SS111 Unit 2 Lesson 4
SS111 Unit 2 Lesson 4
SS111 Unit 2 Lesson 4
1. What countries are the worst contributors of CO2 Emission? What do you
think the reason/s behind that stand? Why?
According to the most recent data from the Global Carbon Project from 2021, the top
five countries that have emitted the most CO2 between 1975 and 2020 are the United
States, China, Russia, Germany, and the U.K. These countries are the worst contributors and
biggest polluters since they are producing and burning fossil fuels such as coal, crude oil,
and natural gas, which have a negative effect on our environment. It creates water and air
pollution that harms our health and generates toxic emissions that drive climate change.
Lastly, the Industrial Revolution and the exponential rise in manufacturing activity globally
have contributed significantly to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Blokhin, A. (2020). The Top 5 Countries That Produce the Most Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
Investopedia. Retrieved on October 3, 2022 from
carbon-dioxide co2.asp#:~:text=CO2%E2%80%94a%20greenhouse
%20gas,Russia%2C%20Germany %2C%20and%20the%20U.K.
2. What are the countries exert a lot of efforts on CO2 Reduction? Why do they
need to exert such effort?
The impact of climate change on people's lives and the global economy is well
acknowledged. As a result of the connection between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and
climate change, numerous nations, including the United Kingdom, Russia, and Europe, have
been working to control and limit these emissions. By committing to national GHG reduction
targets, the aforementioned nations made a promise to reduce their emissions and promote
the fight against climate change under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Therefore, they are
making an effort because they think there are advantages to taking the lead in decreasing
emissions, such as industrialized countries' commitment to give developing nations more
financial support to address climate change. Furthermore, these nations are also intrinsically
motivated because they want to achieve "net zero emissions," which will help ensure cleaner
air, water, and food for both our generation and future generations, by balancing human
emissions with the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere in the second half of
the century.
3. Do the stand and efforts of different countries affect the global co-operation
on CO2 reduction? Why?
The world's problems, which include global warming, pollution, climate change, and
growing carbon emissions, cannot be solved by any one nation working alone. Global
cooperation is essential and it strengthens us. Then, I believe that teamwork is what makes
the dream work, wherein many nations are working together to reduce carbon emissions
and adapt to climate change in order to improve the environment. Moreover, major obstacle
like carbon emissions cannot be solved by one nation alone since it takes two or more to
address the issue because we need to unite as one in order to solve this global problem.
Therefore, ff there is effective global collaboration, it will be simpler for us to mitigate
climate change through the sequestration of carbon, as well as other co-benefits including
improving biodiversity, food security, sustainable livelihoods, boosting resilience, and aiding
in climate adaption.
The following topics included are the Philippines’ Experiences on Global Governance
and these are: (1) “Marawi Siege”, (2) “Typhoon Yolanda”, and (3) “OFW’s Plight”.
Cite at least 1 specific situation/event from among the topics (the “Marawi Siege”,
the “Typhoon Yolanda”, and the “OFW’s”.) that have caught your attention.
Marawi Siege
Several countries, including China and Russia, provided firearms to the Philippines
during the Marawi siege, while the United States and Australia shared intelligence
information and military expertise to help the country overcome its five-month-long armed
conflict. From this situation, global cooperation played a role in solving this specific situation
wherein several countries lend a helping hand to the struggling nation to minimize the crisis
by giving assistance, sharing information, and best practices to move forward and make real
progress. In addition, indeed the importance of international cooperation was shown as
several countries participated enabling them to strengthen relationships, gain support and
enhance their influence. Global governance occurs after the implementation of global
cooperation by promoting social security and peace, livelihood, and effective government. As
a result, global governance is critical to resolving global issues. Then because the Philippines
cannot defeat terrorism without foreign aid, the presence of interdependence was present in
the given situation. Other countries cannot bear the thought of their ally, as well as their
partner being destroyed by a siege.
Typhoon Yolanda
One of the strongest and most damaging typhoons to hit the Philippines, typhoon
Yolanda, highlighted how other nations, like the United Nations, European Union, United
States, China, and Russia, support the Philippines during natural catastrophes. They have
made sizable donations to the impacted families in an effort to lessen their burden. The
enormous financial contributions also supported a number of projects in Yolanda-affected
communities, including livelihood and rehabilitation initiatives. Thus, it demonstrates that we
can all overcome the difficulties and problems we are now facing if we have global
cooperation. Moreover, it is indicated that global governance is essential in the given
situation by other countries participating by providing cash assistance and donations to a
struggling country experiencing the effects of a calamity, allowing them to build a new
foundation for their economies and governments. It also displays that global governance has
a goal of sustaining human development and how to achieve such development goals in a
given society or community. Furthermore, we perceive global cooperation among nations to
find solutions to problems affecting a specific country, as was the case with the Philippines.
Following the implementation of global cooperation, effective global governance is achieved,
with arrangements and activities in place to address issues and problems. It is also efficient
because it addresses both the sustainable use of natural resources and environmental
protection. Therefore, my perspective on global governance is that it is critical to understand
its significance because if states understand its significance, they will begin to accept global
trades and recognize the importance of networking with global organizations in order to
achieve the development that they desire for their countries. Lastly, there was a sense of
interdependence because our country has ties to countries such as China and the United
States that have aided us. We rely and have an impact, which is why they lower the barrier
between us in order to support and rely on each other.
OFW’s Plight
There are fewer job openings in the Philippines, whereas there are more job
openings abroad, which means that Filipinos will likely find more vacancies and opportunities
if they travel outside of the Philippines. Thankfully, other countries such as Saudi Arabia,
Australia, Singapore, and others accept OFW workers. Based on the circumstances,
countries lower their barriers to Filipino workers in order to provide them with better career
opportunities, demonstrating global cooperation. It is critical for nations to collaborate and
reach agreements, as well as lower their barriers, in order to strengthen relationships and
gain benefits for businesses, resulting in higher income in related economic sectors.
Furthermore, global governance provides opportunities and solutions to a country's crises
and problems affecting its citizens' economic, social, and well-being. Interdependence
between countries is also present in the event because these countries rely on one another.
For example, Filipino workers work in a foreign country to support their families back home
and to build successful careers in exchange for physical labor that a certain country can
benefit from.
The process of balancing various interests and launching joint action is known as
global governance. The basis for this is the coordination of national policies and
identification of shared norms and rules. It also involves involves negotiation among
countries to arrive an agreement where the implementation of such agreement was
achieved with global co-operation addressing global issues, challenges, and other
necessities. Moreover, it seeks to find solutions to issues that concern many states or
Finally, one suggestion that I can recommend is that we need effective global
cooperation because effective global governance cannot be achieved without effective
international cooperation. International cooperation, in addition to being a manifestation of
international solidarity, is a means of promoting common interests and shared values and
reducing the vulnerabilities created by increased interdependence. As a result, in this
globalized world, we require global cooperation.