Screen Media
Screen Media
Screen Media
household income (log transformed), managing financially requires only one exchangeability assumption: no unmeasured
(alright, getting by, difficult), housing tenure (own, public mediator–outcome confounding.44,47 To fulfill this assumption,
renting, private renting, other), area deprivation (in deciles), we adjusted for a comprehensive set of potential confounders
maternal BMI (<18.5 kg/m2, 18.5 to <25 kg/m2, 25 to <30 kg/ of the relationship between screen media exposure and obesity
m2, ≥30 kg/m2), maternal psychological distress (a score of (described previously).
≥13 on the Kessler-6 scale),41 child attends club outside of Counterfactual disparity measures (similar to CDEs)
school (no, yes), number of parents/carers (1, 2), natural fa- can be estimated for each level of the mediator. In the pres-
ther in household (no, yes), number of siblings (none, 1, 2, ence of an interaction effect between exposure and mediator
≥3), parent(s) not in work (no, yes), not enough time to spend on the outcome, these separate counterfactual disparity meas-
with child (no, yes), child illness that limits activity (no, yes), ures may differ depending on the magnitude of the interac-
child BMI (normal weight, overweight, or obesity), and ma- tion effect. However, in the absence of an interaction effect, all
ternal fair/poor self-rated health (no, yes). counterfactual disparity measures will be equal. We examined
the presence of interaction effects by including cross-product
Statistical Analysis terms between mother’s education and screen media exposure
First, we calculated descriptive statistics of the par- (eAppendix 2;, but due to a
ticipants stratified by mother’s educational level to describe lack of precision in the estimated models, we were unable to
group differences in the prevalence of the outcome and me- observe interaction on either the risk ratio or risk difference
diator.42 Second, we fitted generalized linear models on both scale (although at least one must be present if both exposure
the risk ratio and the risk difference scale (described below).26 and mediator have an effect on the outcome).48,49 Because test-
We used multiple imputation by chained equations to impute ing the null hypotheses of no interaction resulted in P values
missing data (M = 20). eAppendix 1 ( of >0.9 on both the risk ratio and the risk difference scale,
EDE/B673) lists the percentage of missings (ranging from 0% including the interaction terms would likely limit precision in
for age, sex, and country to 13% for maternal psychological our models even more and hinder inference. We, therefore,
distress). We used survey weights (age 14, whole UK analy- decided to omit the cross-product terms from the final analysis
ses) provided by the Millennium Cohort Study to correct for and estimated only one counterfactual disparity measure (sim-
sampling design and attrition.43 We conducted analyses using ilar to, e.g., Nandi et al50). As a result, our analysis assumes that
Stata 15 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). intervening to eliminate differences in screen media exposure
To assess to what extent social inequalities in childhood between children from different socioeconomic backgrounds
obesity could be reduced by intervening on screen media ex- has the same effect regardless of the amount of screen media
posure, we estimated a counterfactual disparity measure.44,45 exposure that is imposed by the hypothetical intervention.
The counterfactual disparity measure in this study comparing Subsequently, we calculated a “percentage reduction”
exposure level a* to level a is defined on the risk difference by dividing the difference between the total disparity (TD) in
scale in equation 1 and on the risk ratio scale in equation 2: childhood obesity and the counterfactual disparity measure
(CDM) by the total disparity (i.e., [TD − CDM]/[TD − 1] on
E[Y (m(t )) | A = a ] − E[Y (m(t )) | A = a*] (1)
the risk ratio scale and [TD − CDM]/TD on the risk difference
E[Y (m(t )) | A = a ] / E[Y (m(t )) | A = a*] (2) scale).51 This percentage reduction indicates how much the
disparity in childhood obesity would be reduced if differences
where m(t ) denotes the mediator trajectory (i.e., screen in screen media exposure were eliminated. We bootstrapped
media exposure at ages 7 and 11). This measure can be inter- the percentage reduction parameter (1,000 repetitions) to ob-
preted as the magnitude of the association between mother’s ed- tain 95% bias-corrected confidence intervals (CIs).52
ucation and childhood obesity that would remain if a particular To estimate the counterfactual disparity measure, we
trajectory of screen media exposure was fixed at a specific value fitted a marginal structural model (MSM) using inverse prob-
uniformly in the population. A main advantage of the counterfac- ability of treatment weighting.24,25,27 This method uses weight-
tual disparity measure is that it can still be identified even if there ing to adjust for (time-varying) confounding, which bypasses
are confounders of the mediator–outcome relationship that are the need to condition on confounders in the outcome model as
also on the causal pathway from exposure to outcome.24,26,27,46 is traditionally done in mediation analysis. To do so, we first
Because the effect of screen media exposure on obesity may be calculated stabilized inverse probability weights (IPWs) of the
confounded by factors that are itself affected by mother’s educa- probability that each participant received the level of screen
tion (e.g., income, neighborhood deprivation), we estimated the media exposure that he/she actually received, given exposure,
counterfactual disparity measure to adjust for these factors. In mediator, and confounder history. For each individual i in the
this regard, the counterfactual disparity measure is similar to the sample, the mediator weight at time t is calculated by:
more widely known controlled direct effect (CDE). However, P[ M (t) = mi (t)|ai , mi (t −1)]
whereas a CDE also assumes no unmeasured exposure–outcome wM i (t)=
confounding, identification of a counterfactual disparity measure P[M (t) = mi (t)|ai , mi (t −1), li (t −1), vi ]
580 | © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Epidemiology • Volume 31, Number 4, July 2020 Screen Media Exposure and Inequalities in Childhood Obesity
where ai, mi(t), li(t), and vi are the actual values of deprivation), but not via screen media exposure, this effect is
the exposure, the mediator, the time-varying confounders, still captured in the estimated disparity measure. However, to
and the baseline confounders, respectively, for individual the extent that the effect of screen media exposure on obesity
i.26 Second, we fitted generalized linear regression models is confounded by the measured covariates, this confounding is
with robust standard errors as shown in equations 3 and 4, removed by applying the weights.
weighted by the product of the inverse probability and survey Several effective interventions to reduce screen media ex-
weights53: posure among children exist, with some replacing screen time
with other activities (e.g., sports or extracurricular activities)
E[Y | A = a,M (t )=m(t )]=γ 0 +γ 1a +γ 2 m(t =age7)+γ 3m(t =age11)
(3) and others targeted at decreasing screen time without encour-
aging replacement activities (e.g., by educational programs or
Log( P[Y =1 | A = a, M (t )=m(t )])=θ 0 +θ 1a +θ 2 m(t =age7)+θ 3m(t =age111)
automatic time locks).54 The hypothetical intervention consid-
The parameters of this weighted regression give valid ered in our study is best envisioned by putting an automatic
estimates of the counterfactual disparity measure (assum- time lock on the television and computer, limiting screen time
ing no model misspecification, selection bias, or measure- uniformly for all children. As previously discussed, by omitting
ment error).25,27 eAppendix 3 ( interaction terms, we assume that this hypothetical intervention
B673) provides more information and annotated Stata code. will have the same effect on social inequalities in childhood
By applying weights in the final regression model, a pseudo- obesity regardless of the amount of screen time set by the au-
population is created where the distribution of measured con- tomatic lock. Furthermore, it is important to note that by not
founders is unrelated to the effect of interest (as illustrated in specifying replacement activities, our models assume that these
the causal diagram in the Figure). In other words, to the extent activities do not differ between children from different socioec-
that mother’s education is related to obesity of the child via onomic backgrounds (at least with regard to their effect on obe-
the (time-varying) confounders (e.g., income, neighborhood sity).55,56 If, for example, children from more-educated mothers
TABLE 1. Descriptive Statistics of the Millennium Cohort Study Participants Stratified by Mother’s Educational Level (Percentages)
Mother’s Educational Levela
University Education to Education to No Qualifications
(n = 4,050) Age 18 (n = 1,554) Age 16 (n = 3,571) (n = 1,223)
Female, %b 48 46 47 49
Ethnicity, %b
White 87 88 91 69
Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi 4 5 4 16
Black or British black 4 2 2 8
Other 5 5 3 7
Country, %b
England 82 78 84 84
Wales 5 6 5 4
Scotland 9 12 7 7
Northern Ireland 4 5 4 5
Mother’s religion, %b
None 37 47 55 53
Christian 57 46 40 24
Muslim 3 4 4 19
Other 3 3 2 4
Mother’s age at birth,b mean (SD) 31 (5.5) 27 (5.9) 27 (5.7) 26 (5.7)
Mother’s cognitive ability,c mean (SD) 13 (4.5) 11 (3.9) 9.7 (3.2) 7.1 (2.9)
Area deprivation decile,a mean (SD) 6.7 (3.1) 5.4 (2.8) 4.7 (2.6) 3.1 (2.1)
Household equivalized income,a mean (SD) 490 (272) 348 (193) 285 (158) 196 (101)
Managing financially, %a
Alright 73 60 55 40
Getting by 20 30 33 41
Difficult 7 9 12 19
Housing tenure, %a
Own 83 67 49 26
Public renting 8 21 35 58
Private renting 6 8 12 13
Other 3 5 4 3
Maternal BMI (kg/m2), %a
18.5 to <25 53 44 43 35
<18.5 16 19 21 29
25 to <30 20 23 21 20
≥30 10 14 14 16
Maternal psychological distress, %a 1 3 5 8
Child attends club outside of school, %a 16 11 8 5
One parent/carer, %a 12 19 28 34
Natural father not in household, %a 14 25 34 41
No. siblings, %a
None 15 20 17 13
1 54 50 46 32
2 24 21 24 25
≥3 7 9 13 31
Parent(s) in work, %a 73 62 50 21
Not enough time to spend with child, %a 38 32 28 15
Child illness that limits activity, %a 5 6 6 8
Maternal fair/poor self-rated health, %a 2 4 5 7
Screen media exposure (hours) (per day; age 7), %
<1 23 15 12 10
1 to <3 48 47 44 42
3 to <5 21 27 31 29
≥5 8 12 13 18
Screen media exposure (hour) (per day; age 11), %
<1 16 9 7 7
1 to <3 59 58 54 50
3 to <5 16 19 21 22
≥5 10 13 18 20
Obesity (age 14), %c,d 5 6 10 10
Descriptive statistics calculated on nonimputed data weighted by the survey weights. Descriptive statistics of the confounders only shown for the earliest measurement.
Derived at age 5.
Derived at baseline.
Derived at age 14.
Defined by the International Obesity Task Force age- and sex-specific cut-offs for BMI.
582 | © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Epidemiology • Volume 31, Number 4, July 2020 Screen Media Exposure and Inequalities in Childhood Obesity
spend this time on physical activity, while children from less- Children from mothers with education to age 18 were 1.3 (1.0,
educated mothers do not, this assumption would be violated and 1.7) times as likely to be obese and had a 1.6 (−0.4, 3.6) per-
the estimated counterfactual disparity measure may be biased. centage-point higher risk of obesity. Because of the relatively
We conducted several sensitivity analyses to investigate small inequality in obesity between children from mothers
the robustness of the results (eAppendix 4; http://links.lww. with education to age 18 and mothers with university quali-
com/EDE/B673). First, analyses were repeated using the UK fications, we refrain from making inferences for this contrast.
1990 growth reference (UK90) BMI cut-offs.57 Whereas the Results from the inverse probability-weighted regres-
IOTF cut-off defines obesity as an age- and sex-specific cut- sion model showed that longer exposure to screen media is
off extrapolated from the adult BMI cut-off of 30 kg/m2, the associated with a higher risk of childhood obesity (Table 3).
UK90 cut-off defines obesity as those at or above the 95th Five hours or more of screen media per day at age 11 was as-
percentile based on age- and sex-specific reference charts. sociated with 1.7-fold (1.0, 2.8) increased risk of obesity or
Using the UK90 cut-off, the prevalence of childhood obesity 3.9 (0.4, 7.4) percentage-points, compared with <1 hour/day.
ranges from 15% for children from mothers with a university Compared with mothers with university qualifications,
degree to 25% for children from mothers with no qualifica- the estimated counterfactual disparity in obesity at age 14, if
tions. Second, we repeated analyses using the highest attained educational differences in screen media exposure at ages 7 and
educational level in the household (either from the mother 11 were eliminated, was 1.8 (1.4, 2.2) for mothers with educa-
or partner) and household income quartiles as the exposure tion to age 16 and 1.8 (1.4, 2.4) for mothers with no qualifica-
(while controlling for education). Third, we repeated analy- tions on the risk ratio scale. On the risk difference scale, the
ses using only television viewing and using only leisure-time same comparison was 4.3 (2.5, 6.1) for mothers with educa-
computer use as a mediator, instead of a combined measure tion to age 16 and 4.6 (2.0, 7.2) for mothers with no qualifica-
(while including the other measure as a confounder). Fourth, tions (Table 3). This corresponds to an estimated reduction in
we repeated analyses without using imputed data for exposure relative inequalities in childhood obesity of 13% (1%, 26%)
and outcome (n = 9,749). for mothers with education to age 16 and 17% (1%, 33%) for
those with no qualifications (Table 4), and an estimated reduc-
RESULTS tion in absolute inequalities of 15% (2%, 28%) for mothers
Among the children’s mothers included in the study, with education to age 16 and 18% (−1%, 37%) for those with
39% had a university degree, 15% had education to age 18, no qualifications (Table 5).
34% had education to age 16, and 12% had no educational Sensitivity analyses (eAppendix 4;
qualifications. Table 1 shows that 8% of 7-year-old children EDE/B673) showed (again respectively contrasting children
and 10% of 11-year-old children from mothers with a uni- from mothers with education to age 16 and no qualifications
versity degree were exposed to ≥5 hours of screen media per against children from mothers with university qualifications)
weekday. This percentage increased steadily among children
from mothers with a lower educational level to 18% of 7-year-
TABLE 3. Results From the Inverse Probability-weighted
old children and 20% of 11-year-old children from mothers Regression Model Regressing Obesity on Mother’s
with no educational qualifications. Educational Level and Screen Media Exposure
Children from mothers with no educational qualifica-
RR (95% CI) RD (95% CI)
tions were 2.0 (confidence interval = 1.5, 2.5) times as likely
to be obese and had a 5.6 (3.1, 8.1) percentage-point higher Mother’s educational level
risk of obesity than children from mothers with a univer- University 1 0
sity degree (Table 2). Children from mothers with education Education to age 18 1.2 (0.9, 1.7) 1.1 (−1.1, 3.3)
to age 16 were 1.9 (1.5, 2.3) times as likely to be obese and Education to age 16 1.8 (1.4, 2.2) 4.3 (2.5, 6.1)
had a 5.1 (3.4, 6.7) percentage-point higher risk of obesity. No qualifications 1.8 (1.4, 2.4) 4.6 (2.0, 7.2)
Screen media exposure per day (hour) (age 7)
<1 1 0
TABLE 2. Total Disparity in Childhood Obesity 1 to <3 1.3 (0.9, 1.9) 1.3 (−1.1, 3.7)
3 to <5 1.3 (0.9, 1.9) 1.5 (−1.1, 4.0)
RR (95% CI) RD 95% CI)
≥5 1.2 (0.7, 1.8) 1.0 (−2.1, 4.1)
Mother’s educational level Screen media exposure per day (hour) (age 11)
University 1 0 <1 1 0
Education to age 18 1.3 (1.0, 1.7) 1.6 (−0.4, 3.6) 1 to <3 1.3 (0.8, 2.1) 1.8 (−0.8, 4.4)
Education to age 16 1.9 (1.5, 2.3) 5.1 (3.4, 6.7) 3 to <5 1.6 (1.0, 2.7) 3.4 (0.1, 6.7)
No qualifications 2.0 (1.5, 2.5) 5.6 (3.1, 8.1) ≥5 1.7 (1.0, 2.8) 3.9 (0.4, 7.4)
RD indicates risk difference (in percentage-points); RR, risk ratio. RD indicates risk difference (in percentage-points); RR, risk ratio.
TABLE 4. Reduction in Relative Inequalities in Childhood Obesity if Educational Differences in Screen Media Exposure Were
Total Disparity Counterfactual Disparity Percentage Attenuated
TABLE 5. Reduction in Absolute Inequalities in Childhood Obesity if Educational Differences in Screen Media Exposure Were
Total Disparity Counterfactual Disparity Percentage Attenuated
that using the UK90 obesity cut-offs resulted an estimated mothers (8% at age 7 and 10% at age 11). We estimated that
reduction in social inequalities in childhood obesity of 11% up to 17% of relative and 18% of absolute inequalities in
and 11% for relative inequalities and 9% and 9% for abso- childhood obesity would be reduced if differences in screen
lute inequalities. Using highest parental educational level, the media exposure were eliminated.
estimated reduction was 8% and 9% for relative inequalities This study has several limitations. First, even though the
and 10% and 11% for absolute inequalities. Using house- sample consisted of 11,413 UK children, our estimates have
hold income quartiles, the estimated reduction was 19% and limited precision. Most notably, this obstructed inclusion of
17% for relative inequalities and 19% and 16% for absolute interaction terms in the models. Second, although obesity was
inequalities. Both television viewing and leisure-time com- derived from anthropometric measures, covariates were self-
puter use contributed independently to the estimated reduction reported, which risks higher measurement error. Third, although
in inequalities in childhood obesity, although including only great care was given to adjust for potential confounding, the ob-
television viewing as a mediator resulted in a slightly higher servational nature of the data implies that there is no guarantee
estimated reduction in inequalities in obesity (15% and 17% that we were able to fulfill the exchangeability assumption. Spe-
reduction in relative inequalities and 11% and 12% reduction cifically, the assumption of no unmeasured mediator–outcome
in absolute inequalities) than including only leisure-time com- confounding implies that we have to presume that the risk of
puter use (16% and 13% for relative inequalities and 9% and obesity among children who were exposed to, for example, ≥5
6% for absolute inequalities). Last, not imputing exposure and hours of screen media per day would be comparable—given
outcome resulted in an estimated reduction in inequalities in the measured confounders—to the risk of children who were
obesity of 16% and 21% for relative inequalities and 16% and exposed to <1 hour of screen media, if, counter to the fact, they
22% for absolute inequalities, respectively. were exposed to <1 hour of screen media per day themselves
(and vice versa). In other words, we assume that if we were able
DISCUSSION to reduce screen media exposure, these children would replace
Children of the least-educated mothers were almost watching television or playing on computers with (healthier)
twice as likely to be obese at age 14 than children of the most- activities comparable to those of the children in our cohort who
educated mothers. Similarly, children of the least-educated have less screen media exposure (instead of substituting screen
mothers had greater levels of screen media exposure (19% at media exposure for an activity with a similar or even higher
age 7 and 20% at age 11) than children of the most-educated risk of obesity). Violation of this assumption is perhaps most
584 | © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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