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Module 1

Introduction to Emerging
Technologies in Computing
Identify and analyze various emerging technologies in
Information Technology.
Lesson Outline
• Industries Influenced by Technologies
• Current Situation Insights
• Tech Trends Today
• Technology Trends Transformation In 2019 and Beyond
Industries Influenced by Technologies

Real Estate Consumer business Automotive Energy

Financial Manufacturing Healthcare Government

Education Telecom Media

Source: Deloitte
Current Situation Insights
• Increased investments in technologies implementations
• New business models
• Work on the operational efficiency
• Technology management
• Value of data
• Customer centricity
• Combination of technologies and cross-industries
partnerships for new customer’s benefits
• Rebuilding the workforce and creating the digital
• Regulatory rethinking 5

• Security and privacy becomes a #1 priority

Tech Trends Today
• AI • RPA: Robot Process
• IoT Automation
• Security • Blockchain
• Big Data • Automotive
• Mobile Apps • Business Intelligence
• Cloud Computing
• Service Desk

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• Intensive development of AI in the past few years
• Huge interest of companies in technology and its
marsh to the commercial use
• Main focus on its implementation to keep the business
processes up to date
• Deep learning improvement
• AI already merged with lots of other emerging
technologies (automotive, IoT etc.)
Internet of Things (IoT)
• Top-of-mind technology over the last few years
• The mass adoption of IoT platforms: Many companies
are already leveraging IoT technology and many
others are ramping up their efforts.
• The industrial IoT is the biggest business opportunity.
• Major security challenges in IoT solutions
Cyber Security
• Up to 5,000 average number of security alerts
• SMBs as the main focus of attacks becoming a launch
pad for bigger campaigns
• The most popular attacks are target attacks against
person, advanced malware the world hasn’t seen
before, ransomware.
• Cloud as an option to strengthen security efficiency
• New technologies as a new way to embrace cyber
technology (e.g. Machine Learning as security help)
• Security outsourcing as a better option for SMBs
Big Data / Data Science
• Strong connection with other emerging
technologies (e.g. AI and ML)
• Data warehouse optimization remains the top
use case for big data.
• Prevailing trend among enterprises is to move to
cloud-based analytics in the nearest time.
• Data privacy and security concerns
Mobile Apps Development
• Demand for App Dev at all times is high (Mobile-first)
• Excessive development time
• Backlogs remain stubbornly high
• Slow returns from Agile and DevOps investments
• Customer centricity is on the rise.
• Low-code is becoming mainstream.
Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR)

• AR goes on with active implementation in our everyday

life (e.g. AR applications for retail).
• Increasing software development for common usage
• Continuous investments, development and further
R&D activities of big plyers (Samsung, Microsoft,
Google, Amazon, etc).
• Ongoing adoption of commercial and enterprise
solutions using AR devices
RPA: Robot Process Automation
• The market is still nascent.
• Capturing inputs from diverse formats is still a problem.
• Integration with other emerging technologies to solve
such problems as processing unstructured data
• Frequent changes in business rules and operating
• Industry standards are still being developed.
• RPA initiatives are being adopted in pockets.
• Narrow scope of services where RPA may be
• Blockchain technology is still in its infancy.
(Blockchains are slow, user unfriendly, unscalable,
and expensive)
• Enterprise Blockchains focus on private or consortium-
based blockchain implementations
• Raising capital
• Increased government and regulatory involvement
Autonomous Driving
• The technology is still under development.
• Companies go on testing self-driving vehicles building
the enough number of vehicles.
• Safety of others is still a challenge.
• The issue with cars driven by humans
• The problem with signs recognition
• Ownership system issues
Business Intelligence
• Executive Management, Operations, and Sales are the
three primary roles driving Business Intelligence (BI)
• Dashboards, reporting, end-user self-service,
advanced visualization and data warehousing are the
highest priority investment areas for companies.
• Small organizations with up to 100 employees have
the highest rate of BI penetration or adoption.
• Sales, Marketing and Executive Management have the
highest level of interest in dashboards and advanced
Cloud Computing
• Increased popularity among small and large businesses.
• Multi-cloud is the preferred strategy among enterprises.
• More enterprises are prioritizing public cloud.
• Serverless is the top-growing extended cloud service.
• Significant wasted cloud spend makes optimizing costs
the top initiative.
• Azure continues to grow quickly and reduce the AWS
lead, especially among enterprises.
Service Desk
• Today’s Service Desk is about “doing more with less”.
• Employee experience consideration to improve
employees productivity
• Proactive approach as a core
• The more automated processes – the better
Gartner About Technology Trends Transformation
Autonomous Things
• Today all autonomous solutions are closely related to AI
to be able to interact more naturally with the
environment. Autonomous things are represented as:
• Robotics
• Vehicles

• Drones of organizations
• Appliances are still
• Agents preparing to
build their AI
Augmented Analytics
• Today, Bid Data definition transformed into the
Enormous Data, and now we are talking about receiving
data flows from anywhere – connected sensors that
measure nearly everything.
• Data scientists face not only the problem of data
collection and storage, but have to solve the challenge of
its analysis.
• Augmented analytics becomes a new wave of data
processing based on data science and machine learning
AI-Driven Development
• This trend covers embedding of artificial
intelligence into different applications and
creation of AI-powered tools for such directions:
• AI-powered tools targeting professional
developer community (AI Platforms and
• AI-powered tools created to assist
professional developers and automate tasks
related to the development of AI-enhanced
• AI-powered tools targeting business domain
expertise (application development stack).
Digital Twins
• Digital twins became a new format of the well- known
computer design representations of real world elements,
but now it brings a new sense of digitalization:
• Reflect the models focused on specific business
outcomes support
• Show the real world in real time for monitoring and
• Allows to check the application of Big Data
Analytics and AI
• Create the environment for “What-if” scenarios.
Empowered Edge
• Edge computing allows to process the data in real-time
without loosing the time on sending it to process the
data in the cloud. The empowered edge will be of use in
such areas as:
• Enterprises, where the remote data monitoring is
vital for faults monitoring.
• Industries, where edge data processing allows
gather comprehensive information on processes
for further improvements.
• Automated devices for real-time data processing
and transmitting it to other devices.
Immersive Experience
• Current experience based on artificial intelligence,
augmented, mixed and virtual reality will result in a new
era of customer relationship management:
• EmoBots – chatbots and intelligent assistants able
to recognize and react to human emotions.
• New level of realism (AR/VR, IoT and mobile
• Hyper-personalization (AI, predictive analytics, IoT
• Instant gratification
• Even still being immature, blockchain is expected to
embrace all industries, and even more:
• The mature ecosystem and national
cryptocurrencies will appear.
• Working business models will be created.
• Blockchain already started integration with IoT and
it will be strengthened further.
• New Blockchain regulations will be implemented.
• All decentralized services will be secured.
Smart Spaces
• Smart spaces are the physical or digital environments or
ecosystems where humans can interact with technology-
enabled systems. Smart spaces provide developers with
such vital features:
• Openness
• Connectedness
• Coordination
• Intelligence
• Scope
Digital Ethics and Privacy
• Due to constant technology development, governments
started creating new regulations related to data
protection. The main regulation themes became digital
ethics, namely:
• Security
• Interaction
• Cybercrime
• Governance
• Privacy
• Social • Free will
• Society and economy
Quantum Computing
• It is expected that in 5 years quantum computing will
become a mainstream and ease such processes as:
• Weather and climate modeling
• Personalized medicine predictions
• Space exploration
• Fundamental sciences boost
• Machine learning
• Encryption
• Real-time language translation
• Emerging Technology Trends - Frequently Asked
Questions. Aditi Agarwal Books LLC
• David B. Speights(2017). Essentials of Modeling and
Analytics: Retail Risk Management and Asset Protection.
London: Routledge
• Raghav Bali(2017). Learning Social Media Analytics with
R: Transform data from social media platforms into
actionable business insights . United Kingdom: PAckt

Introduction to Emerging
Technologies in Computing

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