialise. For example,
market validation with the clients during product trials that the value “from essentially not going anywhere, you get a couple of calls, and the
proposition was more clearly expressed and that in some circumstances consequences of those couple of calls are incredible” (CS2–I4: developer).
the DownholeT was perceived to be lower risk than the traditional so­ The CEO illustrated the impact that having (or not having) a champion
lution. One of the developers articulated the importance of identifying could have on the success of a technology:
gatekeepers and champions as “You’ve almost got to find the right people
“I suppose the difficulty was then that we didn’t really have that internal
that just get it, just understand. It does sometimes feel like a roll of the dice”
champion to the same extent we did with XX at [operating company] or
(CS2–I1: developer). It is worth noting that sponsoring companies’ de­
XX at [operating company] for the SubseaT. The [operating company]
cision makers and product champions saw the value of the product in the
team were not at the same level of commitment from a champion
long term for use in another basin and were perceived to be de-risking
perspective for the DownholeT and not having that onus and feeling of
the trialling of it by doing it in the UKCS. “It was more taking a long
ownership of the technology slowed things down” (CS2–I2: developer).
term view of [it], doesn’t offer a great benefit right now, but if we combine it
with various other things and we take a longer term view, that’s where we can Organisational level factors were identified as influencing the
start to see the significant benefit” (CS2–I5: decision maker). response to the technologies. Of the two companies involved in the
The SubseaT offered to open-up the weather window for well oper­ DownholeT trials, it was perceived that the smaller operator had a
ations. This value proposition was much more comprehendible, and the positive technology adoption culture and that “trying something new, this
company had a prototype in which clients could tangibly understand was bread and butter to them” (CS2–I3: developer). Whereas the super­
how it worked. However, should it fail, the risks such as the financial major had a less innovative technology culture and that the drive to
consequences could be significant in terms of damage to the subsea ar­ innovate came from senior leadership within the organisation “saying we
chitecture and lost production time. The developers felt that “given the want to try this technology for the following reasons and we’ll endorse you
risk profile, it’s just not something that people [gatekeepers and decision going and trialling it” (CS2–I4: developer). Similarly, for the SubseaT, the
makers] want to take on in the first instance” (CS2–I3: developer). “And drilling operator had developed a reputation for being an innovator and
that’s the dichotomy of introducing technology that will save rig time, because that they “liked the kudos” (CS2–I4: developer) that it gave them.
if it doesn’t go right, it may cost you more time” (CS2–I4: developer). Innovation was a key part of their culture, vision, and goals “with their
Having tangible prototypes that could be touched, footage of the own mindset that has got a much more aggressive weighting towards new
technologies in action from the field trials and involvement from several technology and accepting that value” (CS2–I5). Collaboration culture was
stakeholders helped to reduce decision makers’ perceptions of uncer­ not identified within the data.
tainty and partially de-risk the technologies. In addition, having a pair of
sponsoring companies helped to reduce the perceived risk of being first –
“they probably did feel as though they were sharing the risk because it was 5.3. Case study 3: Non-intrusive inspection
like “we’ll support the yard test”, and then both people can understand the
learning from that” (CS2–I6: decision maker). A lack of the requisite This case deals with a technology called Non-Intrusive Inspection
technical knowledge required to accurately assess the risks and negative (NII) and is used to inspect assets such as pressure vessels or tanks for the
previous experiences were also found to act as potential barriers. In presence of corrosion (or other defects and conditions). This type of
particular, the technical knowledge level (e.g., in relation to that tech­ technology has been previously used within process industries, but only
nical area) and prior technology adoption experiences (e.g., in general recent technological advances have offered significant financial benefits
and of deploying technologies which were perceived to be similar) of for application within O&G. A range of NII technologies are provided by
gatekeepers and decision makers were found to be influential. several companies rather than being exclusive to one source. The
Social influences also impacted on the technology journey at a traditional inspection method is for personnel to enter confined spaces
broader level. There was a need to understand the social group involved (e.g., vessels) to conduct an Internal Visual Inspection (IVI) which means
in making the technology decision: “At the end of the day, who is the that the process must be stopped to allow this. NII is a maintenance
buyer? You’ve got to convince the drilling engineer who is putting the program technique that refers to inspecting with scanning technology so that the
together, you’ve also got to convince his boss, the drilling manager. And then equipment to be tested can remain in operation rather than shutting it
his boss is the asset manager. So, you have to make sure that when you’re down as worker entry is not required. Methods of NII include ultrasonics
talking to one customer, you’re talking to different arms of the one customer (UT), phased array ultrasonics (PAUT), radiography (RT). From eleven
so that all of those risks and all of those buyers who are inputting to the buying interviews, two online video observations and document analysis 14 out
cycle are also covered” (CS2–I5: decision maker). Examples of positive of the 15 factors across the six categories were identified as influencing
social influence include early engagement with end-users which was the introduction of NII technologies in the UKCS offshore oil and gas
valuable for both the DownholeT and SubseaT to provide initial market industry (see Table 4).
validation and gain endorsement from the operator community. As a There was minimal reference to personality traits within these in­
result, the CEO fostered a broad professional peer network of terviews although it was mentioned that inspection engineers (acting as

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

gatekeepers and decision makers) who were perceived as innovative there are fewer confined space entries, significantly reducing personal
tended to respond more positively to NII. Risk aversion was not identi­ safety risks. One of the publicly available industry documents charac­
fied in the data. This is likely influenced by risk perceptions, technical terised it as “any technique that allows vessel internal condition to be
knowledge, and technology attitudes (see below). inspected or otherwise assessed without requiring anyone to enter has clear
There was a mix of technology attitudes expressed towards the advantages with respect to reduced downtime, more frequent assessment and
introduction and adoption of NII. On one hand, there appeared to be a improved safety” (Lockheed Martin, 2016). However, these appear to be
positive recognition of the value that NII offers but this was balanced by offset by the costs/risks associated with using it. “NII can be more
an attitude that did not see the value in changing current practices. expensive to actually do. But it’s because it’s the savings that you get from
‘There was little appetite for change’ (Document example from OGTC & avoiding shutdown that make it cost effective” (CS3–I5: developer). Yet
ABB Phase 1 Report) was a common sentiment. A lack of engagement in these savings are not typically seen in the short term as discussed above.
the technologies available and an attitude of “we’ve always done it this The potential consequences of integrity loss can be huge in terms of
way” (CS3–I10: decision maker) further illustrated a negative bias to­ process safety, personal safety, and financial repercussions. As one de­
wards NII. However, there is evidence that this technology attitude is cision maker noted “the consequences of getting some of the things that we
beginning to change with many organisations now engaging with NII do to manage risk, the consequences of getting some of those wrong are
and shifting their procedures to reflect that. disastrous. When you consider that, maybe we’re prudent to have hesitancy”
The developers perceived some of the gatekeepers which they (CS3–I6). Consequently, there is a high perception of risk and re­
interacted to hold significant power over the outcome of the interaction sponsibility involved in asset integrity, that engineers (both as gate­
(e.g., whether their technology may be trialled into the gatekeeper’s keepers and decision makers) are fully aware of when making inspection
organisation), and that was heavily influenced by the gatekeeper’s at­ decisions.
titudes and motivations (see below). However, this power was not In terms of the risk perception associated with probability of detec­
perceived to be effective outside the gatekeeper’s sphere of control (e.g., tion of degradation (e.g., corrosion on metal tanks), it appears from the
their department or organisation) and should the developers encounter a evidence available that in some instances this may be erroneous. For
resistive gatekeeper they would “not bother talking to you, we’ll work example, assuming competence of both NII technicians and inspection
round you, talk to someone else, work elsewhere” (CS1–I2: developer). engineers, an NII method may provide a probability of detection at
The results indicated that the developers of the NII technologies approximately 90–95% (OGTC & ABB, 2018) whereas a human con­
perceived that some of the gatekeepers which they interacted with held ducting IVI may provide a probability of detection of between 58 and
substantial power over the interaction (e.g., whether the gatekeeper’s 67% (HSE, 2008). However, this does not appear to reflect the current
organisation would introduce one of their technologies) but much less so risk perception of gatekeepers and decision makers as “intrusive inspec­
over the overall success of the technology. This was in part due to the tion is not the gold standard, but everybody thinks it is” (CS3–I2: industry
changing attitudes towards NII within the industry. As one NII developer technology advisor).
put it “there has been a pretty substantial change, really noticeable change For both NII and IVI, a high level of technical knowledge is required
probably in the last five years or so, in terms of uptake. And change in attitude to determine which method is appropriate, to conduct the inspection to
of some companies where historically they were saying “we’re not going to do a high level of competence and accuracy, and to interpret the results in
this” or “we’re not going to do it on any scale, we’ll do it on a special case order to make the correct subsequent decisions. Engineers acting as
basis.” Some of those companies are really shifting over to becoming real gatekeepers and decision makers require a high level of knowledge and
implementers” (CS3– I4: developer). In essence, as uptake increased experience to accurately assess the relative advantages of NII within a
across the industry, the power that individual gatekeepers and decision specific context however, “people are getting involved in decision making in
makers held to block adoption decreased. all these sorts of areas are not necessarily the most competent and knowl­
Gatekeepers’ and decision makers’ technology attitudes towards NII edgeable people on integrity and inspection issues” (CS3–I11: decision
were influenced by motivations and trust. Asset integrity managers maker). Furthermore, interviewees highlighted concerns around a lack
make the inspection decisions, and it is their budget that pays for NII. of expertise on both the developer and decision maker fronts. “We need
The interviews suggested that there is limited trust in NII methods to demystify what goes on in inspection. Not so that senior managers know
compared to traditional internal visual inspection. This included “res­ every step, but so they have an understanding of how this works and what
ervations, within the industry, about the competence of the NDT technicians they need” (CS3–I2: industry technology advisor).
[that] would clearly have an adverse impact on the further application of NII” These concerns may be partly influenced by perceptions of uncer­
(CS3-Internal document). This could negatively impact decision makers’ tainty and negative previous experiences. Several interviewees dis­
and users’ ability to trust the service companies’ competence to accu­ cussed examples in which degradation was missed by the service
rately interpret the NII data. provider and only retrospectively, after an incident, was the issue
Typically, the benefits from NII are accrued by other departments, identified through further analysis - “that’s massively embarrassing to
such as production, and in a longer time scale. Consequently, there may have a through wall defect on a defect shutting us down” (CS3–I11: decision
be little personal incentives to change if the decision makers do not maker). It is likely that these poor previous experiences would be
receive any recognition for the value that they created. “People aren’t disseminated amongst professional peer groups (see social influences
going to change without generally having a reasonable motivation” (CS3–I9: below), influencing gatekeepers’ technology attitudes and risk percep­
decision maker). For example, “We had one client who did NII on two tions. “Like a lot of the solutions in our industry, there’s no real root cause
vessels and it pretty much took up his entire budget for the year. So, it might that’s fed back to the masses. You just hear “it didn’t work for [an operating
have saved the shutdown millions of Pounds, but he’s not getting any company].” “Oh no, didn’t work for [an operating company] should we be
recognition really for that. And he’s stuck with now no budget left to do any doing it?” Why didn’t it work for [them]? So, yeah, it’s anecdotal evidence”
more” (CS3–I5). Concerns about job security were also identified in (CS3–I2: industry technology advisor). However, it was noted that this
terms of inspection engineers being replaced and businesses that have was also the case for internal inspections “where people have just not
“vested interests in maintaining the status quo as they benefit from the way inspected things properly” (CS3–I9: decision maker).
things are” (CS3–I8: decision maker). Fear of technology failure was Several stakeholder groups are involved in NII including industry
briefly mentioned in relation to concerns that should NII fail to detect an bodies, the regulator, service companies who provide NII, service
anomaly the consequences could be disastrous. companies who provide IVI, and operators who use a mix of inspection
NII offers a range of benefits including considerable financial sav­ methods. With so many groups involved, it is unsurprising that social
ings, lower maintenance costs, increased equipment availability, and influences were identified and that “two sides of the camp” (CS3–I9:
reducing lost and deferred production time. In addition, it means that decision maker) were distinguished – those who use NII extensively and

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

those who do not. This professional network has influenced the intro­ (e.g., operational and technical managers) within the three case studies
duction of NII both positively and negatively. Social influences were also in the UKCS O&G industry. These data reflect the psychological factors
identified at a broader industry level which was described as “a sort of identified within the technology adoption literature and the barriers
herd instinct there. If everybody’s doing it, we’ll do it. If nobody’s doing it, highlighted in the O&G industry (Wood, 2014), supporting the P-TAF.
we’re not starting first” (CS3–I7: developer). Conducting IVI appeared to Whilst not intended to test or refine prominent technology acceptance
be the subjective norm of “we’ve always done it this way” (CS3–I7: models, the results do reflect the factors identified across these models
developer) and common practice (see organisational factors). (e.g. TAM, Venkatesh and Davis, 2000; organisational technology
Both the NII technology developers and decision makers within adoption models, Frambach and Schillewaert, 2002). Having a more
adopting organisations recognised the impact that product champions comprehensive psychological framework may also be useful to inform
could have on technology uptake. Developers perceived these cham­ these models and subsequent implications for practitioners. Given that
pions as able to see the bigger picture and recognize that there would be decision makers represented half the sample, the interview data were
“a benefit to the business overall” (CS3–I4: developer), assigning them examined to determine if decision makers and developers mentioned
power to be able to facilitate uptake within an organisation and across different factors. The pattern of results did not indicate any clear dif­
the industry. Being supportive of the technology was not sufficient to ferences but further research with a larger sample size may be able to
support positive technology decisions, champions had “to have the au­ determine if the two groups (developers and decision makers) perceive
thority to be listened to and take actions” (CS3–I5: developer). In some there to be different psychological barriers to technology uptake.
instances the champions could act as gatekeepers, operating as a Several psychological factors were identified as central influences
“matchmaker – I knew that [operating company] had an appetite internally across the three case studies such as the positive or negative technology
to do something so I set up some meetings and it went from there” (CS3-2: attitudes and trust.
industry technology advisor). It was acknowledged that without these
product champions who had buy-in and were driving the uptake of NII, 5.4.1. Within case results
“it’s very difficult to overcome that inertia” (CS3–I6: decision maker). In The results signalled that the impact of the psychological factors on
one adopting organisation, the role of the champion was integrated into gatekeepers and decision makers may vary depending on the context.
their adoption process of NII, including being accountable for the Case study 1 characterised a start-up company which had a technology
technology. “There are designated and nominated people with just such re­ that was in the process of being trialled. The results indicate that per­
sponsibilities within each building so if I go and click on any of the level two sonal incentives of gatekeepers and decision makers, developing a sense
[inspection] procedures that we’ve got, it has a review date, and somebody is of trust with prospective clients and decision makers, and managing risk
the owner -somebody is the originator” (CS3–I6: decision maker). perceptions of the gatekeepers and decision makers in relation to the
Organisational norms and procedures around NII, inspection bud­ technologies application, were particularly relevant. In addition, the
gets, differences amongst departments within an organisation, and developers perceived social influences, in particular the impact that
taking a short-term view of the financial benefits of NII were found to act product champions (and product snipers) could have on the successful
as barriers to adoption. “A conservative culture that has some resistance to outcome of their technology. To a lesser extent, the developers and
change is not unexpected” (CS3–I8: decision maker). However, champions decision makers highlighted the effect that the technology adoption
and decision makers “taking ownership of the work and sometimes chal­ culture could have on the gatekeepers and decision makers decisions.
lenging the decisions” (CS3–I3: decision maker) was a way of changing the Case 2 characterised a start-up company which had now reached
technology adoption culture around NII. Reversing organisational pro­ commercialisation holding several contracts with tier 1 operators. The
cedures and norms around NII by requiring justification for IVI rather results suggest that the risk perceptions of gatekeepers and decision
than NII, was found to make a significant change. “It’s a simple change, makers were particularly relevant, impacting on the success of the two
but I think it did change behaviours quite dramatically” (CS3–I6: decision technologies (SubseaT and DownholeT). This appears to have been
maker). By embedding NII into normal working practices, it has changed affected by the technical knowledge of decision makers and champions.
the organisational culture towards it. Having a holistic culture of the In this case, product champions were found to be highly relevant,
benefits that NII can offer combined with a long-term vision of the influencing technology attitudes, risk perception, and social influences.
business was valuable. It was suggested that developing a collaborative They provided access to key gatekeepers as well as influencing the wider
culture may help organisations share their experiences, lessons learnt technology adoption culture of the organisation in which they work.
and develop the required technical knowledge for effective deployment Case 3 characterised a set of NII technologies that despite being well
of NII across the industry. Leadership and support from senior man­ established continued to be resisted by industry. The results suggest that
agement is a fundamental component of successfully introducing NII. a combination of a lack of personal incentives, risk perceptions associ­
These senior figures were described as buying into the benefits that NII ated with traditional internal visual inspection and non-intrusive in­
offers the business and therefore to “push it out” (CS3–I1: industry spection, and a mixture of technical knowledge about the relative risks
technology advisor), rather than the asset inspection team having to sell and benefits of the technologies were particularly relevant. The case
it. Senior managers who send out messages around the potential value of exemplified the impact that social influences can have on uptake with
NII can change priorities and decision making around it. “This can really clear social groups (IVI supporters and NII supporters). Leadership
get the momentum going” (CS3–I4: developer). Organisational incentives endorsement was perceived to be instrumental in facilitating positive
are a key motivator for behaviours and decision making. It was technology adoption decisions, influencing gatekeepers’ and decision
perceived that service companies, operators and integrity teams are not makers’ technology attitudes and risk perceptions. The wider technol­
incentivised to try new technologies out (e.g., budgetary constraints). ogy adoption culture, including how managers incentivised NII, influ­
Yet, there appears to be a proportion of senior leadership that are either enced attitudes, social influences, and risk perceptions.
not fully aware of NII or do not directly support it, and “without that Within the first two cases, it would appear that developers placed
support, we may struggle” (CS3–I2: industry technology advisor). significant value on the positive (or negative) influence of product
champions. This was similar within case 3 but in this instance both the
5.4. Case study results summary developers and decision makers recognised the value that product
champions can have on facilitating uptake not only within an individual
The analysis of the case study data (interview data, observations, and organisation but the wider industry.
document analysis) identified six psychological categories and 15 fac­
tors as shown in Table 4. These factors were identified as influencing 5.4.2. Across case results
technology adoption decisions of key gatekeepers and decision makers Across the cases, technology attitudes were identified as driving

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

technology uptake. Positive technology attitudes in which innovation result in significant financial losses if the product proves to be successful.
was valuable for its impact on individual and overall business perfor­ Consequently, understanding the psychological factors that impact upon
mance, tended to support positive technology uptake decisions. On the the adoption process is crucial to ensure that the potential of innovation
other hand, negative technology attitudes in which stakeholders is maximized. The case studies illustrate the cutting-edge technology
preferred the status quo, resulted in a lower appetite for technological which continues to be developed in O&G and that lies just beneath the
change. It would appear that decision makers tended to hold more surface of the industries’ conservative reputation. The results bring to
positive attitudes about technologies that they perceived to be less the fore the sometimes-hidden psychological facilitators and barriers
radical (e.g. case study 2). that influence technology adoption decisions in O&G. Insight into these
Personal incentives acted as strong motivating factors, influencing influencing factors can be utilized to support effective technology up­
attitudes, risk perceptions and technology behaviours. Personal in­ take directly within O&G but also indirectly in other sectors which are
centives included concerns about job security, conflicts with similar experiencing a combination of digitalisation and resistance to technol­
projects/technologies, and personal agendas, all influenced uptake de­ ogy (Nambisan et al., 2019).
cisions. The results from case study 3 also indicated that the individual
who makes the decision, may not be the one that benefits from it, de- 6.1. Psychological technology adoption framework
motivating the desire for change. Motivations may also be influenced
by whether the benefit is gained quickly in the short-term or slowly in Our case studies provided further evidence to support the set of 15
the longer term. factors in the new Psychological Technology Adoption Framework (P-
Technology decisions heavily focused on risk perception and these TAF) developed for upstream oil and gas, as shown in Table 4. The
judgements required the technical knowledge to make accurate risk psychological factors identified within the case studies can all be sepa­
assessments. The results indicate that risk perception is linked to not rately found within prominent models of adoption at the individual (e.g.
only the technology but the context that it is used in (e.g. in case study 1 Venkatesh et al., 2003), group (e.g. Hughes et al., 2018) and organisa­
the same technology was more readily deployed in a context which was tional level (e.g. Frambach and Schillewaert, 2002), indicating that
perceived to be less risky). This is unsurprising given the hazardous these are underlying determining factors for technology adoption de­
environments present in the O&G, but it may be valuable to consider not cisions. For example, risk, trust, and social influence have been found to
only the risk associated with the technology but the social and envi­ impact on technology introduction in a range of industries such as
ronmental context in which it is deployed. Negative previous experi­ e-commerce (Pavlou, 2003), food manufacturing (Makkonen et al.,
ences of introducing new technology influenced technology attitudes, 2016) and autonomous vehicle driving (Endsley, 2017). Despite the
trust, and risk perception, even when it was not a closely comparable inclusion of some of these factors in dominant models, this is the first
technology being deployed. These experiences may prime technology comprehensive framework that outlines the key psychological factors
adoption decisions. that influence corporate consumers within the organisational context.
The results suggest that irrespective of technology type or readiness Our case studies add to this nascent research area by providing empirical
level, social factors (such as developing strong professional networks support for the set of factors included in the P-TAF.
within the technical areas, in different types of organisations, and across The role of technological gatekeepers is well recognised within the
industry), were key facilitators. From both the start-up and decision innovation literature (Allen and Cohen, 1969; Nochur and Allen, 1992)
maker in an organisation’s perspective, it was valuable to attend events and has been studied in a range of domains (e.g., medicine; Carlsen and
(e.g. conferences, seminars, and accelerator programs) and get involved Norheim, 2003) but less so in oil and gas (Cullen, 2011). The results
in the innovation space not only to build a strong professional network emphasize the critical role that gatekeepers and champions play in
but to learn about the latest technologies and their potential applica­ facilitating or blocking technology adoption within upstream O&G. In
tions. The results also suggested that social influence could be used to this context, gatekeepers and champions were typically technical or
the advantage of an individual or company attempting to introduce a operational managers who understood the technical area and the
technology. By having multiple stakeholders involved, it reduced risk problem that they technology was addressing, with budget holders being
perceptions and projected these organisations’ credibility onto the perceived to hold considerable decision-making power. They could also
technology (i.e., if they are using it, it must be good). include industry advisors, senior management in current or potential
Organisational cultures which recognize the value that technology client organisations or opinion leaders. Whilst both developers and de­
can offer, promote positive subjective norms around technology and cision makers recognize the impact that people within these roles can
senior management that prioritized innovation, as well as learning from have, the results suggest that this power is more keenly felt by de­
these innovation experiences, tended to respond more positively. velopers who are at an earlier-stage of development and deployment. It
Leadership was identified as critical for successful technology uptake, may be that more established companies have wider social networks,
signalling innovations value and the organisation’s priorities through stronger reputation, and credibility so they feel less at the mercy of
their communications, backed up by resources (personnel time and gatekeepers and snipers/champions. The case study results indicate that
financial). A full cross-case discussion is given in the Discussion section. decision makers are influenced by a range of psychological factors, in
Within individual case studies there were factors which were not particular their technology attitudes, personal incentives, risk percep­
identified (e.g., collaboration culture in case study 2) or minimally tion and technical knowledge. These factors also appear to interact with
identified across the three case studies (e.g., risk aversion). It may be social influences (e.g., having attitudes informed by others in a social
that interviewees felt that they were not relevant, were of sensitive network), particularly product champions. Given that gatekeepers are
nature, were too obvious, or the underlying essence was captured by not always formal/explicit or observable, they may be able to wield a
other sub-factors. In some instances, it may be that broader sub-factors greater influence than is commonly attributed to them (e.g., ignoring a
may better capture the influencing factors. Whilst the researchers were pitch request or being unwilling to pass on details to a relevant
keen to remain open to new themes, no additional psychological cate­ colleague). The interview results suggest that product champions are
gories or factors were identified. well recognised for the positive impact that they can make but that
gatekeepers and decision makers are less well understood. Conse­
6. Discussion quently, it is pertinent to understand the psychological factors that in­
fluence these essential individuals.
People are a fundamental part of successful technological innova­ The following sections will briefly discuss the overarching psycho­
tion. Without the support of the influential gatekeepers, it is unlikely logical categories, highlighting the main facilitating factors and poten­
that a novel technology will be introduced to an organisation, which can tial barriers.

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

6.1.1. Personality factors the level of technical knowledge that the decision maker holds (Barham
From the individual corporate decision maker’s perspective, inno­ et al., 2014; Ghadim et al., 2005). Technical knowledge and expertise
vativeness was found to be influential, (Perrons et al., 2018; Tabak and are crucial for accurate risk assessments when introducing an innovation
Barr, 1999), particularly the innovativeness of leaders and product into a system (Damanpour et al., 2018). Several interviewees noted that
champions. This factor appears to be similar to domain-specific inno­ lack of technical knowledge erroneously increased risk perceptions of
vativeness (Goldsmith and Hofacker, 1991) and technological innova­ prospective clients who did not fully understand the purpose, value, or
tiveness (Thakur et al., 2016). Examination of how innovativeness potential broader implications of the technology for their business. The
influences technology adoption decisions may be valuable as a future outsourcing of knowledge and reductions of workforce, seen in many
research avenue (e.g. as a selection tool), with a similar approach industries, has shifted the locus of knowledge in some instances away
applied to procurement (Steenstra et al., 2020). Risk aversion which had from the decision maker (Perrons, 2014).
previously been identified as a relevant factor (Oyovwevto, 2014; OGTC
and ABB, 2018) was not frequently mentioned within the case studies. 6.1.5. Social factors
However, in the case in which it was mentioned, the technology was Social factors such as professional peer networks and subjective
perceived to be radical. This supports the idea that risk aversion may be norms were found to influence technology adoption decisions and be­
intensified for radical technologies (Assink, 2006; Radnejad and Vre­ haviours. Individuals would seek validation about a potential technol­
denburg, 2019). ogy from others in their network (e.g. have they heard of the technology,
was it valuable, and would they recommend it?). Utilising social net­
6.1.2. Attitude factors works was highly valuable for start-ups who lacked trustworthiness.
Factors such as personal incentives, previous experiences, informa­ Recruiting product champions was a way of overcoming limited social
tion gathered through social networks and risk perception as well as networks, gaining credibility, and access to potential clients. In the
organisational norms influence technology attitudes. A cross section of wider context social factors such as social influence and word of mouth
attitudes were identified in the case studies. The perceived value a have already been found to influence rejection decisions in late adopters
technology may offer to the way the individual worked, to the business (Jahanmir and Cavadas, 2018), such as those characterised by the O&G
and/or to the industry overall was balanced against skepticism and poor industry. This may be relevant for those involved in technology adoption
previous experiences of technologies. Trust was identified as a critical practices within late adoption organisations and industries.
attitudinal facilitator in the introduction of new technology in O&G
particularly in uncertain or risky situations (Kaur and Rampersad, 2018; 6.1.6. Organisational factors
Pavlou, 2003). In particular, it was identified as crucial for start-ups to Organisational cultures which recognize the value that technology
develop a sense of trust between them and their clients, not only around can offer, promote positive subjective norms around technology and
the individual contact but with the wider company and technology. One senior management that prioritized innovation, as well as learning from
method of increasing perceptions of credibility, trust and familiarity was these innovation experiences, tended to respond more positively to
to use product champions. These are individuals who are well respected innovation (Daneshy and Bahorich, 2005). In contrast, organisational
within their domain, use the right language to sell the product and see cultures that were characterised by a short-term approach and were
the potential value/impact of that it could have, and who use their perceived to have a pervasive fear of technology failure, stifled inno­
extensive network to ‘sell’ the product to other network contacts vation and tended to stick with the status quo. As innovation typically
(Markham and Aiman-Smith, 2001). adds value through long-term gains, this may be in contrast with the
perceived competitive short-term O&G industry culture (Hirsch et al.,
6.1.3. Motivation factors 2005). Given that much of the technological advancement in O&G, as
Personal incentives and fear of technology failure acted as strong well as for many sectors experiencing digitalisation, hinges on collabo­
motivating factors, influencing attitudes, risk perceptions, and tech­ ration and sharing of information, having a collaborative culture which
nology behaviours. In terms of innovative individuals, motivation to is willing to share non-critical resources and has a high absorptive ca­
introduce new technology may be intrinsic (i.e. they do it because they pacity could increase the receptivity to innovative and new ways of
enjoy the activity of introducing and using new technology). However, working (Radnejad and Vredenburg, 2017). Tentative steps to sup­
the results suggest that these may be extrinsic motivational factors (i.e., porting collaboration have already been taken such as through open
they do it because of external sources such as organisational pressures) innovation (Radnejad and Vredenburg, 2017) and strategic dalliances
(Herath, 2010). Personal incentives focused on concerns over job secu­ (Noke et al., 2008). Consequently, being able to improve technology
rity, budgets, and clashes with internal projects which may conflict with adoption cultures could be highly valuable through measurement and
the new technologies. Organisational culture would likely also influence benchmarking exercises.
motivations through norms, priorities (e.g., cost cutting) and strategies
(e.g., the way in which departmental budgets are governed). The role of 6.2. Case comparisons
motivation on technology adoption is unsurprising given that it has been
identified as a central factor for technology adoption behaviours in other Across all three case studies almost all the psychological factors were
sectors (e.g., agriculture (Herath, 2010), e-commerce (Abu Bakar and identified demonstrating that they are important, irrespective of
Ahmed, 2015) and online security (Chenoweth et al., 2009). Practi­ context. However, the results also indicated that specific factors may
tioners involved in technology adoption would be wise to consider the particularly influence technology adoption decisions in specific con­
underlying motivations that drive clients’, managers’, and end-users’ texts. The involvement of innovative individuals and product champions
behaviours. were particularly relevant for companies that were seeking validation
trials for unproven technologies or at the early stages of commerciali­
6.1.4. Cognitive factors sation. For very early-stage technologies, such as that outlined in case
The perceived risks associated with introducing a technology was study 1, identifying and gaining access to the relevant expertise to assess
identified as a psychological factor for technology decisions in all three the potential risks, benefits and applications was important. Where in­
cases. This reflects the wider innovation literature (Ghadim et al., 2005; dividuals and/or technologies were unproven, developing a sense of
Paluch and Wünderlich, 2016) and illustrates to start-ups the value of credibility and trust with clients was crucial for winning funding for
framing risk, value proposition and motivations. Risk judgments are trials or early stages of commercialisation. For technologies that were
closely linked to perceptions of certainty, memories of (positive or well-established but continued to be resisted, organisational culture was
negative) previous experiences with introducing new technologies, and identified as a key facilitator. Organisations which fostered a positive

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

technology adoption culture, combined with innovative individuals and different organisations, roles, and perspectives within the UK conti­
leadership support, tended to be more responsive to trying innovative nental shelf (UKCS). This included interviewing those outside the
technologies. Where leadership was not present, technology uptake was technology companies (e.g. current and/or prospective clients, industry
sluggish. Overall, the case study results emphasize the point that it is not experts) to get a wider perspective. Initially this posed a challenge as
sufficient to have a technically competent technology but that it must individuals from the technology developer companies were reluctant to
also be presented in a way that encourages decision makers, end-users share contact information and were concerned that asking their poten­
and organisations to become receptive to it. tial clients to take part in the study could jeopardize future business.
Whilst their concerns were alleviated and potential decision makers
6.3. Industrial context from client organisations were interviewed, further research would
benefit from gathering a wider decision-making sample (e.g., senior
In comparison with oil and gas, similar psychological factors have managers and budget holders in potential client organisations).
been identified in other industries such as risk aversion (e.g. defence; The addition of observational data and document analysis while on a
Greiner and Franza, 2003), technology attitudes (e.g. IT Systems; Davis small scale, supplemented the interview material. The document anal­
et al., 1989; automated driving; Ghazizadeh et al., 2012) and organ­ ysis was beneficial for providing additional contextual information
isational culture (e.g. IT systems, Frambach and Schillewaert (2002); which assisted in the identification of psychological factors. However,
and manufacturing (Kratzer et al., 2017). However, given the high risk, alternative samples from other basins (e.g., Gulf of Mexico) or other
high reliability nature of the oil and gas industry, risk perception and industries within the energy sector (e.g. offshore renewables or nuclear
technical knowledge were identified as prominent variables, as well as power) may have identified alternative psychological factors as influ­
how leaders manage technology adoption cultures. encing technology uptake decisions. This expresses the wider issue of
The O&G industry may be perceived as facing a unique problem; external validity and generalizability of qualitative research. Further­
however, they appear to share many characteristics with other in­ more, despite attempts to collect a larger sample of cases, only three
dustries. Examples include the high risk, high reliability nature (e.g. were examined. We would invite researchers to apply the framework to
healthcare), financial implications of failure (e.g. banking), automation case studies examining technology adoption in other sectors such as
(e.g. motor manufacturing), increasing governmental focus on the business, healthcare, and IT systems.
environmental impact (e.g. aviation) and decommissioning (e.g. nuclear The types of technologies examined within the case studies may also
power). Furthermore, they are not the only industry to have a reputation reduce the generalizability of the findings. For example, cases 1 and 2
for being resistive to adopt new technology (e.g. healthcare; Williams focused on tangible, physical technologies that could be handled by
and Dickinson, 2010) but need it to remain competitive. It is likely that prospective clients. Whilst case 3’s technology includes a combination of
many more sectors will experience the paradox between embracing physical hardware and analysis software; the psychological factors that
technology and the resistance to innovation as a result of introducing influence uptake of digital technologies may vary from physical tech­
digitalisation, as well as the adoption of new technologies in response to nologies (e.g. Adjekum et al., 2018). Given the uptake of digital tech­
the Covid-19 pandemic (Clipper, 2020; Juergensen et al., 2020). nologies as part of digitalisation, this may be a valuable avenue for
Consequently, those working to introduce innovation in industries further research not only for application in O&G but in healthcare,
outside of O&G may recognize similarities in the case study results and manufacturing, and business.
may find that the P-TAF is valuable for better understanding, and Whilst examining demographic characteristics (e.g., age, income,
effectively implementing, technology into their own organisation. educational level) was outwith the scope of the study, it is possible that
Research looking at the energy efficiency paradox may illustrate these may have influenced technology adoption decisions, as has been
similarities to the psychological factors identified as impacting on found for age effects in consumer technology acceptance (Arning and
technology adoption decision making. The energy efficiency gap rep­ Ziefle, 2007), leaving a potential route for future research.
resents companies’ resistance to uptake energy efficient technologies, As for many models, the psychological factors appear to be interre­
despite their relative advantages and cost savings. Similar adoption lated, overlapping with each other (e.g., innovativeness may influence
barriers to those identified within O&G have been highlighted in the risk perception and technology attitudes). To address the issue of
construction industry such as industry culture, no long-term incentive or circularity of reasoning, the authors remained open to any additional
interest in a project, competitive tendering, and poor collaboration be­ psychological factors which may influence technology decisions within
tween stakeholders (Sorrell, 2003). It has been posited that a combi­ the case studies. It should be noted that additional non-psychological
nation of market and behavioural barriers (e.g. salience, inattention, factors (environmental factors) were mentioned but not included as
heuristics decision making, and loss aversion) may reduce uptake of they were out with the research scope. Furthermore, the addition of the
energy efficient technologies across sectors (Gerarden et al., 2017). non-psychologist authors who did not have strong preconceptions about
Psychological/behavioural barriers such as perceived risks, motivations, these factors was valuable for a rigorous discussion of the results.
cognitive resources, and preference for the status quo, have been found However, the coding analysis was based on a preliminary framework (P-
to contribute to slow investment in green technologies (Knobloch and TAF) devised by the authors and although the method was designed to
Mercure, 2016). Given the increasing need to invest in green, energy identify any additional factors, it would be beneficial to have the set of
efficient technologies as part of the climate crisis and the energy tran­ 15 factors tested by an independent investigation, particularly the cat­
sition, it is expected that these psychological and behavioural factors egorisation and labelling of the factors. It is possible that different fac­
will become increasing pertinent. tors influence individual consumers and corporate consumers differently
(e.g., a corporate consumer may be influenced by organisational cul­
6.4. Limitations & future research ture) but is also feasible that O&G terminology refers to these underlying
factors using different terms (e.g. relative advantage may be included
The case studies add to the literature by confirming the compre­ within risk perception). This may be a valuable route for further
hensive set of the psychological factors that can impact on technology investigation. Ongoing research will seek to quantitatively test this
adoption in O&G, however there are methodological limitations. In­ model by building the key factors into a predictive model which will
terviews provide self-reported data and can be subject to bias, as well as allow the influence that these factors have on technology adoption de­
motivational agendas (Rowley, 2012). These motivational agendas may cisions to be tested.
have been present within the sample (e.g. motivations from technology Given the value that Roger’s DOI model (2003) has provided for the
providers to convey a particular narrative around their innovation). To innovation literature and that practitioners are familiar with it, further
support content validity, the sample was selected with participants from research could apply these psychological factors to the 5 stages of

R. Roberts et al. Technovation 102 (2021) 102219

diffusion as it is likely that their impact will differ. This approach could all aspects of their decision-making process, driving motivations, atti­
be valuable for developing stage-specific interventions. tudes, and risk perceptions. Most of all, leaders can direct organisational
values, resources, and the way that technology adoption is embraced.
6.5. Practical implications The three case studies have provided indications of the psychological
facilitators and barriers, which can be studied to inform the design of
There are several potential routes for supporting technology adop­ actionable tools and recommendations. It is hoped that this under­
tion by leveraging the influence of psychological factors identified standing may be used both by academics to advance knowledge of the
within the case studies from both the buyer and seller perspective. The innovation process and by practitioners trying to smooth the bumpy
results suggest that sellers (e.g., technology developers and service road to deployment and adoption. In essence, our study illustrates the
companies) and buyers (e.g., customer organisations wishing to intro­ power that people hold to make an innovation a success or a failure.
duce a technology) may face different psychological barriers when
trying to adopt a technology. Within the case material on the psycho­ Data availability
logical factors, there were examples given relating to best practices and
these are summarised Appendix B. Further examination of these psy­ Data analysis methods are included in the methods section and the
chological factors is required to provide robust recommendations, semi-structured interview schedule is in Appendix A, however, to
however preliminary suggestions are outlined below to give the reader maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of the interviewees, as per
indications on how they may facilitate technology uptake in their own our ethical requirements, individual data will not be made available.
Both technologies and their parent companies can be at different Acknowledgements/Funding Source
developmental stages and, as a consequence, may face different psy­
chological barriers. The case studies suggest that from a start-up This work is sponsored by The Oil and Gas Technology Centre. The
perspective, psychological factors such as trust, product champions co-authors from the sponsor were primarily involved in the recruitment
and gaining access to expertise appear to be pertinent. Given that of interviewees and writing of the paper. The views presented are those
securing funding and access for field trials can be a complex process for of the authors and should not be taken to represent the position or policy
even the most experienced individuals, start-up companies may find of the sponsor. The authors wish to thank all those who contributed their
value in a guide which outlines how to jump these psychological time to take part in the interviews.
Whilst there is a considerable research base on organisational culture Appendix A. Supplementary data
for innovation (Frambach and Schillewaert, 2002; Radnejad and Vre­
denburg, 2017), there does not appear to be an empirically based Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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