Wabco Bus ATC
Wabco Bus ATC
Wabco Bus ATC
Automatic Temperature Control
with CAN in MAN city bus
446 195 004 0
System description
2nd Edition
General Information
This publication describes the heating, ventilation and air • Wear suitable protective clothing as the situation
conditioning (ATC) in a MAN city bus. The publication is requires.
meant for trained commercial vehicle workshop • The workplace has to be dry, as well as sufficiently lit
personnel with knowledge of automotive electronics. and ventilated.
Before you perform any work on the vehicle (repair, Used abbreviations
maintenance, diagnostics, parameter definition), you
must ensure the following: ATC Automatic Temperature Control
• Only trained and qualified personnel may perform HLK Heater and climate control
repairs on the vehicle. ATR-E Automatic Temperature Regulation Economic
• Always follow the specifications and instructions of VDV Association of German Transport
the vehicle manufacturer. Undertakings
• Always comply with the Company and national CAN Controller Area Network
accident prevention guidelines and Health and Safety
Introduction ATC 1
1 Introduction
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning control (HLK) 1996 ATC for city bus MAN
now belong to the standard equipment on city buses and
touring coaches.
ATC provides maximum comfort for the drive and the
Different control elements and designs are used to adapt
the ATC to the respective vehicle-specific requirements
by the vehicle manufacturer. The ability of parameter
definition allows the ATC to be adapted to different
1997 ATC CAN for city bus CITARO
customer requirements.
1 ATC Introduction
1.2 Physical Principles Because of the many influential variables on the comfort,
it is not easy to create one climate to satisfy a number of
The electronic temperature controller should regulate the people. This creates the desire for individual control
temperature in the interior of an Bus. The principle is to capabilities with adjustable flaps, fans or jets within the
mix warm and cold air to achieve a comfortable climate immediate grasp of the occupants.
for those inside.
The influential factors that are indicated here \are by no
Two major requirements are the heating and ventilation means exhausted and show the complexity that the
systems on Buses: driver is confronted with in Buses to achieve a
• Providing a comfortable climate comfortable climate for themselves and for the
• Clearing the windows of frost and humidity
Comfort is also influenced by other alternating factors: Utilising theses electronics, it is possible to free the driver
from the manual air-conditioning control so that he can
• Individual machine status: concentrate on the actual job at hand. The temperature
• Activity or idle control is done by the electronics according to the
• Clothing etc. specified control characteristic.
• Heating-ventilation-air conditioning system, also Investigations concerning comfort or the subjective well-
known as HLK (German) or ATC : being of people shows that
• Air temperature
• temperature stratification in the passenger space
• Air speed etc.
("warm feet - cool head") should not exceed 40 °C
• Constructive passenger space arrangement:
• a dependency between inside and outside
• Radiation temperature temperatures are desired.
• Temperature of the adjacent areas
1.3 Air conditioning requirements
All of the requirements for an ideal acclimatised city bus
Human are listed in regulation 236 of the VDV (Association of
• Clothing German Transport Undertakings), which is the basis for
• Degree of regulating the city bus ATC.
activity • Room temperature
• Duration of stay
• Passenger space between + 18 °C and + 22 °C
• Driver's area between +18 °C and + 25 °C
• Approximately 3 °C below the outside temperature
Thermal in cooling mode
comfort • Flow speeds
• Avoid draughts
ATC system • Guarantee sufficient air circulation
Room • Air temperature
• Humidity
• Radiation temperature • Air speed
• Temperature of the • Relative humidity • Clear windows
adjacent areas • In cooling mode, drying is unregulated
• Air quality
Other influential variables on the comfort are the duration • Minimum fresh air rate 15 m3/h
of the stay, the density of people in the area (on full buses • Air exchange through forced ventilation
for example) and more. These factors must be adapted • Air purity 70 % for particles > 1µm
to one another during the time that people are in the • Noise emissions
passenger space so that comfort is guaranteed. HLK or
ATC systems can be used to influence the area • Average value approx. 68 dB (A)
temperature, the air speed and the exchange of air in the
System Description ATC 2
2 System Description
2.1 Advantages of ATC • Quick diagnosis of the ATC via diagnostics programs;
Errors can be read and localised
• Automatic control for heating, ventilation and air
conditioning (HLK) so that the driver does not have to
2.2 Features of ATC
perform extensive adjustment activities
• Manual control capabilities in the flaps, temperature • Master-Slave system, which corresponds with the
and fan control for the driver's area vehicle via a CAN interface: direct reading of the
• Completely automatic air conditioning for the driver's vehicle data (such as e. g. coolant temperature)
space (can be switched on or off on the control panel) • Connection of the sub-stations via an internal HLK-
• Extensive adjustment capabilities for passenger CAN Bus
compartment control in touring buses • Control panel with integrated display for vehicles
• Setting and regulation of the work space of the driver without a central display
according to personal desires • Set value setting via control panel
2 ATC System Description
• Temperature control precision of approx. 1°C control be switched off in a simple form (switch) by the
• Connection of auxiliary and independent heating is driver.
possible The electronics of the control panel regulates the entire
• Control of the fan speeds and optimised door closing front box as well as the floor area of the vehicle. Only
through signals from the door movements these electronics are required in the simplest variation. If
• Extensive onboard diagnostics in the control panel the bus is equipped with a roof mount system or if an
with display articulating bus is used, additional substations are used
there. The control panel is connected with the substation
• Functions that are integrated in the control panels
via an internal CAN Bus. The substations can be
such as smog mode, defrost function and reheat
implemented universally. All characteristics and
parameters are defined centrally for this system. A data
exchange is done via the internal CAN Bus, also called
2.3 Function the System Bus, with the substations.
The electronics handle the room temperature control in The control panel allows the driver to have direct access
the passenger compartment, which cannot be influenced to all of the HLK settings that are relevant to him directly
by the driver. The air conditioning of the passenger from his workplace. In this case, the flaps, set values for
compartment is done fully automatically, only when the front box blow out temperature and the fan speed
transferring the buses can the passenger compartment capabilities can be adapted to the driver's desires.
Set value
Also used for diagnostics Air outlet temperature:
purposes at MAN Floor and nose segment
Water pump
⇒ Tachometer
⇒ Water temperature
⇐ Auxiliary heating Substation
⇐ Errror message Roof unit
Room temp.sensor Water valve
⇐ Water pump Blowout sensor Vent flaps
Internal CAN-BUS Icing sensor Fan
Air conditioning
⇒ Digital inputs and temperatures
are transfered to the control panel Substation
⇒ Error messages Rear segment
⇐ Actuators are controlled in accordance Room temp.sensor
Water valve
Vent flaps
with the control panel instructions Blowout sensor
Icing sensor
⇐ Set value definitions are passed on Air conditioning
to the substations
Components ATC 3
3 Components
3.1 The control panel 446 195 004 0 Pin Meaning
10 Reference voltage for feedback potentiometer
11 Water valve front DC motor potentiometer feedback
12 Ground for feedback potentiometer
13 Input potentiometer feedback front windscreen flap
14 Input potentiometer fan adjustment (Reserve)
15 Input sensor fan monitor (old: RESERVE 2)
16 Outside temperature sensor
Supply voltage: Terminal 30 =>24V 17 Air blowout temperature sensor for driver's area
Standby current: 0.005 A 18 Ground for temperature sensors
Maximum current consumption: 4A
15-pin plug connector
The control panel has reverse polarity protection.
Pin Meaning
Plug side of the control panel 1 Fresh air/recirculating air flap (+)
2 Passenger compartment fan level 1 (output for relay)
3 Reserve AD input for ext. set value potentiometer
4 Fresh air/recirculating air flap (–)
5 Passenger compartment fan level 2 (output for relay)
6 Output for error lamp
7 10 kOhm pull resistor for PWM output X18.7
8 Input for auxiliary heating operation via time switch
Plug: 9-pin 15-pin 6-pin 9 Input for door signal
18-pin 12-pin 10 (not supported)
11 Input for energy-saving mode Wakeup
Plug connector pin assignment 12 Input for remote actuation with remote supply for
9-pin plug connector
13 Passenger temperature sensor
Pin Meaning 14 Air blowout temperature sensor Floor
15 Ground for temperature sensors
1 Terminal 30 (steady positive voltage)
2 Terminal 15 (ignition on) Wakeup
3 Terminal 31 (vehicle ground) 12-pin plug connector
4 Terminal 58 (lighting) Pin Meaning
5 Engine signal input (D+61)
1 Water valve Floor DC motor (+)
6 Diagnosis (currently not supported)
2 Water valve Floor DC motor (–)
7 CAN - interface (vehicle bus) H 3 Vref. for pot. feedback Water valve Floor
8 CAN - interface (vehicle bus) GND
4 Ground for feedback potentiometer
9 CAN - interface (vehicle bus) L
5 Air conditioning output (3A)
6 Auxiliary heating output
18-pin plug connector
7 Auxiliary heating Energy saving level
Pin Meaning 8 Water pump output
9 Water valve Floor DC motor potentiometer feedback
1 Water valve front box DC motor (+)
2 Water valve front box DC motor (–) 10 CAN - interface (heating bus) H
3 not used 11 CAN - interface (heating bus) GND
12 CAN - interface (heating bus) L
4 not used
5 Front windscreen flap (+)
6 Activation UV’s
7 PWM - Front box blower output
8 Front windscreen flap (–)
9 Auxiliary heating return information
3 ATC Components
Components ATC 3
3.3 Sensors 3.4 Blower module with control via
potentiometer or PWM signal
3.3.1 Outside air temperature sensor 446 024 012 0
446 097 000 0
Temperature (°C)
Characteristic curve for air outlet temperature sensor
4 ATC Operation
4 Operation
Set value of the front-box temperature Driver's area climate Smog Passenger compartment heating
The control panel consists of 3 rotary potentiometers and Ø Down arrow: Footwell flap
5 pushbuttons. In order to relieve the driver of the All of the air is sent to the footwell.
switching responsibilities from the driver's area, he can Ø Down/up arrow: Centre position
only switch off the full-automatic functionality here. All The air flow is distributed between the footwell and
other functions on the control panel serve for individual the front windscreen.
setting for the driver's workplace.
× Up arrow: Front windscreen flap
All air is directed onto the front windscreen.
4.1 Front windscreen-/Footwell flap Ö Windscreen symbol: Defrost
Water valve completely open; flap on front
windshield; Maximum fan speed.
Implementation is via characteristic curves, which also
allow intermediate settings.
Operation ATC 4
4.2 Set value of the front-box temperature 4.6 Auxiliary heating
4.4 Smog
With every "Switch ignition on" procedure, the front box
flap is switched on for determining the respective end
positions, i. e., the end positions are moved to and stored
in the control panel. If the flap is actuated by the
potentiometer then, the intermediate positions are then
The inflow of fresh air can be blocked for the entire bus moved to.
with the Smog button. The button is illuminated when the
Smog function is active. The skylights and fresh air flaps 4.9 Temperature set value changes for
are closed for a defined time period while the function is the passenger compartment
4 ATC Operation
In order to achieve the adjustment mode, the button for You can then use the middle button for the passenger
the passenger compartment heating must be pressed for compartment heating to confirm the set value and exit
at least 10 seconds. After achieving the set value the setting mode. The control panel goes back into
adjustment mode, the LEDs that are integrated in the 3 normal operation mode.
right-hand buttons flash according to the defined set
As an alternative to the temperature set value adjustment
for the passenger compartment via the keyboard, there
The set value can be increased or decreased with the are two additional room temperature set value
Smog and auxiliary heating buttons. The set value, which adjustments possible:
is allocated to the middle LED and the step interval
parameters can be defined. Set value adjustment via external potentiometer
The currently defined set value is indicated with the Optionally, an external set value potentiometer can be
respective function lighting for this button flashing. The connected on PIN 3 of the 15-pin plug connector of the
assignment of flashing LEDs to a set value is indicated in control panel. In this case, you need the parameters
an exemplary manner in the following table for an changed accordingly by the vehicle manufacturer. The
average set value of 22°C and a step interval of 1°C. set value can be set within a fixed range for the
passenger compartment temperature control in
20 °C 21° C accordance with these parameter definitions. The setting
capability via the keyboard is then deactivated.
24 °C
Vehicle CAN Bus ATC 5
5 Vehicle CAN Bus in MAN bus
The CAN Bus (Controller Area Network) is a serial On older vehicles however, the WABCO ATC system is
databus system, which was developed for networking connected via a separate system bus. This greatly differs
controllers in automobiles. Instead of using an electrical from the vehicle databus where technical specifications
circuit for each transmitted signal, the "bus" is based on are concerned.
a communication platform which regulates the relaying of
The entire parameter set is stored in the control panel,
messages between several devices.
which can be seen as the master unit. Only when
There are two different types of CAN structures used in a replacing the control panel does the vehicle-specific
MAN bus. parameter set have to be read again.
• NES (older CAN structure) If only a substation has to be replaced, this is
• TEPS (Twin Electric Platform System) is the later automatically provided with or "programmed with" the
CAN structure with driver's workplace DMUX (central correct parameter set that is already set up for you.
display and I/O control unit in the instrument panel). The diagnosis is only possible via the vehicle CAN Bus.
The WABCO ATC system is connected to the central on-
board computer on both CAN structures via the car body
K-CAN Bus. This is the so-called vehicle data bus.
Data bus
Drive train control units
Front right Driver partition Body module
Front left
Driver's workplace central computer Door controller and
with display I-CAN Heating, ventilation, climate
Vehicle middle Diagnostic Interface
5 ATC Vehicle CAN Bus
Connection of the CAN diagnostics via
plug connector X 204 of the central
Drive train T-CAN electronics
Engine FFR
Diagnostics ATC 6
6 Diagnostics
WABCO offers the PC diagnosis exclusively for the ATC Diagnostic Interface Set (USB) 446 301 022 0
system. For the diagnosis, you need either
• a PC or a laptop,
• a diagnostics interface,
• a connection cable to the vehicle
• and the "ATC-CAN Standard" diagnostics software
6 ATC Diagnostics
Diagnostics ATC 6
Functions and status measurement values. 6.3.4 Control
Component actuation
Control status measurement values The mouse can be used to make changes, such as e. g.
flap settings, by hand. This makes it possible to check
The "Fan" actuation is only possible with the appropriate
parameter definitions. As of the diagnostics version
higher than 1.3, the actuation is possible independent of
the parameter definition.
Checking can be done on the substations as described
6 ATC Diagnostics
This function can be used to show whether a regular Filling the system with coolant
heating operation is guaranteed in a vehicle, i. e., all
heating heat exchangers are supplied with warm water.
The motor must be brought to operating temperature in
this case.
Maximum cooling
Diagnostics ATC 6
6.3.5 System data and fingerprint The fingerprint (PIN)
This data is subject to data protection conditions.
Passing on of the data behind this information (Serial
No., i. e. name of the user of the respective diagnostics
program) is not fundamentally possible by WABCO.
System data
7 ATC Parameters
7 Parameters
The diagnosis with the Diagnostic Software may be To replace the control panel, the vehicle manufacturer
performed by any user. If parameters are to be changed must be contacted because the standard parameter set
however, an authorization (PIN) is required. This PIN can could have been changed or modified for the specific
be obtained through the "Electronic WABCO Systems in vehicle at line-end. Therefore, e. g. the respective
Powered Buses" training at the WABCO Academy. More parameter set must be determined using the chassis No.
information on the trainings at the WABCO Academy can Naturally, the parameter set can also be read from the
be found on the internet under "old" ECU using the diagnostics software and then
http://www.wabco-academy.com. written to the new ECU again, to the greatest extent
After participating in a respective training course at the
WABCO Academy, they can request a Personal
Identification Number (PIN) for their WABCO Diagnostic 7.2 Setting possibilities
Software from WABCO. With this PIN you can release
When calling the system parameters, the setting
extended functions in the Diagnostic Software and
possibilities are shown in grey in the input mask. This
change the settings in the controller electronics.
means that they cannot be changed.
7.1 Saving and transferring parameter It is possible e. g. to graduate training on the respective
system at the vehicle manufacturer training courses.
Upon successfully completing this type of training, you
Saving and transferring parameter sets refers to the are authorised, with the respective certification, to
complete (100 %) parameter set. The parameter set, receive a so-called PIN (secret number).
which can be called up and viewed from the System No parameter changes are permitted by entering the
menu point only return approx. 25 % of the complete "PIN" with this ATC diagnostics program. The PIN only
parameter. Normally, modifying a control panel allows parameter sets to be copied to the control panel.
parameter set only requires copying the set into the
"new" device. The parameter sets defined on the respective vehicle
must either be prepared by the affected vehicle
Saving parameter sets manufacturer or can also, if possible, be copied out of the
This function can be used to save the complete control panel to be replaced.
parameter set from the control panel on the PC, in order Parameter changes always have to be discussed with
to transfer it back to (another) controller at a later time the vehicle manufacturer to i. e. guarantee suitable
with the Update function (Transferring parameter sets). documentation.
Transferring parameter sets
The stored data sets may not be changed because they
7.3 Control panel configuration
will otherwise not be accepted by the PC Diagnostics
program. The parameters are also only to be copied to
control units with the same WABCO number and
diagnostics version. Control units with a newer software
version are downwards compatible where parameter
sets are concerned. If you attempt to copy a data set from
a new control unit into an older version, the older device
may not take on some parameters, if they are not
Parameters ATC 7
Submodules case, means that the LED for the button does not
The substations that are to be constructed in the system illuminate as function indicator.
or should be used in the system are shown here. CAN error recognition on the control panel
Fan room temperature sensor diagnosis The control panel has 2 CAN interfaces, one for the
If a normally closed room temperature sensor is used vehicle bus for communicating with a vehicle central
and it delivers a speed-proportional diagnostic signal, computer and one for the heating or system bus for
with which the function of the fan can be monitored, it communication with the substations. Messages from the
creates the possibility of reading and evaluating this central computer and an MTS (Modular Door Control
signal via pin X18/15 on the control panel or pin X15/9 on from WABCO) can be processed via the vehicle bus. If
the substation. This requires that error recognition is the control panel is to deliver an error message, if one of
activated. In all other cases, this must be inactive. the CAN messages is not received, the respective error
recognition must be activated. Furthermore, a BusOff
Digital switch outputs recognition can be activated for both CAN busses.
For the function of the switch outputs, the error
recognition does not necessarily have to be activated. If 7.4 Substation configurations
the output signals are read from a central computer for
example, with suitable high-impedance inputs and the
signals are to be processed by these, the error
recognition must be switched off so that a line break error
message does not get detected by mistake.
7 ATC Parameters
creates the possibility of reading and evaluating this Front box fan with door 1 open signal
signal via pin X18/15 on the control panel or pin X15/9 on To ensure that the paper money does not fly away when
the substation. This requires that error recognition is door 1 is open, it is possible to run the front box fan at a
activated. reduced speed in this case.
In all other cases, this must be inactive.
Roof fan with door signal
Since problems can occur when closing air-tight doors
7.5 System configuration
with a roof system working in fresh air mode, it is possible
to briefly reduce the roof fan to minimum speed with this
parameter, if the "last door closing" signal is received via
the CAN Bus from the MTS or a respective signal exists
on pin X15/9.
Parameters ATC 7
Enable floor fan stage 2 7.6 Operation
The enable for the second stage of the floor fan can be
linked with exceeding a certain water temperature. When
dropping below the difference of the water temperature
limit and hysteresis, the second stage is blocked again.
For vehicles that cannot provide water temperature for
the control panel, it is possible to enable the second
stage of the floor fan if the blowout temperature of the
floor heating has exceeded a minimum value.
7 ATC Parameters
• Set value adjustment only via the keyboard If the control panel is not activated via terminal 15 input
In order to achieve the adjustment mode, the button but through the remote actuation input X15/8, the
for the passenger compartment heating must be auxiliary heating is switched on in any case. All other
pressed for at least 10 seconds. After entering functions and parameter definition capabilities
adjustment mode, the LEDs for the 3 buttons on the correspond with those of remote supply operation. This
right flash according to the defined set value. The set remote actuation input mainly serves for actuating with a
value can be corrected increasing or decreasing with preset clock.
the Smog and auxiliary heating buttons. The preset Remote supply operating mode (as of version 4.0)
set value, which is allocated to the middle LED and
the step interval parameters can be defined. Another possibility of activating the control panel with the
ignition switched off is via the remote supply input X15/
• Set value adjustment via external potentiometer 12. This is used for setting the system to a defined state
An external set value potentiometer (see cabling in case of remote supply with warm water and/or power.
plan) can be connected to pin X15/3 as an option. It Using the Roof/Floor heating option controlled with
can now be used to set the set value for the remote actuation, an automatic room temperature control
passenger compartment temperature control in a is created with reduced fan speeds. The other options
range of 16 - 32 °C. The setting capability via the then have no effect. This is only active with the Roof/
keyboard is then deactivated. Floor heating option with remote actuation. Using the
• Only preset set value parameters shown here, the fan functions, the water
If this option is actuated for the set value setting, the valve settings, flap settings and the functionality of the
set value can only be set with a parameter change (by auxiliary heating and the water pump can then be set.
the diagnostics device).
• Set value adjustment via keyboard and display on
driver's workspace display
This option only makes sense along with a display
that is accessed via the vehicle CAN Bus.
Parameters ATC 7
7.8 Characteristic curve control For vehicles that cannot provide water temperature for
the control panel, it is possible to enable the roof fan and
the first stage of the floor fan if the blowout temperature
has exceeded a minimum value in the roof. The blowout
temperature limit values are then to be defined here.
PWM = 25 %
7.8.1 Roof-/Evaporator fan characteristic curve
The fan characteristic curve is defined with 4 coordinate
values. To the left of the first coordinate and to the right
of the fourth coordinate, the characteristic curve always
has an incline of 0. The first parameter coordinate exists PWM = 50 %
twice, once for the ventilation operation and once for
vehicles with air conditioning (AC).
PWM - Ansteuerung Deckengebläse [%]
80 PWM = 90 %
The “PWM” percentage corresponds with fan speed
(e. g. 25 %). With roof systems with inverted PWM
output, 25 % corresponds with PWM => 75 % fan speed.
30 Control parameters
20 %-PWM m. AC
The solenoid coupling of the cold compressor is actuated
10 %-PWM o. AC
if a certain temperature (heat) is exceeded outside and
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
inside the vehicle:
Sollwert - Raumtemperatur [K] The compressor is enabled at an outside temperature >
set value – 1st parameter and locked again at an outside
The fan characteristic curve can also increase or temperature < set value – 1st parameter – 2nd parameter
decrease depending on the outside temperature. (Hysteresis).
Therefore, we define an upper and lower limit for the
outside temperature range, the value for the PWM offset The 3rd parameter indicates as of which outside
and a hysteresis for the temperature limits. temperature the reheat operation is permitted.
The maximum value for open doors (more precise for The room temperature dependency can be defined by
closing doors) is only effective if "Roof fan with door the 4th parameter:
running according to signal" has been selected The compressor is switched off, if (set value - room
accordingly on the configuration system side. temperature) > 4th parameter and allowed again, if (set
If the blocks for the fan for water that is too cold are active value - room temperature) < 4th parameter - 2nd
(see Configuration System), the water temperature parameter (Hysteresis).
limits, from which the fan is enabled, can be entered
7 ATC Parameters
Floor heating options necessary. Switched on means that the floor heating is in
The floor heating is switched off or back on depending on control mode in this case.
the difference between the set value and the outside It is switched off at an outside temperature > set value –
temperature. Switching off means that the water valves 1st parameter and switched on again at an outside
close for the floor circuits and the fan switches off if temperature < set value – 1st parameter – 2nd parameter
Appendix ATC 8
8 Appendix
8.1 Overview plan for ATC CAN
City bus Power-driven vehicle
CAN interface
HLK databus
Substation roof
8 ATC Appendix
Sign description:
Low 300 mA - Low side power stage with max. current
High 300 mA - High side power stage with max. current
* - optional: Data is transferred via vehicle CAN if necessary
Outside temperature *
X18/16 -30...+85°C
Analogue ground
Water valve
Front box
an 0... Upoti
X18/1 Br 300 mA
X18/2 Br 300 mA
Front windscreen flap
Cabling plan Control panel ATC CAN / City bus Power-driven vehicle
3 1
Pin assignment in brackets: Motor direction of rotation inverted
(1) (3) 2
X18/5 Br 300 mA
+24 V
Terminal 30
X15/14 -30...+85°C an 0...24 V X9/4
Terminal 15 (Ignition)
Room temperature +0 V
Terminal 58 (lighting)
X15/13 -30...+85°C
X15/15 Analogue ground
(Vehicle mass)
Terminal 31
Fresh air flap
Servo motor
X15/1 Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
K-line (currently
dig. not supported)
X12/9 an 0.... Upoti
Terminal 30
Passenger compartment fan Stage 1 High 300 mA Output for Switch
X15/2 Low 300 mA
X18/9 timer remote button
Passenger compartment fan Stage 2 X15/5 High 300 mA Error lamp output
High 300 mA
Water pump X15/6
X12/8 High 300 mA
Auxiliary heating ON/OFF Veh. CAN
High 300 mA
High 300 mA
HF (vehicle bus) H
Auxiliary heating ECON/Power X9/7
X12/7 High 300 mA (vehicle bus) Gnd
G F X9/8
LF (vehicle bus) L
High 300 mA - High side power stage with max. current Submodule addresses Terminal 30
Diagnostic sensor fan
Br 300 mA - Low side power stage with max. current Address St X 9/4 St X 9/5
Upoti - Supply voltage for feedback potentiometer
PWM - Pulse width modulated output for fan control 0 Ground Ground
1 open Ground
-30 ...+55°C - Temperature sensor input with measurement range + 24V
2 Ground
an 0 ...5V - Analogue input with voltage range 3 Ground open
dig.p.u. - Digital input with pull-up resistor 4 open open
dig.p.d. - Digital input with pull-down resistor 5 + 24V open
6 Ground + 24V
* - optional: Data is transferred via vehicle CAN if necessary open + 24V
8 + 24V + 24V
Code 2
+ 24 V
Code 1
Substation 446 195 000 0
Roof Addr. 2 CAN L HLK X9/9
Analogue ground
Analogue ground
High 300 mA
an 0... Upoti
an 0... Upoti
Termination res. 120 Ohm X9/6
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
High 3 A
dig. p.d.
dig. p.d.
high pressure
low Pressure
Room temperature sensor (optional)
Icing sensor
Water valve Roof flap Roof flap
left right
Compressor coupling
+ Solenoid valve
Pin assignment in brackets: Motor direction of rotation inverted
8 ATC Appendix
CAN interface
HLK databus
Substation roof
(n/a on vehicles with no roof system)
Addr. 2
Appendix ATC 8
Sign description:
dig.p.d. - Digital input with pull-down resistor
Outside temperature *
X18/16 -30...+85°C
X18/18 Analogue ground
Water valve
Front box
X18/10 Upoti
X18/11 an 0... Upoti
Br 300 mA
X18/2 Br 300 mA
Front windscreen flap
(1) (3) 2
X18/5 Br 300 mA
+24 V
Terminal 30
X15/14 -30...+85°C an 0...24 V X9/4
Terminal 15 (Ignition)
Terminal 58 (lighting)
Room temperature front +0 V X9/3
(Vehicle mass)
Terminal 31
Fresh air flap
Servo motor
X15/1 Br 300 mA
X15/4 Br 300 mA
K-line (currently
dig. X9/6 not supported)
X12/9 an 0.... Upoti
X12/5 High 3 A
CAN interface (heating bus) H
CAN interface (heating bus) Gnd
Wakeup (Term. 15, ignition ON)
CAN interface (heating bus) L
Cabling plan Substation Roof front ATC CAN
City bus Articulating vehicle
Install location:
Sign description:
Roof system Front section
Low 300 mA - Low side power stage with max. current
Addr. 1
Diagnostic sensor fan
High 300 mA - High side power stage with max. current Submodule addresses Terminal 30
Br 300 mA - Low side power stage with max. current
Upoti - Supply voltage for feedback potentiometer Address St X 9/4 St X 9/5
PWM - Pulse width modulated output for fan control 0 Ground Ground
-30 ...+55°C - Temperature sensor input with measurement range 1 open Ground
an 0 ...5V - Analogue input with voltage range 2 + 24V Ground
3 Ground open
dig.p.u. - Digital input with pull-up resistor open
4 open
dig.p.d. - Digital input with pull-down resistor 5 + 24V open
* - optional: Data is transferred via vehicle CAN if necessary 6 Ground + 24V
7 open + 24V
8 + 24V + 24V
+ 24 V
Code 2
Code 1
Substation 446 195 000 0
Roof front Addr. 1 CAN L HLK X9/9
Analogue ground
Analogue ground
an 0... Upoti
an 0... Upoti
an 0... Upoti
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Pin assignment in brackets: Motor direction of rotation inverted
Low 300 mA - Low side power stage with max. current Addr. 2
Diagnostic sensor fan
High 300 mA - High side power stage with max. current Submodule addresses Terminal 30
Br 300 mA - Low side power stage with max. current Address St X 9/4 St X 9/5
Upoti - Supply voltage for feedback potentiometer
PWM - Pulse width modulated output for fan control 0 Ground Ground
1 open Ground
-30 ...+55°C - Temperature sensor input with measurement range
2 + 24V Ground
an 0 ...5V - Analogue input with voltage range 3 Ground open
dig.p.u. - Digital input with pull-up resistor 4 open open
dig.p.d. - Digital input with pull-down resistor 5 + 24V open
6 Ground + 24V
* - optional: Data is transferred via vehicle CAN if necessary open + 24V
8 + 24V + 24V
+ 24 V
Code 2
Code 1
Substation 446 195 000 0
Roof rear Addr. 2 CAN L HLK X9/9
Analogue ground
Analogue ground
High 300 mA
High 300 mA
High 300 mA
High 300 mA
an 0... Upoti
an 0... Upoti
an 0... Upoti
an 0... Upoti
Termination res. 120 Ohm
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
Br 300 mA
High 3 A
dig. p.d.
dig. p.d.
Low Pressure
high pressure
Room temperature sensor rear
1 3 4 6 1 3 4 6
© 2016 WABCO Europe BVBA – All rights reserved. – 815 010 014 3 / 12.2016
a leading global supplier of autonomous driving, WABCO also
technologies and services that uniquely connects trucks, trailers,
improve the safety, efficiency drivers, cargo, and fleet operators
and connectivity of commercial through telematics, as well as
vehicles. Founded nearly 150 advanced fleet management
years ago, WABCO continues and mobile solutions. WABCO
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assistance, braking, stability Belgium, WABCO has 12,000
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