Translation of International Words
Translation of International Words
Translation of International Words
промышл индустр
енность ия
Words, similar in sound and
spelling in two languages,
but which have different
resin -смола, not «резина»
clay - глина but not клей.
is very important not to rush to
use in translation the word similar
in form to the target word. You
must first make sure that the two
words are identical in this context
and meaning.
It should be borne in mind that, for example,
two nouns in English and Russian can be
identical in meaning, but the corresponding
adjectives, adverbs and verbs can be
pseudointernational words.
E.g.: revolutionary changes in tube design -
значительные (радикальные) изменения в
конструкции трубы, but not as
революционные изменения в конструкции
massive tube failures – сильные
повреждения трубы.
The discrepancy in the subject-logical
content of words
Three types of such discrepancies are
1) The English word is much wider in
meaning than a similar in a form Russian
word. E.g., the word «митинг» is used only in
one meaning, whereas a correspondent
English word а meeting may also mean
собрание, заседание, встреча, дуэль и т. д.
Context usually clearly indicates the
meaning of the translated word, so in
the translation it is necessary only to
verify whether a similar in a form word
in another language has the same
meaning. E.g., balance сальдо,
остаток, а не только “баланс”;
concrete бетон, а не только
conductor проводник; дирижер, а не
только “кондуктор”.
2)The Russian word is broader
in meaning than a similar
English word. E.g. auditorium
- аудитория is used only to
mean a room, but not people
listening to any performance.
3) Russian and English words that are similar
in form have a completely different meaning.
accurate точный, а не аккуратный: actual
действительный, а не актуальный; aspirant
претендент, а не аспирант; bullion слиток
(золота или серебра), а не бульон; clay
глина, а не клей; complexion цвет лица, а
не комплекция; compositor наборщик, а не
I. ex. 1- 4 p. 41 – 42
II. International words, ways of formation,
III. Pseudonternational words, ways of
formation, translation
Хоменко С. А. Основы теории и практики
перевода научно-технического текста с
английского языка на русский: Учеб.
пособие / С.А.Хоменко, Е.Е.Цветкова,
И.М.Басовец. –Мн.: БНТУ, 2004. – 204 с.