PED 026 SAS Lesson 5
PED 026 SAS Lesson 5
PED 026 SAS Lesson 5
Productivity Tip:
Productivity tip: Take a quick break after every hour of work. Stand up, drink water, and do some stretches to
relieve any stiffness. Look outside and focus on green things to relieve eye strain.
Introduction (2 mins)
Welcome to Lesson 9! Do you want to feel better, feel lighter, have more energy, have more focus?
Just exercise! There are so many good reasons to start moving and using those muscles. Specialists at
the the Mayo Clinic say that the health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity benefits
everyone no matter your gender, age, or physical ability. (
lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389 ) Some of the benefits they listed include: 1) weight gain
or weight loss; 2) protection from health conditions and diseases like stroke, high blood pressure,
diabetes, depression, arthritis, and many types of cancer; 3) improved mood; 4) improved energy; 5)
better sleep; and 6) it can be fun and social.
As we continue our journey to a healthier and stronger version of ourselves, let learn a bit more about
how we and those around us can be healthier and stronger too.
beginning and cool down gradually by stretching, appropriate to the exercise. This is very
important to prevent cramping and other discomforts.
Choose activities that you like.
Be realistic about what you can do.
Exercising in a group is better than doing it alone because it makes it a social event and
encourages continuous participation.
One has to consult a doctor before starting an exercise program. Also stop and check with your
doctor right away if you develop sudden pain, shortness of breath, or feel ill.
Choose your method of exercise carefully! Make sure it is suitable for your body type. Avoid high-
impact events. Certain exercises should not be performed when people have certain diseases.
People with diabetic retinopathy should not perform exercises that involve bending forward too
much or standing on their head.
People with weak heart should not perform strenuous exercise. Those who have had a heart
attack cannot perform any exercise other than walking for a certain period after recovery.
Be very certain to remain hydrated by continuously drinking water supplemented with vitamin C
and electrolytes while exercising.
Even those confined to bed should have some kind of physical activity or at least physiotherapy to
avoid bedsores, chest infection, and loss of strength of bones, constipation and depression.
Observe physical distancing, proper donning and doffing of mask and hand washing when
exercising in areas at risk for droplet or airborne infection.
The mask does not compromise breathing. It is an effective way to prevent viral transmission in a
community context, provided that compliance is high.
Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
A. Thinking about your Learning
1. What did you do well today?
Read some of the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions to add to your knowledge about today’s topic:
Q: What’s the best form of exercise?
A: The best exercise for you depends on what your body and health goals are. If your goal is weight gain, you
need to include heavy lifting. If your goal is weight loss your exercise must include cardio and light weights with
more repetitions. It will be a different exercise if your goals are to build speed and agility. And different still if
you want flexibility.