Cast Iron
Cast Iron
Cast Iron
- Cubic boron nitride cut-off wheel
- Thorough diamond polishing on hard
polishing cloths and final oxide
Fig.1: Grey iron with flake graphite, 200x Fig. 2: Same as Fig.1, showing correct polish 200x
insufficient polish
Production and Fig. 6: Exhaust manifold,
compacted graphite iron
application of
cast irons
Fig. 9: White cast iron, pearlite with ledeburite 200x Austenitic cast iron, etched with 3% Nital 200x
+ modified Beraha’s reagent
and thermal conductivity and retains the good retention of strength and hardness is easier to cast and therefore suitable for
shape better under temperature changes at elevated temperatures. Due to its large precision casting of complicated shaped
than ductile iron. masses of carbides, especially when al- parts with a narrow wall thickness.
Applications: cylinder heads for high turn- loyed, white cast iron has an excellent The main properties of austenitic cast irons
ing diesel motors, axle- and gear cases, resistance against wear and abrasion. It is are: corrosion resistance against sea water
exhaust manifolds (Fig. 6), housings of used for shot-blasting nozzles, rolling mill and alkaline media and high strength and
turbo chargers. rolls, crushers, pulverizers and ball mill scale resistance at high temperatures.
liners. They are used specifically for applications
White cast iron contains 1.8-3.6% carbon, in the maritime environment, for instance
0.5-1.9% silicon and 1-2% manganese. By chilling grey or ductile iron on the out- for large pump housings and other parts of
A fast cooling rate prevents the precipita- side and letting it cool slowly inside, it is desalination plants, or bushings and linings
tion of carbon as graphite. Instead the car- possible to produce parts with a hard sur- in chemical plants, compressors for ag-
bon, which is in solution in the melt, forms face of white cast iron with a ductile core gressive gases, housings for gas turbines
iron carbide (Fe3C, also called cementite). (chilled cast). and turbo chargers.
The structure of white cast iron consists of
pearlite and ledeburite (Fig. 9), a eutectic Malleable iron with tempered
of pearlite, converted from austenite, and graphite (TG)
cementite. Ni-hard alloys (8-9% Cr, 5-6% Malleable iron is made by heat treating
Ni) have a martensitic matrix with chro- white cast iron. Through a two stage, long
mium carbides. time heat treatment (tempering) white cast
iron is converted to ferritic or pearlitic mal-
White cast iron has a high compressive leable iron. The carbon of the iron carbide
strength and alloyed versions have a first goes into solution, and through slow
cooling then precipitates in irregular nod-
ules called temper carbon. Pearlitic malle-
able iron can be hardened.
Increasingly malleable iron is replaced
by nodular iron for economical reasons,
especially since the fields of application are
very similar.
Alloyed white cast irons are very hard (HV Time constraints often make it difficult to
600) and can be difficult to cut, especially maintain consistent preparation results
large sections. It is important to point out, using manual methods and often, due to
that despite this hardness diamond cut-off the geometry of the test piece, automatic
wheels are not suitable for cutting white preparation is not a suitable alternative.
cast iron. However, as the design of the test pieces
The main problem when preparing sam- is usually arbitrary, their dimension and
ples of cast iron is to retain the graphite form can be changed in order to fit into an
in its original shape and size. Although in automatic system (Fig.13). This has been
the microscope the image of the graphite successfully carried out by some manu-
Fig.11: Insufficient polish leaves graphite 200x
is viewed as 2-dimensional, it should be nodules covered with smeared metal facturers who where then able to make the
remembered that it is actually 3-dimen- preparation more efficient and improve the
sional. This means that during grinding and evaluation of the graphite.
polishing the appearance of graphite can Most of the standard microscopic checks
slightly change, and that a certain percent- of cast irons are done with a magnification
age of graphite is cut very shallow with of 100x, which makes the graphite appear
only a weak hold in the matrix. Therefore black. Only with higher magnifications can
there is always a possibility that the graph- it be verified if the carbon is completely
ite can not be completely retained. Espe- retained. Well polished graphite is grey
cially very large flakes or agglomerations (Fig.14).
of flakes have the tendency to loose the
graphite. Therefore graphite nodules can Fig.12: Correct polish shows shape and size of 200x Note: cast irons with graphite are not
not always be retained or polished well. graphite nodules suitable for evaluation suitable for electrolytic polishing as the
In malleable cast irons graphite exists in graphite is washed away by the electrolyte.
the form of rosettes or temper carbon. A common preparation error is the insuffi- However, if only a quick identification of
This is a friable form of graphite and can cient removal of smeared matrix metal after the microstructure of the matrix is required
be particularly difficult to retain during the grinding, which can obscure the true shape electrolytic polishing and etching can be
preparation. and size of graphite (compare Figs.11 and used (Fig.15).
12). This is particularly prevalent in ferritic
or austenitic cast irons that are prone to
deformation and scratching. For these ma-
terials a thorough diamond and final polish
is especially important.
SEM image of ductile iron with graphite nodules Fig.13: Sample holder for semi-automatic polishing of Fig.15: Ductile iron electrolytical polished and etched
quality control samples in cast line shows the pearlitic matrix and ferrite surrounding
graphite. Graphite is washed away
Grinding Grinding
Step PG FG Step PG FG
Polishing Polishing
Table 1: Alternatively DiaPro diamond suspension can be Table 2: *In cases where retention of graphite is very difficult, MD-Plan cloth can be tried for
Preparation method replaced by DP-Suspension, P, 9 µm, 3 µm and Preparation method fine grinding.
for white cast irons 1 µm respectively, applied with blue lubricant. for cast irons with **This step is optional
Alternatively DiaPro diamond suspension can be replaced by DP-Suspension P,
9 µm, 3 µm and 1 µm respectively, applied with blue lubricant
Cleaning: As many cast irons tend to cor- AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND
Struers Australia
Struers GmbH Nederland
rode easily the cleaning of samples has to 27 Mayneview Street
Milton QLD 4064
Zomerdijk 34 A
3143 CT Maassluis
be fast and should always be carried out Australia
Tel.: +61 7 3512 9600
Tel.: +31 (10) 599 7209
Fax: +31 (10) 5997201
with cold water. Under no circumstances Fax: +61 7 3369 8200
should the samples be left in contact with NORWAY
BELGIUM (Wallonie) Struers ApS, Norge
water. Thorough rinsing with ethanol and Struers S.A.S. Sjøskogenveien 44C
370, rue du Marché Rollay 1407 Vinterbro
fast drying with a strong stream of warm F- 94507 Champigny Tel.: +47 970 94 285
air is recommended. If corrosion still oc- sur Marne Cedex
Tel.: +33 1 5509 1430
curs cleaning and rinsing with water free Fax: +33 1 5509 1449
Struers GmbH
alcohol only is recommended. Austempered ductile iron, etched with 200x BELGIUM (Flanders)
Zweigniederlassung Österreich
Betriebsgebiet Puch Nord 7
3% Nital, pol. light Struers GmbH Nederland 5412 Puch
Etching: Initially, the cast iron samples Zomerdijk 34 A Tel.: +43 6245 70567
3143 CT Maassluis
are microscopically examined unetched Note: do not use diamond cut-off wheels! Tel.: +31 (10) 599 7209
Fax: +31 (10) 5997201 POLAND
to evaluate shape, size and distribution of Plane grinding, fine grinding and polishing Struers Sp. z o.o.
Oddział w Polsce
graphite and possible cast porosity. After are carried out with diamond. CANADA ul. Jasnogórska 44
Struers Ltd. 31-358 Kraków
this initial evaluation the sample is etched 7275 West Credit Avenue Tel.: +48 12 661 20 60
for microstructure with 1 - 3% Nital. Integrated into online casting, semi-auto- Mississauga, Ontario L5N 5M9
Tel.: +1 905-814-8855
Fax: +48 12 626 01 46
The following Beraha reagent can be used matic preparation equipment can achieve Fax: +1 905-814-1440 ROMANIA
for colour etching and can be modified better results for a reliable and reprodu- Struers GmbH, Sucursala
CHINA Bucuresti
according to the alloy: cible graphite evaluation than manual Struers Ltd. Str. Preciziei nr. 6R
No. 1696 Zhang Heng Road 062203 sector 6, Bucuresti
1000 ml water preparation. Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park Tel.: +40 (31) 101 9548
Shanghai 201203, P.R. China Fax: +40 (31) 101 9549
200 ml hydrochloric acid Tel.: +86 (21) 6035 3900
Fax: +86 (21) 6035 3999