Design of The Modern Family of Heli
Design of The Modern Family of Heli
Design of The Modern Family of Heli
The paper presents results of numerical design and experimental validation test of
the modern family of helicopter airfoils. As a result of the design process the ILT212
airfoil with a relative thickness of 12% has been developed, destined for the helicopter
tail rotor, as well as the family of the ILH3XX airfoils with relative thickness of 12.2%,
12%, 9% and 8% destined for blades of lifting rotors. From the computational point of
view the designed airfoils met the assumed designer’s requirements and from the point
of view of aerodynamic features they proved to be equal or even better than the best
known helicopter airfoils. The aerodynamic characteristics of designed airfoils found
their confirmation during wind tunnel tests performed with the ILH312 airfoil for the
outer part of the lifting rotor blade and with the ILT212 airfoil for the tail rotor blade. In
the light of performed experimental research and from the point of view of basic
aerodynamic parameters deciding about the quality of airfoils for lifting rotor blades the
ILH312 airfoil stands out among newest airfoils of the third generation. Similarly, results
of experimental examination of the ILT212 airfoil put it in the first ranks of best known
airfoils destined for tail rotor blades. This airfoil embodies, among other things, high
values of lift coefficient for the range of Mach numbers from 0.5 up to 0.6 what can lead
to the practical benefit in form of significant increase of the tail rotor thrust
This work was realized within the framework of the research grant No 9T12C02713
supported by KBN (Committee of Scientific Investigations)
Aerodynamics plays much more important role in design of helicopters than in case
of other flying objects [1]. Especially important role it plays in the phase of developing
helicopter lifting rotors. It can be illustrated by the fact that in 90s in the French
scientific center ONERA the engagement in the development of lifting rotors exceeded
40% of total research effort and the further 20% appertained to acoustics, closely
connected with aerodynamics [2].
Although from time to time some new concepts of helicopter configurations appear
on the scene the classical lay-out with a single lifting rotor and a tail rotor still behaves
its value and is dominating on the world helicopter market [3]. In this scheme, from the
point of view of high helicopter performance, the basic problem presents the design of
lifting rotor blades. One of factors which decide on a success of the new lifting rotor is
the use of especially designed airfoils with aerodynamic features well met conditions of
flow over the blade. Development of such airfoils is, however, not easy task and is joined
with many difficulties arising from high variation of flow conditions around the blade,
more differentiated and complex than in case of fixed-wing aircraft.
Fig.2 Comparison of thrust developed by the tail rotor with conventional airfoil and with
airfoil featuring high values of the CLmax coefficient in the range of high Mach numbers. [6]
1. Initiation of computation:
1.1. Approval of initial airfoil geometry;
1.2. Defining range and maximum amplitudes of disturbing functions;
1.3. Determining aerodynamic criteria of the airfoil selection (e.g. minimization of
the drag coefficient for selected flow conditions with retaining the maximum lift
2. Iterative process of optimization:
2.1. Random determination of the disturbed geometry;
2.2. Computation of proper aerodynamic characteristics;
2.3. Assessment, whether the disturbed airfoil demonstrates better aerodynamic
features than the initial airfoil. If yes, in further proceedings the actual geometry
of the disturbed airfoil is considered as initial geometry.
Steps 2.1., 2.2. and 2.3. are carried out several times randomly chosen. In case of lack
of progress of optimization parameters of disturbing functions and/or aerodynamic
criteria of airfoil selection should be modified.
Fig.4 Comparison of relationships between maximum lift coefficient and Reynolds number
for Mach numbers not higher than 0.25, determined by computation and experimentally.
Airfoil NACA0012.
There were among them the mentioned above NACA0012 airfoil and the IL-designed
ILH212 and ILH209 airfoils destined for the lifting rotor of the IS-2 helicopter. Both of
these airfoils were earlier tested in the trisonic N-3 wind tunnel of the Institute of
Aviation [18 ÷ 20]. In the process of validation the high-performance VR-12, 13 and 14
airfoils of Boeing-Vertol were also used . Their experimental aerodynamic data were
taken from papers [7, 21, 22]. Computational and experimental results are compared in
the table below.
Table 2
Airfoil NACA 0012 ILH212 ILH209 VR-12 VR-13 VR-14
Mdd comp. 0.765 0.790 0.815 0.800 0.820 0.840
Mdd exper. 0.775 0.795 0.825 0.805 0.812 0.835
Basing on the above comparison it can be stated that the H program enables to
determine the drag divergence Mach number Mdd at CL = 0 with high degree of
reliability. It can be stated that the value of the calculated Mdd at CL = 0 is
underpredicted only by about 0.005y0.01.
In order to assess the quality of airfoils for lifting rotors, as mentioned above, the
graph with axes of coordinates CLmax for M = 0.4 and Mdd for CL = 0 has been constructed.
Interesting is to carry out the comparison of such an assessment obtained from
computation with experimental results taken from [21] for the airfoil family VR-12, 13,
14 considered as reference airfoils. It is presented in the table below.
Table 3
Airfoil VR-12 VR-13 VR-14 Re106
CLmax MSES-computed 1.45 1.38 1.26 1.6
for M = 0.4 experimental 1.52 1.44 1.30 n.a.
Md H-computed 0.80 0.82 0.84 4M
for CL = 0 experimental 0.802 0.81 0.833 n.a.
Fig.6 Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics of the ILH212, VR-12 and MOD-01 airfoils
as determined by the MSES program. Conditions of flow: M = 0.4 , Re=1.6·106.
In further course of design the iterative method of straight optimization was used as
well as optimization including the random disturbances of the airfoil geometry realized
by means of the MSES, H, CODA, INV and OPT codes. The selected group of aerodynamic
parameters, being crucial from the point of view of general requirements and
comprising CLmax and Cm0 at M = 0.4, CL/ CD at M = 0.6 and CL = 0.7 and CD(CL=0) at M = 0.80
and the drag divergence Mach number Mdd at CL = 0 has been analyzed.
Values of these parameters for a handful of specimens selected from some tens of
designed airfoils are shown in Fig.7. Worth to note are airfoils denoted as ILH312 and
ILH312M – these airfoils have been finally selected for the outer and inner part of the
blade. Fig.7 presents also the respective data of the VR12 airfoil which is considered as
an “airfoil of reference”. It’s easy to notice that in comparison with that airfoil the
ILH312 features all aerodynamic parameters taken into consideration are better.
Fig.9. Comparison of relationships between the CLmax and the Mach number as well as
comparison of the drag divergence Mach number Md = f(CL) for ILH312, VR-12 and
NACA0012 airfoils – computations by means of the MSES and H codes
for the Reynolds number Re=4M106
The above comparison gives the ground for a statement that experimental
examination has confirmed that the ILH312 airfoil meets the design requirements for an
airfoil for the outer part of the lifting rotor blade.
Fig.13. Lift coefficient CL vs. Mach number for selected modern helicopter airfoils.
Results of experimental tests.
Fig.14. Lift coefficient CL vs. Mach number for constant value of the drag coefficient
CD = 0.01 and 0.02. Results of experimental test of ILH312, DM-H4 i OA312 airfoils.
Advantage of the ILH312 airfoil over other airfoils used in comparison is expressed,
first of all, by the drag divergence Mach number. It’s especially well visible in
comparison with the DM-H4 and OA312 airfoils which feature the same relative
thickness of 12% as the ILH312. It’s worth to remember that the relative thickness of the
VR12 airfoil amounts only to 10.6% what – it is well-known fact - leads to weakening the
wave effects in the transonic flow. The compared airfoils, IL312, VR12, DM-H4 and
OA312, are characterized by approximately the same value of the CLmax coefficient for
the Mach number M = 0.4, the highest value belongs to the ILH312 airfoil. It’s also worth
to note that all tests of the ILH312 airfoil have been performed at the Reynolds number
at least two times lower. It’s common knowledge that the increase of the Reynolds
number exerts the positive effect on the increase of the CLmax coefficient. Results of
numerical computations of the ILH312 airfoil, carried out with the use of the MSES code,
indicates that the mentioned difference in value of the Reynolds number leads to
lowering value of the CLmax coefficient of the ILH312 airfoil by about 0.05 - 0.08 [25].
From the comparison in Fig.12 of the CLmax coefficients in function of the Mach number
it’s easy to recognize that in the range of Mach numbers up to 0.6 values of this
coefficient for the ILH312 and DM-4H airfoils are approximately identical. Advantage of
the ILH312 airfoil over airfoils of the second generation, like OA212, DM-H4, VR7 and
RC(4)10, is unquestionable.
Excellent transonic features of the ILH312 airfoil are confirmed by comparisons
shown in Figs. 13 – 15. Basing on them a statement is justified that in conditions
reflecting flow at the advancing blade the ILH312 airfoil reaches values of the drag
coefficient CD equal to 0.01 and 0.02 for higher values of the lift coefficient than the
airfoils DM-H4 and OA312 (Fig.14). In case of the ILH312 airfoil the drag coefficient for
zero lift in the range of the Mach number reaching up to M = 0.78 is approximately the
same as in case of the DM-H4 airfoil and distinctly lower in case of Mach numbers
exceeding 0.78 (Fig.15).
Comparison of relationship of the moment coefficient Cm versus the lift coefficient CL
(for the Mach number M = 0.4) presented in Fig.16 indicates that for CL coefficients less
than 0.8 these relationships for both considered airfoils, i.e. ILH312 and DM-H4,
approximately correspond each to other. In case of both airfoils the moment coefficient
for zero lift amounts to Cm0 = -0.006.
Fig.19 Pressure distribution created by flow with CL = 1.0, M = 0.6 at ILT212, ILT112 and
NACA23012 airfoils, at CL = 1.0 and M = 0.6
Fig.23 Relationship between maximum lift coefficient CLmax and Mach number. Experimental
results for ILT212airfoil and foreign airfoils RAE9670, RAE9671 and OAR92
Fig.25 Comparison of experimental lift to drag ratio (CL/CD) in function of lift coefficient CL
for ILT212 and IH312 airfoils. Results at Mach numbers M = 0.3, 0.4, 0.45 and 0.5.
Fig.25 presents the comparison of lift to drag ratio CL/CD of the ILT212 airfoil with the
ILH312 airfoil presented above, one of best modern airfoils for lifting rotors. It is to note
that both airfoils were tested in the N-3 wind tunnel under identical conditions and with
the use of the same measuring technique. One can state that from the point of view of
aerodynamic efficiency the ILT212 airfoil shows the visible superiority. For C L
coefficients higher than 0.2 – 0.3 efficiency of the ILT212 airfoil exceeds that of the
Relationship of the maximum value of lift to drag ratio and the Mach number for both
airfoils, ILT212 and ILH312, is compared in Fig.26. Well visible is considerable
superiority of the ILT212 airfoil over the ILH312 airfoil with a view to maximum lift to
drag ratio which appears in the wide range of Mach numbers M = 0.3 - 0.65.
It should be emphasised that very high value of maximum lift to drag ratio – above
100 – appears at Mach numbers less than M = 0.45. In the table below lift to drag ratio of
the ILT212 airfoil is compared with the conventional airfoil NACA23012 for the Mach
number M = 0.6 and the lift coefficient CL = 0.6, in both cases measured in the N-3 wind
tunnel. What needs underscoring is the fact that lift to drag ratio of the ILT212 airfoil is
higher by 58% than of the NACA23012 airfoil.