PDS Superlastic S600 Final v2
PDS Superlastic S600 Final v2
PDS Superlastic S600 Final v2
Easy application to
minimize site application
Enhanced durability with
polyurethane modified
formulation hence
increases the service life
Technical Data
Substrate Primer
Concrete SUPER LASTIC S600 + 10% water
Brick/stone SUPER LASTIC S600 + 10% water
Slate/Tiles,etc SUPER LASTIC S600 + 10% water
Bituminous coatings Metal Primer
Metals Metal Primer
Wooden substrate Metal Primer
Paints/coating Subject to adhesion & compatibility
Application conditions
SUPER LASTIC S600 high build system is fortified with SUPER FIBRE R225/R120 reinforcement to further
enhance the tensile strength & durability of the standard system. It is highly recommended for large roof
areas. Consumption may vary from 1.5-2.0 kg/m2 subjected to substrate quality.
1) Substrate (base)
2) Primer
3) 1st Coat
4) Reinforcement
5) Final Coat
b) Standard System:
SUPER LASTIC S600 standard system offers an economy solution with good aesthetical value &
waterproofing function. Consumption may vary from 1.0-1.4 kg/m2 subjected to substrate quality.
1) Substrate (base)
2) Primer
3) 1st Coat
4) Final Coat