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Wiring Requirements in Hazardous Locations

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Wiring Requirements in

Hazardous Locations
April 3, 2017

One common way of minimizing possibilities of electrical wiring and equipment

becoming an ignition source in hazardous (classified) locations is to locate the
equipment and wiring outside of the hazardous (classified) location wherever
possible. This is always a practical approach and a good exercise of ingenuity,
although it is not always possible. Often equipment and wiring installations have
to be located within hazardous (classified) locations, and safe installations
require a thorough understanding of more restrictive wiring rules.

The general requirements of Chapters 1 through 4 apply to these installations

unless modified or amended by the specific applicable rules in Chapter 5. A
failure in the wiring system in any location is never desirable, but the risk of
explosion that exists in hazardous (classified) locations provides urgent reasons
to ensure that the minimum requirements of the Code are met.
Some of the issues covered in NEC 500.8, Equipment, apply to protection
techniques for utilization equipment and devices; other requirements are
applicable to wiring. Based on the definition of equipment located in Article 100,
almost every component of an electrical circuit and every piece of utilization
equipment connected to that circuit would qualify as equipment. In general,
500.8 limits the operating temperature of the circuit and equipment, provides
for marking requirements, and establishes the threading requirements for
conduit, fittings, and threaded entries into equipment. Within those threading
requirements are provisions for adapting from National (American) Standard
Pipe Taper (NPT) to metric threading. These general requirements apply to the
wiring in Class I, Class II, and Class III locations under the Division system.
Similar requirements are covered in 505.9 for Class I, Zone installations and in
506.9 for dust Zone installations.

Wiring Outside the Classified Area

Article 501 does not specifically address or restrict wiring requirements outside
of classified locations. However, those involved with electrical installations
should be aware that many occupancy standards and recommended practices
do limit wiring methods or modify general wiring requirements in unclassified
locations near classified spaces. In some situations, wiring and/or equipment
outside the classified space could provide ignition of a flammable atmosphere by
releasing ignition-capable particles that could communicate to the classified
spaces. Since the details of these possible hazards vary greatly from process to
process, and from material to material, and from electrical system to electrical
system, specific occupancy standards address the issues and requirements
rather than their being addressed in the wiring requirements in Part II of Article
501. Examples can be found in Section .7 (i.e., 511.7, 513.7, etc.) of Articles
511 through 516. Additional examples can be found in documents such as NFPA
50B, Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites, which prohibits the
installation of hydrogen systems beneath electric power lines.
Wiring requirements within Class I hazardous areas using Division system are
found in Part II of Article 501. The recognized acceptable wiring methods are
included in 501.10, with (A) addressing Division 1 locations, and (B) addressing
Division 2 locations. Wiring requirements for the Class I, Zone system are found
in 505.15.

Division System
Since Class I, Division 1 locations are expected to include ignitable
concentrations of flammable gases, flammable liquid-produced vapors, or
combustible liquid-produced vapors under normal operating conditions, the
wiring requirements are more restrictive (see photo 1). Wiring methods
permitted in these spaces include threaded rigid metal conduit and threaded
steel intermediate metal conduit. Rigid Type PVC and Type RTRC conduits may
be permitted under certain conditions where placed underground and encased in
concrete. Type MI cable, and within specific industrial applications, listed Types
MC-HL and ITC-HL cable systems are permitted. With these wiring methods, it
is anticipated that ground faults and/or short circuits could take place within
them and they would be able to contain those faults. Since ignitable
concentrations are expected under normal conditions, it is also anticipated that
these faults could result in an explosion within the wiring method that must be
contained. In many cases, these types of wiring methods are connected to
explosionproof enclosures and, consequently, become an extension of that
enclosure (see figure 1).
Figure 1.
Explosionproof enclosures require proper connection of wiring methods and
conduit seals to maintain the integrity and functionality of the enclosure.
In addition to the more robust wiring methods described above, where the
wiring is intrinsically safe, any wiring method permitted for unclassified
locations and any wiring method or cabling system recognized in Chapters 7 or
8 of the NEC is permitted [NEC, 504.20]. All of these systems provide
acceptable protection of the electrical circuits and containment of possible faults
to prevent ignition of surrounding ignitible atmospheres.

Wiring Methods for Class I, Division 1 Locations

Rigid Metal Conduit & Intermediate Metal Conduit

Wiring methods permitted in Class I, Division 1 locations are identified in

Sections 501.10(A) and include threaded rigid metal or threaded steel
intermediate conduit. The conduit must be threaded with a National (American)
Standard Pipe Taper (NPT) thread that provides a 1 in 16 (¾ inch) taper per
foot. It must be made up wrenchtight and have five threads fully engaged
where connected to explosionproof enclosures. Some listed explosionproof
enclosures may require only 4½ threads fully engaged because of the factory
provided NPT entries; these are recognized by exception to the general
requirement. The requirement to be wrenchtight is one of the most important
installation rules for conduit installed as a wiring method for hazardous
(classified) locations. Installers and inspectors must assure that this
requirement is met. In many cases, the integrity of explosionproof enclosures
depends on this requirement being satisfied [see figure 2].

Figure 2. Rigid metal

conduit and intermediate metal conduit installed in Class I, II, or III locations
must be wrenchtight and have five full threads fully engaged.
The Code requires electrical work to be installed in a neat and workmanlike
manner, as provided in Section 110.12. Two characteristics of workmanlike
installations in hazardous (classified) locations include tightness of fittings and
suitable securing and supporting of the rigid metal conduit as required. The
National Electrical Installation Standards (NEIS) includes a family of publications
that provide excellent guidelines and criteria for what constitutes good
workmanship in electrical contracting. ANSI/NECA NESI-1 provides general
requirements for good workmanship in electrical contracting, and NEIS 101
provides specific installation guidelines for rigid metal conduit, intermediate
metal conduit, and coated rigid metal conduit.

Photo 1. Equipment threaded metal conduit and conduit seals installed in a

Class I, Division 1 location

Type PVC and Type RTRC Conduit

Some raceways are installed in underground applications where flammable

liquids are stored, handled or processed above those spaces. A risk always
exists that this flammable material could be spilled and absorbed into the earth
below, possibly entering the raceways and then communicating to ignition
sources. Several sections of the NEC and some occupancy standards and/or
recommended practices actually classify the space within the earth; others
simply restrict the wiring in the underground spaces.

Since a Class I location is a space where flammable vapors exist in an ignitable

concentration with air, the possibility of appreciable amounts of oxygen
necessary for combustion would normally occur only in voids of underground
spaces. The inside of the raceway itself could provide that oxygen and,
certainly, where pipe chases or pits are in the ground, enough oxygen could be
available to form a ignitable concentration. In an ideal and most conservative
situation, the installation of underground raceways below these spaces should
be avoided. However, ideal situations do not always exist. In many facilities or
installations, raceways must be installed underground to electrical equipment
located in the aboveground space.

Use of certain types of non-metallic conduit in underground installations evolved

from permission for use in bulk storage facilities in the 1950s to an exception
that permitted the use underground in any facility with Class I locations in
1996. The permission provided in several of the special occupancies required
that rigid PVC conduit be installed below a minimum of 600 mm (24 in.) of
cover and converted to threaded metal 600 mm (24 in.) prior to the point
where the bend to emerge from the earth occurred. Provisions to include the
current exception into Article 501 permit Type PVC and Type RTRC conduit to be
installed underground in any facility that includes Class I locations. That
permission placed an additional restriction of 50 mm (2 in.) concrete-
encasement on the underground installation of Type PVC and Type RTRC
conduit where it was installed in a location not already addressed in Articles 511
through 515. The concrete-encasement provided some additional protection
where normal activities within facilities are less predictable than those within
the special occupancies (see figure 3 and Table 1 for further information on the
evolution of wiring methods and on Type RTRC conduit).
Photo 2. MI cable
showing the anatomy of gland terminal fittings. Courtesy of Tyco Thermal

Mineral-Insulated Cable (Type MI)

Type MI cable is a fairly unique wiring method. It is a factory assembly of one

or more conductors insulated with a highly compressed refractory mineral
insulation enclosed in a liquidtight and gastight continuous copper or alloy steel
sheath. This type of cable is permitted to be used in Class I locations when the
termination fittings are listed for this location. MI cable has multi-piece fittings
that are threaded together when installed. The listing for the fittings ensures
that these threaded connections result in an explosionproof assembly. Physical
installation of the cable must be done in a manner to prevent tensile stress on
these terminations (see figure 4 and photo 2). Where the outer sheath is made
of copper, it must provide an adequate path to serve as an equipment
grounding conductor. Where the outer sheath is made of steel, a separate
equipment grounding conductor shall be provided.
The product standard used to evaluate these is UL 1203 Explosionproof and
Dust Ignitionproof Electrical Equipment for Use in Hazardous (Classified)
Locations. Fittings available in the marketplace are either listed as
explosionproof or not listed as explosionproof. Unless the marking is visible
after installation, it may not be obvious whether the fittings meet the
requirements of the product standard.

Metal-Clad Cable (Type MC-HL)

Type MC-HL is permitted in Class I, Division 1 hazardous (classified) locations.

This is a multi-conductor, gas and vaportight continuous corrugated metal-
sheathed cable provided with an overall polymeric jacket and an additional
equipment grounding conductor sized in accordance with NEC 250.122. The
termination fittings are specifically listed for Classes I, Division 1 locations. The
Code currently permits any type of metallic sheath, but the product standard
(UL 2225) limits the sheathing material to aluminum. Copper, copper-clad
aluminum and aluminum conductors that employ thermoset or thermoplastic
insulation are permitted as part of this type of cable assembly. The equipment
grounding conductor is permitted to be insulated or bare. Cables are permitted
to be rated up to 35 kV.

This type of cable is permitted in cable tray, in direct sunlight, and/or in direct
burial or concrete encasement. The installation of MC-HL cable is limited by the
Code to industrial establishments with restricted public access and facilities
where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified
persons service the installation.

Where this wiring method is selected, the responsible decision-making party

must be prepared to provide documentation to the authority having jurisdiction
that those limiting conditions exist, and the AHJ must be prepared to evaluate
the submitted documentation and determine if it meets the criteria specified for
use of this method (see photo 3).
Photo 3. MC-HL cable
is suitable for Classes I and II, Division 1 locations in industrial establishments
with restricted public access. Courtesy of Thomas and Betts
Figure 3. Type PVC
and Type RTRC conduit are permitted to be installed in accordance with
501.10(A)(1) Exception (concrete-encasement is required.

Figure 4. Type MI Cable is permitted as a wiring method for Class I locations.

Instrumentation Tray Cable (Type ITC-HL)

Type ITC-HL is suitable for use in Class II, Division 1 hazardous (classified)
locations. This is a multi-conductor, gas and vaportight continuous corrugated
metal-sheathed cable provided with an overall polymeric jacket and may or may
not include an additional equipment grounding conductor sized in accordance
with 250.122 (see photo 5.04). The termination fittings are specifically listed for
Class II, Division 1 locations. Cables are rated for 300 volts, but limited for use
on circuits operating at 150 volts or less and 5 amperes or less [NEC, 727.1].
Instrumentation tray cable is evaluated for exposure to sunlight and may or
may not be marked as sunlight resistant. This cable is permitted in direct burial
applications or in concrete encasement. The installation of ITC-HL cable is
limited by the Code to industrial establishments with restricted public access
and facilities where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that
only qualified persons service the installation. Where this wiring method is
selected, the responsible decision-making party must be prepared to
demonstrate to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) through adequate
documentation that those conditions do indeed exist (see photo 4).

Photo 4.
Instrumentation Tray Cable (Type ITC-HL)Courtesy of Southwire Company
Optical Fiber Cables

Optical fiber cables Types OFNP, OFCP, OFNR, OFCR, OFNG, OFCG, OFN, and
OFC are permitted to be installed in raceways in accordance with 501.10(A).

Intrinsically Safe Systems

Intrinsically safe systems are covered by NEC 504. Where the circuits installed
are intrinsically safe, as verified by the control drawings, the Code permits the
use of any wiring method suitable for use in unclassified locations, including
those permitted in Chapters 7 and 8 [NEC, 504.20]. These circuits are not
dependent on the protection provided by the wiring method to prevent ignition
of a flammable atmosphere. When the circuits are intrinsically safe, the energy
is maintained at a level where it cannot ignite the atmosphere if the circuit is
opened, shorted, or faulted to ground or other faults occur. Therefore, the
wiring method is not limited. Although the wiring is not an ignition threat, due
consideration should be given to the operation of the circuit. Should the circuit
have a safety function that would be lost if the circuit were damaged, then the
wiring method would become very important. The purpose is to ensure that the
electrical system is not an ignition source. Even so, that may not be the only
hazard that needs to be considered (see photo 5).
Photo 5. Instrinsically safe circuits installed using cable for level and leak

Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize the value and requirements of

the control drawing for intrinsically safe systems. The control drawing is
required for proper installation of these systems and is also necessary for
making an inspection (see the annex for an example of a typical intrinsically
safe system control drawing). Intrinsically safe systems include control
drawings, and the zener diode barriers often reference a particular control
drawing as well (see photos 6 and 7).
Photo 6. Intrinsically safe barriers installed in an IS control panel.

Photo 7. Marks on an intrinsically safe barrier referencing a particular control


Other key requirements in Article 504 include rules for separation, identification,
and conduit sealing. Intrinsically safe circuits are required to be identified at
intervals not exceeding 7.5 m (25 ft) and must include the specific wording
“Intrinsic Safety Wiring” (see figure 5). This identification requirement applies to
raceways, cables, cable trays, and other wiring methods used for intrinsically
safe system wiring.

Figure 5.
Identification is required for intrinsically safe circuits.

Identification labels must be located to be readily visible and traceable for the
entire length of the wiring, except for any underground portions, which are re-
identified as they emerge from the earth. Likewise, separate sections of this
wiring created by walls, partitions, or other enclosures are required to be
identified. Where a color code is used for intrinsically safe circuit conductors or
wiring, such as raceways, boxes, and so forth, the color light blue is required
[NEC, 504.80(C)].

Spacing Requirements
The Code permits any wiring method that is acceptable for an unclassified
location to be used for intrinsically safe (IS) circuits. However, there are specific
spacing requirements between IS circuits and those not instrinsically safe. The
Code generally restricts IS circuits from being installed in the same raceway,
cable tray, or cable with conductors of any nonintrinsically safe circuit.
Conductors of intrinsically safe circuits are permitted where they are separated
from nonintrinsically safe circuit conductors by a space of not less than 50 mm
(2 in.) or by grounded metal partitions or insulating barriers. The concern here
is the possibility of compromising the intrinsic safety of the circuit through
inductive or capacitive coupling conditions related to close proximities of other
wiring. The identification rules covered above help installers and facilities
maintain initial spacing when additional wiring or systems are installed [see
504.30(A)(1) Exceptions and 504.30(A)(2)(1) through (4)].

Flexible Wiring in Class I, Division 1 Locations

When situations in an electrical installation warrant flexible connections in Class
I, Division 1 locations, two options for the wiring methods are permitted:
flexible fittings and flexible cord. The Code does not prescribe which option
must be selected, but users must realize that this location has or could have
ignitible concentrations of flammable vapors under normal operation. These
days automation is evolving to a point where robots and mechanical devices are
used to accomplish many tasks, even in hazardous (classified) locations.
Movement of these mechanical devices requires more flexibility than was
required in the past, which often necessitates the use of more flexible cords and
greater lengths of flexible cord to complete electrical installations. In cases
where increased use of robotics is employed, overall safety is improved because
less human involvement is required to perform functions that were once
extremely labor intensive. On the other hand, the use of flexible cord should
always be minimized where other methods can be utilized to connect electrical
circuits to equipment. The Code generally does not permit the use of flexible
cord as a substitute for fixed wiring [NEC, 400.8(1)].

Explosionproof Flexible Fittings

Flexible fittings, sometimes called explosionproof flex, are available from several
manufacturers in sizes 13 mm (½ in.) through 100 mm (4 in.). Standard
lengths begin at 100 mm (4 in.) in smaller sizes and range to 900 mm (36 in.)
for the larger sizes. These fittings are available with either male or female
threaded end fittings. Some sizes are listed only for Groups C and D, while
others are available for Groups A, B, C and D. These fittings are very rugged
and suitable for physical abuse while providing flexibility for difficult installation
or vibration of equipment. The product standard used to evaluate these fittings
is UL 1203 Explosionproof and DustIgnitionproof Electrical Equipment for Use in
Hazardous (Classified) Locations. (see photo 8).
Photo 8.
Explosionproof flexible conduit fitting for use in Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D
and Class II, Groups E, F, and G, and Class III locations. Courtesy of Cooper
Crouse Hinds

Flexible Cord
Where flexible cord is installed as provided in 501.10(A) and 501.140, the cord
must be listed for extra-hard usage and include an equipment grounding
conductor A review of NECTable 400.4 will provide a description of the cords
that are considered extra-hard usage. Other limitations for use of those cords
are also included in that table. The cords must be continuous; they must be
supported or secured to prevent tension on the terminal connections; be
terminated with a cord connector or attachment plug listed for the location and
they must be sealed where they enter explosionproof enclosures or boxes to
maintain the explosionproof integrity of the enclosure. Extreme care must be
applied to select a fitting that matches the cord diameter to ensure that the
explosionproof integrity of the enclosure is not compromised. As mentioned
above, the provisions in 400.8 are applicable to cords installed in accordance
with 501.140. It is important to consider all of the activities that take place on a
normal basis that might subject flexible cords to physical damage and to
provide proper precautions to protect the cord or cable where it is used.

Type TC-ER-HL Cable

Type TC-ER-HL cable is permitted as a flexible wiring method in industrial
establishments with restricted public access, where the conditions of
maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the
installation, for applications limited to 600 volts,nominal, or less, and where
protected from damage by  location or a suitable guard. Type TC-ER-HL cable is
required to have an overall jacket and a separate equipment grounding
conductor(s) in accordance with 250.122 [501.10(A)(2)(3)].
Table 1.
Summary of wiring methods in Class 1, Divisions 1 and 2 locations.

Excerpted from Hazardous Locations, Third Edition, Published by IAEI. 

All rights reserved.

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