Chapter 8: Facility and Work Design
Chapter 8: Facility and Work Design
Chapter 8: Facility and Work Design
Product layouts support a smooth and Line balancing is a production strategy that
logical flow where all goods or services move in involves balancing operator and machine time to match
a continuous path from one process stage on the the production rate to the Takt time. ... In other words,
next using the same sequence of work tasks and the quantities of workers and machines assigned to each
activities. task in the line should be rebalanced to meet the optimal
production rate.
b. Process Layout
Consists of a functional grouping of DESIGNING PROCESS LAYOUTS
equipment or activities that do similar work. In designing process layouts, we are concerned
For example, all drill presses or fax with the arrangement of departments or work centers
machines may be grouped together in one relative to each other.
department and all milling or data entry Cost associated with moving materials or the
machines in another. Depending on the inconvenience that customers might experience in
processing they require, tasks may be moved in moving between physical locations are usually the
different sequences among departments. principal design criteria for process layouts.
c. Cellular Layout
In general, work centers with a large number of
In a cellular layout, the design is not moves between the, should be located close to one
according to the functional characteristics of another.
equipment, but rather be self-contained groups
of equipment (called cells) needed for WORKPLACE DESIGN
producing a particular set of goods or services.
The techniques we have described address
d. Fixed Position Layout broad layout issues facilities. However, it is also
important to pay serious attention to design and layout
Consolidates the resources necessary to of individual workstations, not only in factories, but in
manufacture a good or deliver a service, such as every other facility where work is performed, such as
people, materials, and equipment, in one offices, restaurants, and retail stores.
physical location.
Rather than moving work-in process
from one work center to another, it remains Involves determining the specific job tasks and
responsibilities, the work environment, and the methods
1. Quality of Customer Service
DEFINITIONS OF QUALITY - Customer service is important in every
business. In a service industry, meeting
Quality means different to different people: customers and finding out their
1. Customer-Based: Fitness for use, meeting requirements is more challenging.
customer expectations.
2. Manufacturing-Based: Conforming to design, - Therefore, ability to satisfy customer
specifications, or requirements. Having no depends on the quality of customer
defects. service. This includes but not limited to:
3. Product-Based: The product has something that • How well the customer is received?
other similar products do not that adds value. • How well the implied requirements
4. Value-Based: The product is the best are elucidated?
combination of price and features. • How well the customer is
5. Transcendent: It is not clear what it is, but it is treated/handled/satisfied?
something good...
2. Quality of Service Design
Is customer-oriented management philosophy - since services are usually made to
and strategy. It is centered on quality so as to result in order, it is important that the service
customer delight. is designed as per the requirements
of the specific customer.
The word “TOTAL” implies that all members of
the organization make consistent efforts to achieve the - quality of service design in turn
objective of customer delight through systematic efforts depends on the quality of customer
for improvement of the organization. service.
3. Quality of Delivery
DIMENSIONS OF QUALITY - quality of delivery is important in
any sector, but more crucial in case
of services. Defects on delivery
PRODUCT QUALITY: should be zero to satisfy the
- refers to the core features and characteristics ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTES OF QUALITY:
of a product.
B. RELIABILITY 1. Timeliness
- the probability of a product performing its - Delivery on schedule as per
intended duty under stated conditions without requirements of the customer is a
failure for a given period of time. must both in the product sector as
well as in service sector.
C. USABILITY - No customer likes waiting. Any
- a product should be easily usable. The customer anticipated delay in schedule should
should be able to use the product easily without be communicated to customer well
the help of experts. in advance.
- refers to the ease with which a product can be - A product or service should not only
maintained in the original condition. perform well but also appear attractive.
- Products may become defective while in use or - Aesthetics may include but not limited to
in transit. It should be repairable so as to retain the appearance of the product, the
the original quality of the product at the lowest finish, color, etc.
cost at the earliest possible time. 3. Regulatory Requirements
E. EFFICIENCY - Regulatory requirements as stipulated
- being able to accomplish something with the by the local and federal governments
least waste of time and effort. should be fulfilled by the product or
- this is applicable to most products. - For instance, an automobile has to meet
Euro II standards in respect of emission
- For instance, providing belts for persons Armand V. Feigenbaum
sitting in the front seat in a car is a - was the originator of “total
requirement of the society. Hence, the quality control”, often referred to as total quality.
car manufacturer should provide belts
for the passengers travelling in the front He defined it as:
seat. “An effective system for integrating quality
development, quality maintenance and quality
5. Conformance to Standards
improvement efforts of the various groups within an
- products or service should conform to the stated
organization, so as to enable production and service at
and implied requirements of customers. Where
the most economical levels that allow full customer
applicable, they should conform to applicable
standards such as national standards,
international standards and industry standards.
He saw it as a business method and proposed three steps
- For instance, Electro-Magnetic Interference
to quality:
(EMI) from a PC should be within the limits
prescribed by the corresponding standard. • Quality leadership
• Modern quality technology
EVOLUTION OF QUALITY • Organizational commitment
- The QC members and the CEO should be
consistent. They should take decisions
based on detailed analysis. They should
weigh the pros and cons before taking
any decision. They can consult as many
employees as possible, but once a
decision is taken, they should not look
back and should be consistent. Once an
action is taken for improvement and if
that is found to be effective, they should