Some SQL Statements
Some SQL Statements
Some SQL Statements
• Single Data
SELECT [empId], [name], [sex], [bDate], [address], [empDate], [position], [salary]
FROM [Emplyees]
WHERE [empId] = 1
Adding a Column to the Table
• ALTER TABLE table name ADD column name datatype;
• E.g. alter table employee add phonenumber int
Insert values into new attribute
• Update employee set phonenumber=097868999 where empid=25
Deleting the Column of the Table
ALTER table tablename DROP COLUMN column name;
Eg. Alter table employee DROP age
Joined Tables
• Reading data from more than one table
• INNER JOIN selects records that have matching values in both tables.
Eg. Select empname, depname
From employee inner join department on
• LEFT JOIN selects records from the left table that match records in the
right table. (inner join + any additional information about left table
Eg. Select empname, depname
From employee left join department on mployee.depid=department.depid
• RIGHT JOIN selects records from the right table that match records in the
left table.(inner join + any additional information about right table records)
Eg. Select empname, depname
From employee right join department on mployee.depid=department.depid
Ordering Query Results
• Syntax:
SELECT <column_list>
FROM <table_list>
WHERE <condition>
ORDER BY {<order_column> [ASC | DESC]}[,..n]
e.g select * from employee where sex='f' order by fname ASC
Aggregate Function in SQL
• SUM returns the total sum of a numeric column.
Eg. Select SUM(age) from employee
• AVG returns the average value of a numeric column.
Eg. Select AVG(age) from employee
• MIN returns the minimum value of a numeric column
Eg. Select MIN(age) from employee
• MAX returns the maximum value of a numeric column.
Eg. Select MAX(age) from employee
• COUNT returns the number of rows that match the specified criteria
Eg. Select COUNT(*) from employee