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5 Issue I
Madhav Research and Review Jan-June 2023
ISSN: 2455-5851

Homoeopathic Perspective in the Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis

* Dr Amit Kumar1, Dr Hanuman Ram2 and Dr Bhawana Kumari3
1Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Madhav Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Sirohi, Rajasthan
2Dept. of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Madhav Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Sirohi, Rajasthan

3Medical Officer, Madhav Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Abu road, Sirohi, Rajasthan.

*Corresponding Author:
Dr Amit Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Date of Submission: 11-06-2023
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Madhav Homoeopathic Date of Revision: 21-06-2023
Medical College & Hospital, Sirohi, Rajasthan – 307032 Date of Acceptance: 08-07-2023
Ankylosing spondylitis belong to the group of seronegative spondylo-arthropathies is a chronic inflammatory
autoimmune disease principally affecting the axial skeleton causing severe chronic pain and strongly associated with
HLA B27. The present article will provide Homoeopathic perspective in managing the cases of Ankylosing spondylitis
and its associated conditions. In Homoeopathy, the treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis may vary from case to case. It
also depends upon the duration and severity of the disease. Homoeopathy holistic approach is advised so that the
treatment is effective when we consider the totality of symptoms and prescribe the medicine accordingly. The review
concludes with the key learning points about epidemiology, clinical features, prevention and homoeopathic
management of Ankylosing spondylitis.
Key Word: Ankylosing spondylitis, Homoeopathic medicines, Review article.

The main goal Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of in the large joints, such as the hips and shoulders. Other
arthritis that affects the spine. Ankylosing spondylitis symptoms may include: early morning stiffness, Poor
symptoms include pain and stiffness from the neck posture or stooped shoulders, Loss of appetite, Low-
down to the lower back. The spine's bones (vertebrae) grade fever, weight loss, fatigue, anemia or low iron
fuse together, resulting in a rigid spine. These changes and reduced lung function. Ankylosing spondylitis
may be mild or severe, and may lead to a stooped-over involves inflammation; other parts of your body can be
posture. Early diagnosis and treatment helps control affected as well. People with ankylosing spondylitis
pain and stiffness and may reduce or prevent may also experience: Inflammation of the bowels, mild
significant deformity.1 It affects approximately 0.5% of eye inflammation, heart valve inflammation, and
men and 0.2% of women in the UK. This most achilles tendonitis.3
commonly starts in the late teens, twenties or thirties. EXTRA-ARTICULAR MANIFESTATIONS OF
There is a strong genetic component, being associated ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS
with HLA-B27. The disease principally affects the • Anterior uveitis (25%) and conjunctivitis (20%)
sacroiliac joints, axial skeleton and peripheral joints, • Prostatitis (80%)-usually asymptomatic
starting with sacroiliitis.1 It affects about 0.1% to 0.5% • Cardiovascular disease
of the adult population. Although it can occur at any o Aortic incompetence
age, spondylitis most often strikes men in their teens o Mitral incompetence
and 20s. It is less common and generally milder in o Cardiac conduction defects
women and more common in some Native American o Pericarditis
tribes.2 Most common symptom is back pain in the • Amyloidosis
morning and at night. Patient may also experience pain • Atypical upper lobe pulmonary fibrosis.4

www.madhavuniversity.edu.in 56
Vol.5 Issue I
Madhav Research and Review Jan-June 2023
ISSN: 2455-5851

INVESTIGATIONS effective when we consider the totality of symptoms

The ESR and CRP are usually raised. Serum rheumatoid and prescribe the medicine accordingly.5
factor is negative or present in low titre. 4 The following homoeopathic remedies can be
MANAGEMENT considered in Ankylosing Spondylitis cases; 6, 7
In conventional system, there’s no current cure for Phosphoric Acid - Phosphoric acid is one of the top
ankylosing spondylitis, but treatment like Nonsteroidal remedies for spondylitis. Paralytic weakness along
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Tumour necrosis spine. Formication along spine. Boring pain between
factor (TNF) inhibitors, Disease-modifying anti scapulae. Pain in back and limbs as if beaten.
rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) can manage pain and Cimcifuga Racemosa - Cimcifuga is another effective
prevent disability. 3, 4 Proper, timely treatment can help remedy for spondylosis. There is stiffness and
reduce symptoms. It may also slow or even stop contraction in neck muscles causing the neck stiff. Neck
possible complications, such as bone deformity. If pain, throws the head back. Spine very sensitive,
patient have severe damage or deformity to knee or hip especially the upper part. Stiff neck, pain worse
joints, a joint replacement surgery may be necessary. sensitive worse pressure. Pain in the angle of left
Likewise, an osteotomy may be performed on people scapula.
with poor posture caused by fused bones. During this Guaiacum - Guaiacum is the best homeopathic
procedure, a surgeon will cut and realign the bones in medicines for spondylitis when there is severe pain in
the spine.3 Conventional treatment with regular the neck along with rigidity .Pain from head to neck.
physiotherapy is important to maintain range of Aching in nape. Stiff neck and sore shoulders. Stitches
movement. Around 10% of patients require total hip between the scapulae to occipital. One sided stiffness of
replacement. Occasionally a corrective osteotomy of back from neck to sacrum.
the kyphosis is needed to allow forward vision. The Lachnanthes - Lachnanthes is the top homeopathic
stiff spine makes patients susceptible to unstable spinal medicines for spondylitis when the neck pain is due to
fractures. rheumatism of neck. The neck is drawn more towards
HOMOEOPATHIC PERSPECTIVE one side and there is marked stiffness in the neck.
Rheumatological complaints including Ankylosing Chilliness between the shoulder blades. Sensation
Spondylitis are frequently encountered conditions in between the shoulder blades as if wet with cold
homeopathy practice. On account of progressive perspiration.
destruction and disability of the joints, and Rhus Tox- Rhus tox is another effective remedy for
troublesome side effects and dissatisfaction with the spondylitis. Spondylosis, when there is marked
mainstream therapies, homeopathy remains one of the stiffness and pain in the neck on waking up in the
most sought-after therapies; however, it remained morning. This medicine is more for cases where the
under-researched systematically. The treatment for pain in the neck aggravates after periods of rest.
Ankylosing Spondylitis may vary from case to case. It Cocculus Indicus - Weak neck cannot hold up head.
also depends upon the duration and severity of the Pain in shoulder and arms as if bruised. Stiffness on
disease. There are various factors which can trigger moving shoulders. Cracking of cervical vertebrae.
Ankylosing Spondylitis such as genetic, emotional and Causticum- Dull pain in nape of neck. Stiffness of neck
physical, environmental factors, so it is important for a or back on rising from a chair could scarcely move the
homoeopathic physician to consider all this before we head. Spondylitis with uncontrollable frequent
begin with the treatment. It should be given based on urination.
the law of similar. The remedies in homeopathy Dulcamara - Pain in small of the back as after long
moderate the overactive immune system and thus help stooping. Stiffness and lameness across the neck and
in reducing inflammation in the bones. Homoeopathy shoulders after getting cold or wet.
holistic approach is advised so that the treatment is
www.madhavuniversity.edu.in 57
Vol.5 Issue I
Madhav Research and Review Jan-June 2023
ISSN: 2455-5851

Theridion -Degeneration of the spinal cord causes Spondylitis is a autoimmune disorder, and in
vertigo. Worse closing the eyes. homoeopathy holistic approach is advised so that the
Gelsemium -Neck feels bruised, unable to hold the treatment is effective when we consider the totality of
head. Pain in neck, especially upper symptoms and prescribe the medicine accordingly.
sternocleidomastoid muscles. Heaviness of head. Lack Financial Support and Sponsorship: Nil.
of muscle coordination and difficulty in walking. Conflicts of Interest: No conflict of interest.
Kali Iodide - Kali iodide is also a good remedy for Authors Contributions
spondylitis with numbness, worse at night. Dr Amit Kumar (Concept, study design, Literature
CONCLUSION review and revising manuscript)
Homeopathy is a cheap, mild form of treatment with Dr Hanuman Ram (Literature review and revising
almost no known adverse effects, which has been found manuscript)
useful in a number of autoimmune disorders. At the Dr Bhawana Kumari (Literature review and revising
end would want to conclude saying Ankylosing manuscript)

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