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Seismic Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Frames: G Campione, L La Mendola and G Zingone

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In the present paper the behaviour of framed structures realised by using high strength fibre
reinforced concrete and subjected to lateral forces, also including P-δ effects, is analysed. The
design of moment resisting frames is based on capacity design criteria: overstrength of the
columns with respect to the beams and overstrength of the joints with respect to the columns to
prevent brittle and premature failure in concrete. To obtain these performances, especially when
high strength concrete is utilised, a large amount of transverse reinforcement is required, often
very problematic to place in cast; to overcome this drawback the use of short fibres randomly
distributed in the concrete is suggested. In order to estimate the effectiveness of the combined use
of reinforcing fibres and steel transverse reinforcement a nonlinear analysis of framed structures
under controlled lateral displacements is performed; the analysis is based on a finite element
method in which the members are discretised into segments in order to taking into account of
different moment-curvature relationships. The latter are calibrated on the basis of diagrams
obtained by using analytical models for stress-strain compressive law of the concrete, fitting
experimental results, also presented here. The results obtained show that is possible to reach
comparable performance utilising very high percentage of transverse reinforcement or less amount
of transverse steel coupled with fibre reinforced concrete. Moreover particular care should be paid
to the influence of the P-δ effect in member subjected to very high axial forces.


The evaluation of the ultimate bearing capacity of framed structures under actions due to severe earthquake, as
suggested by recent European and International Codes, requires a nonlinear analysis, for which the complete
constitutive laws of the materials are required for both monotonic and cyclic response. To ensure adequate
dissipative capacity of the structural system and high ductility values, particular attention should be paid to the
design of longitudinal and transverse steel reinforcements, especially when high strength concrete (HSC)
members are used, avoiding brittle failure due to shear in the beams or in the joint regions. In fact, although high
strength concrete offers, with respect to normal strength concrete, several advantages like more strength and
durability, it is characterised by high brittleness in the post-peak response. To reduce this effect and to ensure
adequate local ductility of the members a larger amount of transversal reinforcement is required with respect to
normal strength concrete, especially in members subjected to axial load and bending moment when high values
of compressive strain are involved. Recent studies [Bentur and Mindess, 1990] have shown that the use of
discontinuous short fibres, randomly distributed in the matrices in adequate percentages and shapes, and coupled
with traditional steel transverse reinforcement (spirals, stirrups, etc.), allows: i) to obtain high values of curvature
ductility in the column cross-sections also in the presence of high values of axial loads [Campione et al., 1998];
ii) to avoid brittle shear failure in the beams ensuring the making of flexural mechanism [Campione et al.,
1999a]; iii) to increase the shear strength also in the core of the beam-column joints in which high values of
stress are concentrated [Filiatrault et al., 1995]. In this way it is possible to reduce, for these critical regions, the
amount of transverse reinforcement required, generally difficult to place in cast. The aim of the present work is
to show the advantages above mentioned in the case in which fibre reinforced high strength concrete is employed
to partially fabricate end portions of beams and columns and joint regions of reinforced concrete frames, using
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Università degli Studi di Palermo, , ItalyEmail: campione@stru.dise
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Università degli Studi di Palermo, , Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Università degli Studi di Palermo, , Italy
normal concrete in the other portions of structure. To show these effects a nonlinear static analysis was carried
out by modelling the experimental cyclic response in compression of fibre reinforced high strength concrete, also
in the presence of transverse reinforcement. The analysis is carried out using a finite element method in which
the members are discretised into segments, for which it is necessary to define the significant parameters of the
flexural behaviour. For this raison a preliminary analysis is carried out in order to define the moment-curvature
diagrams for different axial load, based on analytical laws in compression of the fibre reinforced high strength
concrete fitting experimental results and on the constitutive law for the longitudinal steel taking into account the
Baushinger and the strain-hardening effects. The results obtained show that a ductile behaviour, implying
general large amount of transverse reinforcement in the critical regions, can also be reached decreasing the
confining reinforcement but integrating the concrete with reinforcing fibres, avoiding in this way the congestion
of the steel reinforcements.


In the present paragraph the experimental results of compression tests carried out by the authors in a previous
study [Campione et al., 1999b] are briefly mentioned. The types of concrete investigated were: plain concrete,
fibre reinforced concrete, plain concrete with steel spirals, fibre reinforced concrete with spirals. Different types
of matrices were utilised: normal strength (NSC), middle strength (MSC) and high strength concrete (HSC),
having characteristics shown in Table 1. In all the cases examined the use of superplasticizer in the percentage of
2 % by weight of cement was necessary to ensure good workability, which is reduced because of the high
volume fraction of fibres and because of the use of silica fume in the case of HSC .

Table 1: Characteristics of the matrices investigated

Matrices Cement Water Coarse Sand Silica fume Superplasticizer
(Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) aggregate (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) (%)
NSC 300 180 1050 850 / 2
MSC 300 164 1044 738 / 2
HSC 400 150 1050 720 55 2

The characteristics of the fibres investigated are shown in Table 2: Lf is the length of the fibres, df the equivalent
diameter, f’t the tensile strength and E the Young modulus. Experimental results [Campione et al., 1999b]
regarding specimens reinforced with different percentages of fibres (1.5, 2, 3 %), have shown that the
percentages of 2 % ensures especially for HSC best performances. Results referring to the coupled use of steel
spirals and fibres are also presented here. The steel spirals of 5 mm diameter, yielding stress of 550 MPa, were
placed in the moulds with pitches of 50 and 25 mm, corresponding to a volumetric ratio of ρs = 1.765% and
3.530 % respectively.

Table 2: Types and properties of the fibres

Fibre type Shape Length Equivalent Tensile strength Young modulus
Lf (mm) diameter f’t (MPa) E (MPa)
df (mm)
Polyolefin 25 0.80 375 12000
Carbon 20 0.78 800 100000
Hooked steel 30 0.50 1115 207000

Compression tests were carried out using a universal testing machine with open loop, by imposing a slow rate of
displacement (0.2 mm/min) and recording the load-deformation curves, utilising LVDT’s and a data acquisition
system. In Figure 1 stress-strain curves for matrices at different strength are shown. It is interesting to observe
that, with the increasing in strength, more brittle behaviour and higher values of initial tangent modulus were
noticed. The stress-strain curve for HSC has a sharp peak and a steeper descending branch after the peak load.
The research here mentioned focused mainly how to improve the compressive ductility of plain high strength

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Figure 1: Results in compression for plain concrete at different strength

In Figure 2 the stress-strain curves for MSC and HSC, reinforced with different volume percentages of
transverse reinforcement, are plotted. It was observed that when the maximum stress in compression is achieved
the steel spirals are close to the yielding phenomenon; after, the coupled failure of the concrete core and of the
steel spirals leads to specimen failure. At this stage a sudden drop in the stress-strain curve in compression,
measured in the softening branch, is recorded and then no residual strength is available. It is interesting to
observe that in the case of HSC, because of more brittle behaviour with respect to MSC, also the strain
corresponding to the failure of steel spirals is reduced, so, more lateral steel reinforcement is required in order to
obtain the same available ductility.

plain MSC plain HSC

p = 50 mm p = 50 mm
p = 25 mm p = 25 mm

Figure 2: Stress-strain curves of plain concrete (Vf = 0) with steel spirals

Vf = 1.5 % Vf = 3.0 %

Plain HSC
Hooked steel

Figure 3: Stress-strain curves of fibre reinforced concrete at different types and percentages
Figure 3 shows experimental stress-strain curves obtained for HSC with different types of fibres at 1.5 and 3.0 %
by volume. The adding of fibres in the matrices improves the residual strength and the energy absorption
capacity with respect to plain concrete, but no significant variations in the maximum stress are observed.

3 0040
Figure 4 shows the effect of carbon fibres at 2 % by volume percentage on the MSC and HSC matrices
reinforced with steel spirals at pitches of 50 and 25 mm. This fibre type was subject of numerous studies
previously carried out by the authors. The improvements due to the presence of fibres were: a lower steep of the
descending branch; an increase in the ultimate strain corresponding to the failure of the steel spiral; and finally a
significant residual strength after the spiral failure [Campione et al., 1999b].

without spiral MSC HSC

p = 50 mm
p = 25 mm


Figure 4: Monotonic and cyclic σ−ε curves of carbon fibre (Vf = 2%) reinforced concrete with steel spirals
In the same figure the cyclic behaviour of MSC and HSC with carbon fibres at 2 % by volume percentage and
steel spirals is shown. In all cases examined, the cyclic envelope curve is very close to the monotonic response.


As stressed in previous studies regarding high strength concrete [Campione et al., 1998], due to the brittle nature
of the matrix, it is possible to model the monotonic response by using the expression proposed by Mander et al.
[1988], but with two different values of the β coefficients: β1 for the ascending branch and β2 for the softening
branch. The β1 values are depending on tangent and secant module; the β2 coefficients are obtained fitting the
experimental results in the softening branch. For the cyclic response it is possible to model the unloading and
reloading branches utilising the analytical laws proposed for confined concrete by Mander et al. [1988] and
confirmed by the authors for normal and high strength fibre reinforced concrete confined with steel spirals. The
tangent modulus of elasticity can be evaluated adopting the following expression suggested by the Canadian
Code [CSA 1994] that is in good agreement with the experimental data :

 γ 
E t =  3300 ⋅ f c' + 6900  ⋅  c  in MPa (1)
   2300 

being γc the density of concrete in Kg/m3, that for the HSC considered here is equal to 2400 Kg/m3. In Table 3
the fundamental parameters to model HSC in compression are given: the peak stress f’c and the corresponding
strain ε0; the tangent modulus of elasticity Et deduced by Eq. (1); the β1 and β2 coefficients and the ultimate
strain εcu corresponding to steel spiral failure. These values will be utilised in the applications that follow.

4 0040
σ fc' β2

σ = f c' β
Esec  ε
β -1 +  
Et  εo 

εo ε

Figure 5: Analytical σ-εε curves

Table 3: Characteristic values for HSC in compression

ρs (%) Vf (%) f’c (MPa) ε0 Et (MPa) β1 β2 εcu
0 0 70.23 0.0029 36833 3.62 14.00 /
0 2 67.30 0.0038 36212 1.40 4.50 /
1.765 0 85.77 0.0102 39931 1.18 2.50 0.023
1.765 2 90.06 0.0140 40736 1.50 1.65 0.045
3.530 0 95.26 0.0102 41687 1.25 1.55 0.030
3.530 2 105.71 0.0122 43520 1.28 1.50 0.064


In order to point out the advantages due to the presence of the fibres and to verify the increase in the dissipative
capacity of the sections in which the plastic hinges occur, the cyclic moment-curvature diagrams are deduced.
For the fibre reinforced concrete, the carbon fibre type is considered. The results refer to a square cross-section
made of HSC subjected to a cyclically variable bending moment combined with an axial load that is assumed to
be constant. The approach adopted is the well known method based on a discretisation of the section into a finite
number of elements having constant value of stress deduced by the analytical law presented in the previous
paragraph. The following data are assumed: c/h=0.136, being c the cover and h the distance from the top of the
section to the centroid of the bottom steel; µ=µ'=As/(bh)=0.89 %, being As=A's the longitudinal steel in tension
(or in compression) and b the base section; fy=440 MPa the yielding stress of the steel; Es=200000 MPa and
Eh=0.01⋅Es the Young modulus and the hardening modulus, respectively. The constitutive laws assumed for the
material are: the σ−ε relationship proposed in the previous paragraph for the concrete in compression (the tensile
strength of the concrete is neglected) and the model proposed in Menegotto and Pinto [1973] including also the
Baushinger effect for the longitudinal steel.

The curves showed in Figure 6, obtained for a constant value of axial load N, corresponding to a dimensionless
value of 0.21, are in terms of M/(bh2)-ϕh, M being the bending moment evaluated with respect to the centroid of
the cross-section, and ϕ the curvature. The diagrams contain the second cycle (when the cover is spalled) for
three different types of concrete shown in the same figure, depending on the confinement level; the spalling
strain for the cover is assumed equal to 0.004 and 0.006 for plain and fibre reinforced concrete respectively. The
curves are obtained by considering the maximum strain value for the concrete corresponding to the spiral failure
εcu, verifying that the maximum elongation in the steel is less than 9%, limit value provided by EC8 [Eurocode 8,
1994] for critical regions designed for high ductility. The following values of curvature ductility are reached:
ϕmax/ϕy =15.90, 16.63, 20.76 for type material a), b) and c) respectively (Figure 6). In the same diagram, with
thin solid line, the cycle obtained by using material type c) with εmax=0.03 is showed in order to point out the
equivalent performance obtained by using a concrete containing half percentage of transverse reinforcement steel
ratio and carbon fibres at 2% by volume, having this material further deformation capacity.

5 0040
Material types
a) ρs = 1.765 % - Vf = 0 %
b) ρs = 3.530 % - Vf = 0 %
b) c) ρs = 1.765 % - Vf = 2 %
a) c)
Steel spiral failure

a) c)

b 0.023 0.030

Figure 6: M/(bh2) - ϕh curves with variation in the material type


Referring to members subjected essentially to axial load and bending moment, several International and
European Codes [ACI 1995, EC8 1994], in order to ensure local ductility allowing a dissipative global
mechanism, propose for normal strength concrete some geometrical limitations and a minimum amount of
transverse reinforcement. Moreover limitations on the total longitudinal steel reinforcement ratio are given:
Eurocode 8 provides a minimum value 1%, and a maximum value 4%; ACI 318-95 Code suggests the same
minimum limitation but a maximum value equal to 8%, that can imply a congestion of the reinforcement,
especially in critical regions.

Recently Canadian Code [CSA 1994] and the Provisions ACI 318-95 [Ghosh, 1997] introduced the use of high
strength concrete up to 80 MPa, allowing in this way to reach high value of bearing capacity for the columns, by
imposing obviously a minimum amount of transverse reinforcement.

ρ " (% ) ρ" =
0.25 ⋅ f c'
1.4 f y

f y = 440 MPa
0.20 ⋅ f c' ACI 318-95
ρ" =
fy CSA 94

f’c (MPa)

Figure 7: Minimum flexural reinforcement

For the HSC beams the above mentioned codes prescribe a minimum percentage of tension steel reinforcement,
related to the strength of the concrete and to the yielding stress of the longitudinal steel, as shown in Figure 7, to
ensure a ductile flexural response avoiding that the flexural capacity being lower than the cracking moment
calculated using the modulus of rupture. In the same figure the minimum value proposed by EC8, as a function
of fy only, is contained. In the numerical applications that follow, referring to HSC with f'c =70.23 MPa, the more
strict limitations are adopted.

6 0040

The numerical application refers to a one floor reinforced concrete frames designed utilising high strength
concrete in which the members (beams, columns, joints) were designed in accordance with the following
capacity design criteria: overstrength of the columns with respect to the beams and overstrength of the joints
with respect to the columns to prevent brittle and premature failure. The examples refer to three different types
of frames denoted as: A, B and C in which longitudinal reinforcements are the same, but different amount of
transverse reinforcement and concrete types are considered.

1 2

L1 L2 L1 L1 L2 L1

L4 Column section Beam sections q

1-1 2-2


Figure 8: Structural scheme

The structural scheme is shown in Figure 8 in which the calculus model is also enclosed. In type A, HS plain
concrete is utilised; the hoops in critical regions of the columns, having pattern as in Figure 8, are arranged with
spacing equal to 90 mm, corresponding to a reinforcement ratio ρs=1.765 % evaluated with reference to the
effective confined core according to Mander et al. [1988]; for the beams a minimum amount of stirrups are
considered according to high ductility beams EC8 requirements. The type B is obtained varying only, with
respect to the type A, the spacing of the stirrups in the critical regions of the columns, assumed equal to 40 mm,
corresponding to ρs=3.530 %; in this case all requirements contained in EC8 for high ductility performance are
satisfied, circumstance that is not fully verified for type A. Finally type C is designed as type A, but fibre
reinforced concrete (FRC) in the critical regions is employed, being in this way possible to decrease also the
number of stirrups in the critical regions of the beams, as shown by the authors in previous study [Campione et
al., 1999a].

The nonlinear analysis is carried out by using DRAIN-2DX program assuming the following data: square-cross
section for columns and beams with side 400 mm; longitudinal reinforcing steel bars of 20 mm diameter
arranged as shown in Figure 8; L1=0.8 m, L2=2.9 m, L3=0.6 m, L4=1.8 m. The frames were subjected to: - a
lateral displacement monotonically increasing; - a vertical load on the beam q=30 KN/m; - a concentrated
vertical load P=5000 KN for each column. The beams are divided in three elements to take into account the
different reinforcement adopted at the top of the section; the column is considered as an element. Each element is
modelled with elastic beam with two end plastic hinges idealised through bilinear model preliminarily calibrated
on the basis of the effective moment-curvature diagrams [Filiatrault et al., 1998a,b]. In order to take into account
the axial load, the N-M yield surface also is defined.

The results of the static push-over analysis are presented in Figure 9a), in which the global mechanism, the same
for all types examined, is shown and the sequence of plastic hinging is indicated. In Figure 9b), the effective
M/(bh2)-ϕh curves for the different plastic hinges considered at the base column subjected to higher value of
axial load are considered. The maximum lateral displacement corresponds to the failure of the concrete ε = εcu.
At this step of analysis the maximum elongation of the steel is less than the limit value prescribed by EC8 for
high ductility performance. The comparison between the curves shows that the advantages due to the presence of
the fibres, stressed in the analysis of the cross-section, are reflected into translation ductility of the frames. In the
same Figure 9a) the results of the analysis considering the P-δ effect are also included. It can be observed that
the use of HSC allows to realise bearing elements with reduced dimensions but the second-order effects can be
very significant. For the cases examined, the base-shear corresponding to the making of global mechanism is
reduced by 20 % about and the deformation capacity of the plastic hinges is not fully exploited.

7 0040
N/(bh)=36.5 MPa
2 1

2 δ 4
P,δ 3
2 F,δ σ Steel spiral
1 failure

type A: ρs = 1.765 % - Vf = 0 % 0.045
a) type B: ρs = 3.530 % - Vf = 0 % b) 0.023 0.030
type C: ρs = 1.765 % - Vf = 2 % ε

Figure 9: Collapse mechanism for different confining levels : a) base shear-lateral displacement curves ;

b) plastic hinges at column base sections


The nonlinear analysis for framed structures has stressed that comparable ductile behaviour can be obtained by
using in the critical regions less amount of transverse reinforcement but integrating the concrete with reinforcing
fibres. Results have shown that also in the case of HSC members it is possible to achieve a dissipative collapse
mechanism in presence of very high values of axial loads, but particular attention must be paid on the P-δ effect
that can significantly reduce the bearing capacity and the available ductility of the frames. The analysis carried
out here, needs however to examine further aspects as the buckling problem for the longitudinal steel bars, the
fixed end rotation effects and the dowel action in the beams.


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