Frames and Games: Institut D'an' Alisi Econ' Omica (CSIC) Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Frames and Games: Institut D'an' Alisi Econ' Omica (CSIC) Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Frames and Games: Institut D'an' Alisi Econ' Omica (CSIC) Universitat Pompeu Fabra
1 Introduction
Economists are proud of being able to point to situations in which the fun-
damental forces identified by economic analysis work inexorably. One such
case is the effect that supply reductions have on prices in the international
oil market. One can safely predict that prices will increase and that any at-
tempts by politicians and journalists to prevent the increase by presenting the
situation in a particular light will not work. It is known, however, that things
are not always that simple. Numerous studies have shown that behaviour of-
ten depends on the way in which logically equivalent choice situations and
strategically equivalent situations are described or presented to people. Such
so-called framing effects have been identified in a number of different contexts.
Kuhberger [8] surveys some of the relevant literature.
The existence of framing effects poses important challenges to the scientific
analysis of society. After all, social science is based on the idea that human
behaviour can be captured and understood by simplified representations of
things. If framing effects are pervasive, if every change in the circumstances
surrounding social situations affects people’s decisions substantially, the anal-
ysis of humans’ social behaviour will be an extremely difficult task. At the
same time the question arises why people are affected by the framing of situ-
In this paper we study experimentally some of the possible limits of framing
effects. We do that in the context of different representations of dilemma
games. Andreoni [1] compares behaviour in a public good (PG) and in a certain
public bad (PB) game. He finds that subjects are more willing to cooperate
in the PG case, even though the two situations are strategically equivalent.
This result invites further investigation, because it is not directly consistent
with some of the recent models of social preferences like those of Fehr and
Schmidt [6], Bolton and Ockenfels [3] and Charness and Rabin [5]. The result
also differs from most other results on framing effects in this kind of games.
First, the strength of the effect is surprising. Two meta-analyses (Levin et al.
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[9]; Kuhberger [8]) recently showed that PG/PB frames are not as effective
in producing “framing-effects” as is the classical Asian disease situation of
Tversky & Kahneman [11]. Both meta-analyses see the reason for this in the
specific structure of “game-theoretic” (Kuhberger) or “goal-framing” (Levin)
situations. Both choices are risky, and it is not clear, which one is riskier.
Furthermore, Andreoni’s effect goes in the opposite direction from what has
been found in most studies of PG/PB frames. Usually, the negative (loss, PB)
frame has been found to have a stronger impact on responses than the positive
(gain, PG) frame. For example, in a classical study by Brewer & Kramer [4],
subjects left more of the common resource in the commons frame than in the
PG frame.
Our experiments are motivated by two specific hypotheses about the limits
of framing effects. The first is that there is a kind of — in a loose sense —
continuity in the relation between frames and behaviour. If this were the case,
then very small changes in the way a situation is presented would have minor
effects and only larger differences would lead to larger differences in behaviour.
It would mean that not any small change would matter. The second hypothesis
is that variations in the parameters that govern monetary incentives lead to
similar changes — in direction and magnitude — under different framing
conditions. This hypothesis is motivated by the general notion that perhaps
models should not be expected to accurately predict levels of behaviour but
should have the ability of accommodating observed comparative statics in
the sense of the shifts in behaviour in response to parameter changes. In our
experiments small and large changes in the presentation correspond to what
– intuitively – are minor vs. more extensive changes in the wording used in
the experimental instructions. With respect to the variations in the relevant
parameters we follow the approach of Goeree, Holt and Laury [7], who have
subjects make decisions for different PG situations, which vary in several
3 Results
The main result of our experiment is that differences between frames are
less important than the parameters of the decision task for determining con-
tributions to a common good. However, one frame did have a stronger ef-
fect on contributions. Furthermore, the effect of the frames differed between
parameter-constellations. The first figure shows the average contributions for
each frame and each decision. To allow for a comparison with Goeree et al.’s
original results in the same situations, we added their data to our figures.
The figure shows that there are no big differences between the frames in most
decisions, but that there are differences for all frames between the parameter-
constellations. It also shows that the frames do not always influence contri-
butions in the same direction.
With respect to the percentage of the endowment contributed in each
frame, over all decisions, there is no significant difference for our three frames.
While Goeree et al.’s result is very similar, Andreoni’s data differ largerly from
ours. In a later step we discuss whether this might be caused by the specific pa-
rameters he is using. But, first we take another look at contributions, but now
178 Jordi Brandts and Christiane Schwieren
mean contribution
10 a
8 pg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 1. Average token contributions per frame and decision (g = Goeree’s data, a
= our “andreoni”-frame).
the PB frame. With respect to zero contributions, both frames are equal. An
ANOVA using “parameter structure” as independent factor and contribution
as the dependent variable reveals that for each frame the type of decision is
an important predictor of the amount contributed (significance level for PB
and PB < .01 and for Andreoni and Overall < .001). Decisions are made in-
dependent for this analysis by subtracting contributions in each decision from
contributions in decision one.
4 Discussion
Overall, we find only a weak effect of frames, which is in line with our hy-
potheses and with results from the meta-analyses cited above. We hardly find
significant differences between the two only linguistically different frames, but
we do find significant differences between the “more different” frame (“an-
dreoni”) and the two basic PG and PB frames. This confirms our hypothesis
that stronger framing manipulations have stronger effects.
Our results further indicate that the direction of the framing effects seems
to be influenced by the parameters chosen. This explains partially why An-
dreoni [1] contrary to most other studies on framing in PG/PB games finds
lower contributions in his PB frame than in his PG frame. The parameter-
constellation of our experiment which ist most similar to Andreoni’s parame-
ters results in the highest percentage of zero-contributions of all our constel-
lations, and is close to the percentage of zero-contributions Andreoni reports.
Another important aspect about the “andreoni” frame used in our experi-
ment is that it leads to the largest variance in results. This frame has both
the highest percentage of zero-contributions and the highest percentage of full
contributions in most decision-situations. Unfortunately, Andreoni does not
report on percentage of full contributions in his experiment.
Boettcher [2]concludes from his review of the existing literature on framing
that “Relatively minor differences in experimental design appear to exagger-
ate or minimize the impact of prospect framing” (p. 355). Andreoni’s study
compared to our experiments is a nice example - if the “right” parameters are
chosen, larger framing effects can be found, whereas the “wrong” parameters
lead to no or very small framing effects. Furthermore, the effect of frames can
go in both directions as the results with our “andreoni”-frame show: It leads
both to more zero and more full contributions.
Our results are far from being conclusive. They confirm, that “goal frames”
are more complicated than simple Asian-disease problems (Levin et al., [9]),
because more than one aspect of the message can be manipulated, and because
it is not obvious which option is the riskier one. Furthermore, there is room
for differences in emotional intensity induced by different terminologies used.
Andreoni’s frame might enhance emotional intensity as opposed to the two
other frames we use, as taking money from someone probably is emotionally
more involving than just making different contributions.
180 Jordi Brandts and Christiane Schwieren
1. Andreoni, J (1995) Warm-Glow Versus Cold-Prickle: The Effects of Positive
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2. Boettcher III WA (2004) The Prospects for Prospect Theory: An Empirical
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3. Bolton GE, Ockenfels A (2000) ERC: A Theory of Equity, Reciprocity, and
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4. Brewer MB, Kramer RM (1986) Choice behavior in social dilemmes: Effects
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6. Fehr E, Schmidt K (1999) A Theory of Fairness, Competition and Cooperation.
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7. Goeree JK, Holt C, Laury S (2002) Private Costs and Public Benefits: Unrav-
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83: 257-278
8. Kuehberger A (1998) The Influence of Framing on Risky Decisions: A Meta-
analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 75:23-55
9. Levin IP, Schneider S, Gaeth GJ (1998) All Frames Are Not Created Equal:
A Typology and Critical Analysis of Framing Effects. Organizational Behavior
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10. McElroy T, Seta JJ (2003) Framing effects: An analytic-holistic perspective.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39:610-617