Suggested Activity Design Policy Design Mentorship
Suggested Activity Design Policy Design Mentorship
Suggested Activity Design Policy Design Mentorship
Insert type of plan (e.g. LCCAP, DRRM, GAD, TDP, etc)
Corresponding to the substantial increase in Internal Revenue Allotments (IRA) beginning 2022 as
mandated by the Supreme Court ruling on the joint Mandanas-Garcia petitions (G.R. Nos. 199802 and
208488, July 3, 2018) is the impending full devolution of government functions to LGUs. To prepare
for these, LGUs across the Philippines are being called upon by the Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG) as well as the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to strengthen
planning, investment programming, budget linkage, and monitoring and evaluation systems in
order to absorb more responsibilities and functions across all sectors and dimensions of public
Capacity development to assume the responsibilities of the devolved services is seen as an essential
step towards this direction.
In light of the often overwhelming tasks of the local government and limitations in staff, manpower,
and technical capacities, the preparation, documentation, and mainstreaming into the public
consciousness of these plans is a perennial challenge.
In response to this, the Province/Municipality/City of __________________ sees the need for a more
organized and guided system as well as supporting mechanisms to assist the relevant departments
and staff mandated to prepare the plans and disseminate its outputs to stakeholders and the public.
Pursuant to this need and in the exigence of the service, the Province/Municipality/City of __________
has deemed it necessary to organize a series of Online Write/Workshop Mentoring Sessions with the
goal of preparing the various parts leading towards the production of the ____________________
(insert type of plan here). The activity shall be undertaken under the following provisions:
1. Participants. Staff of the relevant departments primarily involved in the preparation of the plan
together with the staff and officers of the Provincial/Municipal/City Planning and Development
Office shall be required to attend the online mentoring sessions. During sessions that involve the
participation of key stakeholders, they shall likewise be invited and provided access to the said
2. Facilitators. The Province/Municipality/City of ______________ shall invite facilitators and resource
persons from the Balikatan sa Kaunlaran (BSK) National Foundation - a duly-registered non-
stock, non-profit foundation and accredited training provider of the Department of Labor and
Employment, Department of Science and Technology, and Department of Trade and Industry
who shall serve as resource persons, documentors, and mentors with the responsibility of
capacitating the participants and realizing the objectives of the activity.
3. Mentorship Platform. BSK National Foundation shall set-up a Facebook and/or Viber group
which shall serve as an online platform for the various support mechanisms towards the
preparation of the plan.
The honoraria shall be inclusive of a) three-hour mentoring session for the week; b) a one-hour
mentoring session per day of the mentoring week (five days); c) all materials to be developed
pursuant to the mentorship needs.
*the rate offered by BSK National Foundation is at PHP20,000.00 per session (for each resource person)
**PHP20,000 x 4 resource persons x 6 sessions = PHP480,000.00
***the rates and its inclusions may be subject to further discussion between parties
Prepared by:
Provincial/Municipal/City Planning and Development Officer