AV-SWP-42 Personal Protective Equipment Iss 1
AV-SWP-42 Personal Protective Equipment Iss 1
AV-SWP-42 Personal Protective Equipment Iss 1
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Avantis recognises that all tasks may carry some risk of injury and assess these risks on a routine basis to mitigate
those identified risks. Also by taking all steps to reduce risks to the lowest level reasonably practicable, by
utilising PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) as our last line of defense to our applied controls. Supervisors are
responsible for ensuring compliance of this procedure.
The requirement to provide personal protective equipment will be identified as a possible workplace precaution
during the risk assessment process, where the level of protection and type required will be detailed.
Before issuing personal protective equipment, a specific risk assessment will be made to ensure its suitability to
the task intended. Specific designs may be assessed suitable for certain tasks such as Scaffolder or Rigger’s etc.
Employees will be consulted regarding the choice of personal protective equipment and consideration will be
given to both the task and the demands it places on employees.
Where it is necessary for employees to wear or use more than one item of personal protective equipment,
simultaneously, the company will ensure that the items are compatible with each other and continue to be
effective against the risks.
Any personal protective equipment provided will be certified to show that it meets the basic safety requirements
and complies with any relevant European (EN) Standard or local National Standard.
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Effective arrangements will be made to ensure that the personal protective equipment is replaced when
damaged or ineffective.
Appropriate accommodation will be provided for the storage of personal protective equipment to ensure that it
is does not become damaged or ineffective.
The company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal protective equipment provided is used
correctly by employees.
Individuals have a responsibility to ensure that they use PPE in a proper and responsible manner. It should be
looked after, maintained and inspected regularly for serviceability and fitness for purpose.
NOTE: PPE is issued and must be signed for free of charge, and under normal circumstances will be replaced free
of charge on a New-for-Old basis, however if miss-use is evident, replacement will be charged for.
Once issued, it is your responsibility to ensure its serviceability and that this is done both prior to use and
periodically. Report any defects or defective equipment and get it either fixed or replaced.
Always remember that the PPE issued to you is for your protection against physical harm, so if you feel it is not
offering the protection that you would expect, bring it to the attention of your supervisor or HSE Representative
and discuss the issues and option available.
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Although PPE is issued and given to you free of charge, you are required to arrive at any job site equipped with an
Overall and Safety Boots (these are size dependent). This is the minimum requirement and will allow the company
the time to issue you with the remaining PPE in the shortest space of time.
The guidance detailed in the matrix should be considered as mandatory unless identified at Risk Assessment.
Records will be kept of:
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Welders Gauntlets
Safety Glasses
Welding Visor
Safety Gloves
Safety Boots
Fume Mask
Hard Hat
Life Vest
Workshop Visitor X X X
General Workshop Conditions X X X X X
General Workshop above 80 Dcb (Noise) X X X X X X
General Mechanical Work X X X X X X
General Mechanical WorkOffshore X X X X X X
Rigging/Slinging X X X X X O
Working at Height X
Working Over Water X X
Working with MEWPS X
Tank Cleaning X X X X X O X O O
Paint Spraying X X X X X O X O X
Grit Blasting X X X X
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