3 Pupitre Kbd-Digital
3 Pupitre Kbd-Digital
3 Pupitre Kbd-Digital
The IntuiKey Series digital keyboards are full function, The main Allegiant switcher, the Divar Digital Video
multipurpose keyboards used for system control and Recorder, or the System4 Multiplexer provides power when
programming. The IntuiKey includes an integral variable used in a local configuration. At remote distances, an
speed pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) joystick and a splash resistant optional auxiliary power supply (sold separately) provides
design. An optional rack mount kit allows the IntuiKey to be power.
mounted in a standard EIA 48 cm (19 in.) rack. The keyboard is connected to a system using a supplied 3 m
(10 ft) cable. Simply attach the keyboard and the system is
operational. No additional programming is required.
Functions The IntuiKey's soft keys provide a menu-driven system for
The IntuiKey Digital Keyboard is available in two models, ease of use. The soft keys make it easy for new operators
KBD-Universal and KBD-Digital. The Universal version can to program and control even the largest systems without
be connected to an Allegiant switcher and either Divar memorizing system commands.
Digital Video Recorders or System4 Multiplexers at the
The IntuiKey features a quick selection menu function,
same time. This capability eliminates the need for multiple
providing immediate access to the most commonly used
keyboards. The KBD-Digital version supports Divar Digital
screen displays.
Video Recorders and System4 Multiplexers. Both types can
The IntuiKey also features a user-friendly menu tree
be used with the Bosch VMS and with the VIDOS video
approach for programming all advanced system and camera
management systems.
settings. Languages available via the IntuiKey unit are
The IntuiKey accepts both the standard Allegiant RS-485
English, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish,
Keyboard protocol and the Allegiant RS-232 protocol. The
Portuguese, Turkish, Hungarian, Swedish, Finnish, and
Allegiant RS-232 Keyboard protocol is well suited when
Danish. Additional languages can be downloaded from the
communicating to a remote KBD-Universal over an IP
IntuiKey section of www.boschsecurity.us. The additional
languages are: Norwegian, Greek, Czech, Russian, Slovak,
The IntuiKey can also operate in a Terminal mode using a Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean.
special RS-232 protocol. This mode allows third-party 1. Contact your local Bosch Security System sales representative for
integrators and internal developers to use the IntuiKey as a
details about obtaining Terminal mode protocol information.
customizable user interface.1
2 | KBD Series IntuiKey Series Keyboards
Ordering Information
Software Options
PC-based configuration software package
used for customizing the keyboard’s text dis-
play and programming of softkeys to activate
Allegiant command script macros. Require-
ments: Pentium® Class PC with Windows® NT
4.0 (service pack 6), Windows® 2000 or Win-
dows XP®; CD-ROM drive; 1 Serial (COM) port
4 | KBD Series IntuiKey Series Keyboards
© Bosch Security Systems Inc. 2008 | Data subject to change without notice
T2302015627 | Cur: en-US, V6, 30 Jan 2008