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Review: The Picco Monitor: A Review

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Anaesth Intensive Care 2012; 40: 393-409

The PiCCO monitor: a review
E. Litton*, M. Morgan†
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Advanced haemodynamic monitoring remains a cornerstone in the management of the critically ill. While
rates of pulmonary artery catheter use have been declining, there has been an increase in the number of
alternatives for monitoring cardiac output as well as greater understanding of the methods and criteria
with which to compare devices. The PiCCO (Pulse index Continuous Cardiac Output) device is one such
alternative, integrating a wide array of both static and dynamic haemodynamic data through a combination
of trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution and pulse contour analysis. The requirement for intra-arterial and
central venous catheterisation limits the use of PiCCO to those with evolving critical illness or at high risk
of complex and severe haemodynamic derangement. While the accuracy of trans-cardiopulmonary
thermodilution as a measure of cardiac output is well established, several other PiCCO measurements require
further validation within the context of their intended clinical use. As with all advanced haemodynamic
monitoring systems, efficacy in improving patient-centred outcomes has yet to be conclusively demonstrated.
The challenge with PiCCO is in improving the understanding of the many variables that can be measured
and integrating those that are clinically relevant and adequately validated with appropriate therapeutic
Key Words: monitoring, haemodynamic, cardiac output, PiCCO monitor

Advanced haemodynamic monitoring has devices8, there are several reasons why their
remained a cornerstone in the management of the appropriate role in clinical practice remains
critically ill since the introduction of the pulmonary uncertain. First, cardiac output and other advanced
artery catheter into clinical practice in the 1970s1. haemodynamic measurements can be derived
The pulmonary artery catheter is still to a large through a variety of unrelated methods, each
extent the clinical reference standard for cardiac with important benefits and limitations requiring
output measurement, but its utility is increasingly consideration. Second, the aortic flow probe as
questioned and use appears to be declining2,3. the accepted gold standard for cardiac output
Technological advances coupled with both the measurement is impractical and highly invasive and
recognition of costs4, complications5 and a failure to in the clinical setting is substituted for a reference
demonstrate mortality benefit6,7 with the pulmonary device with known but imperfect characteristics9.
artery catheter has driven the demand for less Third, valid statistical methods with which to
invasive alternatives. compare devices and the relationship between
Despite a substantial increase in the number of statistical significance and thresholds for clinical
publications comparing haemodynamic monitoring decision-making remain the subject of debate,
although there appears to be agreement that the
majority of comparative studies to date are sub-
optimal8-11. Fourth, the ultimate aim of monitoring
* MB, ChB, MSc, FCICM, Intensive Care Specialist, Royal Perth Hospital
and Clinical Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine and Pharmacology,
a specific parameter is the belief that responding to
University of Western Australia. the measurements will lead to an improvement in
† MB, BCh, BSc, FRCA, Clinical Lecturer, School of Medicine, Cardiff
University and Anaesthetic and Intensive Care Doctor, University Hospital
patient survival or function. However, evaluating
of Wales, Cardiff, UK. the effectiveness of a monitoring device is complex,
Address for correspondence: Dr E. Litton; Email: ed.litton@health. requiring a valid measurement to be coupled with
wa.gov.au accurate clinical interpretation and initiation of a
Accepted for publication on February 6, 2012. beneficial therapeutic intervention in an appropriate
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394 E. Litton, M. Morgan

patient population. Finally, no single device components, an arterial catheter with a solid-state
currently fulfils all the criteria to be considered thermistor 5 mm from its tip, an injection device that
an ideal advanced haemodynamic monitor as connects to the distal lumen of a standard central
summarised in Table 1 and by others elsewhere12. venous catheter and the user-interface monitor24.
The choice of most appropriate monitor may The latest model is the PiCCO2 which includes a
vary, requiring consideration of its unique 13 inch colour liquid crystal display touchscreen
characteristics and the circumstances in which it that can display all standard clinical parameters.
will be used. Alternatively, both Philips (PiCCO-Technology
The PiCCO (Pulse index Continuous Cardiac Module, Andover, MA, USA) and Dräger (Infinity®
Output) monitor measures and integrates a wide PiCCO SmartPod®, Lübeck, Germany) have
array of haemodynamic variables through intra- modular attachments for their monitor range to
arterial and central venous catheterisation alone. allow use of a Pulsion PiCCO arterial catheter
As such it is considered a less invasive monitor and central venous catheter injectate device with
of cardiac output than the pulmonary artery these monitors. More recently, an alternative
catheter, although the need for arterial and venous to the Pulsion system has been developed by
catheterisation renders it more so than so-called Edwards Lifescience (Irvine, CA, USA, EV1000
minimally or non-invasive devices (see Table 2 clinical platform and VolumeView sensor) although
for a comparison of advanced haemodynamic comparative data are currently lacking25.
monitoring devices). Patient selection
Having been in use for over 10 years, a substantial
None of the large (and increasing) number of
number of studies of PiCCO exist, including
devices currently available for measuring cardiac
comparisons to a range of monitoring alternatives.
output can be considered universally ideal (Table 1).
The aim of this review therefore was to provide
Given the lack of comprehensive criteria to
a summary of the current role of PiCCO in the
determine when invasive haemodynamic monitoring
clinical context by describing its practical use, the
should be initiated, PiCCO may be considered in
underlying physiological basis for the parameters
all patients in whom central venous and intra-
measured, and their validity and clinical utility.
arterial cannulation is deemed necessary. Risks
A glossary of terms is provided in the Appendix.
associated with insertion of the PiCCO arterial
catheter appear to be low26, and although difficult
PRACTICAL USAGE to quantify, a greater risk is likely to result from
The most established commercially available therapy initiated on the basis of inaccurate data
complete PiCCO set is produced by Pulsion Medical measurement or its inappropriate interpretation
Systems, Germany. It consists of three main or contextualisation. While the benefit of PiCCO

Table 1
Features of an ideal advanced haemodynamic monitoring device

Relevance Measures parameters relevant to patient management.

Accuracy Measured parameter is equal to the true parameter as approximated by the reference standard.
Quantified in terms of bias
Precision Repeated measurements provide the same results under stable conditions. Quantified in terms
of the standard deviation of measurements. Depending on device, both intra- and inter-observer
variability may be relevant
Response time Continuously updates haemodynamic parameters to reflect current clinical status
Risk Non-invasive with application conferring no risk to the patient
Ease of use Quick and easy to set up and use with a minimal number of components and training required.
Ongoing data acquisition, processing and display fully automated
Transportability Suitable for inter- and intra-hospital transfer with a small footprint. Imaging-compatible
Cost Inexpensive acquisition, maintenance and disposables
Familiarity Similarity to established monitoring devices and parameters
Generalisability Utility to a broad range of specialties and wide spectrum of clinical conditions, and haemodynamic
states and patient groups
Efficacy Proven benefit in clinical trials with patient-centred outcomes

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The PiCCO monitor 395

Table 2
Comparison of PiCCO with other cardiac output monitoring devices

Monitor type Advantages Disadvantages

PiCCO Validated intermittent cardiac output measurement Requires intra-arterial and central venous access
by trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution.
Accuracy comparable to pulmonary artery catheter
Calibrated continuous cardiac output monitoring Inability to measure pulmonary artery pressures
by combination of trans-cardiopulmonary
thermodilution and pulse contour analysis
Potentially useful additional parameters including PCA unreliable in patients with arrhythmia (e.g. atrial
extravascular lung water, global end-diastolic fibrillation), mechanical circulatory assist devices, aortic
volume and stroke volume variation valve pathology and possibly dependent on arterial line
Lithium dilution, Central venous access not required Lithium indicator unreliable with chronic use of Li+,
e.g. LiDCO recent benzylisoquinoline neuromuscular blockers and
where significant indicator is lost prior to measurement.
Calibrated continuous cardiac output monitoring
by combination of trans-cardiopulmonary
thermodilution and pulse contour analysis
Pulse power calculation (LiDCO) may be more Calibration of pulse contour analysis for Li+ requires
accurate than other waveform analysis for input of haematocrit and serum Na+
continuous cardiac output
Studies of accuracy and precision compared with Inability to measure pulmonary artery pressures or
pulmonary artery catheter generally small with extravascular lung water
different patient groups and methodologies, Li+
dilution and LiDCO moderate and comparable
Ultrasound dilution, Minimal volume normothermic indicator suitable Requires intra-arterial and central venous access
e.g. COstatus for neonates

Potential to detect shunts through dilution curve Inability to measure pulmonary artery pressures
No continuous cardiac output measurement
Invasive arterial pressure not recorded or displayed
while ultrasound cardiac output being measured
Pulmonary artery Clinical reference standard for cardiac output Risks associated with additional central venous access
thermodilution, e.g. measurement and pulmonary artery catheter insertion, arrhythmia,
Vigilence, OptiQ knotting and pulmonary embolism
Measures pulmonary artery pressures Continuous cardiac output inaccurate when
hypothermic and signal averaging over several minutes
creates time lag in displaying sudden changes in cardiac
Moderate imprecision when compared with aortic flow
probe as gold standard. May be as much as 13% under
steady state conditions and 40% intraoperatively15
Pulse contour analysis, Simple set-up using existing standard monitoring Intra-arterial catheter required for reliable trace
e.g. FlowTrac PRAM
Continuous measurement Inaccurate in patients with arrhythmia (e.g. atrial
fibrillation), aortic valve pathology, mechanical assist
device or line kinking or damping
Earlier versions have poor accuracy compared with
pulmonary artery catheter thermodilution studies
particularly when haemodynamics unstable and
unacceptably high percentage error of up to 58.8%16.
Insufficient data to assess accuracy, precision and
trending of most recent software versions (including
FlowTrac 3).

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Table 2
Comparison of PiCCO with other cardiac output monitoring devices (continued)

Monitor type Advantages Disadvantages

Partial rebreathing, Non-invasive Multiple potential error sources especially in those with
e.g. NICO respiratory disease
Continuous measurement Inaccurate unless ventilated with no spontaneous
respiratory effort
Limited data but accuracy poor when compared with
pulmonary artery catheter-derived cardiac output and
unacceptably high percentage error of >40%17
Bioimpedence, Non-invasive Validity in the critically ill uncertain. Accuracy and
e.g. PhysioFlow precision of previous devices unacceptably poor, more
current versions remain unreliable18.
Continuous measurement Alterations in thoracic water and peripheral vascular
resistance reduce accuracy

Doppler Continuous real-time with beat-to-beat variability Risks associated with oesophageal probe insertion and
contraindicated in those with oesophageal pathology
Oesophageal, Additional parameters including measure of Makes assumptions about descending aortic flow as a
e.g. CardioQ , cardiac preload proportion of total cardiac output
Some evidence to support oesophageal Doppler- Small window for acoustic signal may require frequent
guided therapy in improving surrogate repositioning
perioperative outcomes19
Data on accuracy and precision compared with
pulmonary artery catheter thermodilution generally
limited to small studies and variable dependent on
population studied and methodology used. Percentage
error reported to be as high as 65%20,21
Suprasternal, Non-invasive Difficulty in acquiring adequate acoustic window
e.g. USCOM
Easily transportable Requires user training
Intermittent measurement only
Limited data but accuracy appears poor when
compared with pulmonary artery catheter and
unacceptably high mean percentage error of up to
Echocardiography Global assessment of haemodynamic status and Significant training and experience required
diagnosis of potential underlying cardiac pathology

Non-invasive via transthoracic route Inter-observer variability

Well-validated measures of all haemodynamic Not continuous

Mean percentage error compared with pulmonary High start-up costs
artery catheter may be as small as 2% depending
on experience of operator, technique and onditions23
Time consuming

Procedural risks associated with TOE including

sedation if not intubated

PiCCO=pulse index continuous cardiac output, PCA=pulse contour analysis, PRAM=pulse recording analytical method, NICO=non-
invasive cardiac output, TOE=transoesophageal echocardiography.

is most likely to be apparent in those with 1. Intraoperative and early postoperative manage-
evolving critical illness or at high-risk of severe ment of patients in whom complex co-
haemodynamic derangement, in practice PiCCO is morbidities are present or particular fluid
generally employed in patients in one of three main management strategies are considered to be
categories: beneficial. For example, restricted fluid use
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The PiCCO monitor 397

following goal-directed administration according performed by the same person at the same speed
to PiCCO parameters in major colonic resection27. and pressure should yield results with <20%
2. Intraoperative monitoring of patients during variation. Calibration should be repeated every
cardiac surgery28. eight hours or following a major change in the
3. Monitoring of the critically ill patient to help patient’s clinical condition34.
direct fluid and vasoactive therapy29.
Contraindications to use fall into two categories. Goal-directed use
First, contraindications to vascular device insertion In an attempt to provide an appropriate response
including severe peripheral vascular disease, arterial to the values displayed, a decision tree model has
grafting, overlying infection and coagulopathy. been proposed by the manufacturers of PiCCO24.
Second, anatomical or physiological derangements The clinical response to the data provided can be
likely to render PiCCO-derived measurements divided into expectant, volume loading, volume
grossly inaccurate. These are further described in reduction and use of vasoactive medication. This
the section on PiCCO parameters. structured approach couples standardised inter-
ventions to specific data patterns but must only
Site selection and catheter insertion
be considered in the context of a global clinical
Clinically important differences may exist in both
assessment and suffers from several shortcomings.
the absolute values of arterial pressure measured
First, the presence of serious reversible pathology
at more peripheral compared with more central
should also be explored and corrected as a cause
sites30 as well as the shape of the arterial pressure
of haemodynamic derangement. For example, the
wave-form. The femoral artery is the most common
site of cannulation, however radial, brachial and decision tree does not direct a clinician to decompress
axillary sites are potential alternatives. Removal a pneumothorax or provide source control in the
of the arterial catheter is recommended within event of sepsis. Second, it does not encompass
10 days of insertion and replacement of the arterial consideration of mechanical support devices such
line transduction kit and inline injectate sensor as intra-aortic balloon counter-pulsation or veno-
housing is required every three to five days24. arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
The venous injectate port should be placed in Whereas the vast majority of the literature
the central cardiopulmonary circulation, within or comparing cardiac output monitoring devices
directly proximal to the right atrium. Placement in provides a comparison between specific isolated
the femoral vein will result in significant over- variables, clinical practice demands that all available
estimation of intrathoracic volumetric measure- information be assimilated to guide decision-
ments although trans-cardiopulmonary thermo- making35. The particular attraction of goal-directed
dilution cardiac output measurement may still be use of PiCCO therefore, is in its capacity to
reliable31. In addition, cannulation of the ipsilateral integrate a large number of haemodynamic
femoral artery should be avoided to reduce parameters. In this regard, few pragmatic studies of
temperature artefact from injection close to the the efficacy of PiCCO monitoring in representative
thermistor in the nearby artery32. perioperative and intensive care settings exist.
Results in selected patient groups such as post-
Performing a calibration
operative cardiac surgery are preliminary but
Following catheter insertion and monitor setup
encouraging36, and reflect similar benefit seen in
with a mandatory data set, calibration is required
surrogate outcomes such as hospital length of stay
before data acquisition. The injectate solution
should ideally be 0.9% saline as both lipid and from perioperative studies of goal-directed therapy
dextrose compounds can damage the sensor’s using minimally invasive monitors37.
housing24. The recommended volume for injection is Estimates of the true accuracy and precision of
directly proportional to the patient’s extravascular PiCCO compared with other cardiac output devices
thermal volume and therefore depends on both are variable and currently unreliable. Issues include
patient’s weight and the amount of extravascular differences in the patient groups studied, comparative
lung water (EVLW). In practice between 15 and statistics, study methodology, timing of assessments
30 ml per injection is normally used. The optimal and imprecision of the pulmonary artery catheter
fluid temperature is below 8°C although room itself as the most common clinical reference. A broad
temperature solutions are acceptable33. Three overview is provided in Table 2 with comparative
separate injections within a five-minute period data where available.
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398 E. Litton, M. Morgan

PICCO PARAMETERS volume (ITBV), cardiac function index and

The PiCCO device measures and displays a global ejection fraction. Pulse contour analysis
wide array of haemodynamic data (see Table 3 for provides continuous estimation of stroke volume,
a summary of the parameters and quantification cardiac output, pulse pressure variation, stroke
of their potential utility). These can be divided volume variation and an index of left ventricular
into intermittent measurements based on trans- contractility. PiCCO2 also allows continuous
cardiopulmonary thermodilution and continuous monitoring of central venous oxygen saturation
measurements based on pulse contour analysis (ScvO2) with the addition of a CeVOX fibreoptic
of the arterial pressure waveform. A further probe inserted through the distal lumen of the
important distinction must be made between directly central venous catheter.
measured values and those that have been Evaluation of the validity of these measures can
derived and susceptible to compounding of errors be approached using the framework proposed in
(Table 3). Table 4. Equally important is an understanding of
Interpretation of the trans-cardiopulmonary the underlying physiological principles from which
thermodilution indicator-time curve allows they are derived, for which much of the pioneering
estimation of cardiac output, EVLW, global end- work was undertaken as far back as the late 19th
diastolic volume (GEDV), intrathoracic blood century38,39.

Table 3
Summary of the parameters measured by PiCCO

Parameter Description
Parameters measured intermittently by trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution
Cardiac output Validated in appropriate clinical settings with an acceptable level of accuracy
May be of particular use as a pulmonary artery catheter substitute where cardiac output measurement likely to be
required for a prolonged period of time and/or pulmonary artery pressure measurement not required
Both trend and absolute values of clinical importance
Interpretation of absolute values requires indexing to body surface area
EVLW Water content outside of the pulmonary vasculature including the pulmonary interstitium plus any alveolar fluid
Normal range is 3-7 ml/kg but ideal cut-off yet to be established
Preliminary studies suggest potential diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic utility
Definitive studies are lacking but utility may increase with increasing evidence of association between fluid
balance and outcome in the critically ill
GEDV Measure of the total volume in all four chambers of the heart at end-diastole
May be superior to cardiac filling pressures in determining volume responsiveness
Role uncertain and may be of greatest utility in situations where the more accurate dynamic measures such as
systolic pressure variation cannot be used. Definitive studies of benefit currently lacking
ITBV Derived from GEDV by simple multiplication although the relationship may not always be linear
Clinical utility equivalent to GEDV but with different reference range
No additional clinical utility compared with GEDV
CFI The ratio of CO to GEDV
Derived from other measures displayed by PiCCO providing uncertain additional utility
Additional caution required for all derived measurements. No clear benefit compared with clinician assessment of
the individual components
GEF Derived as the ratio of stroke volume to GEDV multiplied by a factor of 4
Similar to CFI, GEF is simply a ratio of other measures displayed by PiCCO. The additive value to clinical
decision-making is uncertain with caveats on derived measurements as stated for CFI
PVPI Derived from the ratio of EVLW to pulmonary blood volume (pulmonary blood volume=pulmonary thermal
volume EVLW)
May help to differentiate hydrostatic from inflammatory causes of pulmonary oedema
Additional caution is required for all derived values as risk of measurement error is compounded. Clinician
assessment of individual components may be preferable

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The PiCCO monitor 399

Table 3
Summary of the parameters measured by PiCCO (continued)

Parameter Description
Parameters measured continuously by pulse contour analysis
Cardiac output Derives cardiac output from heart rate and stroke volume by analysis of the area under the systolic portion of the
arterial waveform
Appears reasonably accurate during stable conditions however validity in conditions of significant haemodynamic
derangement not definitively proven
Requires calibration and measurement of aortic compliance using trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution
Greatest clinical utility may be as a marker of need to re-calibrate with trans-cardiopulmonary cardiac output
after any significant change in value
Stroke volume Measures stroke volume by analysis of the area under the systolic portion of the arterial waveform
Requires calibration and measurement of aortic compliance using trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution
Moderately accurate under stable conditions but clinical utility also lowest under such conditions
Systemic vascular Derived from mean arterial pressure and CO
No independent clinical utility likely compared with clinical assessment of the individual components.
Additionally, measurement errors may be compounded for derived values
Pulse pressure Dynamic measure of intravascular volume status measuring the variation in difference between systolic and
variation diastolic blood pressure
More accurate than either pressure or volume-based static measures of volume responsiveness during mechanical
ventilation, but with significant caveats
Proven accuracy in determining volume responsiveness however, predictive of volume responsiveness does
not indicate that additional fluid is necessarily required and clinical utility in improving outcomes is yet to be
demonstrated and will depend on synthesis of these two components
Stroke volume Dynamic measure of intravascular volume status measuring variation in area under the systolic portion of the
variation arterial waveform
More accurate than either pressure- or volume-based static measures of volume responsiveness during mechanical
ventilation but with significant caveats
LVCI More difficult to measure than PPV and uncertain whether diagnostic accuracy is superior. Additional caveats to
utility as per PPV
Derived measure of left ventricular performance derived from the maximum upslope of the arterial pressure-time
curve in systole
Very preliminary data only and validity and clinical utility yet to be established
Other parameters measured
Basic parameters Heart rate, systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure, central venous pressure
Central venous Surrogate marker of the overall balance between oxygen delivery and consumption
oxygen saturation
(ScvO2) Only takes into account the upper body drained by the superior vena cava and relationship with mixed venous
oxygen saturation is variable
Role of ScvO2 measurement in the critically ill is still uncertain. Although a single centre study has shown benefit
in early severe sepsis, generalisability of these findings is currently under investigation
EVLW=extravascular lung water, GEDV=global end-diastolic volume, ITBV=intrathoracic blood volume, CFI=cardiac function index,
CO=cardiac output, GEF=global ejection fraction, PiCCO=pulse index continuous cardiac output, PVPI=pulmonary vascular perme-
ability index, LVCI=left ventricular contractility index, PPV=positive pressure ventilation.

1. INTERMITTENT BOLUS TRANS- equation for a thermal indicator requires the

CARDIOPULMONARY THERMODILUTION addition of a constant (K) to correct for the
Cardiac output specific thermal mass of the injectate and blood
The measurement of cardiac output by (Equation 1).
thermodilution is based on the Stewart-Hamilton COtd=(Tb–Ti) Vi K/∫ΔTb dt
equation40, in which cardiac output is inversely Equation 1: Adaptation of the Stewart-Hamilton equation for
related to the concentration and total passage time a thermal indicator. COtd=cardiac output by thermodilution,
T b=blood temperature, Ti=injectate temperature,
of an indicator solution measured after its transit Vi=injectate volume, ∫ΔTb=area under the thermo-dilution
through the heart. Adaptation of the original curve, K=constant.
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400 E. Litton, M. Morgan

Table 4
Evaluating validation studies of advanced haemodynamic monitoring

1. Is the study population appropriate?

a. The patients, therapeutic interventions and range of values for the parameters under investigation are representative of those
in which the monitor will be used
2. Is the choice and description of the reference method appropriate?
a. The accuracy* of the reference method is known and is clinically acceptable
b. The precision† of the reference method is reported for the study population
3. Is the comparison method assessed appropriately?
a. The physiological basis and limitations of the monitoring technique are understood and taken into account in the study design
b. The method and timeframe of data acquisition is described
c. The precision and accuracy of the device are reported
d. The relationship between proposed statistical analyses and thresholds for clinical decision-making are considered
* Accuracy refers to how closely the measured value represents the true value measured by the gold standard or the comparative value
measured by the reference standard. Quantitative measurement should describe both relative and absolute differences with limits
of clinical acceptability defined a priori. † Precision refers to the concurrence of repeated measurements under stable conditions.
‡ Correlation and regression are not appropriate measures of accuracy as they describe the extent to which changes in one
measurement device predict changes in the other, e.g. a change in measurement in one device may correlate perfectly with a
four times change in the other but provides no information on the absolute level of agreement between the two.

Injectate syringe

PiCCO thermistor-tipped
Injectate sensor cable arterial catheter

Central line

Injection of indicator
Sensed by PATD
Sensed by TCPTD

Δ Temperature


Mean transit time

Exponential decay time

In Δ temperature

Figure 1: Comparison of thermodilution curve with PAC and TCPTD. PC=pulmonary circulation, PiCCO=pulse index continuous
cardiac output, RA=right atrium, RV=right ventricle, LA=left atrium, LV=left ventricle, PATD=pulmonary artery thermodilution,
TCPTD=trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution.
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The PiCCO monitor 401

The pulmonary artery catheter is based on indicator right heart catheterisation, significant adverse events
transit through only the right side of the heart with directly attributable to pulmonary artery catheter
a sensor placed in the pulmonary artery. In contrast, insertion are low6,47. The greater potential for PiCCO
in trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution a known to demonstrate benefit where the pulmonary artery
quantity of cold injectate is delivered via a central catheter failed is in the integration of reliable
venous catheter and mixing of the thermal indicator cardiac output measurement with other potentially
occurs as it passes through the right atrium and useful haemodynamic parameters. Demonstration
ventricle, pulmonary circulation, left atrium, ventricle of efficacy will require a greater understanding of
and aorta. A thermistor-tipped arterial line quantifies the relationship between haemodynamic measure-
the change in temperature over time in a large ments and patient outcome, allowing monitoring
proximal artery, most commonly the femoral artery. results to be coupled with beneficial therapeutic
A mono-exponential transformation of the curve interventions.
with extrapolation of a truncated descending limb
back to baseline allows calculation of area under Derivation of additional measures by trans-cardiopul-
the curve for cardiac output measurement. A monary thermodilution
comparison of trans-cardiopulmonary thermo- Further analysis of the slope and duration of
dilution with pulmonary artery thermodilution and the thermal indicator dilution curve after passage
the qualitatively similar resultant curves is shown through both sides of the heart and pulmonary
in Figure 1. circulation enables estimation of additional
Compared with the measurement of cardiac haemodynamic parameters including measures
output by pulmonary artery thermodilution, trans- of intrathoracic volumes and cardiac function
cardiopulmonary thermodilution has been shown (Figures 1 and 2). The extrapolated and log-
to demonstrate a level of accuracy that is within a transformed slope of the indicator time-
clinically acceptable range in a number of different concentration curve as it returns to baseline
patient populations and a recent summary of the is represented by the exponential decay time.
comparative studies is provided by Reuter et al41. Assuming a model of the circulation in which the
Potential sources of error common to both include indicator solution has undergone mixing in a series
loss of injectate prior to delivery, regurgitant valve of chambers, the exponential decay time is pro-
lesions42, intra-cardiac shunts, extracorporeal portional to the volume of distribution of the largest
circulations, rapid changes in body temperature43,
chamber, represented by the pulmonary circulation
conductive rewarming of the injectate during transit
in the case of trans-cardiopulmonary thermo-
and the cyclical change in cardiac output that
dilution. The mean transit time of the indicator
occurs with respiration44. Compared with pulmonary
solution is the time taken for half the indicator to
artery thermodilution, the greater transit time and
pass the arterial detection point and is proportional
distance between injectate delivery and measure-
to the total intrathoracic volume of distribution48.
ment with trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution
will tend to increase the error associated with These measurements are used to calculate EVLW
conductive loss and recirculation while reducing and GEDV which like cardiac output may be
the potential for the measured cardiac output to be indexed to body surface area (Figure 2). Derived
unrepresentative of its true value over the entire measurements indexed to body surface area may
respiratory cycle44,45. Specific to PiCCO, a large aortic be misleading in the morbidly obese if calculations
aneurysm will result in overestimation of ITBV and are based on actual weight49. In the latest PiCCO
GEDV if femoral artery cannulation is used, while system however, indexed measurements are derived
intra-aortic balloon pumps reduces the accuracy from ideal weight estimated from measured
of pulse contour analysis measurement of cardiac height, adding a different potential source of error.
output but not when derived from trans- Additionally, there are a considerable number of
cardiopulmonary thermodilution46. paediatric studies evaluating PiCCO use50-52. The
Despite the limitations of thermodilution as accuracy of trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution
a measurement technique and a failure of large as a method of estimating cardiac output appears
randomised trials of pulmonary artery catheter use similar to that of the adult population although
to demonstrate mortality benefit, enthusiasm for conclusive safety data is lacking and the validity
cardiac output monitoring appears undiminished. of some of the additional trans-cardiopulmonary
Although one advantage of PiCCO over pulmonary thermodilution-derived parameters, such as EVLW,
artery catheter is in dispensing with the need for are uncertain53.
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402 E. Litton, M. Morgan

content of the myocardium and non-pulmonary

1. ITTV=CO×MTT vessels is insignificant in comparison to the total
EVLW48. Potential sources of error include those
2. PTV=CO×EDT common to trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution
calculation of cardiac output. In addition, lung
3. GEDV=ITTV-PTV resection, obstruction of major pulmonary vessels
and potentially also large increases in positive
4. ITBV=GEDV×1.25 end-expiratory pressure may lead to unreliable
measurement of EVLW61.
Trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution calculation
of EVLW has been proposed as a diagnostic tool
both to measure sub-clinical pulmonary oedema
Figure 2: Mixing chamber model and derivation of global
end-diastolic volume and extravascular lung water by single not apparent on clinical examination or plain
indicator thermodilution. ITTV=intrathoracic thermal volume, radiography and to differentiate hydrostatic and
CO=cardiac output, MTT=mean transit time, PTV=pulmonary inflammatory aetiologies of pulmonary oedema on
thermal volume, EDT=exponential decay time, GEDV=global
end-diastolic volume, ITBV=intrathoracic blood volume, the basis of the pulmonary vascular permeability
EVLW=extravascular lung water, RA=right atrium, RV=right index, the ratio of EVLW to PBV62,63. Several
ventricle, PV=pulmonary volume, LA=left atrium, LV left small studies demonstrate the ability of trans-
cardiopulmonary thermodilution to measure
Extravascular lung water different changes in fluid compartment distribution
in inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions;
EVLW is the water content outside of the
further work is required in order to ascertain
pulmonary vasculature including the pulmonary
whether this will translate into clinically meaningful
interstitium plus any alveolar fluid. The normal
range is 3 to 7 ml/kg54. Imaging modalities such as
As well as its diagnostic utility, EVLW
computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging
measurement may have utility both prognostically in
and positron emission tomography have all been
predicting survival in those admitted to ICU64, and
used to quantify EVLW however gravimetry is
therapeutically by providing a measurement against
considered to be the gold standard55,56.
which to titrate fluid balance. There is increasing
The calculation of EVLW by trans-cardio-
evidence of the association between fluid balance
pulmonary thermodilution was initially based on and outcomes in critical illness65,66 and preliminary
a double indicator method whereby the volume of studies suggest EVLW measurement may have a
distribution of an indicator contained within the role in the management of volume status in a variety
ITBV (e.g. an inert chemical such as indocyanine of patient groups including lung transplantation67,
green) was subtracted from the volume of acute lung injury68 and coronary artery bypass
distribution of an indicator such as cold water grafting69. Whether titration of volume status to
distributing to the total intrathoracic thermal EVLW measurements will lead to generalised
volume. The difference between the intrathoracic improvements in patient outcomes remains to be
thermal volume and the ITBV is equal to the determined.
EVLW. Double-indicator trans-cardiopulmonary
thermodilution is able to detect changes in EVLW Global end-diastolic volume and intrathoracic blood
of 20% or more with good correlation to volume
gravimetry57. Accurate determination of intravascular
An eloquent sequence of calculations allows the volume status is important as inappropriate fluid
use of thermal injectate as a single indicator to administration is associated with an increased risk
estimate EVLW with reasonably good correlation of adverse outcomes in critical illness66,70. Central
to both the double indicator technique (Figure 2)58 venous pressure, a widely used endpoint for
and the gold standard gravimetry technique, volume resuscitation in the critically ill71, and
albeit with a slight bias of overestimation due to other pressure-based surrogate measures of
thermal redistribution in extra-pulmonary tissue59. preload including pulmonary artery occlusion
Calculation of the ITBV is based on the extrapolation pressure are dependent on several factors other
of GEDV and assumes a linear relationship than mean circulatory filling pressure72,73 and their
between the two58,60. For both methods, there is utility in predicting volume responsiveness is
also the assumption that the extravascular water questionable74-76.
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 40, No. 3, May 2012
The PiCCO monitor 403

Compared with pressure-based measures, GEDV 2. PULSE CONTOUR ANALYSIS

and ITBV or their indexed equivalents GEDVI Cardiac output
and ITBVI are volumetric measures of preload Pulse contour analysis allows continuous but
derived from features of the trans-cardiopulmonary indirect measurement of cardiac output using a
thermodilution curve using the PiCCO device variety of characteristics of the pressure waveform
(Figure 2). GEDV is a measure of the total volume of an arterial line trace to calculate beat-to-beat
in all four chambers of the heart at end-diastole, stroke volume. Estimating cardiac output from
whereas ITBV also includes the volume in the
the arterial pressure waveform is complex as the
pulmonary circulation. Although their reference
waveform is dependent not only on stroke volume
ranges are different and their relationship under
but also on aortic impedance that varies both
varying haemodynamic conditions may not be linear,
between individuals and within individuals in a non-
from the point of view of clinical interpretation they
linear manner (see Equation 2).
have equivalent utility. ITBV is simply extrapolated
from GEDV when derived by PiCCO using a single
CO=HR.SV where SV=Asys/Zao
thermal indicator58.
Equation 2: Basic elements required for cardiac output calculation
One-off baseline measures of preload, whether by pulse contour analysis. CO=cardiac output, HR=heart rate,
pressure- or volume-based appear equally poor SV=stroke volume, Asys=area under systolic portion of arterial
in predicting volume responsiveness77,78. The waveform trace, Zao=aortic impedance.
relationship between stroke volume and change
in preload measurement in response to fluid Although non-linear, aortic impedance and its
bolus appears stronger for volumetric measures relationship to flow can be estimated mathematically
than central venous pressure or pulmonary artery using the three-element Windkessel model of the
occlusion pressure but still with only moderate circulation described by Wesseling85, comprising
correlation60,79. Furthermore, few studies evaluate of: 1) opposition to pulsatile flow (characteristic
whether the information from invasive monitoring impedance); 2) change in aortic volume for a
provides additional benefit over clinical judgement given change in distending pressure (Windkessel
and most involving trans-cardiopulmonary thermo- compliance); and 3) peripheral arterial resistance.
dilution are also limited by the potential for The Windkessel model is the basis for several
mathematical coupling between calculation of commercially available uncalibrated pulse contour
cardiac output and volumetric indices80. analysis devices that derive cardiac output by
Compared with both static pressure- and volume- assuming values for the three model elements based
based measures of preload, dynamic measures on age, heart rate, mean arterial pressure and the
such as stroke volume variation, pulse pressure aortic pressure waveform86,87. Although algorithms
variation and systolic pressure variation, have are becoming more complex88, inaccuracy may
greater accuracy in predicting volume status in still be a significant problem. An inability to
mechanically ventilated patients and are described independently calibrate measured cardiac output
in the section below81. prevents change in aortic impedance over time
being taken into account when analysing the
Cardiac function index and global ejection fraction pressure waveform. The extent of this inaccuracy will
The PiCCO device calculates two specific depend both on the nature and severity of any
measures of cardiac performance based on the haemodynamic derangement. This limits clinical
trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution curve. utility, particularly where large variations could be
Cardiac function index (the ratio of cardiac output expected89.
to GEDV) and global ejection fraction (the ratio The PiCCO pulse contour analysis algorithm
of stroke volume to GEDV multiplied by a factor overcomes some of these limitations by using trans-
of 4) are simply derived as ratios of cardiac output cardiopulmonary thermodilution to calibrate cardiac
and volumetric measurements. Given the known output and measure aortic compliance. Systemic
accuracy of trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution vascular resistance is calculated from the mean
in estimating cardiac output and GEDV it is arterial pressure and the trans-cardiopulmonary
perhaps unsurprising that cardiac function index thermodilution-derived cardiac output. The
and global ejection fraction correlate with cardiac exponential decay time of the arterial pressure
function82-84. In general however, derived indices curve during the passive diastolic arterial phase
should be avoided as a basis for decision-making is then measured and the aortic compliance (Ca)
as measurement errors are simply compounded and calculated (Ca=exponential decay time/systemic
the individual components are already available. vascular resistance). Pulse contour analysis for
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 40, No. 3, May 2012
404 E. Litton, M. Morgan

stroke volume estimation includes both area under variable comparative accuracy89,94-98. Irrespective
the systolic portion of the arterial waveform and of the reference technique chosen, understanding
analysis of the shape of the arterial waveform (dP/ trending reliability and response to sudden changes
dt). Pulse contour analysis-derived cardiac output in haemodynamic conditions in the clinical setting
estimation is then calibrated against a simultaneous is arguably of greater utility than precision and
trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution measurement accuracy of absolute values but to date has not been
providing a calibration factor (K) for continuous adequately assessed10,99. Assuming an acceptable
cardiac output by pulse contour analysis (Figure 3)90. level of performance is found to exist, demonstrating
Despite the ability to calibrate measurements, efficacy is likely to depend more on the choice of
the primary limitation of PiCCO pulse contour treatment goals and patient population than the
analysis remains the potential for inaccuracy due to specific pulse contour analysis monitor100.
the multitude of input variables required and the
Stoke volume variation and pulse pressure variation
assumptions inherent in the derived components
of the equation. Pulse contour analysis is also Changes in pleural pressure associated with
inaccurate in those with arrhythmia, undergoing respiration alter the loading conditions of the right
intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation or other forms and left ventricle and are the major determinant
of mechanical circulatory assist. Practical limitations of cyclical variations in stroke volume101. During
include intermittent inaccuracy due to kinking, mechanical ventilation, initiation of a positive
damping and insufficient zeroing of the arterial line. pressure breath will transiently increase left
The site of sampling also has the potential to affect ventricular stroke volume as the pulmonary veins
waveform interpretation as acoustic reflections and are compressed increasing blood return to the left
alterations in vasomotor tone both increase with side of the heart. Reduced right ventricular stroke
increasing distance from the aorta although the volume resulting from a decrease in the pressure
magnitude of effect may be small enough to still gradient for systemic venous return then leads to a
allow reasonable accuracy91. reduction in left ventricular stroke volume, albeit
The optimal interval for trans-cardiopulmonary with a lag of two to three heartbeats. The extent
thermodilution recalibration of pulse contour of the variation over the course of the respiratory
analysis-derived cardiac output is uncertain but is cycle is inversely proportional to the mean systemic
likely to be required more frequently the greater the filling pressure and is exaggerated by absolute or
haemodynamic instability92,93. A novel method for relative hypovolaemia.
timing recalibration relying on changes in the ratio Pulse pressure, the difference between the systolic
of stroke volume to pulse pressure as an indicator and diastolic blood pressure during a single cardiac
of alteration in vascular compliance has also cycle, is proportional to the left ventricular stroke
recently been proposed34. volume. Pulse pressure variation, defined as the
A number of studies have compared PiCCO difference between the maximum and minimum
pulse contour analysis with pulmonary artery pulse pressure as a proportion of the mean over a
catheter-derived cardiac output and demonstrated defined time period, is therefore also a measure
of stroke volume variation. Both pulse pressure
variation and stroke volume variation are measured
PCCO = cal • HR • ∫ ) SVR
+ C(p) •
) dt
by pulse contour analysis in the PiCCO system.
Whether stroke volume variation measured using
Systole area under the systolic pressure waveform curve is
more accurate in predicting volume responsiveness


Patient-specific Heart Area Aortic Shape of over the more simple measures of pulse pressure
calibration rate under compli- pressure
factor pressure ance curve variation and systolic pressure variation is
(determined by curve uncertain81. Although systolic pressure variation,
thermodilution) pulse pressure variation and stroke volume variation
Figure 3: Calculation of cardiac output by PiCCO pulse contour of >10 to 13% predict an increase in cardiac output
analysis. PCCO=pulse contour cardiac output, cal=calibration in response to fluid challenge, in clinical practice
factor derived from trans-cardiopulmonary thermodilution,
HR=heart rate, ∫systole=systolic portion of curve, P(t)=change the generalisability of these finding is limited as
in pressure over time, SVR=systemic vascular resistance, P(t)/ they cannot be applied to those with spontaneous
SVR=represents the area under the arterial pressure curve ventilatory effort, low airway driving pressures102,
in systole where SVR is derived from mean arterial pressure/
cardiac output, C(p)=aortic compliance, dP/dt=shape of the variable diastolic filling time due to arrhythmia, or
arterial pressure waveform in open-chest conditions103. Furthermore, under
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 40, No. 3, May 2012
The PiCCO monitor 405

normal physiological conditions the human cardio- as well as the potential implications of those
vascular system is in a volume-responsive state104,105. decisions.
A measurement that accurately predicts an increase The requirement for intra-arterial and central
in cardiac output in response to a fluid challenge venous catheterisation limits the use of PiCCO to
provides no information on whether additional those with evolving critical illness or at high risk of
fluid will be associated with benefit or harm. complex and severe haemodynamic derangement,
however these are also the patients most likely to
Measurement of central venous oxygen saturation benefit from advanced haemodynamic monitoring.
Continuous monitoring of central venous oxygen Although the PiCCO monitor has been available
saturation (ScvO2) monitoring is available with for over 10 years and numerous comparative
PiCCO2 through the addition of a CeVOX catheter. studies have been published, the validity and utility
The fibreoptic catheter is inserted through the distal of some of its parameters remains to be established
lumen of the central venous catheter with the tip in the settings of its intended use.
placed in the superior vena cava or right atrium. The greatest potential advantage of PiCCO in
ScvO2 is a surrogate marker of the overall balance comparison to many other cardiac output monitors
between oxygen delivery and consumption taking is in its ability to measure and integrate a wide
into account only the upper body drained by the array of haemodynamic data. Given the potential
superior vena cava. The relationship between for harm from many of the interventions initiated
ScvO2 and the more established global measure of on the basis of the results of advanced haemo-
mixed venous oxygen saturation (SVO2) may be dynamic measurements, conclusive studies designed
unpredictable during haemodynamic instability, to demonstrate efficacy are required. In the case
however the two trends appear to move in parallel106. of PiCCO, benefit is most likely to results when
The potential utility of ScvO2 monitoring arises definitive studies provide validated parameters
from the theory that occult tissue hypoxia may persist in the population of interest that can then be
despite the restoration of arterial pressure and integrated into clinical decision-making. Continued
adequate venous filling107. As part of an algorithm of technological advances and increased understanding
early and quantitative resuscitation, ScvO2-directed of the appropriate methods with which to compare
therapy was found to be associated with a significant monitors coupled with evaluation of clinically
mortality benefit in a single-centre study of severe important endpoints will lead to a greater strength
sepsis108 and is a recommendation of the Surviving in the evidence base for device selection in the
coming years.
Sepsis Guidelines71. The role of ScvO2 measurement
in the critically ill is still uncertain. Localised
imbalance in oxygen utilisation may still exist without ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
an apparent global abnormality and monitoring The authors would like to thank the Medical
lactate clearance may provide a viable systemic Illustration Department at Royal Perth Hospital
for their help in preparing this manuscript and
alternative without the need for more invasive
Dr Andy Chapman for his review of the manuscript.
monitoring109. Furthermore, both high and low ScvO2
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