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The Role of ICT in 21st Century Research

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Masbate Colleges


Rosero St. Masbate City, Masbate




Presented to
The Professor of the Educ 224-A


The Role of ICT in 21st Century’s Teacher Education


ICT is a scientific, technological and engineering discipline and management

technique used in handling information, its application and association with social,
economic and cultural matters (UNESCO, 2002). ICT stands for Information and
Communication Technologies. ICT is a part of our lives for the last few decades
affecting our society as well as individual life. ICT which is now broadly used in
educational world. Teacher, Student, administrator and every people related to
education are popularly used ICT. Teacher use ICT for making teaching learning
process easy and interesting. A competent teacher has several skills and techniques
for providing successful teaching. So development and increase of skills and
competencies of teacher required knowledge of ICT and Science & Technology. In
modern science and technological societies education demands more knowledge of
teacher regarding ICT and skills to use ICT in teaching –learning process. The
knowledge of ICT also required for pre-service teacher during their training
programme, because this integrated technological knowledge helps a prospective
teacher to know the world of technology in a better way by which it can be applied in
future for the betterment of the students. Nowadays ICT‟s are transforming schools
and classrooms a new look by bringing in new curriculum based on real world
problems, projects, providing tools for enhancing learning, providing teachers and
students more facilities and opportunities for feedback. ICT also helps teachers,
students and parents to come together. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
(CCE) helps students as well as teachers to use more technology for making
teaching learning more attractive for the betterment of our future generation.
Teachers must know the use of ICT in their subject areas to help the learners for
learning more effectively. So, the knowledge of ICT is very much essential
for the both prospective teachers as well as in-service teachers also. This will help
teachers to know integrated technology with classroom teaching. This paper
discussed about the role of ICT in 21st Century‟s teacher education.

Keywords: ICT, technology, pre-service, in –service, student teacher,

teacher training.
Today‟s age of 21st Century and it is also the age of information and
technology (IT). Every aspects of life are related to science and technology. Huge
flow of information is emerging in all fields throughout the world. Now information
and technology is popularly using in educational field for making teaching learning
process successful and interesting for students and teacher both. In 1998, UNESCO
World Education report refers about student and teachers must have sufficient
access to improve digital technology and the internet in their classroom, schools,
teacher educational institutions. Teachers must have the knowledge and skills to use
new digital tools to help all students achieve high academic standard. The quality of
professional development of teacher education depends on the extent of ICT
integration in teacher education programme. According to UNESCO (2002) “ICT is a
scientific, technological and engineering discipline and management technique used
in handling information, its application and association with social, economic and
cultural matters”. Teachers are at the core of any living society. Technologies play an
important role in training programme of teachers. Students‟ accesses knowledge
and information through TV, digital media, cable network, internet and social media i.
e. Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Linkedinn, Igo, Line, Wechat etc. ICT is very
important for Preservice teacher education programme in the 21st Century. Without
proper knowledge of ICT teacher cannot perform in his/her class room and it could
not be said to be a complete one.

Need and Significance of the study:- The scenario of the classroom is

changing. There is a technological gap between the progress of the society and
instructional activities of the teacher in the classroom. If we see in our society on the
one hand technology has revolutionized our society and on the other hand the
teaching learning activities at school level have remained so far away from
technology. In our classroom the knowledge is imparted by the teacher in an ancient
way, a teacher centric mode which is most of the time boring and not to gain interest
to the student. But present 21st Century‟s education is student centric education.
Students learn from multi sources and for this reason use of ICT & Multimedia is very
much essential in educational field and simultaneously teacher‟s knowledge of ICT
and Multimedia also required. So present study has great need and significance
because this study shows roles of ICT teachers‟ education.

Objective of the study:-

The objective of the present study is – To find out the roles of ICT in 21st
Century‟s Teacher Education.

Methodology:- This present study is based on secondary sources like

books, Articles, Journals, Thesis, University News, Expert opinion and websites etc.
The method used is Descriptive Analytic method.
Why do we use ICT in teacher Education? The classroom is now changing
its look from the traditional one i. e. from one way to two way communication. Now
teachers as well as students participate in classroom discussion. Now Education is
based on child centric education. So the teacher should prepare to cope up with
different technology for using them in the classroom for making teaching learning
interested. For effective implementation of certain student centric methodologies
such as project-based learning which puts the students in the role of active
researches and technology becomes the appropriate tool. ICT has enabled better
and swifter communication; presentation of ideas more effective and relevant way. It
is an effective tool for information acquiring-thus students are encouraged to look for
information from multiple sources and they are now more informed then before. So
for this reason ICT is very much necessary for Teacher Education.
Recent Trends in Teacher Education:- Based on various changing needs
of our society now emphasis is also given to the various educational theory and
educational practices. According to these theories and practices changes are also
undergo in teacher education also. It is natural that teacher education must include
new technology. Teachers should also know the right attitudes and values, besides
being proficient in skills related to teaching. As we know the minimum requirement of
any training programme is that it should help the trainee to acquire the basic skills
and competencies of a good teacher. Now-a-days new trends in teacher education
are Inter-disciplinary Approach, Correspondence courses, orientation courses etc.
Simulated Teaching, Micro Teaching, Programmed Instruction, Team Teaching are
also used in teacher education. Now-a-day Action Research also implemented in
Teacher Education. ICT acts as the gateway to the world of information and helps
teachers to be updated. It creates awareness of innovative trends in instructional
methodologies, evaluation mechanism etc. for professional development.
Different Strategies for applying ICT in Teacher Education:-
i) Providing adequate infrastructure and technical support.
ii) Applying ICT in all subjects.
iii) Applying new Pre-service teacher Education curriculum.
iv) By using application software, using multimedia, Internet e-mail,
communities, understanding system software.

Role of ICT in 21st Century’s Teacher Education:-

ICT helps teachers in both pre-service and in-Service teachers training. ICT
helps teachers to interact with students. It helps them in preparation their teaching,
provide feedback. ICT also helps teachers to access with institutions and
Universities, NCERT, NAAC NCTE and UGC etc. It also helps in effective use of ICT
software and hardware for teaching – learning process. It helps in improve Teaching
skill, helps in innovative Teaching. It helps in effectiveness of classroom. It also
helps in improving professional Development and Educational management as well
as enhances Active Learning of teacher Trainees. It is now replacing the ancient
technology. As we know now-a day‟s students are always have competitive mind. So
teacher must have the knowledge of the subject. This can be done through ICT. ICT
helps teachers in preparation for teaching. In order to introduce ICT in pre-service
teacher education different methods and strategies are applied. Different tools are
used such as word processing, Database, Spreadsheet etc. Various technology
based plans are used to help the teachers for their practice teaching. ICT prepares
teacher for the use of their skills in the real classroom situation and also make
students for their future occupation and social life. ICT used as an „assisting tool‟ for
example while making assignments, communicating, collecting data &
documentation, and conducting research. Typically, ICT is used independently from
the subject matter. ICT as a medium for teaching and learning. It is a tool for
teaching and learning itself, the medium through which teachers can teach and
learners can learn. It appears in many different forms, such as drill and practice
exercises, in simulations and educational networks.

Teaching occupies an honorable position in the society. ICT helps the teacher
to update the new knowledge, skills to use the new digital tools and resources. By
using and acquire the knowledge of ICT, student teacher will become effective
teachers. ICT is one of the major factors for producing the rapid changes in our
society. It can change the nature of education and roles of students and teacher in
teaching learning process. Teachers in India now started using technology in the
class room. Laptops, LCD projector, Desktop, EDUCOM, Smart classes, Memory
sticks are becoming the common media for teacher education institutions. So we
should use information & communication Technology in Teacher Education in 21st
Century as because now teachers only can create a bright future for students.

References:- 1. Chauhan, S. S. (1992). Innovations in Teaching and Learning

process. New Delhi: Vikas Publication House Pvt. Ltd.
2. Dash, K. M. (2009) ICT in Teacher Development, Neelkamal Publication
Pvt. Ltd. Educational Publishers, New Delhi.
3. UNESCO (2002). Information and Communication Technologies in
Teacher Education, A Planning Guide. Paris: UNESCO.
4. NCTE (2002). ICT initiatives of the NCTE Discussion Document. New
Delhi : National Council For Teacher Education.
5. Dahiya, S. S. (2005). ICT-Enabled Teacher Educator, University News, 43
page 109-114 May 2-8. 6. Bharadwaj, A. P. (2005). ”Assuring Quality in Teacher
Education”, University News, Vol. 43. No. 18.

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