7610-000-013 - Non-Conformance Management Procedure
7610-000-013 - Non-Conformance Management Procedure
7610-000-013 - Non-Conformance Management Procedure
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 4
2 PROCESS ........................................................................................................... 6
¥ercompliance Manager Date
Lance Spice
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance on the management of non-
conformances to ensure effective treatment and close-out of identified issues.
This procedure addresses how non-conformances will be managed across Major Projects
(MP) in consideration of PTA’s Project Management Framework (PMF), the Rail Safety
National Law (WA) 2015, as well as the requirements under AS/NZS ISO9001, AS/NZS
ISO45001 and AS/NZS 14001.
Rail Safety National Law (WA) 2015
Rail Safety National Law (2015) Regulations – Schedule 1, Clause 11
AS/NZS ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems – Requirements
AS/NZS ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems
AS/NZS ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
9510-000-015 Corrective and Preventative Action Procedure
1.2 Scope
This procedure shall be used to manage all non-conformances within MP. This includes all
findings identified either internally or externally by Contractors or Third Parties e.g. Office of
the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) and WorkSafe as a result of activities such as
audits, inspections, defects, tests, hold point assessments, complaints, incidents,
investigations or management review. A non-conformance can be raised against either a non-
conforming product or system.
The process for management of non-conformities raised as a result of an audit are excluded
from this procedure and is detailed in the Audit Procedure.
7610-000-007 Audit Procedure
7603-000-001 Compliance and Assurance Terminology document
Any non-conformance identified, regardless of how it was identified, shall have an action plan
developed, implemented, monitored and closed-out in accordance with the process below.
The level of detail required in the action plan will be commensurate with the level of risk
associated with the non-conformance.
Contractors shall develop an NCR Procedure which details the process for managing non-
conformances. The Contractor’s NCR Procedure must be reviewed and approved by the PTA.
The procedure shall incorporate the use of the designer and independent verifier responsible
for the design of that item in the decision making part of the procedure where applicable.
7660-000-038 Non-Conformance Report Template
The person who identifies the non-conformance shall, in collaboration with internal and
external stakeholders, determine the consequences of the finding and whether it is an isolated
issue or whether it has a wider impact which will require the involvement of a number of people
to resolve. Contractors shall make specific provision for identification and reporting of all non-
conformances that may reduce the future safety, durability or performance of any part of the
A root cause analysis shall be carried out at this stage in order to determine the cause of the
non-conformance, which will highlight the likelihood and potential consequence of a repeat
occurrence should the non-conformance not be rectified.
During the risk assessment process, consultation shall be undertaken with stakeholders to
establish whether a corrective action can be implemented effectively and whether the
stakeholders have the necessary experience and competence to fulfil their responsibilities
during the implementation of the corrective action.
7603-000-003 Risk Workshop Guideline
7610-000-006 Risk Management Business Rules
policies and Codes of Practice and, as such, a decision may be made to accept a non-
conformance as is, without any change to the product or system.
In this case, the Contractor must make a written report on the adequacy and practicality of
any alternatives for the proposed corrective action and submit that report with the NCR to the
designer and Independent Design Verifier and Validator responsible for the design and
verification of the item, as well as PTA Representative.
The designer must review the report and recommend, with appropriate evidence, one of the
following actions:
The designer must submit the proposed corrective action to the Design Verifier, who will verify
that the proposed corrective action is in accordance with the SWTC. The Contractor must
then forward a copy to the PTA Representative no later than two (2) business days after
receiving the independently verified corrective action.
The Contractor must not implement any proposed corrective action without:
Evidence of this acceptance shall be saved, with all related correspondence, in the appropriate
file within Objective or TeamBinder and the MP Non-Conformance Action Register and/or the
Project Non-Conformance Register shall be updated accordingly.
7605-000-002 MP Non-Conformance Action Register
7610-000-010 Quality Management - Contractor Standard
If the non-conformance is project related it shall be assigned to the Contractor to develop the
action plan, however, internal and external stakeholders, including the PTA representative
shall be consulted when developing the action plan and during the implementation process.
The proposed actions must take into account all durability objectives, safety objectives and
performance requirements.
7660-000-032 Action Plan Template
The due date for close-out of the action plan shall also be determined based on the risk level.
In relation to high risk findings, it is imperative that immediate actions are taken to control and
reduce the risk to an acceptable level. It should be noted that the immediate action taken may
not be the final action implemented to control the risk. Additional actions may then need to be
developed in the Action Plan to implement final controls.
Work shall not proceed until the corrective action has been agreed and accepted by the PTA
and the risk has been reduced.
In addition, high risk findings should be transferred to the Project and/or Major Projects risk
register to ensure that there is adequate focus from Management.
7605-000-002 MP Non-Conformance Action Register
7660-000-032 Action Plan Template
The action owner must have the authority, skills and resources to implement the Action Plan.
If the PTA Representative considers that the resolution of the finding does not conform to the
requirements of the SWTC, the PTA Representative shall:
If the PTA Representative notifies the Contractor that the resolution of a non-conformance
does not comply with the requirements of the SWTC, the Contractor must:
effect corrective action(s) to their quality system as required to alleviate any repetition
of the Non-conformance identified in the notification;
obtain internal, or where applicable, external independent verification of compliance
for the proposed corrective action;
submit to the PTA Representative all documentation associated with the new NCR;
comply with that notification.
7610-000-010 Quality Management - Contractor Standard
Non-conformances identified by the Contractor shall be recorded and tracked in the Project
Non-Conformance Register. The register must include all details of the non-conformance
the details of the non-conformance;
the person reporting the non-conformance;
the person responsible for implementing the corrective action;
the date of implementing the corrective action;
whether the Contractor’s designer’s and/or Design Verifier’s approval is required;
whether approval by the PTA Representative is required or has been received;
detailed advice of all engineering and technical changes resulting from NCR’s that
have been actioned; and
correlation of the non-conformance with Contractor or PTA Hold Points.
7605-000-002 MP Non-Conformance Action Register
7610-000-010 Quality Management - Contractor Standard
7510-000-001 Management of Change Procedure
7604-000-008 Working with Controlled Documents - General User Guide
An escalation process shall be documented within the Contractors NCR Procedure in case
any issues are encountered during implementation. The person to whom issues are escalated
should be kept informed of the progress of the action plan so that if issues arise they are
already aware of the action plan and are prepared to assist.
Once the action plan has been implemented the action owner should again review the plan to
ensure that the actions undertaken are effective and have controlled, or will prevent future
occurrence of the issue which resulted in the non-conformance.
The closure request will be assessed by the Major Projects Safety and Quality (S&Q) Manager
or the Project Quality Manager. A decision will be made whether to accept the evidence and
close-out the action or request further information/action. The action owner will then be
notified of the decision.
If a decision is made that the action plan did not sufficiently address the non-conformance
further action or evidence will be required before the non-conformance can be closed.
Once the decision is made to accept the evidence and close-out the non-conformance, the
Non-Conformance Action Register and/or Project Non-Conformance Register will be updated
and the evidence saved, with all related correspondence, in the appropriate file within
Objective or TeamBinder.
7605-000-002 MP Non-Conformance Action Register
Defects are aspects of the works that are not in accordance with that specified in the contract.
They can be identified at any time throughout the project and should be managed within the
Defects module in TeamBinder. If this module has not been developed for a particular project
then a Defect Register must be established.
The defect is owned by the team who produced the defect and it is the responsibility of that
team to close-out the defect.
If the PTA becomes aware of a defect they shall, as soon as practicable, issue a NCR to the
Contractor providing written details of the defect. If the defect has not been rectified within the
agreed timeframe, the PTA may direct the Contractor to do one or more of the following
(including times for commencement and completion):
If the Contractor fails to comply with the defect notice within the agreed timeframe, the PTA
may have that work rectified by another supplier with the cost incurred by Contractor, in
accordance with the Contract. Alternatively, the PTA may choose to accept the defect as a
variation to the contract.
Specific detail on the Defect Management process shall be documented in the project Defect
Management Plan) and the Procedure for Entry into Service and Final Asset Acceptance
8110-400-013 Procedure for Entry into Service and Final Asset Acceptance
The MP Non-Conformance Action Register includes a dashboard which shall be updated on
a monthly basis and the results reported on a quarterly basis in the MP Executive and
Divisional HSEQ Report.
Contractors must provide monthly reports, as detailed in the Contract and SWTC, to the PTA
representative to enable tracking of progress towards closing out identified non-conformances
in a timely manner.