ETH - PORT - CTRL Function Block
ETH - PORT - CTRL Function Block
ETH - PORT - CTRL Function Block
Function Blocks
Original instructions About us
Function Description
Use the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block to control the FTP TFTP, HTTP, and DHCP / BOOTP protocols
when they are enabled in the Control Expert Security screen. (By default, these protocols are disabled.) For
cyber security reasons (to help protect data against requests to modify in the monitoring mode), map the
inputs on variables and on unlocated variables in which the HMI property is disabled (the variable is not in
the data dictionary).
The additional parameters EN and ENO may also be configured.
FBD Representation
LD Representation
IL Representation
CAL ETH_PORT_CTRL_Instance (ENABLE := EnableSecurityChange, ABORT :=
AbortSecurityChange, ADDR := ModuleAddress, ETH_SCE := ServiceToChange, DONE =>
BlockExecutionDone, ACTIVE => BlockExecutionInProgress, ERROR =>
BlockExecutionError, STATUS => BlockErrorStatus, ETH_SCE_STATUS =>
ST Representation
ETH_PORT_CTRL_Instance (ENABLE := EnableSecurityChange, ABORT :=
AbortSecurityChange, ADDR := ModuleAddress, ETH_SCE := ServiceToChange, DONE =>
BlockExecutionDone, ACTIVE => BlockExecutionInProgress, ERROR =>
BlockExecutionError, STATUS => BlockErrorStatus, ETH_SCE_STATUS =>
Description of Parameters
This table describes the input parameters:
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ADDR ANY_ARRAY_INT This array contains the address of the entity for which you want to
change the security state, which is the result of the ADDMX or ADDMX
or ADDM function. For example:
l ADDM(‘0.0.10’) for a M580 CPU
l ADDM(‘0.3.0’) for a BMENOC0301/11 plugged in slot 3 of main
ETH_SCE WORD For each protocol, use these binary values to control the protocol:
l 00: The protocol is unchanged.
l 01: Enable the protocol.
l 10: Disable the protocol.
l 11: reserved
(1) To address a module in the local rack, enter 0.0.10 (CPU main server address).
DONE BOOL Operation completed indication. Set to 1 when the execution of the
operation is completed successfully.
ACTIVE BOOL Operation in progress indication. Set to 1 when the execution of the
operation is in progress.
ETH_SCE_STATUS WORD For each protocol, these values contain the response to any attempt to
enable or disable the FTP, TFTP, HTTP, or DHCP / BOOTP protocols:
l 0: command executed
l 1: command not executed
Reasons for not executing the command can be:
l The communication service has been disabled by the
l The communication service is already in the state requested by
the command (Enabled or Disabled).
l The communication service (x) is not supported by the module or
is a non-existing service.
These bits are used for the different protocols:
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l 0: FTP
l 1: TFTP
l 2: HTTP
l 4 ... 15: reserved (value = 0)
Execution Type
When used on the following M580 CPU modules, the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block is executed
synchronously. As a result, the DONE output turns ON as soon as the ENABLE input is set to ON. In this
case, the ACTIVE output remains OFF.
l BMEP581020
l BMEP582020
l BMEP582040
l BMEP583020
l BMEP583040
l BMEP584020
l BMEP584040
l BMEP585040
l BMEP586040
l BMEH582040
l BMEH584040
l BMEH586040
In BMEH58•040 Hot Standby CPUs, verify that the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block is executed
equally on both primary and standby CPUs.
When used on the following modules, the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block is executed asynchronously and
may take several cycles until the DONE output turns ON. Therefore, the ACTIVE output is set to ON until the
completion of the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block.
l M340 modules:
¡ BMXNOC0401
¡ BMXNOE0100
¡ BMXNOE0110
l M580 modules:
¡ BMENOC0301/11
Step Action
3 ENABLE input should be an OR between a pulse command and the ACTIVE output of the EFB.
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