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v4 STAR MAGIC Arc Proposal

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A.0 & A1 Pre-Design Preliminary & Feasibility

& A.2 Concept Design


Star Magic Healing Centre


Jerry Sargeant Bio Arc and Annahata Creation

ঌ 1
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………..….....p.4
2. Bio arc’s Architectural Vision………………………………………………………..…....p.5
3. Bio arc’s Vision for Star Magic Healing Centres……………………….…...….p.6
4. The Five Elements in Bio Architecture - Design Approach………….......p.7
5. Star Magic Healing Centre (Romania) Features……………………….…….....p.8

6. PART 1 - includes both:

● A.0 Pre-Design Preliminary: ……………………………...……p.9 - p.18
- Star Magic’s Vision for the healing centre……………......p.10
- Project Scope……………………………………………………..p.12 - p.14
- Infrastructure………………………………………………………………..p.15
- Gardens Food Production and Water Features………...p.15
- Assess Site and Land Surveying………………………………..p.16
- Materials……………………………………………………………………....p.17
- Conceptual Budgeting Based on the Project

● PART 1, A.1 Feasibility Study:………………………………..p.19 - p.20

○ Physical and Ecological…………………………………...………..p.19
○ Geographic……………………………………………………….……….p.20
○ Permaculture Site Assessment………………………..……….p.20
○ Access and Circulation……………………………………...……...p.20
○ Building Regulations……………………………………………...….p.20

7. Fees and Architectural Services (2 Parts).............................p.21 - p.26

ঌ 2
- Bio arc Fees & Deposit to commence work for Part 1, A0 & A1
Pre-Design and Feasibility Study………….………………...…………....p.22
- Part 1 - Bio arc Fees, A.2 Concept Design………………….…...…..p.22
- Total fees to Bio arc for Part 1, A0 & A1 Pre Design Preliminary &
Feasibility & A.2 Concept Design………….…………………...p.23 - p.25
- Payment Schedule for Part 1 to Bio arc………………………….….….p.25

8. Forecast Project Schedule Timeline Phases…………………………....p.27

9. Part 1 - Partner architect in Romania Annahata Creation

Consultancy and Architectural Services: A0 & A1 Pre-Design and
Preliminary & Feasibility……..…………………………………….…....p.28 - p.31
- Part 2 - A2 Concept Design:.....................................................p.30-31
- Annahata Creation’s Costs:.....................................................p.32-33
10. Grand Total costing for both Bio arc and Annahata Creation’s
11. Combined Payment Schedule Totals
(Bio arc & Annahata Creation) for Part 1 .........................................p.33
12. PART 2 - Schematic Design Phase up to Contract Administration
Preliminary fees estimate for Bio arc and Annahata
13. Signatures of all parties signed agreement……………………………….p35

14. About Bio arc & signatures…….……………………………………….……….p.36


ঌ 3
This proposal aims to outline the preliminary research and information
required for the first phase of architectural design (Concept Design) for the
Star Magic Healing Centre in Romania.

It also outlines Bio arc’s specialised design approach, energetic design

methodologies, suggestions and recommendations aimed to further enhance
and supercharge the healing centre’s composition from all aspects.

Bio arc’s suggestions outlined in this proposal have been based on the
information provided by Star Magic Healing thus far but will evolve as more
information is received. The contents of this document will become part of a
separate online and ‘living’ document which will allow us to share information
The purpose of this document is for Star Magic Healing to understand the
steps and phases involved in the architectural design process for the Star
Magic Healing Centre in Romania, as well as an estimated cost for the
project, and architectural services.

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Bio arc’s Architectural Vision
Our Vision and mission for the architecture and the creation of healing centres is:

To create the physical structures, spaces and environments that will act as catalysts

for the evolution of human consciousness.

To bring about a world where sacred spaces are the places we live. A dimension in

which man and nature exist in a harmonic-symbiotic relationship. A path in which we

will remember our origins, our roots within nature and the cosmos.

'As you reorient toward the new way of being in the world, you will be drawn to centers
where the vibrational atmosphere is more conducive to a healthy state of function.

These centers will represent the focal points around which the organs of Planetary Being
will form. They will be, in a sense, islands of the future in a sea of the past.

Within their vibrational field, the New Age will blossom and spread organically to cover the
Earth. These will be the first beachheads secured by the approaching forces, the points of
entry through which the healing energies of transformation will be channelled. All of these
centers will work together to prepare the human species for its collective awakening.'

Ken Carey

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Bio arc’s Vision for Star Magic Healing Centres:

As a New Earth Paradigm in development and architecture, Bio arc aims to assist
Star Magic in creating a paradigm transcending healing centre which can include:

● Beautifully designed outer-worldly ● Water Restructure Devices

spaces balanced with nature ● Meditation and Transcendence
● Sacred Geometry & Codes Spaces
● Bioenergetics ● Spaces for Regeneration &
● Fractal Design rejuvenation
● Incorporate the 5 elements and ● Spaces of initiation
cosmos ● Enhance Mystical Experiences
● Earth grid work & Earth ● Deep healing spaces
acupuncture, planetary energy ● Enhance connections to source
harmonization and other dimensions
● Enhance & maximise the healing ● Weather harmonization
energies of all architectural spaces ● Evolution & Ascension elements
and surroundings. ● Going beyond sustainability into a
● balance the energies of the symbiotic regenerative approach
land ● Harmonic integration with nature
● Enhance Astral projections and living systems
● Ritual and Ceremonial areas ● Yoga philosophies

The Five Elements in Bio Architecture - Design Approach:

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Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Aether offer a comprehensive and direct approach to bio-
architectural design and the creation of man-made environments. The Five Elements
speak of a holistic approach to architecture design and the necessity of our connection
to these primordial elements. These elements are used to generate a set of design
principles for the creation of a harmonious and healthy architectural environment. These
principles hold the key to creating an energetic symbiotic relationship with our natural
ecosystems. An extended paper on this concept can be found at Bioarc.co blog

● EARTH: geomancy, grounding, fractal bioactive materials,


● WATER: water restructuring devices, water features,

biomimicry, regenerative design.

● AIR: Air quality, passive systems of ventilation, systems

integration, interior space, informational fields/prayer.

● FIRE: Natural light, technology, coherent fractal field

generators (CFFG), EM pollution.

● AETHER: Shape power, life force, sacred geometry, fractal

design, bio-geometric translators.

Star Magic Healing Centre (Romania) Project Features:

We understand Star Magic is looking for a healing centre that contains multiple buildings,
areas and dwellings such as:

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● Foyer with reception ● 15 houses

● Training Rooms ● Private accommodation

● Restaurant ● Garage

● Meditation Room ● 2 buildings for creative spaces

● Yoga Studio ● Technical Rooms

● Ceremony Rooms ● Parking - 80 parking places +

● Kitchens Circulations

● Shop Bar ● Horse Stable for 5 horses

● Juice Bar ● Riding Area

● Library/Creative Workshop ● Adventure Park

● 4 Therapy Rooms ● Veggie Garden

● Gym ● Pedestrian Alleys - crop circles like

● Sauna ● Biodynamic Permaculture

● Ice Bath ● Bioharmonics

● Indoor Pool ● Free energy

● Dressing Rooms ● Gardens & Water Features

● Restrooms 80 sqm ● Food Production

● First aid ● Space for ET contact

PART 1 - Includes:

⾦ A.0 Pre-Design Preliminary

⾦ A.1 Feasibility Study

ঌ 8
The Pre-Design Preliminary & Feasibility stage will set the framework for
the entire project to be based upon. The creation of this document is based
on Preliminary assumptions, defined by all the factors that produce the
contextual foundation of the project. This phase lays out the groundwork and
defines the program for the creation of the Master Plan and Concept


The Pre-Design Preliminary stage involves the co-creation of the fully defined
architectural programme, budget, and aesthetic direction for the project based on the
guiding principles and functional requirements.

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These include:

➢ Star Magic’s Vision for the healing centre ➢ Assess Site and Land
➢ Project Scope Surveying
➢ Infrastructure ➢ Materials
➢ Gardens Food Production and Water ➢ Conceptual Budgeting Based
Features on the Project Scope

Star Magic’s Vision for the Healing Centre (Romania)

Jerry has been guided to build 13 Star Magic Healing Centres around the
world. He has bought land in Romania, Transylvania, Madeira (an island off
Portugal), with Romania being the location for the first healing centre to be
built, right in the middle of the mountains. These healing centres will allow
Star Magic Facilitators to travel to work in these centres for humanity as well
as the below.

Reasons for Healing Centres:

1. Build a grid structure around the planet to bring extra terrestrial-like
frequencies safely to planet earth to be harnessed at a safe level

2. Create a foundation and platform for the children (star kids) create safe
havens, platforms and spaces to be creative and free

3. Lioness Women: fierce, powerful, focused, disciplined and determined,

knowledgeable, wise, nurturing and full of love to protect the cubs

4. Men Warriors: there to create this haven, hold the fort, hold space,
give the support to enable Women and Children to show the human
race how to run the planet

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5. Bartering, sharing, exchanging healings, talents.
Communicate on level of feeling and knowing, no lies, no corruption,
can hear everyone’s thoughts and feelings through telepathy

6. Come together to unify

PROJECT SCOPE: Design Brief as per ‘Project Features’ above.

The architectural program will be generated after carrying out the

preliminary study, feasibility and predesign stages of Phase 1.

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The development could include, but not be limited to:

➢ Building 1
○ Merkaba building including :
○ 1 training room 250 sqm,
○ 1 ceremony room 250 sqm,
○ 1 foyer 100 sqm,
○ restrooms 24 sqm,
○ technical room and deposit 50 sqm

➢ Total: 674 sqm

➢ Building 2
○ Kitchen 100 sqm
○ Restaurant + restrooms + small foyer 270sqm +( 50-70 sqm terrace)
○ Shop bar, Juice bar, Deposit 50 sqm
○ Technical Room 20 sqm

➢ Total: 510 sqm

➢ Building 3
○ Meditation Room 200 sqm
○ Yoga Studio 200 sqm
○ Library/Creative Workshop 80 sqm
○ 4 Therapy Rooms 50 sqm
○ Gym + Sauna + Ice Bath + Interior Pool 900 sqm
○ Dressing Room filter + Restrooms 80 sqm
○ Foyer with reception 100 sqm

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○ Technical Room 20 sqm

➢ Total: 1 630 sqm

○ Building 4
○ Reception + Foyer 20 sqm
○ Circulation Areas 20 sqm
○ 5 Single Room + Bathroom (26 sqm/each) 130 sqm
○ 30 Twin Room + Bathroom (30 sqm/each) 900 sqm
○ 9 Rooms with 4 beds + Bathroom (40sqm/each) 360 sqm
○ Technical Room + Washing room 40 sqm

➢ Total: 1 470 sqm

➢ Building 5
○ Garage for 5 cars, building not necessary

➢ Total: 85 sqm

➢ Private accommodation
○ 12 Houses 240 sqm (each) For guests HOUSE TYPE A=2880m2
○ 2 Houses 240 sqm (each)HOUSE TYPE B=480m2
○ 1 House 240 sqm HOUSE TYPE C
○ 1 Creative Space 120 sqm HOUSE TYPE D pyramids
○ 1 Creative Space 100 sqm HOUSE TYPE E

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➢ Total: 3 840 sqm

➢ Landscape Areas
○ Parking - 80 parking places + Circulations 2000 sqm
○ Horse Stable 100 sqm for 5 horses 100 sqm
○ Riding Area
○ Adventure Park
○ Veggie Garden, Permaculture
○ Pedestrian Alleys - crop circles like

➢ Total: 2 100 sqm


○ Total Building: 8 209 sqm
○ Total Landscape: 2 100 sqm


○ Bio Harmonic MEP(mechanical electrical plumbing) solutions.

➢ Low EMR(electromagnetic radiation) design systems
➢ Specially designed Victor Schaburger pumps to conserve the
natural energy of the structured water.

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➢ Specially designed vortex pipes for water distribution.
➢ Li-fi implementation instead of traditional harmful Wi-fi

○ Energy Generation, Free Energy

➢ Cutting edge new free energy technology will be accessible for the
project and made available by Bio arc and the New Earth network.

○ Water Restructure Devices

➢ Specially designed water restructured devices will be placed in
specific locations to provide highly restructured and energized water
for drinking.

Gardens Food Production and Water Features

➢ Gardens surrounding areas of development
➢ Permaculture and food garden integration with the architecture
➢ Fruit tree gardens
➢ Bio-dynamic, syntropic agroforestry, permaculture farming installations
➢ Zen natural gardens, and special features

Assess Site and Land Surveying

○ Drone Topographical Survey & 3d Model of the Land

This initial survey is ideal for the conceptual phase and will provide a 3d model of
the topology of the land which will then serve to generate architectural
visualizations, study the land and generate the Bio-energetic survey.

ঌ 15
○ Bio-Energetic Surveying
Bioenergetic surveys are a very important element of the bio architectural design
approach. This process of Dowsing to map Geopathic Stress lines, power sports
or energy vortexes detrimental or beneficial throughout the site is critical to this
energetic design approach.

○ Power Spots Identification

Through this process, we can identify Power Spots which are beneficial earth
energies found on site which suggest optimal siting for significant structures such
as yoga shalas, temples, meditation spaces, even working spaces and creative
studios. Conversely, there are negative and detrimental energetic spots that
should be corrected.

○ Geomagnetic lines
Are rivers of magnetic energy flux that can be mapped and taken into
consideration in the master planning and layout of buildings.
These lines can be life-threatening if intersecting with sleeping spaces and can
cause detrimental long term negative effects on the health of the inhabitants.
On the other hand, these same lines are responsible for creating the benefits of
the already mentioned power spots, being really important to work with them in a
coherent manner, integrating the design, its functionality, the different spaces in
the master planning in a beneficial design approach.

ঌ 16

Material selection is a very important aspect of Pre-Design as the different choices will
influence the design, different materials have different properties that will determine
the design possibilities, also the choice of, for example of roof material will determine
the pitch of the roof, the weight of the material will influence the design of the structure
etc. Specific materials are chosen and are preferable in the bio architectural and
energetic design approach, as materials have a very influential effect on the energetic
quality of architecture, this list will be developed in the Pre-design stage.

Conceptual Budgeting Based on The Project Scope

○ The total land is around 9.5 acres = 3.85 hectares

○ The development sqm area is around 10 000 sqm therefore the

footprint of the development is around 30 % of the total amount of
the land. within this development area tree located within it will be

○ The initial preliminary estimate of the “cost of works”/construction budget

can be between 9 and 11 million euros. this budget will include a
contingency fund of 2 million euros. The cost can vary depending on
design complexity and build cost in the country. 600-700 euros per square
meter is the standard build cost. 900 euros per square metre is a specialist
build cost, bringing the total cost in the region of 9 million euros. With the

ঌ 17
uniqueness of this Healing Centre and Community being built from a
specialized geometry and design approach, representing the elements of
nature, never before built in Europe, the price per square meter may be
more. The contingency fund ( 2 million euros) will be put aside for this. We
will have accurate figures once the engineer has evaluated the buildings.

○ Notice more research needs to be carried out in the preliminary

feasibility to determine these final figures .


A feasibility study relates to how feasible the project is, based on the below
constraints and factors which may influence the architecture’s design elements
and functionality. This section lays a clear groundwork and areas for discussion for
the concept design to be based upon.

ঌ 18
These include:

➢ Physical and Ecological ➢ Access and Circulation

➢ Geographic ➢ Building Regulations
➢ Permaculture Site Assessment

➢ Physical and Ecological

○ Zoning as prescribed by the local environment. Protection of

surrounding ecosystems and trees is the priority. Designs will
○ integrate the buildings respecting nature.
○ Soil analysis of the particular location to determine foundation
systems and potential design implications.
○ The existence of Gas pipe that crosses the land will be a factor to
take into consideration in the master planning

➢ Geographic
○ Indigenous culture
○ Urbanization growth studies
○ Material resources
○ Topographical, land topology and how it conditions the building
○ Zones of use and Natural building sites
○ Viewpoints, and openings defined by the specific locations

ঌ 19
➢ Permaculture Site Assessment
○ Climate / Microclimate of the location
○ Landform Topography (holding or percolating water)
○ Water Systems (both surface, streams and subsurface water
tables and locations of spring water.
○ Natural existing plants and trees. Sources and yields

➢ Access and Circulation, the flow of energy and staff

○ Transportation/parking
○ Infrastructure access, roads, and bridges
○ Natural pathways, access in the site

➢ Building Regulations

Identify potential constraints and review applicable statutes,

regulations, codes and where necessary review the same with the
authorities having jurisdiction (Meetings with local building Agencies).
○ Occupancy and Zoning
○ Residential / Business / etc. Land use permits
○ permitted uses/setbacks, height limits, etc


Core architectural services are the professional services required by most

clients for a building project from the initial design to the completion of
construction. The majority of projects will require all core architectural
services. Bio arc and Anahatta have divided the project works into two
parts with an independent payment structure for each as a suggestion to
the client on how to move forward before and while defining the project
budget. With the Concept Design package independent of the Schematic

ঌ 20
Design & Development, the client has the flexibility to assess the concept
design generated in parallel with an estimated cost of works before making
the commitment to the production of the detailed drawings produced in
part 2: schematic design and until contract administration.
Note: detail drawings are technical drawings for construction and will be
generated from the 3d models created in part 1, the conceptual phase. In the
conceptual phase, the renders and images will have full aesthetic details and will
be the most beautiful and interesting to capture the attention of investors and
interested parties. this is worked out in this way, to be able to have the flexibility to
explore concepts and ideas before the closure of the design process and the start
of part 2 the technical phase. that is where the rest of the cost for architectural
services will be allocated .. we prefer to do it this way so we can alleviate the
client’s investment, notice the investors don't need to see technical drawings but
just need to see the conceptual images and videos meaning ht product of the
conceptual phase.

The Two Parts are:

Part 1 – A.0 Preliminary Feasibility up to A.2 Concept Design – A Fixed
Fee (to be contracted with Bio Arc Singapore)

The total lump sum fee for Part 1 is 86,000 Euro (64,000euro Bio arc / 22,000
euro Annahata Creation), derived from the proposed budget and project
The costs of services split by Bio arc and Annahata Creation for Part 1 are
outlined below, paid through Bio Arc for contractual simplicity to Star Magic.

Part 2 – A.3 Schematic Design up to contract administration - xx% fee of

ঌ 21
estimated project cost based on approved Concept Design drawings (to be
contracted with Annahata Creations Romania)
Once Part 1 is complete, we can progress to the next phase, Part 2. Payment for
Part 2, will be a percentage(%) fee of the total project cost of works.
This percentage split between Bio arc and Annahata Creation will be proposed
and agreed upon by all parties and Star Magic before Part 2 can commence,
paid through Annahata Creations for contractual simplicity to Star Magic.

*Note: for more detailed information about the phases of the architectural development and
terms and conditions of this service check our standard Bio arc client/architect agreement

Part 1 – Bio arc’s Fees A.0 & A1 Pre-Design Preliminary & Feasibility
The Deposit below will allow Bio arc to commence Part 1 – A.0 Pre-Design &
A.1 Feasibility Study for the Star Magic Healing Centre (Romania).

A.0 Pre-Design includes:

➢ Star Magic’s Vision for the healing ➢ This will include the generation of a
centre bioenergetic survey map
➢ Project Scope NOTE: (Consultancy fees with

ঌ 22
➢ Infrastructure Romanian Surveyors is not
➢ Gardens Food Production and included)
Water Features ➢ Materials
➢ Assess Site and Land Surveying ➢ Conceptual Budgeting Based on
the Project Scope

A.1 Feasibility Study includes:

➢ Physical and Ecological ➢ Access and Circulation

➢ Geographic ➢ Building Regulations
➢ Permaculture Site Assessment ➢ Client meetings and management

INITIAL DEPOSIT to Bio arc: 16,000 EURO

Deposit required for commencement of Part 1, and to carry out the pre-design and
feasibility work above. Once Bio arc receives the initial deposit, work will be
scheduled immediately for the commencement of Part 1 to carry out the pre-design
and feasibility stage.

After this phase is complete, this will allow the Bio arc team to move forward to
the next stages below in Part 1 - A.2 Concept Design.
Note: in order to start to design A.1 doesn't have to be necessarily completely
defined as long the main components are clarified, the design phase can start, this

ঌ 23
means that at a given stage they can run parallel, the predesign and feasibility will
continue during the entire process of part 1.

Part 1 – Bio arc fees A.2 Concept Design

○ A.2 Conceptual Design deliverables include:

➢ Sketches of different design options.

➢ Sketches, diagrams, schematics, graphics, infographics and any other visual

information to adequately explain the concept of architecture and master
plan will be generated in this process. Further, be included in a full PDF
presentation with interior and exterior visualizations of the architecture
with also Texts explaining the unique concept of the bioarchitecture, this will
produce a presentation for investors.

➢ 3d printed models to scale for the study of the buildings, the energetics and
the structural design.

➢ The generation of full digital 3d models of the building designs.

➢ Virtual Reality, VR file for a real immersive experience of the structure,

interior, and exterior. The spaces can then be experienced by clients and
investors with an independent executable .exe file, that can be opened in an
appropriate computer for the use of VR headset.

➢ Video fly thought, and edited final video of the architectural concept,
interior, and exterior.

ঌ 24
➢ Client meeting & adjustments to Concept Design to take on feedback.

➢ Upon obtaining the client’s approval of the final concept design, the
coordination of a preliminary estimate of the Cost of Works and bill of
quantities are generated at the close of the Concept Design stage.

➢ Exterior visualizations included in this fee, interior renders will be

outsourced for best results for quality and realism, Bio arc office can produce
these renders without extra add costs to the client.

➢ Include payments to Bio arc existing team and consultants.

➢ Will include any materials and equipment associated costs related to the
services provided.

➢ Arrange, and attend meetings with the client, authorities, other consultants,
and relevant parties.
48 000 Euro

TOTAL fees to Bio arc. For PART 1 (A.0 & A1 Pre-Design Preliminary
& Feasibility & A.2 Concept Design)
Initial Deposit (16,000 Euro + 48,000 Euro)


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Payment schedule for Part 1 to Bio arc:
● ¼ Initial Deposit to commence feasibility and pre-design:
16 000 Euro
● ¼ at the start of concept design 16 000 Euro
● ¼ progress payment, master plan and exterior 16 000 Euro
● ¼ at delivering of complete concept phase 16 000 Euro

Note1: This amount is an estimate that may be adjusted in relation to the design
complexity & requirements for the project’s architectural design as the project
The possibilities are endless. We can design at any level of complexity to meet the
budget and characteristics of the project. Ideally, we would like to create something
for you, that is paradigm transcending, but this is directly proportional to the
budget and resources available, therefore we suggest some flexibility.

Note2: this initial Concept design phase can be broken down into smaller phases,
exterior and interior design, and different degrees of complexity. We can also adapt
to the budget in stages, essentially the strategy is to produce some visualizations
which can then be used to present the vision to investors and create gravity towards
the project, bring funds and increase levels of detail, quality and complexity in the

This Phase includes collaborative work with Annahata Creation as well as additional
consultations with external consultants where necessary, in this case, the next
consultants on the list will be paid by Bio arc for the concept design phase. These
consultations will be necessary for the Bioarchitectural concept to fully develop.

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This phase will include the involvement of the next Bio arc consultants team for
the conceptual stage:
● Creative Lead Architect: Juan Schlosser
● Bio architect: Michael Rice
● Bio architect: Arturo Ponce de Leon
● Bio architecture consultant: world-recognized scientist and
electronic engineer: Dan Winter
● Renowned Bio Geometry Founder: Ibrahim Karim
● Creative architect producer: Bernardo Charca
● Structural Engineer: Dewa Made Aditya
● Bioenergetic science. Thomas Brown
● Electronic engineer. Frederik Stimmel
● Art director: Mark Lee
● Bio geometrist and architect: Daphne Charles
● Landscape design: Komang Budi Windhutama
● Permaculture gardening: consultant from Star Magic tribe (paid
directly by Star Magic)


○ Pre-design & Feasibility Phase: approximately 1 month.

○ Conceptual Designs: approximately 5 months,
2 months for initial master plan and exterior renders, 3 months for complete

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concept design
○ TOTAL: 6 months
Note: Timelines may adjust depending on the complexity of the design, budget &
resources available for the project as well as unforeseen circumstances which may cause


○ A local architectural & interior design firm Roberta Ciorzan from Annahata
Creation, Romania will assist Bio arc to carry out some of the Pre-Design,
Feasibility and Concept 1Design as per PART 1. Bio arc will liaise closely with
Annahata Creation to ensure the project can be implemented in Romania
architecturally - such that the concept design is feasible to build and implement on
the land whilst complying with the building regulations in Romania.

○ Annahata Creation will specifically focus on interior design and floor plans,
following Bio arc’s guidance to ensure unified design language and the
implementation of the bioenergetic design approach.

○ Annahata Creation will perform the majority of the work as per part 2. schematic
design and contract administration, as they are the local firm who are able to carry

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out this stage. Bio arc will closely collaborate with Annahata during this process.

○ Bio arc will focus on the creation of the conceptual architectural design work for
the entire project which will be used as an asset to attract additional investors into
the project, which will fund part 2 and the entire development.

○ Bio arc will liaise with Annahata Creation throughout the entire process for part 2 -
schematic design and contract administration. This section will be implemented by
Annahata Creation under the guidance and advice of Bio arc. For this architectural
services, Bio arc will receive x% of part 2 (to be confirmed at a later stage)

Part 1 – Annahata Creation Consultancy & Architectural Services :

A.0 & A1 Pre-Design Preliminary & Feasibility

1. Finalizing the design theme of functionality and necessary surfaces for Bio arc.
Based on this design theme, the concept will begin – done By Annahata Creation
2. Site analysis :
2.1 Topometry study (done by a team of contributors) – we will have to go to the site
with them to make sure the study includes the position of the trees we would like to
keep. Costs for contributors for the topometry study – approximate 2000 euro

2.2 3D drone topometry study – to be discussed if necessary (done by contributors

2.3 Geo studies done on the site – approximately 4 geo studies 1000 euro (done by
contributors team) – the structural engineer will request how many it will be necessary

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3. We will provide consultancy for the Pre-Design work done by Bio arc, to make
sure the solution is feasible (from a legal, climatic, urban, architectural, structural point of
view) – consultancy done by Annahata Creation.
Within a month Annahata Creation will have regular online meetings with BioArc to
finalize the Pre-Design & Feasibility Phase

Part 2 – A.2 Concept Design

4. Bio arc will start the first sketches for Concept Design. Annahata Creation will offer
consultancy, to make sure the solution will remain feasible and executable. The solution
will be presented to Jerry and if accepted we will proceed further in the design concept.
Annahata Creation will ensure that the concept will be buildable for Romania and this site

Therefore, Annahata Creation’s interventions on Bio arc’s design concepts could be the

Architectural services:
● Volume adjustments due to field conditions (climatic, topometric and so on)
● Adjusting the functionality according to the requirements of the Romanian
legislation and city hall

Interior design:
● Adjustments for good interior functionality and aesthetics
● Annahata Creation will receive the 3D models from Bio arc and we will provide the
conceptual interior design, including furniture, lights, materials, textures, etc. After
we add this to the 3D models, Bio arc will render the interior design scenes. At this

ঌ 30
phase of the project, we will render only the main areas of the buildings, just to get
a feeling of how it will look on the interior. Estimated scenes to render:
approximately 12-15, which will show the key and main points in each building.

● Structural engineering (done by contributors of Annahata Creation’s team)

● After receiving the sketches and models from Bio arc with the conceptual
proposals, Annahata Creation’s structural engineer will have to make the structural
3D design model and check based on Romanian structural design regulations if
the concept is buildable or needs adjustments. The price offer of this phase will be
provided after the structural engineer will receive the 3D concept and could
evaluate the amount of complexity and volume of work that needs to be done.
● Installations engineering (done by contributors of Annahata Creation’s team):
● Consultancy on the necessary installation systems, to make sure the solution is
feasible in the site conditions of Jerry’s property in Romania

4.1 After we have the first sketches from Bio arc we will have a meeting with the city hall
to discuss the design theme with them and get feedback regarding the feasibility of our
solution from a legal point of view.
At this point, it will be very good to request an Urban Certificate from the city hall based
on our design theme. The Urban Certificate is the legal paper in Romania, a guide of the
entire authorization documentation of the project. There we will receive all the
information and regulations in order to build according to the law (buildable area,
withdrawals from the neighbours, functionality, height regime allowed, etc).

4.2 At this stage Annahata Creation can start the first discussions with different
builders, in order to get estimated prices and check also if the project is buildable.
In order to get some estimated prices from builders, it will be necessary to have some
estimated bill of quantities* for the project structures. Bio arc will provide this.
* Bill of quantities consists of materials, parts, and labour are itemized. It also details the terms and

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conditions of the construction and itemizes all work to enable an Annahata Creation to price the work
for which requires bidding.

Annahata Creation’s Costs for – A.0 & A1 Pre-Design Preliminary & Feasibility and
A.2 Concept Design:
● Topometry Study: 2000 euro (done by contributors team)
● Geo studies: 1000 euro (done by contributors team)
Architectural Consultancy done by Annahata Creation:
● Structural Consultancy done by Annahata Creation – to be discussed after the first
sketches are received, and see the complexity of structures
(estimated price between 6000-8000 euro)
● Installations Consultancy done by Annahata Creation
● Interior design concept: approximately 12-15, which will show the key and main
points in each building (Bio arc will render these scenes).

Annahata creation Arc. services:

Estimated time: 6 months

Payment schedule:
● Deposit for feasibility and pre-design 6000 Euro

● ½ minus the initial deposit, when Bio arc starts concept design 5000 Euro

● ¼ progress payment, at the master plan and exterior delivered by Bio arc:
5500 Euro

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● ¼ at delivering final concept design phase, complete concept 5500 Euro

Total payable to Annahata Creation (to be

paid through Bio Arc Contract):
22 000 Euro
(without structural consultancy)

Grand total costing for both Bio arc and Annahata Creation’s
Services: PART 1
(A.0 & A1 Pre-Design Preliminary & Feasibility & A.2 Concept Design):

Combined Payment schedule totals (Bio arc & Annahata Creation)

for part 1:
● ¼ Deposit, start feasibility and pre-design 22 000 Euro
● ¼ to start concept design 21 000 Euro
● ¼ progress payment, master plan and exterior 21 500 Euro
● ¼ at delivering of complete concept phase 21 500 Euro

COMBINED TOTAL for PART 1 (Bioarc & Annahata Creation):

86 000 Euro

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PART 2 - Schematic Design Phase up to Contract Administration
Preliminary fees estimate for Bio arc and Annahata Creation

Note: The below is a preliminary estimate and the final fee will have to be
confirmed after part 1 is finalized, in any scenario, we can estimate costs for
PART 2: schematic design phase up to contract administration, the fee for
this phase will be calculated from a percentage % of the total cost of works,
other factors like design complexity may influence this number.


Total cost of works around 9 million EURO

Estimate at 2.6% medium design complexity

Only for part 2 = 148 000 EURO
Note: For curve structures and increased design complexity 3.5%



ESTIMATE: 234 000 Euro

Thank you!
Bio arc & Annahata Creation

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This proposal, when agreed, becomes an adjunct document to contracts for
Part 1 to Bio Arc (Singapore), and Part 2 to Annahata Creation (Romania).

The parties BIO ARC, Annahata CREATION and STAR MAGIC

acknowledge this is a working proposal and estimate to allow contractual
relations to proceed with a clear understanding of direction.
This Proposal will be attached as inclusive to the contracts made, with any
alterations at the agreement of all parties.

Starting 16th February 2022, the contractual obligations of ANNAHATA

CREATION will be taken over by ANNAHATA ARCHITECTURE, with all
the responsibilities of this contract.

All parties hereby agree with this working proposal:

BIO ARC STAR MAGIC Annahata Annahata

Juan Schlosser Jerry Sargeant CREATION ARCHITECTURE
SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: Roberta Ciorzan Roberta Ciorzan

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Date: Date: Date:
___/___/___ ___/___/___ Date: ___/___/___

About Bio arc:

Bio arc is an architectural design firm, with a company and office set up in Singapore, and an
operational design studio located in Bali, and a partner company incorporated in Indonesia: Bio arc
Energetics, which produces designs and architecture projects locally and internationally.

Bio arc Vision: To create the physical structures, spaces and environments that will act as catalysts for
the evolution of human consciousness.

Bio arc operates as a social enterprise that has as a philosophy reinvest the majority of its profits back
into its cause.

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