MRD Journal D 21 00011.1
MRD Journal D 21 00011.1
MRD Journal D 21 00011.1
Ó 2021 Yager et al. This open access article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (
licenses/by/4.0/). Please credit the authors and the full source.
Across the Andes, a critical challenge for mountain socioecological assessments of land-use and land-cover change in Andean
systems is securing water for future generations. Pastoral highland regions. We identified key socioecological challenges to
communities are especially vulnerable because their livelihood sustainable bofedal management, related to herder decision-
practices are often unseen or perceived as a threat to natural making and articulated within broader socioeconomic processes.
resource conservation. In addition to the challenges of climate Reframing bofedales as sociohydrological constructs permits the
change, socioeconomic and political processes complicate the identification of actionable knowledge and the support of water
drivers of pasture degradation and sustainable water conservation practices applied by pastoralists across Andean
management. Often overlooked systems in assessments of water tower regions. If Andean pastoralists are recognized as
Andean water towers are bofedales (high-altitude peat wetlands), stewards of sociohydrological systems that are critical to water
which are critical to supporting mountain pastoral livelihoods. towers, rather than perceived as threats to natural resources,
While ‘‘natural’’ azonal mountain peatland and humid meadow bofedal conservation planning may be prioritized and locally
development occurs across the Andes, we posit that bofedales are supported.
sociohydrological systems created through pastoral management
practices over generations. Drawing on the results of applied Keywords: pastoralism; Andes; bofedales; water towers; cultural
research on bofedales across the Andes and a literature review of landscape; irrigation; mountain sustainability; sociohydrology;
published papers, we present a conceptual reframing of bofedal alpine peatlands.
typologies and change analysis, which prioritizes the role of
pastoralists in interdisciplinary research and comparative Received: 19 February 2021 Accepted: 22 October 2021
ice and the seasonal release of outflow to support mountain Water management decisions are cumulative, occurring at
ecosystems. In addition to monitoring physical change (eg multiple institutional scales, through which infrastructure
surface area and volume) in hydrological systems (eg glaciers, and practices are socially and politically negotiated to affect
lakes, and rivers), it is critical to conserve the regulating the control of water, including quantity, quality, allocation,
function of mountain ecosystems for sustaining water and flow, the sum of which produces a sociohydrological
systems. Such ecosystems include peatlands (ie bofedales) and system. Similarly, we posit that bofedales are key
wetlands, meadows and grasslands (ie puna and paramo), and sociohydrological systems that are critical to the long-term
native forests (ie Polylepis spp). Due to the hydrological sustainability of Andean water towers. As such, an
regulation and provision of bofedales (Segnini et al 2013), appropriate transdisciplinary research framework is needed
their sustainability in mountain regions under current to evaluate the sociohydrological functions of bofedales, their
climate change is widely recognized as a research priority management by mountain communities, and the processes
(Bury et al 2013; Otto and Gibbons 2017; Polk et al 2017). In that support sustainable outcomes.
addition to the multiple socioecosystem services provided by Pastoralists manage mosaics of mountain ecosystems,
bofedales, they play a significant role in carbon cycling, having including bofedales, highland grasslands (puna and paramo),
some of the highest rates of sequestration of mountain land- and native forests, which are all important for Andean
cover classes (Chimner and Karberg 2008; Buytaert et al natural resource use and conservation. A transdisciplinary
2011; Hribljan et al 2015). research agenda producing translational knowledge on the
Andean pastoral communities have managed bofedales integration of socioecological systems and practices is
since pre-Hispanic times (Flores-Ochoa 1977; Erickson 2000; therefore necessary (Mathez-Stiefel et al 2017). We posit that
Lane 2014; Capriles and Tripcevich 2016). In highland reframing bofedales as sociohydrological systems is critical to
regions where pastoralism persists, indigenous communities secure sustainable water and forage resources for herding
(eg Aymara, Quechua, Colla, and Atacame~ nos) depend upon communities. Denaturalizing bofedales, in part, is necessary to
and actively manage bofedales as a critical source of perennial understanding political and socioeconomic drivers of land-
green forage and water for herds of llama (Lama glama) and use and land-cover change, and to identifying the nested
alpaca (Vicugna pacos), as well as nonnative cattle, sheep, social institutions at multiple scales that influence the
horses, and goats (Browman 1989; Baied and Wheeler 1993; sustainability of bofedales. It is also necessary to include local
Villagrán and Castro 1997; Postigo et al 2008). stakeholders in water governance and conservation planning
Interwoven with the impacts of climate change, local aimed at increasing the resilience of Andean water towers. In
decision-making on pastoral management is influenced by particular, a transdisciplinary, multiscale approach is needed
broader socioeconomic systems and often results in to understand changing pastoral management decision-
outmigration, labor shortages, environmental
making at the microscale (eg within a herding parcel or
contamination, and conflicts regarding land tenure, water
na), and in relation to local (eg community-level) and
access, and natural resource use (Coppock et al 2017;
regional climate, political, and socioeconomic processes (eg
Figueroa-Armijos and Valdivia 2017). Once considered
water-extraction activities).
isolated mountain systems (Flannery et al 1989), Andean
pastoral communities and mountain socioecological systems
are now closely connected to production needs for Background on bofedales
globalized markets, for example, the luxury textile industry
(eg vicu~na and alpaca wool), international export of Andean water towers are best known for their towering
subsistence crops (eg quinoa), water extraction for mining glaciers, alpine lakes, and rivers that provide critical water
(eg metals and lithium), and dam development for supplies for mountain and downstream populations. Less
hydropower and urban populations. Nonproximate (ie visible but essential features are the mountain aquifers and
regional or global) processes can also trigger unsustainable natural springs, which are recharged by seasonal
pastoral practices, such as increased grazing pressures, precipitation and snow events. Infiltration and
reduced pasture rotation, loss of traditional knowledge, and replenishment of hydrological channels and interconnected
abandonment of communal irrigation practices. As a result, systems are frequently dependent upon stable soils and
Andean pastoral management objectives, social relations, adequate vegetation cover, including bofedales, which are
and risk management strategies have significantly changed in often nestled in glacier valleys and at the bases of mountain
recent years, impacting land use, land-cover change flanks. Applying a broad natural science typology, bofedales
(Coppock et al 2017), and the sustainability of bofedal systems are concentrated mosaics of compact cushion plants with
(Yager et al 2019). In severe circumstances, pastoral low-growing plant assemblages associated with a network of
communities experience displacement, shortages of social mountain surface hydrological systems, including streams,
services, threats to economic welfare, exposure to water holes, and springs. Bofedales contribute to increasing
environmental toxins, and increasing ethnic and gender water infiltration, recharge of aquifers, and slowing seasonal
inequalities. water runoff. As such, bofedales provide critical water
Across the Andes, conflicts regarding water supply, regulation and storage for mountain socioecological systems
demand, and allocation are palpable among pastoral and constitute key hydrological components of Andean
communities. Viewing water management challenges water towers (Figure 1).
through a transdisciplinary lens allows the identification, Commonly applied natural science descriptors for
prioritization, and analysis of generalizable patterns that can bofedales include mountain fens, mires, bogs, humid meadows,
facilitate a better understanding of the social, institutional, and alpine wetlands; importantly, each of these typologies
and economic activities of sociohydrological systems leading differs in their distinct chemical, biogeographic, biotic, and
to sustainable hydrological outcomes (Brelsford et al 2020). hydrological properties (Lindsay 2018). While bofedales are
Mountain Research and Development A2
Figure 1 Schematic illustration of a bofedal and sociohydrological components in an Andean water tower, including precipitation, runoff, and infiltration contributing to
water flow and recharge in a bofedal, and key landscape features: (A) glacier, (B) high-elevation lake, (C) bofedal, (D) aquifer, (E) organic material, (F) water hole (ojo
de agua), (G) water spring, (H) irrigation canal, and (I) macroscale view of bofedal plants.
found in high-elevation alpine watersheds across the tropical bofedales in the central and southern puna regions are
Andes, there are generalizable differences from a natural composed of mosaics of compact cushion plants, dominated
science perspective in terms of their biogeographic by vascular plants from the Juncaceae family (eg Oxychloe
distribution and characteristic vegetation composition. andina, Distichia spp, Patosia clandestina), and commonly
In the arid to semiarid high-elevation regions of the associated with the presence of Cyperaceae (eg Phylloscirpus,
tropical Central Andes, bofedales are azonal ecological Zameioscirpus), Plantaginaceae (Plantago tubulosa), and
communities occurring in the high puna region (at elevations Gramineae (eg Deyeuxia spp, Poa spp) (Ruthsatz 1993, 2012;
of approximately 3500 to 5000 m above sea level [masl]) Luebert and Pliscoff 2006; Meneses et al 2015, 2019). In the
across Bolivia, Peru, northern Argentina, and Chile (Ruthsatz northern puna–paramo transition of the tropical Andes,
2012; Meneses et al 2019). Bofedales are azonal in that they including Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia, the study of bofedales
differ from the drier mountain land-cover classes due to has been applied to describe both peat-accumulating systems
year-round plant growth, organic soils, and provision of a (Chimner and Karberg 2008) and more broadly to mountain
constant source of water. They are otherwise termed a wetland systems (Polk et al 2017; Chimner et al 2019). The
mountain peatland system. Through a botanical lens, bofedales of the paramo and northern humid puna regions of
Mountain Research and Development A3
Ecuador and northern Peru have a higher cover of mosses in Citation Index) to identify published journal articles, book
their vegetation associations (Cooper et al 2010), while the chapters, and conference papers focused on bofedales. Our
southern puna regions are associated with dry grasses search identified 119 publications, published between 1977
(Cooper et al 2010, 2015; Meneses et al 2019). Bofedales vary in and 2018, which included bofedal terminology and common
size according to their geomorphological setting and synonyms. The publications were further analyzed using a
hydrological conditions (Squeo et al 2006). The water that coding process based on various bofedal characteristics
replenishes bofedal systems may include contributions from (including location, methodologies applied, discipline, role
surface hydrology (eg lakes and streams), springs, of herder management, and vegetation types). From this
precipitation (including surface runoff), and glacier outflow study, a quantitative analysis of the scope of bibliographic
(Polk et al 2017; Cooper et al 2019). In pastoralist references was carried out to further consider the breadth of
communities, herein emphasized, the water is sustained by applied disciplinary views and research approaches on these
the construction of canals and waterways to redirect Andean ecosystems (see White-Nockleby et al 2021). Many of
hydrological flow and infiltration. the fundamental natural science publications on bofedales are
From a broader social science perspective, the term appropriately dedicated to localized botanical study of these
‘‘bofedales’’ is a local, vernacular description of high-elevation systems (eg Ruthsatz 1993, 2012), and subregional peatland
irrigated pastures used by indigenous Andean herding distribution and change analysis (eg Izquierdo et al 2015;
communities. Aymara and Quechua names for bofedales Dangles et al 2017; Chimner et al 2019). Researchers from
include ok’os or uqhu, and the dominant plant species are the natural sciences may consider the primary drivers of
called cachu (Distichia muscoides), kunkuna (Distichia muscoides), bofedal change to be bioclimatic and environmental, for
and k’uli urcu (Oxychloe andina), in addition to many associated example, geological, physiographical, morphological,
plants (eg ti~ na, chinka, llachhu, kachu, waricha, porqu’e) (Palacios- climatological, or biological characteristics (Earle et al 2003;
Rı́os 1977; Canales and Tapia N ~ ez 1987; Villagrán and
un Squeo et al 2006; Dangles et al 2017). From an alternative
Castro 1997). Other vernacular terms used to describe humid perspective, researchers may confound all Andean wetlands
meadows include cienega, vega, or humedal, which are more as bofedales or erroneously conceive them as ahistorical and
prevalent in midelevation Andean regions (between 3000 ecological settings of social relations (Hartman 1996;
and 4000 masl). The latter terms differ from bofedales in Gandarillas et al 2016; Struelens et al 2017). Both approaches
describing areas with limited forage value that do not reproduce a binary relationship between nature and culture;
accumulate peat and are more often unmanaged. This is in bofedales are not a strictly uniform biogeographical entity nor
part due to their limited occurrence in agropastoral zones, are human actors (ie herders) merely passive users of these
where labor investment is typically more focused on crop ecosystems.
production. Thus, there are important biogeographical, Over more than a decade, we have conducted applied
botanical, and sociocultural differences among commonly research on bofedales with local communities in Peru, Bolivia,
applied bofedal typologies. and Chile (eg Meneses et al 2015, 2019; Prieto 2015; Yager
2015; Prieto et al 2019; Yager et al 2019), including
Conceptual framing of bofedales vegetation studies, institutional analysis, ethnographic
research, geospatial analysis, hydrological studies,
Given the broad range of terms and characteristics, archaeological studies, and archival research. While
researchers must consider the use and application of bofedal publications may be appropriately focused on discipline-
typologies, which may directly impact land-use decisions, specific topics, for example, botany (eg Meneses et al 2019)
policy priorities, and conservation planning. The conceptual or hydrology (eg Cooper et al 2015), we recognize the value
framing of bofedales across a spectrum from ‘‘natural’’ to in identifying the linkages, drivers, and networks between
‘‘anthropogenic’’ varies among stakeholders, policymakers, and across systems. Interdisciplinary research on bofedales
and scientists and thereby confounds the multiplicity of increasingly recognizes the critical role of local stakeholders
drivers of environmental change, as well as the perceived and bofedales in mountain sustainability (eg Postigo et al 2008;
threats to the natural resources of Andean water towers. Valdivia and Yager 2018). Furthermore, local testimonies
Institutional perceptions of land-use and land-cover from Andean communities recognize that water access and
change—in particular, drivers of degradation, erosion, and irrigation are critical to the sustainability of bofedales (Yager
threats to biodiversity—have often been based on a et al 2019). The impediment of a binary or bounded research
dichotomous human–nature view, resulting in approach may result in overlooking the imperative role that
misidentification of indigenous practices and blame of local pastoralists have held over multiple generations in
land-use managers as destructive agents (Fairhead and Leach sustaining bofedales as sociohydrological systems. Bofedales are
1996; Dove 2004, 2006). Such erroneous conceptual framing neither strictly ‘‘natural’’ nor ‘‘pristine’’ (Denevan 2001), but
by state agencies can result in decadal- to century-long rather part of the built cultural landscape, or ‘‘landscape
systems of sociopolitical oppression of local land users that capital’’ (Erickson 2000), resulting from hundreds of years of
are closely tied to natural resource management policies management actions, embedded with indigenous knowledge
(Blaikie 1985; Dove and Kammen 2015). of ecosystem linkages among climate, water, and vegetation.
In order to evaluate the conceptual framing of ‘‘bofedales’’ In this applied perspective, bofedales constitute fusion
in current scientific literature, we conducted a bibliographic landscape entities and socioenvironmental encyclopedias of
analysis of published research on bofedales in Chile, the ways in which cultural practices, socioeconomic
Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia. The study included keyword institutions, and power relations impacting pastoralists have
searches of titles and abstracts using reference databases been negotiated over time under changing environmental,
(including the Web of Science Core Collection and SciELO political, and socioeconomic influences.
Mountain Research and Development A4
Reframing bofedal management Local pasture management may also include the application
of fire, with diverse socioecological incentives, including
Bofedales are mountain sociohydrological systems that are clearing encroaching dry grasses, revitalizing tussock growth,
vital to mountain sustainability for highland and communicating messages over long distances, or signaling
downstream communities. The built water infrastructure land ownership in an area of dispute. Other herder practices
increases water storage, regulates outflow, slows erosion can include the application of abono (camelid dung) as a
during extreme weather events, and is a critical source of natural fertilizer. Through pasture rotation or facilitated
water availability throughout the year, most importantly access to multiple grazing parcels, herding animals
during the extended dry season or drought years (Garcia and contribute to seed dispersal and fertilization through
Otto 2015). We posit that while zonal mountain peatland dispersion of droppings (Yager et al 2008).
development occurs across the Andes, the alpine systems In addition to the technical tasks of bofedal management,
become a bofedal through intentional pastoral practices ritual performance is a vital practice associated with
occurring over multiple generations. Bofedal condition sociohydrological systems (Lansing 1991; van Kessel 1997;
reflects not only shifts in climate and environmental factors, Prieto 2016). Andean ritual practices, often including
but it also signifies change in dominant socioeconomic glaciers and mountain springs, create bonds between social
relationships, such as cultural knowledge, pastoral identity, groups and the nonhuman world (Castro and Aldunate
community cohesion, and indigenous livelihood practices in 2003), wherein relationships remain in ayni (reciprocity)
relation to broader political and socioeconomic processes. through practices of pagos (payments), cari~ no (affection), and
Pastoralists are not only tasked with herd management respeto (respect). Rituals to ensure water, bofedal, and animal
decisions (eg herd size, species composition, transhumant health and abundance can include despachos (offerings), canal
migration, and pasture rotation), but also water management cleaning ceremonies, and pilgrimages to mountains peaks
decisions. Without access to healthy bofedales, pastoralism in that are recognized as protective spirits (apus),
the Andes would not have endured over millennia, nor would corresponding to astronomical–cosmological cycles and the
it have become integral to Andean society, including pre-Inka, agropastoral calendar (Sallnow 1987).
colonial, and present populations. Pastoralists directly manage Ethnographic testimonies indicate that a continuous
water to ensure adequate forage. The alpaca, in particular, is supply of water is essential to maintain, improve, and extend
dependent upon the forage provided by bofedales, while the a bofedal (Palacios-Rı́os 1977; Yager 2015). Frequent drought
llama has a broader palate for grazing dry grasses (eg Festuca conditions, or drastic reductions of water inputs, will result
spp) characteristic of the puna (Baied and Wheeler 1993). Many in bofedal degradation and even rapid loss. Though bofedales
Andean herding practices have transformed in the
endure interannual drought conditions, dating over several
postcolonial era to include nonnative domesticates, especially
millennia (eg ~7 ky; Hribljan et al 2015), herders attest that
in the northern Central Andes (eg Cordillera Blanca, Peru),
drought conditions are more prevalent at present day, and
including cattle and horses, which require supplemental
seasonal precipitation is noncontinuous and characterized
forage and higher labor investments, and result in greater
as extreme events (eg isolated downpour events that cause
damage to vegetation in bofedales than traditional herds.
greater erosion and runoff). Under current climate change
Irrigation (irpa) is a fundamental aspect of bofedal
conditions, herders recognize that the natural water sources
management among pastoralists (Flores-Ochoa 1977;
(eg springs and glaciers) on which they normally depend are
Palacios-Rı́os 1977, 1996). Traditional practices range from
decreasing (Orlove et al 2008; Yager 2015; Yager et al 2019).
the use of ephemeral canals and miniature reservoirs to the
While glacier outflow may have once created the water flow
installation of intricate waterways, artificial ponds, and
constructed pipelines (natural and cement). The ‘‘opening’’ to harness and supplement bofedal replenishment, many
of natural water valves (eg springs or brooks) or artificial glaciers are past peak outflow (Mark et al 2017), and
output (eg wells), and the distribution and duration of water accelerated loss has resulted in disconnected, patchy, and
flow are often managed according to community-based rules fragmented ecosystems (Seimon et al 2017). In addition to
and regulations. The availability of labor, infrastructure, and decreasing water supplies, decline in irrigation management
community-scale management of irrigation practices will is often due to labor shortages resulting from outmigration
vary across Andean communities and linkages with (for work and education) and loss of traditional knowledge
municipal, state, and national agropastoral policies and across generations (Turin and Valdivia 2011). Under current
markets (Guillet and Mitchell 1991; Guillet 1992). climate change, bofedales are already experiencing rapid
Communities that maintain a certain level of cohesion of desiccation, and many are vulnerable to irrevocable loss in
pastoral identity will prioritize community-scale efforts to less than a decade. When a herder is unable to manage water
improve and sustain their bofedales. This may include annual flow in a bofedal, it can rapidly decay within a few years’ time,
canal cleaning (eg faena), pasture rotation (eg j’akas), shared especially under drought conditions. Once the bofedal is
access to community grazing plots (eg machajes), and seeding disconnected from sustaining water supplies, the restoration
and transplanting bofedal plants. Individualized water of these systems within a single lifetime is often not feasible,
management practices may include subtle diversions of as many were constructed and maintained with water inputs,
water flow and direction, using boulders, rocks, gullies, or both human and natural, permitting their growth over
artificially built diversions, to evenly distribute water across hundreds to thousands of years.
a bofedal and to direct it to areas experiencing desiccation.
Traditional knowledge of local plants allows them to be used Reframing bofedal change
as indicators of bofedal health that inform irrigation needs,
including soil moisture and water table level, and signals of While broader national and international policy is critical to
grazing pressure that inform herd management decisions. mitigating the impacts of climate change on mountain water
Mountain Research and Development A5
towers, local actions are also necessary to address water Furthermore, rather than conducting rigorous research and
sustainability. Some studies seek to identify and define environmental protocols, they respond to institutional
critical hydrological inputs to bofedal sustainability, yet they agendas and nonarticulated macroframeworks that
continue to prioritize climatological parameters in the prioritize industrial development for export over mountain
context of projected warming over the role of local human ecosystem services and local communities. In addition, the
agency. Social processes, such as migration, loss of physical perturbations of mining activities (both legal and
traditional practices, and political invisibilization of pastoral illegal, at large and small scale) affect bofedales by pumping
communities, also lead to system outcomes of bofedal groundwater from them, modifying the hydrological flows to
degradation and loss, which often reflect larger processes of systems (eg channeling water in pipes), and building
environmental injustice and dispossession. When herders infrastructure (eg roads that cut off water flow to bofedales). A
migrate to urban areas, impacted by economic and policy paradigmatic illustration is the Chilean case of the
linkages, they stop managing bofedales, often resulting in Chuquicamata Mine (the largest open-pit copper mine in the
radical consequences for mountain sociohydrological world), which has caused irreversible destruction to several
systems. bofedales located in the San Pedro de Inacaliri river basin that
This consideration invites us to re-examine proximate had sustained indigenous communities since pre-Hispanic
(both social and natural) and underlying causes related to times (Prieto et al 2019). The brine mining boom (eg lithium,
structural institutional, political, economic, and social potassium, borax) is also a current threat to bofedales located
processes of bofedal change. For example, Lima et al (2016) near salt flats. Brine mining employs an industrial process
stated that a change in climatic variability was a crucial that can be understood as a form of water mining (Garces
factor in the depopulation of the puna region in northern and Alvarez 2020; Bustos-Gallardo et al 2021). The
Chile. Today, many pastoralists in highland regions must encroachment of mining in pastoral regions often divides
manage radical changes in both climate and social systems. A community alliances and drives migration to urban centers
transdisciplinary approach (which considers the social and population abandonment of the highlands. This,
production of bofedales) both characterizes ‘‘natural’’ drivers consequently, results in the loss of local bofedal management
of highland depopulation and considers the possibility of and fractured or discontinued community pastoral identity
social processes influenced by nonenvironmental factors (eg (Babidge et al 2019).
proletarization processes, forced migration) that also lead to Another significant extractive activity is the expansion of
environmental change in the puna highlands. dams to supply water or hydropower for rapidly growing
Natural resources management policies that view bofedales urban populations, for which the infrastructure is frequently
as separate from human practices will overlook the constructed on bofedales (eg Cordillera Real, Bolivia, and the
imperative role of herders in conservation planning. Even Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru), many of which are critical
within protected areas, increasing trends of land habitats for endangered and threatened species (Seimon et
fragmentation and fencing, loss of community-based water al 2017). In Tacna (Peru), the water demand for urban
management, and increasing privatization have led to bofedal consumption and agriculture has increased water extraction
degradation (Yager et al 2019). When institutional from bofedales located in the highlands (eg Jachajawira and
arrangements ignore local knowledge and practices and Mauri river) (Carbonell 2002; Molina-Carpio et al 2012). In
present them as terra nullius (land without owners), land- the arid regions of northern Chile, the expansion of
tenure rights among pastoralists are threatened. An example industrial agriculture and mining has increased water
of this latter situation has led to dispossession of herder’s extraction from afar, often sourced from highland bofedal
land (or land access) and violation of indigenous ancestral systems (eg Glassner 1970; Bernhardson 1985; Romero et al
rights (Verzijl and Quispe 2013). Promarket managerial 2017; Prieto et al 2019).
policies have further radicalized this effect. When applied in Reframing cross- and interdisciplinary research
biased economic policy, water rights have been denied to approaches has resulted in an expansion of our conceptual
local communities in favor of extractive users (Prieto 2015). understanding of nature–culture relationships, including the
Conservation and legal discourses that present bofedales as concept of verticality, and realignment of its conceptual
pristine ecosystems tend to overlook local managerial boundaries and practical applications (Murra 1985;
practices, and even forbid some of them (Dransart 2002; Zimmerer 1999), as well as zonal classifications, including the
Garcı́a et al 2021). They conceive herder’s activities as biogeographic typology of biomes (eg puna) reframed
separate from nature and picture them as an external threat through a social science lens as production zones (Mayer
rather than necessary for bofedal sustainability. 2002). Similarly, we invite a conceptual reconsideration of
Extractive activities (eg mining and water supply to bofedales—toward recognition of these unique biogeophysical
companies) are a major threat to bofedales (Castro 1997; mountain wetland systems as culturally produced
Verzijl and Quispe 2013; Scheihing and Tr€ oger 2017; Prieto sociohydrological systems—as an opportunity to initiate new
et al 2019; Cabanillas-Trujillo and Madrid-Ibarra 2020). In research questions for expanding translational knowledge
particular, many extractive companies are required to and to identify relevant and empowering local initiatives
evaluate the impacts of implementation on bofedales through that recognize pastoralists as significant stakeholders in
technical studies of environmental impact assessments, securing water tower assets.
which are often used to justify bofedal removal for We support transdisciplinary research that considers the
exploration and extraction tests. These studies are proximate and underlying factors influencing land-use and
conducted by contracted consulting firms that do not have land-cover change (Geist and Lambin 2002; Coppock et al
advanced knowledge of mountain ecosystems, neglect 2017; Izquierdo et al 2018) and local decision-making (Gilles
linkages between bofedales and water security, and ignore the et al 2013; Valdivia et al 2013) to inform conservation
role of herders and pastoral livelihood resources. planning. Pastoral management and highland landscapes are
Mountain Research and Development A6
rapidly changing across Andean communities, and for Research and Development (Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo
de Chile, ANID), FONDECYT 1201527, FONDAP 15110006, PIA SOC180023, and
identification of the multiscale processes and drivers PAI-MEC 80160087. Rosa Isela Meneses would also like to acknowledge support
impacting sociohydrological outcomes is necessary to secure from the ANID/Scholarship Program/Doctorado Nacional (21201693).
sustainable water outcomes (Brelsford et al 2020). We
propose reframing bofedal research to include the role of OPEN PEER REVIEW
pastoralists as key managers of sociohydrological
This article was reviewed by Cecilia Turin and Manuel Peralvo. The peer review
infrastructure in Andean water tower regions. In particular, process for all MountainAgenda articles is open. In shaping target knowledge,
we seek to further answer the following questions. values are explicitly at stake. The open review process offers authors and
reviewers the opportunity to engage in a discussion about these values.
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socioecological, and socioeconomic) and processes REFERENCES
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