Financial Statement General Insurance 04082018
Financial Statement General Insurance 04082018
Financial Statement General Insurance 04082018
2.8 2.7
1.9 1.8
285.3 147.2
113.6 13.2
World US Europe Asia China India World US Europe Asia China India
Source: Swiss Re sigma No. 3/2017 Source: Swiss Re sigma No. 3/2017
Insurance penetration low across segments Non-Life Insurance Industry Premium: Projections
Asset / Risk category Penetration
Benchmark 4800 Bn
New cars (<3 yrs.) 80% 85%
Old cars (>3 yrs.) 60% 85% 3900 Bn
Commercial vehicles 70% >85%
3500 Bn
Two Wheelers 25% >90% 14-15%
Indian General Insurance Industry Overview
24 private insurers in the market today; driving growth
In ` Cr.
1973 2001 2007 2012 2015 2017
Nationalization: Sector opened to pvt. Detariffing of market; Motor Pool Insurance Amendment Bill Listing of
107 insurers participation; Motor Pool formed for disbanded: FDI up to 49% allowed non-life
consolidated into FDI upto 26% allowed; Commercial Vehicles Industry losses Reinsurance branches insurers
4 state insurers Market size ` 100 Bn at ~ `150 Bn allowed
Source: GI Council 4
Framework of the Financial system of India
Ministry of
(Capital Market, MF & (Insurance)
(Banking) (Pension funds)
Commodity market)
Statutes and Regulations-Governing Laws
Important Provisions -Insurance
Rural & Social Obligation:
• Obligation of doing business in the Rural and Social sector (Sec. 32B, 32C and IRDAI (Obligations of
Insurers to Rural and Social Sectors) Regulations 2015)
Rural Obligation – 7% of the Direct Written Premium
Social Obligation (No. of lives) – basis no. of years in operations – 5% of last year’s total lives
covered under individual and group policies in relation to A&H.
Commission, Brokerage & Rewards :
Prohibition to pay commission / brokerage or otherwise for procuring business to person(s) other than
agent(s) or broker(s) (Sec.40)
Agency Commission / Brokerage / Rewards can be paid only to the extent permitted by IRDAI (Payment
of Commission or Remuneration or Reward to Insurance Agents and Insurance Intermediaries)
Regulations, 2016. The insurance Company cannot pay to agents / brokers any amount other than
Commission/Brokerage /Reward under any other name.
Prohibition of rebates (Sec. 41):
No person shall allow or offer any rebate of premium for taking out or renewing or continuing a policy
except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the publish prospectus or tables of the
64 VB – Premium to be received in advance:
No risk to be assumed unless receipt of premium in advance in the manner prescribed by IRDAI. Also,
any refund of premium (cancellation of policy, excess premium received etc.) should be in the name of
insured. (Sec.64VB)
Important Provisions -Insurance
40 C – Limitation of Expenses :
• The total expenses (Commission/Brokerage and operating expense) regulated
under Section 40C of the Insurance Act 1938 and IRDAI (Expense of
Management of Insurers transacting General or Health Insurance business)
Regulations, 2016, not to exceed approx. 32%-33% of GWP
Implication: To ensure compliance, need to maintain balanced composition of
business with corporate and rural business at ~ 35-40% of GWP
Solvency Ratio
The total Available Solvency Margin (ASM) to Required Solvency Margin (RSM).
Both ASM and RSM is calculation as per the method prescribed under regulation
and circulars issued by the authority in this regard
Implication: Solvency ratio determines health of the insurance company and
thereby its ability to honour claims when they arise
Investment Regulations
Minimum 30%
Government Securities or Other Approved Securities
including 20% in
Government sec.
Insurance Terminology
Gross Written Premium (GWP)
Gross Direct premium (GDPI) plus
Reinsurance accepted
Net Written Premium (NWP) = GWP less Reinsurance ceded
Unexpired Premium Reserve (UPR)
1/365 method
Net Earned Premium (NEP)
NWP less Change in UPR (Unearned Premium c/f (less) Unearned Premium b/f)
Net commissions
Gross commission and brokerage less
Reinsurance commission income
Net incurred claims
Gross claims paid direct & Reins accepted less
Recoveries on reinsurance ceded plus
Change in Outstanding claims (net of RI ceded) plus
Change in IBNR & IBNER: Claim (Accident Event) may have incurred in the year
of accounting but not intimated/reported/ Not enough reported till year-end.
Valued based on actuarial methods.
Other Claims related expenses (Solatium Fund, TPA charges, Pre inspection
charges, etc.,)
Expenses of management
All operating expenses of the Company
Basis of preparation of Financial Statement
The basic accounting principles remain same for accounting of general insurance business. On
account of peculiar nature of general insurance business, there are certain intricacies in accounting
of various general insurance transactions
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Preparation of Financial Statements & Auditor’s
Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002
All mandatory Accounting Standards issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India to
be adhered to subject to the following:
(i) Accounting Standard 3 (AS 3), Cash Flow Statements – Cash Flow Statement shall be prepared
only under the Direct Method.
(ii) Accounting Standard 13 (AS 13), Accounting for Investment is not applicable.
(iii) Accounting Standard 17 (AS 17) – Segment Reporting – as prescribed under IRDAI Regulation –
Any other segment contributing more than 10% of the total premium of the insurer shall be shown
Financial statements
Misc Miscellaneous –
Fire Marine
Motor, Work e ’s Co p.,
Engineering, Public/Product Liability,
Marine – Marine Cargo and Aviation, Personal Accident,
Marine Others Health, Weather /Crop and Others
Revenue Account
Sample Revenue Account
( ` '000)
4 Others: - - - -
4 Premium Deficiency - - - -
Sample Profit and Loss Account
Particulars ( ` '000)
Fire Insurance 135,000
Marine Insurance (14,000)
Miscellaneous Insurance 5,711,000
Interest, Dividend and Rent – Gross 1,102,000
Profit on sale of investments 186,000
Accretion/(Amortisation) of Debt Securities (28,000)
TOTAL (A) 7,092,000
For dimunition in the value of investments -
For doubtful debts -
Expenses other than those related to insurance business
Employees' related remuneration and welfare benefits 35,000
Corporate Social Responsibility Expenses 46,000
Remuneration to directors and others 4,000
Interest on Debentures 1,90,000
TOTAL (B) 2,75,000
Balance sheet
Balance sheet : Summarises Assets and Liabilities of a Company on a specific
Major component of Balance sheet of a General insurer include :
Share capital
Reserves & Surplus
Accumulated profits
General reserve
Share Premium
Any other Specific Reserve
Fair Value Change (Change in Market value of Equity and Mutual fund
Borrowings includes Other forms of Capital
Investments – Shareholder’s and Policy holder’s
Fixed assets
Net Current assets (Current assets (less) Current liabilities)
Debit Balance in Profit and loss a/c (Accumulated Losses)
Sample Balance sheet
Particulars ( ` '000) ( ` '000)
Shareholders’ Fund :
Balance amount after reducing Policy holders fund from total
Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Current Assets
Cash and Bank Balance
Advances to employees and suppliers.
Income accrued on Investments (due dates of interest after reporting date)
Outstanding Premium
Due from other entities carrying insurance business (co-insurance and
reinsurance receivables)
Deposits for premises
Current Liabilities and Provisions
Balance due to other Insurance Companies (co-insurance and reinsurance
Premium received in advance (for policies commencing after reporting date)
Sundry Creditors (mainly suppliers)
Claims outstanding including IBNR (pending approval, payment)
Unclaimed Amount of Policy holders
Reserve for Unexpired Risk (premium portion proportionate to policy period falling
into next reporting period)
Accounting policies and Notes
Ratios for Performance Evaluation
Gross ratios
Net retention ratio = NWP / GWP
Explaining the quantum of risk retained by a Company
Gross Expense ratio = EOM / GWP
Expenses incurred for running the Company
Net ratios
Net Loss Ratio = Net incurred claims / NEP
Claims borne by the Company on the earned premiums
Net Expense ratio = Total Expenses (commission (net of RI
commission) (plus) EOM) / NWP
Total expenses of the Company to the amount of premium retained
Combined ratio = Net loss ratio + Net Expense ratio
Indicating the quality of the business of the Company
Solvency ratio = Ratio of Available Solvency Margin to
Required Solvency Margin
(Minimum 1.50)
Solvency ratio determines health of the insurance company and thereby its ability to honour claims
when they arise 22
Ratios for Performance Evaluation
( ` in Cr)
Particulars FY 20XX
Gross Written Premium 6,603
Net Written Premium 2,665
NWP/ GWP Ratio 40.4%
Net Earned Premium (NEP) 2,204
Net Claim Incurred 1,730
Net Commission (258)
Operating Expenses 786
Underwriting Profit / (Loss) (55)
Investment Income 764
Other Expenses 28
Profit/(Loss) before Taxes 682
Taxes 114
Profit/(Loss) after Taxes 568
Networth 2,018
Key Ratios
Expense Ratio to GWP 11.9%
Expense Ratio to NWP 19.8%
Loss Ratio 78.5%
Combined Ratio 98.3%
ROE 28.1%
Valuation of Listed Insurance Companies
( ` in Crore)
Valuation at IPO At Current Performan
Name of the Insurer IPO Market Price Current Market Valuation ce Since
Price Cap Price Cap P/ Listing
Non Life Listing Date ( in ` ) ( in ` ) P/E P/GWP P/B ( in ` ) ( in ` ) P/E GWP P/B
ICICI Lombard General
Insurance Company Ltd Sep 27, 2017 661 29,992 42.7 2.4 8.1 716 33,424 37.8 2.7 7.1 8.32%
General Insurance
Corporation of India Oct 25, 2017 912 80,001 25.6 1.9 4.5 702 61,833 19.1 1.5 1.2 -23.03%
The New India
Assurance Company Ltd Nov 13, 2017 800 65,920 65.4 2.5 6.0 649 52,904 24.2 2.0 3.6 -18.88%
Our General Insurance
Company - - - 252 17,767 31.3 2.7 8.8
Note: Market Cap is considered as of June 5, 2018 and Book Value, PAT and GWP is taken as of FY18.
Valuation of Our General Insurance Company is done based on simple average of values arrived considering
multiples of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited being only one private insurer
Update on IND AS -Insurance
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide Notification no. G.S.R 111(E) dated 16 Feb
2015 notified the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (Rules).
To prepare first IND AS financial statements from April 1, 2018 onwards, and
To submit proforma IND AS Financial statements to the Authority from the
quarter ended December 31, 2016, onwards.
Thank You
Schedules 1 to Revenue Account
Fire Total
Marine Cargo Marine Hull Marine Total Miscellaneous
Less: Premium on Re-insurance ceded (5,602,000) (714,000) (344,000) (1,058,000) (32,728,000) (39,388,000)
Total Premium Earned (Net) 976,000 538,000 52,000 590,000 20,472,000 22,038,000
Premium 7,166,000 9,389,000 16,555,000 134,000 43,000 1,231,000 210,000 5,424,000 9,913,000 21,011,000 2,663,000 57,184,000
Add: Premium on Re-
insurance accepted - - - - - 84,000 71,000 3,000 13,000 - 106,000 277,000
Less: Premium on Re-
insurance ceded (3,451,000) (2,392,000) (5,843,000) (5,000) (22,000) (1,051,000) (203,000) (1,725,000) (4,282,000) (18,102,000) (1,495,000) (32,728,000)
Net Premium 3,715,000 6,997,000 10,712,000 129,000 21,000 264,000 78,000 3,702,000 5,644,000 2,909,000 1,274,000 24,733,000
Add/(Less): Adjustment for
changes in reserve
for unexpired risks (1,277,000) (770,000) (2,047,000) (3,000) 3,000 (15,000) 56,000 (837,000) (962,000) (248,000) (208,000) (4,261,000)
Total Premium Earned
(Net) 2,438,000 6,227,000 8,665,000 126,000 24,000 249,000 134,000 2,865,000 4,682,000 2,661,000 1,066,000 20,472,000
Schedules to Reve ue Accou t co t….
Schedule 2 - CLAIMS INCURRED (NET) ( ` '000)
Fire Marine Total
Marine Cargo Marine Hull Miscellaneous
Add: Claims on Re-insurance accepted 196,000 27,000 2,000 29,000 105,000 330,000
Less: Claims on Re-insurance ceded (2,216,000) (481,000) (69,000) (550,000) (21,379,000) (24,145,000)
Total Claims Incurred (Net) 626,000 388,000 (14,000) 374,000 16,302,000 17,302,000
Note: Claims Outstanding includes IBNR (incurred but not reported )and IBNER (incurred but not enough reported)
Rents, rates and taxes 41,000 7,000 2,000 9,000 340,000 390,000
Legal and professional charges 165,000 29,000 8,000 37,000 1,375,000 1,577,000
Auditors' fees, expenses etc
(a) as auditors - - - - 4,000 4,000
(b) as advisor or in any other capacity, - - - - - -
(c) in any other capacity - - - - 2,000 2,000
LoB Factor
Fire 0.50
Marine: Cargo 0.60
Marine: Hull 0.50
Motor 0.75
Engineering 0.50 Solvency calculation is governed by IRDAI (Assets, Liabilities and Solvency Margin of
Aviation 0.50 General Insurance Business) Regulations, 2016
Liability 0.75 IRDAI has prescribed minimum solvency ratio to be maintained at 1.5 times
Crop insurance 0.50 Solvency return submission to IRDAI on a Quarterly basis
Others 0.70
Combined Ratio
Key indicator of the performance of a Product / Line of business and company as a
Combined Ratio
Net Expense
Net Claims Ratio +
Ratio lower than 100% indicated that the product / line of business / company is profitable