MGPS CR L04 Quiz
MGPS CR L04 Quiz
MGPS CR L04 Quiz
______ 1. Desmond wanted to paint his bedroom. He went to the hardware store
and was shown a variety of different paint colors from which to pick.
Paint is an example of which kind of product that is made with
chemicals by humans?
A. natural
B. synthetic
C. accidental
D. natural resource
2. Kylee has been learning that engineering and technology are beneficial to people.
She now sees how the things people synthesize are useful. The useful materials that
benefit people are synthesized from __________________.
______ 3. What does Ella need to know before she combines the substances to
create a specific material?
A. whether the substances are synthetic or from natural resources
B. that all materials react to combine and form new products
C. the physical and chemical properties of the material that will be
D. the physical and chemical properties of the substances and how
they react chemically
______ 4. She read about some of the products chemists have discovered. She
learned that sometimes synthetic materials are created accidentally. For
instance, a chemist working on plastic gun sights synthesized a very
sticky material accidentally. Which product had he accidentally made?
A. a slinky toy
B. a super glue
C. a new sweetener
D. a non-stick surface
Lesson 4 Quiz
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5. David has learned that natural materials such as silk, rubber, and wool are made of long
chains of repeating units that occur naturally and that these chains can also be synthesized.
Look at the two images in the diagram, and then circle the words or phrases that correctly
complete the sentence below.
Image 1 Image 2
Image 1 is an example of a (synthetic material / polymer / natural material / monomer),
and Image 2 is an example of a (monomer / synthetic material / natural material /
6. After studying chemical reactions in school, Jen examined some of the different ways
people use synthetic materials. She found that there are a variety of ways people use
them. What are some of the ways people use these materials, and why?
Lesson 4 Quiz
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