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Performance Evaluation of Battery-Operated Knapsack Sprayer Cum Fertilizer Broadcaster

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; SP-11(2): 875-879

ISSN (E): 2277- 7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23
TPI 2022; SP-11(2): 875-879
Performance evaluation of battery-operated knapsack
© 2022 TPI
sprayer cum fertilizer broadcaster
Received: 16-12-2021
Accepted: 18-01-2022
Girdhari Lal, Shubham Patidar, Rakesh Pooniya, Kailash Kumar and
Girdhari Lal Mahendra Kumar
Junagadh Agricultural
University, Junagadh, Gujarat,
India Abstract
In our country more than 75% farmer belong to marginal and small category, and “mechanization” for
Shubham Patidar the small farmer is a great challenge. An application of small equipment which can be operated by single
Junagadh Agricultural person and capable of doing multi operation is the best solution for us. To improve mechanization in the
University, Junagadh, Gujarat, field of spraying and broadcasting, battery operated knapsack sprayer cum fertilizer broadcaster has been
India developed and are being produced and these are now using in the country. Battery operated knapsack
sprayer cum fertilizer broadcaster is used for effective spraying of chemicals and also used as effective
Rakesh Pooniya broadcasting of granular fertilizer. The parameters like spraying pressure, spray droplets, spray volume,
Junagadh Agricultural discharge rate, disc rpm swath width, aperture opening position etc. Thus, keeping above discussed
University, Junagadh, Gujarat, matter in view, tests on a battery-operated knapsack sprayer cum fertilizer broadcaster was performed in
the laboratory of FMP department, CAET, JAU, Junagadh. For performance evaluation of sprayer, the
operating pressure was maintained between 1 to 3.5 kg/cm2. The results were found that average
Kailash Kumar
Junagadh Agricultural discharge rate was 1658 ml/min, and triangular pattern was obtained as spray distribution pattern. For
University, Junagadh, Gujarat, performing of broadcaster, it was found that at disc rpm 1390-1400 and aperture opening position (1),
India application rate of 403.25 kg/ha and swath width 5.33 m was achieved. Effective field capacity was 1.19
ha/hr for BOSF broadcaster at a speed of 3.00 km/hr and field efficiency was achieved 74%.
Mahendra Kumar
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Keywords: battery operated knapsack sprayer cum fertilizer broadcaster, operating pressure, discharge,
VishwaVidyalaya, Jabalpur, disc rpm, swath width, aperture opening position, application rate
Madhya Pradesh, India
Indian agriculture is the backbone of economy. Agriculture in India has gone through immense
changes in the second half of the twentieth century. Chemical pesticides have played and
continue to play a major role in the rapid advancement of the agricultural production as we
enter the twenty first century. Crop quality and yield have been improved and the use of
chemical herbicides has greatly reduced the labour requirements for weed control. Now a
day’s chemical fertilizer is used to ensure the sufficient production as well as improve soil
structural and fertility properties which results in advancement of agriculture.
Insects are man’s chief competitors on earth as many of them feed on all kinds of plants
including crop plants, forest trees, medicinal plants and weeds. The various factors affecting
crop losses and their percentage are given in the following Table 1 (Anonymous (a), 1999):
Table 1: Factors affecting crop losses
Sr. No. Factors Losses (%)
1 Weeds 33
2 Diseases 26
3 Insects 20
4 Rodents 8
5 Birds 3
6 Other organisms 2

With advancement of agricultural science, more fields remain covered under crop for longer
duration of time due to multiple cropping, intensive farming and better irrigation facilities.
Consequently, there is increase in plant pest and diseases to considerable extent. So, it has
Corresponding Author become necessary now to use pesticide and fungicide for controlling the pests and diseases.
Girdhari Lal The chemical applied on plants on the form of spray and dust. Uneven spreading of fertilizers
Junagadh Agricultural affects the overall performance of crops, reduces fertilizer use efficiency and profit margins
University, Junagadh, Gujarat, due to loss of crop yield and quality, and increases the risk of nutrients losses to the
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environment. The components of the application system with found that irregularly shaped particles and interactions among
performance targets relating to delivery rate and uniformity of the particles introduce randomness into experimental
distribution include the following a. Machine design distributions. Bernaki et al. (1972) [2] performed an analysis of
(Olieslagers et al. 1996), settings, calibration and maintenance the particle speed on disc with radial blades, forward, and
(Bansal, A. S. 1998), b. Physical and chemical properties of backward-pitched blades. The blades on the disc were also set
the fertilizer material (Davis J. B. and C.E. Rice.,1973) [3], and alternately at angles (-20 and 0) deg. in that analysis. They
c. Weat her conditions during fertilizer spreading, indicated that the increase in blade positive angle of setting
particularly, wind speed, which influences particles’ reduced the swath width of spreader, while an increase in the
trajectory, and relative air humidity, which influences the negative angle worsened the distribution uniformity. Fulton et
behaviour of the fertilizer material. Pesticide use is an al. (2004) [4] conducted that disc type spreaders are attractive
important aspect of the modern agriculture to protect plant by because they can cover large areas effectively; they are simple
insects, fungus, virus parasites and weeds which are in design, reliable, inexpensive, robust and required little
unfavourable for agricultural plant growth. Sometime weeds maintenance. They can produce a good pattern for constant
can be destroyed by 10 effective cultivations but pests and application rates if properly overlapped and calibrated. An
diseases have to be kept under control with chemical spray alternative, developed in recent years, is pneumatic
and power application. Knapsack sprayer is the best selection application where the granular material is transported through
of the farmers for chemical spraying. Knapsack sprayers are air tubes and delivered to dividers.
generally use for spraying low crops, vegetables and trees up Pesticides and fertilizer application to crop is the most
to 2.5 m height. Patel (1997) [10] reported that the chemical important input to agriculture. The maximum effect of
pesticide has played and will continue to play major role in chemicals favourable to crops is depended on the degree of
rapid advancement of agricultural production. Crop quality efficient deposition on the crop. Spraying having fine droplets
and yield have been improved and the use of chemical have good biological effects but more drift losses hence,
herbicides greatly reduced the labour requirement for weed spraying should be done in such a way that it has optimum
control. investigated about agricultural sprayers. Practically, droplet size and minimum drift losses with economization.
the experiment was required to calculate the volume of liquid This can only be achieved by optimization of various factors
or weedicide mixture required to cover a 1-ha area by using like pressure, discharge, orifice meter, swirl hole size etc. It is
information such as the 5% of concentration of liquid which is revealed from the above review that mostly manually
5 ml of liquid in a 1 litre bottle and estimation that this operated fertilizer broadcaster were evaluated for its
sprayer covers 20 km/h. Therefore, the volume of water performance in terms of application rate, swath width, field
flowing out through the nozzle was measured by using efficiency etc. The battery-operated fertilizer broadcaster is an
measuring cylinder for 5 s. Data obtained were then used to innovation which would be beneficial to the farmer
calculate the volume of liquid or weedicide needed. Parish R. community. Hence, keeping all these aspects under
L. (1987) [9] reported that the better biological effect will be consideration the study was undertaken with the following
get by small droplet, but more drift will come on. Droplet objectives to evaluate the working performance and the
drift can be improved greatly by adjusting the factors of spray efficiency of battery-operated knapsack sprayer cum fertilizer
that can reduce environment pollution. The optimal droplets broadcaster
size is changed with different target and condition. In general,
the droplets will be absorbed more easily by insect pests and Materials and Methods
leaves when droplets size is smaller than 100 µm. For This chapter deals with the test procedure adopted under
spraying of water-based agricultural chemicals in high laboratory conditions as well as filed conditions.
environment temperature, diameter of droplet quickly reduces Measurement techniques and methods for determining
with evaporation which cause more drift distance for high different parameters have also been deal with. The
density fine droplets. So, drift of droplets is a serious issue. performance evaluation of battery-operated knapsack sprayer
For lush plant, the bigger uniform droplets could reach to the cum fertilizer broadcaster was conducted at the Testing and
middle zone of canopy with less drift. Ganapathy and Singh Training Centre of Farm Machinery, Department of Farm
(1993)[5] developed a prototype hand held sprayer using high Machinery and Power, College of Agricultural Engineering
voltage circuit of an output of 15-20 KV DC for an input of 6 and Technology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh.
V. Preliminary testing of prototype sprayer indicated that the
experimental electrodyn sprayer produced droplets 15-250 µm Discharge test
in size for an oil-based spray of malathion kerosene mixture at The nozzle, under test, should be connected to supply of clean
a flow rate of 10 ml/s. The droplet size decreased with an water or spray materials which are equal in density, surface
increase in flow rate. Gupta (2003) [7] designed and developed tension and viscosity of water. The water or spray material
a bullock drawn sprayer at Gujarat agricultural university should be under a controlled pressure being indicated by a
campus, Junagadh. They reported that at pressure of 3.5 pressure gauge. The pressure gauge should be positioned
kg/cm2, the boom of four nozzles gave 2.47 to 2.53 lit/min immediately before the nozzle and should have full scale
discharge from the height of 400 mm. Average power reading of pressure from 0 to not exceeding 2.5 times or not
requirement was 0.48 hp. The operating cost was Rs.40.86/ha less than 1 time, that is to be read. The fluctuation of the
with 1.44 man-h to cover one ha area. The main problem of pressure during the test should not be more than 10% from the
the bullock drawn sprayer was that it has limitation of controlled pressure. Turn on the supply and adjust the
maintaining constant pressure for spraying. The bullocks pressure and direct the spray, for a period timed by stopwatch,
reduced the speed of operation during turns and stopping of into a receiving vessel so designed as to collect the whole of
bullocks in the field. The cost of bullock drawn sprayer is also the spray from the nozzle. The period should not be less than
high. Griffis and Ritter (1983) [6] developed a comprehensive 60 seconds or not less than the time required to discharge 500
simulation model for single-impeller rotary distributor. They ml, whichever is higher. Direct the spray away from the

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vessel and turn off the supply and measure the volume of the plastic sheet. Each trial was repeated for three times and
water or spray material collected and calculate the discharge average discharge rate was worked out in kg per minute. The
rate per minute. Repeat the above test for at least four times same procedure was repeated at the other spreading disc rpm
and calculate average rate of discharge per minute. The test to get the discharge rate at different spreading disc rpm. The
should be done by direct spray at standard rate of discharge procedure was repeated at another aperture opening position
and standard pressure, from the nozzle on to a patternator. to get the discharge rate at different aperture opening position.
Tolerance on each division is ± 20 ml, decrement of nominal
value outline is 11.1 ml per tube. The discharge rate of the
nozzle should be declared by the manufacturer. In case of
adjustable nozzle, the declared value should be for extreme
adjustments for cone and jet spray patterns at a pressure of
300 kPa, as per IS: 3652-1995.

Spray angle
The spray angle of the nozzle should be declared by the
manufacture. The angle when tested at a place protected from
draughts. Connect the nozzle to a supply of clean water. A
pressure gauge having full scale reading of pressure not
exceeding 2.5 times or not less than 1.5 times of the pressure
to be read, should be connected immediately before the
nozzle. Commence the spray at a controlled pressure of 75 or
300 or 600 kPa within a fluctuation of ± 10%. The spray Fig 2: Measurement of swath width
angle is read directly on the protractor and is round it off in
whole degree. Speed of Operation: To calculate speed of operator distance
of 30m in the selected test plot was marked. The time required
Setup of spray patternator to cover the distance of 30m was noted at the optimum speed
The spray pattern of nozzle is evaluated with the help of spray of disc and aperture opening position. Thus, the speed of
patternator. The main components of spray patternator are operator was worked out in term of km/hr.
spray table or main frame having dimension 200 X 90 X 178
cm and made of an angle iron (40 X 45 X 2 mm and 40 X 20 Results and Discussion
X 2 mm). Spray channels are 50 ± 2.5 mm wide and 60 cm The BOSF broadcaster is available in the Department of Farm
long made of GI sheet. They are straight columns, which have Machinery and Power, College of Agricultural Engineering
V- type shape at the lower end and are 40 in number. Test and Technology, JAU, Junagadh. The BOSF broadcaster was
tubes of 40 mm rim diameter and 490 mm in length are fixed evaluated under laboratory conditions. The observations of
on wooden support. Waste water trough is made of GI sheet different parameters like spray distribution pattern, discharge
with dimension of 1680 X 360 X 600 mm to collect the water rate, height of operation and battery performance for sprayer
from test tubes. Arrangement is made to mount single nozzle and discharge rate, swath width and spreading disc rpm for
over it to study their pattern at certain pressure as shown in fertilizer broadcaster are presented and discussed in this
Fig.2. The effective swath width and discharge rate are study.
determined for the single nozzle spray lance at different
pressure settings as explained in section. Discharge test: The nozzle discharge was measured by
collecting the liquid in measuring cylinder for unit time. The
minimum and maximum discharge at 1kg/cm2 was
1100ml/min and at 3.5 kg/cm2 was 2304 ml/min,

Fig 1: View of Spray Patternator

Fig 3: Discharge rate of single nozzle at different pressures
Performance Evaluation of Fertilizer Broadcaster Test for spray distribution pattern: This test was carried
Discharge Rate: The broadcaster was operated as constant
out on the Patternator to obtain the distribution pattern at
spreading disc rpm and at particular feeding control levers.
different operating pressures. The particulars regarding the
The fertilizer discharged for one minute was collected in the
test were as follow
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Opening position is increasing discharge rate is

increasing but swath width is decreasing.
d. Broadcaster height: The broadcaster height is the major
factor affecting on area coverage it was 90 cm from the

The stationary calibration of fertilizer broadcaster was carried

out for DAP fertilizer at different speed of disc at three
various aperture positions in the laboratory. The details of the
tests are given in table 2 and table 3

Table 2: Laboratory Performance of the Battery-Operated Fertilizer

Broadcaster at Different Speeds of Disc and Different Aperture
Fig 4: Spray Distribution Pattern of the nozzle (1- hole) knapsack Opening Positions
sprayer based on approx. 1.0 litre discharge
Speed of disc/
Av. Effective Fertilizer rate observed
Sr. Aperture opening
Laboratory Performance of the Battery-Operated width of spread (kg/ha) at av. forward
No. position (1-5)
Fertilizer Broadcaster (m) speed 3.0 km/h
a. Discharge rate: The fertilizer discharge was measured 1 1390-1400 (Max.)
by collecting the fertilizer in plastic sheet for unit time. i) Position-1.0 5.33 403.25
The discharge rate increases with speed of disc as ii) Position-3.0 4.69 833.03
discharge rate is directly proportional to speed of disc. iii) Position-5.0 4.23 1760.14
b. Spreading disc rpm: Spreading disc rpm is one of the 2 1120-1125 (Medium)
important factors affecting on performance of BOSF i) Position-1.0 4.49 389.74
broadcaster. Three speeds are considered for performance ii) Position-3.0 3.31 1113.96
evaluation 1440-1450(max.), 800-810(medium), 260- iii) Position-5.0 2.74 2510.95
270(min). 3 840-850 (Min.)
c. Aperture opening position: The aperture opening i) Position-1.0 3.90 406.67
position is one of the important factors affecting ii) Position-3.0 3.01 1189.37
performance of BOSF broadcaster. Performance iii) Position-5.0 2.30 2937.39
evaluation at the aperture opening position 1-3-5 level.

Table 3: Laboratory Performance of the Battery-Operated Fertilizer Broadcaster at Different Hopper Capacity and Different Aperture Opening
Hopper capacity/ Aperture Av. Effective Fertilizer rate observed
Sr. No.
opening position (1-5) (Min- Max) at 1120-1125 rpm width of spread (m) (kg/ha) at av. forward speed 3.0 km/h
1 Full capacity
i) Position-1.0 4.09 415.65
ii) Position-3.0 3.15 1139.05
iii) Position-5.0 2.78 2201.44
2 3/4th capacity
i) Position-1.0 3.94 401.52
ii) Position-3.0 2.97 1111.11
iii) Position-5.0 2.26 2615.04
3 ½ capacity
i) Position-1.0 3.66 432.79
ii) Position-3.0 2.78 1105.04
iii) Position-5.0 2.13 2602.82
4 1/4th capacity
i) Position-1.0 3.64 421.98
ii) Position-3.0 2.76 1289.13
iii) Position-5.0 2.12 2122.64

Operational Parameters
a) Speed of operation: Speed of operation was calculated
by observing the time required to travel a particular length
of row while broadcasting.
b) Time loss: The time lost in turning, cleaning, adjustment
and refilling of fertilizer was observed as 30% of total = 1.59 ha/hr
time consumed in broadcasting operation.
c) Theoretical field capacity: Theoretical field capacity of d) Effective Field capacity
BOSF broadcaster was determined using the following Effective field capacity of BOF broadcaster was determined
equation by the using the following equation

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wheat by centrifugal distributors. Trans. of the ASAE.

4. Fulton, JPSA, Shearer SF, Higgins DW, Hancock TS.
Stombaugh Distribution Pattern Variability of Granular
VRT Applications. Transactions of the ASAE.
5. Ganpathy PI, Sing TR. Development of hand held
electrodyn sprayer. Trans. of the ASAE.
= 1993;34(2):1271-1275.
6. Griffis CL, Ritter DW, Matthews EJ. Simulation of rotary
spreader distribution patterns. Trans. of the ASAE.
7. Gupta RA. Design and development of bullock drawn
sprayer. AMA. 2003;34(1):26-30.
e) Field efficiency 8. Olieslargers RH, Ramon J, De Baerdemaeker. Design of
a centrifugal spreader for site-specific fertilizer
F. E. (%) = (𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦*100)/ (𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 application. Precision agriculture. Proceedings of the
𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑦) 3rdinternational conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
= (1.19*100)/ (1.59) USA. 1996b June 23-26, 745-756.
=74% 9. Parish RL. The effect of speed on performance of a rotary
spreader for turf. Trans. of the ASAE. 1987;30(1):232-
f) Application rate 240.
10. Patel BP. Design and Development d of bullock drawn
traction sprayer. Unpublished M. Tech. Thesis, CAET,
JAU, Junagadh, 1997.

A new battery-operated device is expected to improve the
lives of financially challenged farmers of India. So far, the
farmers were forced to carry around a heavy sack that had to
be constantly filled with water and pesticides. However,
things are about to change as the system has improved. The
new device used to apply pesticides and fertilizers to crops
depends on a battery that can be charged with AC current
representing a greener alternative to the fuel engines powering
its predecessors.
In battery operated knapsack sprayer cum fertilizer
broadcaster, uniform application of pesticide and fertilizer
throughout the operation due to uniformity, uniform
distribution can be achieved. Women can also use BOSF
broadcaster for required operation due to less physical fatigue
better field efficiency. In sprayer at the operating pressure of
1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5 kg/cm2, acceptable rate of discharge
1100, 1220, 1469, 1717, 2142 and 2304 ml/min, respectively
were found. A uniform triangular spray distribution pattern
was achieved at different pressure for 1 lit. discharge. At the
disc rpm 840-1400 and aperture opening positions 1, 3 and 5.
The application rate of 403.25 to 2937.39 kg/ha was achieved.
Swath width for broadcaster was observed 4.69 m at disc rpm
1390-1400 and aperture opening (3), swath width is inversely
proportional to aperture opening position. Effective field
capacity was 1.19 ha/hr for broadcaster for a speed of 3.0
km/hr and the average field efficiency was achieved 74%.

1. Bansal AS. Dynamic response and vibration control at
the source in a powered knapsack sprayer. AMA.
2. Bernacki HI Haman, Kanafojski C. Agricultural
machines Theory and construction. U.S. Dept. of Agric.
and the National Science Foundation; Washington; D.C.
1972, 571-600.
3. Davis JB, Rice CE. Distribution of granular fertilizer and
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