Students Readiness For The Face-To-Face Classes in Junior and Senior High School
Students Readiness For The Face-To-Face Classes in Junior and Senior High School
Students Readiness For The Face-To-Face Classes in Junior and Senior High School
11(01), 389-400
Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/16028
Education has become the cornerstone of a country's economic and social progress. It has a significant impact on
people's lives. It also possesses significant characteristics that will shape people's futures and enable them to become
productive members of society. According to Guansi et al. (2020), education is a learning process in which students
learn and acquire knowledge from their teachers and classmates in the classroom. One of education's most important
goals is to help people understand themselves. Students must have the knowledge and skills necessary to participate
actively as members of society and contribute to the development of shared values and a common identity (Idris et
al., 2011).
Many changes occurred as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, including disastrous effects on people, families, and
communities. Covid-19 had a widespread impact, resulting in the closure of schools and other educational
institutions, primarily affecting students of all ages, genders, and year levels. The educational sector has made
concerted efforts to keep learning going while the country is under lockdown. This resulted in an abrupt shift in the
educational system from face-to-face to blended learning. As a result, the Department of Education developed the
Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) through DO No. 12, s.2020 in order to fulfill the state's
mandate of providing quality education to all. This BE-LCP caters to various learning modalities such as online,
modular, and blended learning while focusing on the DepEd's Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC).
However, this significant shift in the educational system exposed several deficiencies and imbalances in the various
educational institutions. Most educational institutions face these challenges because neither their teaching materials
nor their employees have been trained to teach in this manner. Students from well-developed families and
backgrounds may be able to navigate their way past locked school doors to alternative learning opportunities with
the assistance of their parents and elders, but students from impoverished backgrounds and low-income families
were frequently shut out when their schools closed.
Modular Distance Learning, or MDL, was the learning mode used at the school where the study was conducted. The
majority of teachers observed that students were not keeping up with getting and returning their modules on time.
During the teachers' home visits, the majority of the learners complained that they find it difficult to understand the
modules on their own and would prefer to have a teacher in front of them to explain the content of the modules.
Because of the pandemic's abrupt changes in the educational landscape, such as the decline in COVID cases, schools
are gradually implementing the limited face-to-face. As a result, the researchers carried out the study to determine
the students' level of readiness for the limited face-to-face classes in the new normal learning environment. This
study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the students' demographic characteristics regarding age, gender, and year level?
2. What is the students‟ level of readiness in limited face-to-face classes in terms of emotional,
physical health, and financial?
3. Is there a significant difference in the student‟s readiness level on limited face-to-face classes when
grouped according to profile?
The data provided includes information on the research design, sampling design, study respondents, research
instrument, validation, data collection procedures, and statistical data processing.
The descriptive design was used in this study to gather information about students' readiness for the limited face-to-
face classes. According to McCombes (2022), this research design allows for the discovery of traits, frequencies,
trends, and classifications of the study's research variables. It is also a quantitative study that analyzes numerical
data and employs statistical methods and techniques (Apuke, 2017).
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 389-400
indicates an acceptable level of reliability (Ursachi, et al., 2015). Statistics Solutions (2022) also proposed as a
general rule of thumb that a Cronbach's alpha of.70 and above is good.
Data Analysis
The researchers used a 4-point Likert scale to calculate the survey score from the questionnaire. The following
scoring scale was used to summarize and evaluate the responses of high school student respondents: 1-Disagree/very
low, 2-Disagree/low, 3-Agree/high, 4-Strongly Agree/very high. The collected data was then recorded and tabulated
in preparation for statistical analysis. Frequency and percentage were used to determine the demographic profile of
the respondents. Meanwhile, descriptive statistics were used to determine the level of readiness of the student-
respondents for the expanded limited face-to-face classes. Furthermore, the researchers used one-way ANOVA to
determine whether there is a significant difference in the student's readiness level in limited face-to-face classes
when grouped by profile.
Table 1:-Frequency Distribution of Demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of Age, Gender, and
Year Level.
Characteristics Specification Frequency Percentage
Age 12-13 years old 35 23.6
14-15 years old 51 34.5
16-17 years old 34 23.0
18-19 years old 28 18.9
Total 144 100
Gender Male 63 42.6
Female 85 57.4
Total 144 100
Year Level Grade 7 22 14.9
Grade 8 48 32.4
Grade 9 16 10.8
Grade 10 16 10.8
Grade 11 21 14.2
Grade 12 25 16.9
Total 144 100
According to the data, most respondents are between the ages of 14 and 15, making up 34.5 percent of the whole
sample. The second-highest attendance in the survey are those between the ages of 12-13 years‟ old who are
identified as the Grade 7 students, which makes up 23.6 percent; and those whose ages are in 18-19 years old cover
18.9 percent of the overall sample. These are Grade 12 students and most of them are doing part-time jobs while
studying and some were not present during the survey, which is why they have the least attendance. When the
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 389-400
pandemic hit, these students were forced to get a part-time job because most of their parents and siblings had lost
their jobs, resulting in budgetary constraints. They have to work to sustain their family‟s financial needs and also to
maintain their personal needs. In some cases, other students are also forced to work to support their studies in order
to achieve their goals. According to Williams (2014), as cited in the study of Abenoja et al. (2019), students labor
for various reasons, including financial necessity, meeting a temporary or fundamental need, and assisting
understudies in achieving their long-term goals.
Furthermore, the table shows a slightly balanced distribution according to gender. Female students make up most of
the students in this survey, accounting for 57.4% of the total respondents. The remaining students are male, which
comprised 42.6% of the total sample. This is because female students have the highest enrollment rate in the school.
Regarding studies and maturity, females are more mature and more serious in their studies. They are more focused
and goal-oriented. According to studies, female students had a more positive attitude toward school. They were
more eager to learn than male students, who were less interested in school and had more negative emotions toward it
(Mirahmadizadeh et al., 2020). For many years, the Research Council has strived to promote gender equality in
research, gender perspectives in research, and gender basic knowledge (The Research Council of Norway, 2017).
The largest group is the grade 8 students, which accounts for 32.4 percent of the total sample. Grade 12 comprised
16.9 percent. Grade 7 and 11 comes next with 14.9 and 14.2 percent respectively. Lastly, both Grade 9 and Grade 10
comprised 10.8 percent. It is worthy to mention that Grade 8 has the highest percentage because they were the first
batch of students for the pilot implementation of the face-to-face classes. Also, many parents attended the GPTA
Meeting and signed the consent form which was the main basis for the implementation of the limited face-to-face
classes. However, it is also important to note that Grade 9 and Grade 10 were among the lowest percentages because
they were the last batch of the implementation of limited face-to-face. Only a few parents responded to the GPTA
meeting because most of these students' parents were employed and unable to attend the meeting. According to
Wairimu et al. (2016), when parents support their children‟s basic psychological needs, it will result in their
children‟s positive performance.
The following tables answered problem number two on a student's level of readiness in terms of Emotional; Physical
Health; and Financial. Table 2 illustrates the students‟ level of readiness in terms of emotional aspects. Among the
eight indicators of the level of readiness in terms of emotional aspect, it was the item on “I am happy to see my
teachers and classmates in school” that has the highest score (x̄ = 3.41, SD = 0.85) which is “strongly agree” and
had an interpretation of “very high”. This further implies that students are excited to meet their classmates, friends
and teachers after being stuck in their homes for more than a year. Being with their friends gives them emotional
comfort, especially students who have been depressed about the unfortunate events of COVID-19. This upholds the
idea of Bali and Liu (2018) that students also need social presence, social interaction, and satisfaction during the
teaching-learning process which can boost their learning engagement to achieve positive learning outcomes.
Table 2:- Mean distribution of student‟s level of readiness in limited face-to-face classes in terms of emotional.
Indicators Mean SD Description Interpretation
I am comfortable with face-to-face 3.36 0.71 Strongly Agree Very High
learning with my teacher.
I am shy to face my teacher and 2.33 0.85 Disagree Low
I am confident about the tasks during 2.93 0.79 Agree High
face-to-face classes
I am not excited to be in class during 1.86 0.86 Disagree Low
the limited face-to-face classes
I am happy to see my teachers and 3.41 0.85 Strongly Agree Very High
classmates in school.
I feel inactive to participate during 2.01 0.83 Disagree Low
face-to-face classes
I am more determined to comply with 3.16 0.69 Agree High
the requirements in school during face-
to-face classes.
I find it meaningless to attend face-to- 2.22 0.96 Disagree Low
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It is also good to note that the second highest mean (x̄ = 3.36, SD = 0.71) under emotional aspect is “I am
comfortable with face-to-face learning with my teacher” which is “strongly agree” and has the interpretation of
“very high”. This result shows that students are more comfortable to have face-to-face classes with the teacher rather
than just having modular distance learning or other learning modality. This must be true because many of the
students have been missing the school and are eager to be back to face-to-face learning. Also, with face-to-face
learning, it will be easier for the students to communicate with their teacher. This idea was supported with the notion
of Stanford researchers (2021) that in-person communication makes our brain happier. This means that when
students can interact with others, they feel more engaged and compelled. With face-to-face classes, students will not
only feel engaged but also think they are a big part of the success of the teaching-learning process as a whole.
Furthermore, having students physically present at school benefits the teacher because he/she can give instant
feedback or assessment to the students‟ output. Miliszewska (2007) posited in his study that face-to-face learning
offers instant feedback from the teachers and accessible communication with fellow students, giving them better
motivation to learn.
Moreover, Baker (2010) as cited by Tichavsky et al. (2015) states that interaction, regardless of delivery method, is
at the heart of the most effective learning settings, and interaction tends to enhance student motivation. Meanwhile,
it is noteworthy to mention the lowest score (x̄ = 1.86, SD = 0.86) in this dimension, the item on “I am not excited
to be in class during the limited face-to-face classes.” This means that the students are excited to have face-to-face
classes with their teachers and classmates. For two years of not having face-to-face classes the excitement of the
students is evident, and being with their peers and teachers is a different experience.
To sum up this part, the overall mean of all the items on level of readiness in terms of emotional aspects is 2.66, (SD
= 0.40), with an interpretation of “High”. This means that students are emotionally ready to have face-to-face
learning as they agree with most of the items. Being ready emotionally takes a significant impact on a student's level
of readiness in academics. Emotional readiness does not only measure the plain emotions of an individual's
individual's feelings but also how he/she responds to the needs of others. This implies that positive emotions about
school are significantly higher in our survey than negative emotions as supported by Mirahmadizadeh et al. (2020).
Table 3:- Mean distribution of student‟s level of readiness in limited face-to-face classes in terms of physical
Items Mean SD Description Interpretation
I am physically healthy to attend face-to- 3.54 0.63 Strongly Agree Very High
face classes.
I am not oriented with the proper health 1.97 0.88 Disagree Low
protocols to avoid spreading the virus.
I don‟t have any existing illnesses or 3.09 0.93 Agree High
diseases associated with COVID-19 virus.
I am not Covid-19 fully vaccinated. 1.51 0.85 Strongly Very Low
I know the proper hand washing method. 3.46 0.69 Strongly Agree Very High
I am not aware of the importance of 1.81 0.87 Disagree Low
wearing a face mask properly.
I will bring my own food and utensils to 3.22 0.88 Agree High
school in order to avoid acquiring the virus.
I know that I am not allowed to go to school 3.22 0.87 Agree High
when I‟m not feeling well.
Average 2.73 0.66 Agree High
Legend: 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree (1), 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree (2), 2.51 – 3.25 Agree (3), 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly
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Agree (4)
Table 3 illustrates the students‟ level of readiness in terms of physical health. Among the eight indicators of level of
readiness in terms of physical aspect, the item “I am physically healthy to attend face-to-face classes”t has the
highest score (x̄ = 3.54, SD = 0.63). Students strongly agree that they are healthy enough to attend face-to-face
classes. With the constant reminders they hear from their parents, friends and social media they follow truthfully by
taking good care of their health and religiously taking their vitamins to boost their immune system. They also strictly
followed the health protocols imposed by the government. This is supported with the idea of Paschall et al. (2020),
that healthy individual can manage themselves well. Since these students are already in high school, they feel
responsible for their health. In this regard, they can manage themselves well and take care of themselves
However, three items in this indicator have relatively lower ratings. First, on “I am not oriented with the proper
health protocols to avoid spreading the virus .” (x̄ = 1.97, SD = 0.88). This indicates that the respondents strongly
disagree that they are not oriented with proper health protocols. With the constant reminder at home, from their
teachers to take care of themselves, reading healthy protocol signages every time they go to school to get their
modules, students are fully aware of the different safety protocols to avoid the virus. And there is also a mandate
from the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) through the
Department of Education to strictly follow the given guidelines to avoid acquiring the virus. Thus, the school
religiously oriented the parents, especially the students during the General Parent-Teacher Association meeting and
class orientation.
Second, is on the item “I am not Covid-19 fully vaccinated” (x̄ = 1.51, SD = 0.85). The result shows that the
respondents are mostly fully vaccinated as they strongly disagree with the fourth item. However, there are still some
students who are not vaccinated yet due to their religious orientation. Some students' parents did not permit them to
receive the vaccine because it is not allowed in their religious beliefs. Another reason why some students are not yet
vaccinated is because of fears that they will die after receiving the vaccine. But it was highlighted by the department
that vaccination is voluntary because the parents are the ones who will decide for their children. Also, students are
still encouraged to have their vaccines for their safety.
Lastly, students who are “not aware of the importance of wearing a face mask properly” got a mean of 1.81 (SD =
0.87) interprets very low. According to the findings, respondents understand that wearing a face mask is necessary
to avoid the spread of the virus. This may result from the constant reminders given to the students about the
importance of wearing a face mask. Students are fully aware of how important it is to wear a facemask to protect
others and themselves. Also, students are constantly reminded to wear a facemask before entering the school
premises because it is one of the strict requirements that they need to follow.
Also, different strict joint guidelines established by DepEd and the Department of Health (DOH), as well as other
protocols established by the Inter-Agency Task Force for Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-
MEID) should be followed before any schools can start limited face-to-face classes ("DepEd to launch pilot face-to-
face classes in selected 120 schools," 2021). All available procedures to limit viral transmission at school are
adopted to safeguard the welfare of the students who will be attending face-to-face classes, including proper wearing
of face masks ("Reopening schools safely in the Philippines," 2021).
Furthermore, a simulation is conducted to ensure that students understand the importance of wearing a face mask
and that it should be performed and followed rigorously. Though wearing a mask may be a new concept for the
students, regular reminders will gradually encourage them to follow the health guidelines. In addition, Martinelli et
al., (2021), highlighted in his article that wearing face masks is part of personal protective equipment and public
health intervention against COVID-19.
Table 4 illustrates the students‟ level of readiness in terms of financial aspect. The data show that the average mean
of all the items on level of readiness is 2.61, (SD = 0.35), with an interpretation of “High”.
Table 4:- Mean distribution of student‟s level of readiness in limited face-to-face classes in terms of of financial.
Items Mean SD Description Interpretation
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 389-400
Among the eight indicators of level of readiness in terms of financial aspect, many of the students have parents that
“are ready financially to send them back to school for face -to-face learning” (x̄ = 3.42, SD = 0.66). This is evident
as most of the respondents' parents have work and are very supportive of their children‟s education. Despite the fact
that the pandemic has a significant financial impact on everyone, parents are nevertheless able to give what their
children require, particularly the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
While the lowest score in this financial indicator is on having parents that “cannot afford to buy necessary personal
protective equipment for face-to-face classes” with a mean of 1.95 (SD = 0.85) which interprets as “low”. This result
shows that the respondents' parents can provide their children with necessary PPE such as facemask and face shield.
Although everyone was affected by the pandemic, parents are still supportive of their children's basic needs,
especially the PPE, which is one of the top priority requirements in limited face-to-face classes. However, it would
be good if the government can provide these things to the students and not only depend on the MOOE budget of the
school. The Department of Education allocated a budget for the students and teachers during the expansion of face-
to-face learning ("DepEd allocates PHP 1 billion to support progressive expansion of face-to-face classes," 2022).
The majority of this budget is intended for the PPE to provide COVID-19 safety measures for the learners and the
According to Sheldon (2009), as cited by Đurišić and Bunijevac (2017), successful students have strong academic
support from their committed parents. This only means that if parents are supportive despite the circumstances there
is a big chance that their children were likely to be successful academically.
Table 5:- Summary of student‟s level of readiness in limited face-to-face classes in terms of emotional, physical
health and financial.
Mean SD Description Interpretation
Emotional 2.66 0.34 Agree High
Physical Health 2.73 0.66 Agree High
Financial 2.61 0.35 Agree High
Grand Mean 2.67 0.45 Agree High
Legend: 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree (1), 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree (2), 2.51 – 3.25 Agree (3), 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly
Agree (4)
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 389-400
It can be gleaned on table 5 that overall, the results in terms of emotional (x̄ =2.66), physical health (x̄ =2.73), and
financial (x̄ =2.61) indicates “agree” and are interpreted as high. For the emotional aspect, it was evident that
students are ready emotionally to attend the limited face-to-face classes as a result showed that the majority have
agreed on the survey questionnaire given. Despite the stress brought by the pandemic, the students are still willing to
go back to school. This may be because they miss the experience of learning with their friends and teachers. Another
thing is that they are having a hard time doing Modular Distance Learning due to the absence of their teachers who
will guide them. This must be true because, without the guidance of the teachers, learners tend to be lazy and
unmotivated to do or answer their modules. Initiating their learning timetable is somehow difficult for them thus, it
is needed for them to have their teachers to facilitate their learning and at the same time provide them with different
activities that can inspire them to enjoy learning and it can only be done with face-to-face classes. In addition, they
are more motivated to learn with friends, according to Tullis & Goldstone (2020) that students learn best with peers.
Since they can collaborate with their classmates and work together to do activities. Peer teaching can be one of the
reasons also why they like it more to have face-to-face classes.
As for the physical health aspect, most of the students who agreed on the survey that they are physically healthy
attend the limited face-to-face classes. It was clear to them that they are not obliged to attend the classes if they do
not feel well or healthy. Most students who agreed that they are physically healthy to attend the limited face-to-face
classes are also vaccinated. Though it was not a compulsory or necessary requirement in order to attend the limited
face-to-face learning, students voluntarily did it with the consent of their parents because they know that it is also for
their protection. Also, many students submitted themselves for vaccination when they hear that the school will
conduct a limited face-to-face learning in view of the fact that they are willing to attend. It was also highlighted that
preferably vaccinated learners shall be joining the limited face-to-face classes ("On the expansion phase of limited
face-to-face classes," 2022).
In terms of finances, students are financially prepared to return to school because their parents can meet their basic
needs such as food allowances, transportation, personal protective equipment, school projects, and requirements. As
a result, it is encouraging to see that parents are enthusiastic about their children's education. Providing them with
school supplies and other necessary equipment for their children to be ready for face-to-face classes while also
protecting them with all necessary PPE. Furthermore, the majority of parents have regained access to their jobs and
businesses since the government lifted the lockdown. Since the pandemic, both parents and children have been
watching their spending. As a result of the pandemic, some people have begun to tighten their belts and save.
The overall implication of the results is supported by the study of Satrianta et al. (2022) that students' readiness to
learn in a face-to-face setting was quite high and they are ready for the limited face-to-face classes because learning
can take place easier with in person interaction between the teachers and the learners. In addition, with a face-to-face
setting, teachers and other students can provide more knowledge and a deeper understanding ("Face to face vs.
Online learning options," 2022).
To answer problem number three whether there is a significant difference on the students' readiness level on
expanded classes when grouped according to profile, one-way ANOVA was used as statistical treatment.
The following tables indicate the result of the statistical data showing the interplay of students' readiness level on
expanded classes according to their demographic profile as to Emotional, Physical Health and Financial. Their
readiness level measured Ho1 in this study shows no significant difference in students‟ readiness level in expanded
classes when grouped according to demographic profile.
Table 6:- Test of Difference in the three dimensions of students‟ readiness among when grouped according to
demographic profile.
Level of Readiness F-value p-values Decision on Ho Interpretation
Grouping: Age
Emotional 5.199 .002 Rejected Significant
Physical 1.415 .241 Fail to reject Not significant
Financial 1.009 .391 Fail to reject Not significant
Grouping: Gender
Emotional -1.016 .311 Fail to reject Not significant
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 389-400
As can be gleaned from table 6, among the three dimensions, only the emotional aspect of the students revealed
statistically significant differences when they are grouped according to age (F= 5.19, p-value =.002). Post hoc
analysis using Tukey HSD showed that the mean difference between those aged 12-13 and 14-15 years old is
positive. This means that those 12-13 years old students are more emotionally ready compared to the 14-15 years old
students. Maybe because these 12-13 years old students are their first time in the High School environment, and that
they are more curious, have higher expectations and feel more independent compared to the moment when they will
be in their second year in school. But some students may be worried on their first day of school because they are
worried and uncertain about their teachers and classmates. Some are also hesitant and terrified because they do not
feel that they belong in the new environment (Shean, 2021). This is mostly true for the Grade 7 and 8 learners
between ages 12-15, who were greatly affected by this educational transition after having distance learning for
almost two years. The self-determination theory (SDT) by Ryan and Deci (2000), as cited by Kahu et al. (2016),
suggested that independence triggers innate motivation. This could be in the form of curiosity and interest that can
lead to higher levels of persistence and performance. This further implies that if students are self-motivated, they
will be eager to return to school to prove their sense of independency.
In terms of physical health (F= 1.415, p-value =.241) and financial aspect (F= 1.00, p-value =.391), their level of
readiness did not significantly differ across the four age groupings. This suggests that in their level of readiness in
terms of physical health the younger high school students are as healthy as, the older students. This is because
student-respondents in the study area in the same age group. While in the financial aspect the level of readiness is
the same when grouped according to age. This is because students at this age level are still dependent on their
parents when it comes to financial aspects (Moneva et al., 2020)
Also, the table shows that in terms of physical health there is a significant difference in the three dimensions of
students' level of readiness when grouped according to gender. Among the three dimensions, only the physical
health of the students revealed statistically significant differences (t= 3.22, p-value =.002). The mean difference
between the average physical health readiness of male and female is positive. This means that males are physically
healthy and more ready than females. This is because male students are more likely physically active than female
students (Telford, 2016). This result contradicts with the study of Satrianta et al. (2022) that female students had a
greater level of learning readiness than male students.
In terms of emotional (F= -1.01, p-value =.311) and financial aspect (F= -.628, p-value =.531), their level of
readiness did not significantly differ across the two gender groupings. The result denotes that male and female
students have the same level of readiness in terms of emotional and financial aspects. This contradicts the idea of
Deng et al. (2016) that men have stronger emotional experiences with angry and positive stimuli. In contrast, women
have relatively stronger emotional expressivity and males are more likely to express high-intensity positive
emotions. In contrast, females are more likely to express low or moderately intense positive emotions as well as
sadness (Meshkat&Nejati, 2017).
Furthermore, the data shows that in terms of emotional (F= 1.581, p-value =.169), physical (F=1.836, p-value=.109)
and financial aspect (F= 1.924, p-value =.094), their readiness on these aspects did not significantly differ across the
six year-level groupings (F= 1.581, p-value =.169). The result implies that the year level does not affect students'
readiness level when it comes to emotional aspect, physical health aspect, and financial aspect. This must be true
because the year level is not a factor that can affect other variables in the study; it is simply a student status at
school. In connection, the level of emotional readiness of the entire group of students from Grade 7 to Grade 12
were the same. Because emotional readiness is a skill that one should be mastered when facing a crisis. If a person
learns to handle his emotions properly, he can be resilient in all aspects of life (Igoe, 2020). Meanwhile, the results
also suggest that their level of readiness in terms of physical health when grouped according to year level were the
same. It means that it doesn‟t matter what year level they were in because physical health readiness is self-
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 389-400
responsibility. Since the respondents are already in high school, they know how to take care of their health knowing
that they are facing a health crisis. Being responsible for one‟s health may further mean taking necessary measures
to protect and improve your health (Björk et al., 2021). Concurrently, the students‟ financial readiness when grouped
according to year level were also the same. This is because the lockdown period due to COVID-19 virus has been
lifted (DOH, 2022), and most of the parents of the students have been back to work. This further implies that parents
can financially support their children to join face-to-face classes.
COVID-19 pandemic has caused a tragic change in the educational system from purely classroom settings to a more
complex one. This drastic change affects the academic life of every learner. Some learners easily adopt these
changes but most struggle with the new learning modalities. Learners are still coping up to continue their studies
despite the health crisis they face. However, learning is far better with the presence of the teachers and students learn
more if they can interact with their teachers and classmates. In order to find out if the learners are ready to be back
to face-to-face learning, certain measures such as their emotional, physical health, and financial needs need to be
assessed. These are three of the essential aspects which must be evaluated.
Further, the findings revealed that most students are ready based on the survey given. Nevertheless, teachers must
provide more consideration to the learners during the teaching and learning process since the learners are still in an
adjusting phase with face-to-face learning after two school years of not being in school.
In the light of the findings and conclusions in the study, the following recommendations are drawn:
1. Teachers may apply the psychosocial activity before the class starts to set the students' moods and
prepare them emotionally for the day.
2. Administrators may constantly coordinate with the stakeholders, especially the parents of the learners who
are involved in face-to-face learning so they will be updated with their children‟s performance at school.
3. For the future researcher to conduct a parallel study that considers other variables on the level of readiness
of the students for the limited face-to-face learning and other demographic profile variables.
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