Randl 2018
Randl 2018
Randl 2018
1 Introduction
Due to the complex failure process and the different contributing and interacting
mechanisms, the behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in shear is still in the
focus of research. The recently elaborated design approach of Model Code 2010 (fib
2012) is mainly based on the Modified Compression Field Theory and a kind of “stress
field approach” for shear reinforced members (Sigrist et al. 2013). On the other hand,
Eurocode 2 (DIN EN 1992-1-1 2011) design equations have an empirical background
for non-shear reinforced members and represent the truss analogy for members with
stirrup reinforcement. Taking this into account, it becomes evident that the behaviour
of fibre-reinforced Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is even less known due
to additional factors such as the effect of steel fibres and particular shear slip/aggregate
interlocking behaviour along crack surfaces.
Up to now there are only few studies available that focus on the shear behaviour of
steel fibre-reinforced UHPC-members. Thiemicke and Fehling (2016) did tests on the
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
D.A. Hordijk and M. Luković (eds.), High Tech Concrete: Where Technology
and Engineering Meet, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-59471-2_60
Shear Behaviour of UHPC Beams with Varying Degrees 501
2 Test Setup
A total of 18 UHPC beams have been tested under monotonic loading until failure in
order to identify the different contributing mechanisms to the overall shear resistance.
The majority of the beams were subjected to three-point bending with the geometric
proportions of the test specimens as shown in Fig. 1. Only for the first two beams
(B1 and B2) the test setup was a four-point bending configuration.
All beams had a total length of 3.5 m and a single span of 3.00 m. The height of the
I-shaped cross-sections was 350 mm, with a thickness of the web of 58 mm and a
width of the flanges of 200 mm. The distance from load introduction to nearest support
was 1.10 m for the three-point bending setup and 1.00 m for the four-point bending
configuration, so that the shear-span-to-depth ratio a/d was larger than 3 (3.5 and 3.2)
and thus sufficient enough to prevent direct load transfer via an inclined compression
strut to the support.
Strain gauges were applied before casting on 2 or 3 stirrups each (in the case of
stirrup reinforcement) at the level of the beam axis in the expected centre of the
compression field. Further strain gauges were glued on the longitudinal reinforcing bars
between the load introduction and the support as well as in the mid cross-section of
each beam on the 2 opposite sides of the according bar surface (thus allowing for
evaluation of the average bar strain). In addition the strains on top of the beam in the
concrete compression zone and aside the web region were recorded by means of strain
gauges glued to the concrete surface.
Moreover a digital image correlation (DIC) system was applied for comprehensive
supervision of local deformations and the crack formation process (crack patterns were
derived from the subsequently calculated major principal strains of the DIC system
502 N. Randl et al.
3 Material Properties
The used UHPC was a fine grain mixture with a maximum aggregate size of 0.4 mm
and had been developed in previous studies (Randl and Mészöly 2015; Randl et al.
2014). It basically consists of the following 6 ingredients: Portland cement type CEM I
42.5 R HS, silica fume, quartz powder, quartz sand, superplasticizer and water. The
water-to-binder ratio, taking into account a 70% water content in the superplasticizer,
was 0.21. In the case of the fibre-reinforced UHPC mixtures either 1 or 2 Vol.-% of
fibres were used. The added fibres were straight and smooth steel wire fibres with a
nominal tensile strength of 2000 MPa. The diameter øf = 0.2 mm and a nominal length
lf of 15 mm result in an aspect ratio (lf/øf) equal to 75.
The average compressive strength measured on 100 mm cubes was around
166 MPa on the 28th day and 171 MPa on the day of testing. The cubes for the 28 days
compressive strength were stored and tested according to ÖNORM EN 12390. The
cubes for compressive strength on the day of testing were stored under laboratory
conditions. The compressive strength fcm for each beam specimen at the day of testing
is listed in Table 2.
In order to prevent premature bending failure, all beam specimens were provided
with a strong longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom side: 7 reinforcing bars ø 20 mm
were applied, using high grade steel S 900/1100 with a nominal yield strength Rp0.2 of
900 MPa. For the stirrups traditional BSt 550 steel was used with a characteristic yield
strength Ryk of 550 MPa. The distance of the stirrups ø 10 mm was varied between
125 mm and 300 mm (in the case of the beams with shear reinforcement).
4 Testing Program
Apart from some natural scattering of the concrete strength, the deliberately varied
parameters were the steel fibre content (non fibre-reinforced/1 Vol.-%/2 Vol.-%) and
the amount of stirrup reinforcement (no stirrups/ø10 at 125 mm spacing/ø10 at
200 mm spacing/ø10 at 300 mm spacing). Table 1 gives an overview of the testing
Table 1. Matrix of testing program – shear reinforcement ratio vs. fibre content
Fibre content Stirrups ø10 No stirrups
s = 125 mm s = 200 mm s = 300 mm –
qw = 2.17% qw = 1.35% qw = 0.90% qw = 0%
2 vol.-% B1, B2 B15, B26 B17 B19, B25, B30
1 vol.-% – – B28 B20, B24, B29
0 vol.-% B22 B16 B18 B21, B23, B27
Shear Behaviour of UHPC Beams with Varying Degrees 503
In all tests a pronounced shear failure mode and the formation of typical shear cracks
was observed (see representative example in Fig. 2). The load displacement behaviour
was significantly affected by the amount of fibres and/or stirrups: While the UHPC
beams without fibres or stirrups reached a load of only 50–80 kN, the addition of fibres
and/or stirrups led to much higher load bearing capacities (see discussion in the next
section). Figure 3 depicts representative load displacement curves for tested beam
constellations with minimum/maximum contents of fibres and/or stirrups. All curves
show a decrease of stiffness at a load level in the range of 30 to 50 kN due to the
formation of the bending cracks. In addition all beams with a fibre content of 2 Vol.-%
are significantly stiffer compared to the other beams with less or no fibres. Adding
stirrups and/or fibres led to a more ductile structural response with an increased
deformation at higher ultimate loads.
In the case of the non shear-reinforced UHPC beams without fibres, with the
formation of a critical shear crack propagating into the concrete compression zone the
maximum load was quickly reached and brittle failure was observed. In the case of the
fibre-reinforced beams, a number of (rather hairline) cracks formed when the intro-
duced force reached a level of about 30 to 50% of the ultimate load. In general a fine
crack distribution due to the fibres was observed. Typically at higher load levels one to
three larger cracks localized and finally opened excessively so that the beam part above
the upper of the two cracks separated increasingly from the rest of the beam, accom-
panied by a sizzling noise from the fibre pull-out. At the point of maximum load level
the main crack propagated to the compression face and spalling of concrete parts to the
sides of the beam from the flange and web regions was observed. The beams reinforced
with stirrups behaved similarly, with the main difference that the crack distribution was
less pronounced so that at similar load levels there appeared more large inclined cracks
in the web reflecting the truss effect (see Fig. 4). At ultimate stage the cracks were
slightly less inclined (*31°) than in the fibre-reinforced beams (*34°). In stirrup
reinforced beams, nearly all stirrups with applied strain gauges reached the yield strain
of the steel, depending on the amount of stirrups at a load level of about 60% to 80% of
the maximum load. In beams provided with both fibres and stirrups, the strains in the
stirrups were lower at same load level compared to the beams with stirrups and without
fibres. Also the formation of the first visible shear cracks delayed in that case. In
general, all beams reinforced with fibres and/or stirrups exhibited a less brittle beha-
viour than the UHPC beams without.
Fig. 4. Crack pattern from DIC system in beams B22 and B30 at 250 kN
All recorded maximum loads and the respective back-calculated shear forces are listed
in Table 2. A significant contribution of the fibres to the overall shear loading capacity
can be clearly identified: Without stirrups, 1 Vol.-% of fibres leads to a nearly 4 times
higher capacity than without (+190 kN shear load increase) and 2 Vol.-% results in a
factor of around 4.75 (+240 kN shear load increase). The load gain in shear due to the
fibres was, however, not proportional to the fibre content. This tendency fits to the
observations made by Thiemicke and Fehling (2016). The load gain with 2 Vol.-% of
fibres is similar to the effect achieved alternatively by the arrangement of stirrups
Shear Behaviour of UHPC Beams with Varying Degrees 505
Fig. 5. Comparison of contributions to shear resistance for 18 beams (horizontal axis: stirrup
distance; vertical axis: maximum shear load [kN])
When stirrups were provided, the effect of the fibres was smaller than without
stirrups but still significant: independent from the stirrup amount, an average increase
of shear strength of around +200 kN was recorded when changing from 0 Vol.-% to
506 N. Randl et al.
2 Vol.-% of fibres. On the other hand, the shear strength gain due to an enhancement of
the number of stirrups seems not strongly affected by the fibre amount according to the
test results: changing the stirrup distance from 300 mm to 125 mm led to a shear load
gain of roughly +90 kN without and about +110 kN with 2 Vol.-% of fibres. Moreover
it can be seen that the increase of shear resistance due to stirrups was larger for beams
without fibres and less for beams with fibres (Fig. 5).
Based on the AFGC guideline (AFGC 2013) the shear resistance was calculated for
each tested beam in order to compare the approach as per (AFGC 2013) to the test
results. The calculation was based on the application of mean values of the material
properties and performed with the measured real dimensions of the specimens. The
inclination angle of the compression struts was derived from the tests as an average
value in each shear region. Hence in the calculation an angle of 34° for beams without
fibres, 33° for beams with 1 Vol.-% and 31° for beams with 2 Vol.-% of fibres was
The residual tensile strength (rR,f) required for the derivation of the fibre contri-
bution was determined on the basis of flexural tests on prisms 150 150 700 mm.
The rR,f values were back-calculated via an inverse analysis according to the AFGC
guideline (AFGC 2013) from the tensile stress vs. crack width curves with an ultimate
crack width (wu) value of 0.5 mm, resulting in a value of 5.0 MPa for beams with 1
Vol.-% and 6.3 MPa for beams with 2 Vol.-% of fibres. Detailed information about the
derivation of the rR,f values is given in Randl and Meszöly (2015).
The ratios of measured vs. calculated shear resistance values lead to the conclusion
that the AFGC calculation is on average about 15–20% on the conservative side.
However, with higher amounts of shear reinforcement the predicted value was close to
the maximum shear force from the test. The calculated value was only once slightly
higher than the measured one. Without stirrups or with a low degree of shear rein-
forcement the ratios of the calculated shear forces vs. the measured ones were close to
0.7. Taking all test results of the present experimental campaign into account, the shear
design approach as per (AFGC 2013) slightly overestimates the contribution of the
stirrups and somewhat underestimates the contribution of the fibres. On average, the
AFGC approach was on the conservative side when evaluating the present tests.
7 Conclusions
– For an ordinarily shear reinforced beam the increase of the number of stirrups had
less effect on the maximum shear capacity than adding 1 or 2 Vol.-% of fibres.
– The effect of fibres on the shear resistance was significant and quite proportional to
the residual tensile strength. The impact of adding fibres was larger for a non
shear-reinforced beam than for beams with stirrups.
– The tested beams with steel fibres behaved stiffer and also less brittle than the same
type of beams without fibres.
– With increasing fibre content, a finer crack distribution was generally observed.
– The observed shear cracks in beams with no fibres (0 Vol.-%: * 34°) were slightly
steeper than in fibre-reinforced beams (1 Vol.-%: *33° and 2 Vol.-%: *31°).
– The test results were compared to the currently available shear design approach of
the French AFGC guideline (AFGC 2013). The AFGC design approach in general
allows for a quite realistic prediction of the shear load bearing capacity. It leads to
rather conservative results, on average about 15 to 20% on the safe side in the
present study.
Acknowledgements. The funding of this research by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency
(FFG) is gratefully acknowledged.
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