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Experimental Study of Steel Fiber Prestressed Concrete Beam For Shear, Bending and Torsion

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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X

PP 68-83

Experimental Study of Steel Fiber Prestressed Concrete Beam for

Shear, Bending and Torsion
Satyajeet B. Mopari1, Ajinkya D. Raut2
(Civil Dept, R.S.C.O.E. / Pune University, India)
(Civil Dept, R.S.C.O.E. / Pune University, India)

Abstract : In this modern age, civil engineering constructions have their own structural and durability
requirements. Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) is a composite material made primarily from hydraulic
cements, aggregates and discrete reinforcing fibers. Fiber incorporation in concrete, mortar and cement paste
enhances many of the engineering properties of these materials such as fracture toughness, flexural strength,
resistance to fatigue, impact, thermal shock and spalling.The FRC is a composite material made of cement, fine
and coarse aggregates and discontinuous discrete steel fibers. Recently developed an analytical model to
predict the shear, tensional strength and bending torsion behavior of fiber reinforced concrete beam with
experimental substantiation. However, very little work has been reported in combined torsion and shear.
Similarly to beam with conversional reinforcement, the presence of shear may significance influence on
tensional strength of fiber concrete beams. Present paper investigates the mechanical properties like as shear
strength, and torsion strength of concrete with different types of steel fiber with constant volume fractions and
different aspect ratio.A primary finding emerging from the experimental program was that the placement of
fibers, increased load carrying capacity of high strength fiber reinforced concrete [HSFRC] beam. Ductility,
toughness significantly improved.
Keywords: Aspect ratio, Fatigue, Flexural strength, Fracture toughness, Mechanical properties, Volume
fraction, HSFRC, steel fiber, Flexural strength; Load–deflection response; High-strength fiber concrete.

The well-known inherent deficiencies of concrete are its tensile strength and its brittleness. These
weaknesses of concrete lead to immediate collapse of plain concrete beams after formation of the first crack and
its propagation, at very low values of tensile stress developed in the cross section due to direct (axial) and / or
indirect (flexural, shear or torsional) nature of loading. These deficiencies are overcome by fiber reinforced
concrete and pre-stressed concrete systems. These systems are not improving the weaknesses of the concrete
matrix but are aiding the concrete with tensile reinforcement for sharing almost totally the tensile load on the
elements. They and many other investigators have well established that the inclusion of high strength, high
elasticity modulus steel fibers of short length and small diameter enhances the tensile strength, ductility and
other properties of concrete significantly and also acts as crack arrestors. Concrete with steel fibers is known as
steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC).
The members of a fiber reinforced concrete structures are subjected to shear forces, axial forces,
bending moments and torsional moments. Many researchers carried out tests on reinforced concrete beams
under bending-shear-torsion, bending-torsion and shear torsion and proposed modes of failure, empirical
formulae and interaction curves. The investigations made in the field of the analysis of behavior of SFRC
rectangular beams in combined loading, available in the literature, are fewer as compared with that in the field
of pure torsion. In the present investigation 24 fiber reinforced concrete beams with steel fibers were tested
under combined torsion-bending-shear.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the mechanical properties like as shear strength, and
torsion strength of concrete with different types of steel fiber with constant volume fractions and different aspect


Concrete is a complex material. Innovative structural application is improving performance of
concrete. Prestress concrete is also playing major role throughout the world. High performance fiber reinforced
prestress concrete beam can prove better on all fronts. The addition of fibers considerably improves the static,
flexural strength, impact strength, tensile strength, fatigue strength, ductility, and flexural toughness shear
capacity of concrete. The degree of improvement in the above cited parameters depends on many factors
including size, type aspect ratio, and volume fraction of fibers.
Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 68 | Page
JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

There is few work done on the torsion to the beam, we at engineeringcivil.com are thankful to Er.
Yogesh Ravindra Suryawanshi for submitting this research paper to us. In the beginning all basic tests are
conducted on all ingredient material of concrete, viz. cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water and steel
fibers. ACC 43 grade cement conforming to IS 12269 – 1987 is used. River sand is used as fine aggregates,
obtained from local river bed. Crushed black trap basalt is used conforming to IS 383 – 1970 of size 10 to 20
mm is used. Sulphonated Naphthalene formaldehyde polymer is used as superplasticizer having brand name as
MasterPlast SPL – 9. The dose of superplasticizer is 4% of weight of cement. Three type of steel fibers, hook
ended (HK – 80/60) aspect ratio 80, hook ended (HK – 50/30) aspect ratio 50, crimped (CR – 50/30) aspect ratio
50, Round fibers (RD – 50/80) aspect ratio 50 and Round fibers (RD 80/130) aspect ratio 80, all conforming to
ASTM A type I are used for the experimental work. The experimental investigation consists of total 36 beam
specimens casted and tested for combined shear and torsion. All beams are tested after 28 days of curing. For
each type of fiber, the percentage of fiber is kept constant as 2.5%. Out of 36 beams, 6 beams are with 0% fiber
content. Total 18 beams are casted with longitudinal reinforcement of 4 numbers of bars, 8 mm diameter, 2 at
top and 2 at bottom. The proportioning of concrete is maintained constant throughout the investigation. A
concrete mix targeting a compressive strength of 25 MPa is used. Figure 2.1 shows the cross sectional details of
the beam loading arrangement. An effective cover of 15 mm is provided for the transverse reinforcement. The
cured beams are white washed a day before testing to facilitate the crack identification. One end of the beam is
supported on rollers, while the other end is supported on rigid support. This type of test setup facilitates free
rotation of roller end and provides stability to the test specimen during testing. Specially made twist arms or
twist angles are placed at both supports of the beam having an arm length of 0.60 m. Load on the twist arm is
applied through a hydraulic jack and the loading is monitored through a proving ring attached to the jack.
Absolute care has taken, such that, the plane of loading and twisting arm are perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of the beam. This avoids any possibility of bending of the beam instead of twisting and as a result the beam
between the two supports is subjected to pure torsion. The complete test setup is schematically presented in
figure 2.2. Load is applied at an eccentricity of 0.66 m from the center of the beam. For every applied load, the
corresponding dial gauge readings are noted which were placed at L/3 distance from ends and considering
average value of the two reading.
An experimental work on the steel fiber reinforced concrete to analyze effective moment of Inertia and
flexural rigidity was reported by J Premalatha and R Sundara rajan. In this experimental work eighteen beams
with 8mpa compressive strength and having tension and compression reinforcement and deformed steel fibers
were tested under two point loading. The flexural rigidity (EI) of cracked rectangular reinforced concrete beams
with steel fibers was evaluated experimentally. Considering the steel fibers influence compression and tension
reinforcement a change ACI building code method for estimating the effective moment of inertia of the section
for the reinforced high strength fibrous concrete beams is proposed. The effective moment of inertia estimated
using the changed methods compared with the experimental results. The results of the investigation can be
summarized as follows. Addition of steel fibers increases the beam stiffness thus reduces the deflection for a
given load. The value of m used in the effective moment of inertia formula equation decreases with increase in
fiber volume fraction. Increase in longitudinal reinforcement ratio from 0.01 to 0.03 in tested beams resulted in
17% increase in flexural rigidity. Increase in volume fraction of steel fibers from 0 to 1.5% in tested beams
resulted in 21% increase in flexural rigidity.

III. Prestress Concrete

Concrete is presently the most widely used construction material. Because of its specialty of being cast
in any desirable shape, it has replaced stone and brick masonry. In spite of all this, it has some serious
deficiencies which for its remarkable qualities of flexibility, resilience and ability to redistribute stress, would
have prevented its use as a building material. Plain, unreinforced concrete is a brittle material, with a low tensile
strength and a low strain capacity. Plain concrete is inherently weak in tension and has limited ductility and little
resistance to cracking. Micro cracks are inherently present in concrete and because of this low tensile strength;
cracks propagate with application of the load, leading to brittle fracture in concrete. The low tensile strength of
concrete is being compensated for in several ways and this has been achieved by use of Reinforcing Bars and
also by applying Prestressing Techniques.
The prestressing and pre-casting of concrete are inter-related features of the modern building industry.
Through the application of imaginative design and quality control, they have, since the 1930’s, had an
increasing impact on architectural and construction procedures. Prestressing of concrete is the application of a
compressive force to concrete members and may be achieved by either pre-tensioning high tensile steel strands
Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 69 | Page
JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

before the concrete has set, or by post-tensioning the strands after the concrete has set. Although these
techniques are commonplace, misunderstanding of the principles, and the way they are applied, still exists. To
avoid this one should have proper knowledge of Prestressing techniques.


Torsion occurs more frequently in most structure but rarely occurs alone. However, torsion forms one
of the basic structural actions besides flexure, shear and axial compression/tension. Torsional failure of concrete
member is initiated by the tensile stress developed due to a state of pure shear, which arises due to torsion.
Inclusion of steel fibers principally may increase the tensile strength of the matrix to a moderate level but the
toughness will be enhanced to a greater extent. This particular advantage of fiber reinforced concrete inspired
the different conditions of study its mechanical properties under different conditions of loading. But little
information is available on the to behavior of fiber reinforced concrete members under pure torsion. Earlier
investigation indicated that the addition of fibers improves the torsional strength and ductility of member. In this
investigation an attempt has been made to quantify the effect of fibers in resisting torsional loads. Also a semi
empirical formula for predicting the ultimate torsional strength of the SFRC member has been presented.


A beam is a structural member whose length is large compared to its cross sectional area which is
loaded and supported in the direction transverse to its axis. Lateral loads acting on the beam cause the beam to
bend or flex, thereby deforming the axis of the beam into a curved line. In previous chapter prestressing method
was discussed. In this chapter flexural behaviour of prestressed beam is discussed.
When prestressed concrete members are subjected to bending loads, different types of flexural failures
are possible at critical sections, depending upon the principal controlling parameters, such as the percentage of
reinforcement in the section, degree of bond between tendons and concrete, compressive strength of concrete
and the ultimate tensile strength of the tendons. In the post-cracking stage, the behavior of a prestressed concrete
member is more similar to that of a reinforced concrete member and the theories used for estimating the flexural
strength of reinforced concrete section may as well be used for prestressed concrete sections.

Flexural testing on beam with single point loading –

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 70 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Flexural testing on beam with double point loading –


In this project, an attempt will be made to study the effects of steel fibers by fully replacement to steel
reinforcement in terms of improved performance in compressive strength and flexural strength of prestressed
concrete. Apart from this, the deflection of the prestressed beams also measured etc. In brief, an attempt is to be
made to produce high performing prestressed concrete by replacement of steel reinforcement by some
percentage of steel fibers to achieve the economy.

The aim of the project is to initiate and provide platform for further studies on following issues:-
 To provide high performance prestressed concrete as economically as possible by
incorporating steel fibers by means of suitable mix design for different
proportions of fibers.
 For long span of beams/girders the normal construction is difficult and also the
cost of steel reinforcement also high, so to reduce this cost of steel reinforcement
we can prefer prestressed concrete beam by using steel fibers.

Execution work of the project :-

It involves following work stages:-
 Execution of torsion setup
 Preparation of moulds
 Cube casting.
 Testing of casted cubes at consecutive days.
 Pretensioning of cables.
 Casting of concrete beams by selecting optimum value steel fibers.
 Testing of prestressed concrete beams.

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 71 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83


Compressive strength of concrete cubes :-

28 Days Plain cubes test results M40

Date Cube Fiber content Weight (KG) Load (KN)
PL1 - 8.723 39.6
11/06/2013 PL2 - 9.045 40.4
PL3 - 9.189 40.4
Avg comp
strength 40.13

28 Days strength of cubes with fiber proportions M40

Date Cube Fiber content Weight (KG) Load (KN)
SF1 1.0% 8.789 51.44
11/06/2013 SF2 1.0% 8.888 49.87
SF3 1.0% 8.830 49.99
Avg comp
strength 50.43

Load Vs Deflection Curves :-

Average Plain Beam with Single Point Load :-
PLS -1 PLS – 2 PLS – 3
Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg.
Deflection Deflection Deflection
(mm) (mm) (mm)
100 0.38 100 0.3 100 0.4
200 0.64 200 0.6 200 0.58
300 0.92 300 0.7 300 0.74
400 1.14 400 0.98 400 0.96
500 1.36 500 1.28 500 1.19
- - - - 600 1.41

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 72 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Average Plain Beam with Double Point Load :-

PLD -1 PLD – 2 PLD – 3
Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg.
Deflection Deflection Deflection
(mm) (mm) (mm)
100 0.24 100 0.14 100 0.2
200 0.38 200 0.25 200 0.35
300 0.45 300 0.60 300 0.49
400 0.58 400 0.70 400 0.58
500 0.62 500 0.74 500 0.66
600 0.75 600 0.87 600 0.83
700 0.82 700 0.91 700 0.90
800 0.94 800 0.99 800 0.99
900 1.05 900 1.06 900 1.05

Average Steel Fiber Beam with Single Point Load :-

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 73 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

SFS -1 SFS – 2 SFS – 3

Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg.
Deflection Deflection Deflection
(mm) (mm) (mm)
100 0.24 100 0.19 100 0.3
200 0.48 200 0.45 200 0.62
300 0.71 300 0.68 300 0.75
400 0.78 400 0.74 400 0.89
500 0.84 500 0.9 500 1.01
600 1.06 600 0.98 600 1.15
- - 700 1.1 - -

Average Steel Fiber Beam with Double Point Load :-

SFD -1 SFD – 2 SFD – 3
Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg.
Deflection Deflection Deflection
(mm) (mm) (mm)
100 0.06 100 0.1 100 0.07
200 0.11 200 0.28 200 0.15
300 0.17 300 0.30 300 0.24
400 0.34 400 0.34 400 0.35
500 0.36 500 0.39 500 0.37
600 0.41 600 0.43 600 0.42
700 0.52 700 0.48 700 0.49
800 0.60 800 0.56 800 0.54
900 0.76 900 0.77 900 0.72
1000 0.82 1000 0.80 1000 0.78

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 74 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Average Steel Fiber Torsion Table :-

SFT -1 SFT – 2 SFT – 3
Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg.
Deflection Deflection Deflection
(mm) (mm) (mm)
0 0 0 0 0 0
24 0.875 8 0 12 0
32 2.3125 33.6 0.125 30.4 0.34375
46.4 3.1875 46.4 0.1875 41.6 1.125
57.6 4.46875 65.6 0.6875 64 2.5625
75.2 6.59375 84.8 1.9375 86.4 3.875
89.6 8.125 107.2 3.625 107.2 5.75
124.8 11.375 123.2 5.03125 131.2 7.34375
147.2 13.875 140.8 7 153.6 9.3125
214 15.71875 222 10.1875 232 12.1875
254 18.625 256 13.125 256 14.78125
280 20.125 284 14.9375 284 16.8125
314 21.75 330 18.125 328 19.875
340 23.8125 354 19.75 364 21.9375
376 25.75 396 21.125 433.07 24
450 28.96875 465.06 22.375 471.47 26.625
500 31.25 544 26.4375 512 29.8125

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 75 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Average Steel Fiber Prestress Concrete Single Point Load :-

SFP - S -1 SFP - S – 2 SFP - S – 3
Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg.
Deflection Deflection Deflection
(mm) (mm) (mm)
0 0 0 0 0 0
19.2 1.083333 16 1.25 17.6 1.5
33.6 2.416667 36.8 2.916667 33.6 3
36.8 3 41.6 4.833333 36.8 3.833333
44.8 3.833333 46.4 7 41.6 5.916667
52.8 4.583333 56 9 51.2 7
57.6 5.25 62.4 10.41667 81.6 9.25
80 7.666667 80 13 120 12.08333
124.8 11 118.4 16 156.8 15.08333
224 15.29167 208 18.95833 284 19.04167
280 18.5 260 21.5 380 21
390 23.25 350 24.08333 554.67 24.5
560 28.75 554.67 31.66667 640 31.33333

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 76 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Average Steel Fiber Prestress Concrete Double Point Load :-

SFP - D -1 SFP - D – 2 SFP - D – 3
Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg.
Deflection Deflection Deflection
(mm) (mm) (mm)
0 0 0 0 0 0
6.4 1 11.2 2.083333 16 1
32 4.166667 30.4 4.083333 41.6 2.458333
36.8 4.916667 40 7.416667 56 3
65.6 7.75 65.6 12.41667 73.6 3.708333
120 12.95833 112 16.08333 113.6 5.666667
220 17.79167 220 20.33333 160 9.833333
310 23.25 326 25.33333 264 14.125
448 28.20833 473.6 31.83333 350 18.83333
565.33 32.16667 586.67 37.08333 448 21.375
625.25 44.16667 697 43.83333 565.33 25.75
717.5 51.75 779 50.83333 666.25 29.66667
- - - - 738 31.58333
- - - - 871.25 36.66667
- - - - 1025 40.58333

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 77 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Average Steel Fiber Prestress Concrete Torsion Load :-

SFP - T -1 SFP - T – 2 SFP - T – 3
Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg. Load (Kg) Avg.
Deflection Deflection Deflection
(mm) (mm) (mm)
0 0 0 0 0 0
33.6 1.2625 8 1.0625 8.8 1.0625
72.8 3.13125 30.4 3.5 24 2.9375
121.6 7.7625 48 5.625 44.8 5.5625
150.4 10.8 97.6 9.15625 59.2 8.09375
224 14.2 137.6 11.875 72 11.5625
264 17.575 204 14.6875 88 14.625
304 22.875 248 17.5625 94.4 17.59375
328 31.3 338 21.6875 113.6 20.4375
362 36.75 362 24.5625 134.4 24.5
469.33 40.9375 400 28.0625 153.6 28.8125
- - 454.4 32.6875 212 33.5
- - 477.87 38.8125 272 37.25
- - 490.67 44.5625 372 41.375
- - 539.73 51.625 535.47 45.6875
- - - - 692.9 50.8125
- - - - 709.3 59.0625

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 78 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83


Steel Fiber Torsion : Torque vs Center Deflection Curve :-

SFT – 1 SFT - 2 SFT – 3
Load Torque Center Load Torque Center Load Torque Center
(Kg) = 0.3 X Deflection (Kg) = 0.3 X Deflection (Kg) = 0.3 X Deflection
Load (mm) Load (mm) Load (mm)
(Kg m) (Kg m) (Kg m)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 7.2 2.25 8 2.4 0 12 3.6 0
32 9.6 5.5 33.6 10.08 0 30.4 9.12 0.75
46.4 13.92 7.75 46.4 13.92 0 41.6 12.48 2
57.6 17.28 11 65.6 19.68 1.875 64 19.2 4.75
75.2 22.56 15.75 84.8 25.44 6.25 86.4 25.92 7.75
89.6 26.88 19.25 107.2 32.16 11 107.2 32.16 11
124.8 37.44 26.5 123.2 36.96 14.625 131.2 39.36 14.75
147.2 44.16 30.5 140.8 42.24 18.25 153.6 46.08 18.75
214 64.2 33.375 222 66.6 24.5 232 69.6 25.5
254 76.2 37.25 256 76.8 30 256 76.8 30
280 84 39 284 85.2 33.5 284 85.2 32.75
314 94.2 40.5 330 99 39.25 328 98.4 39.75
340 102 42.5 354 106.2 42.75 364 109.2 43.75
376 112.8 44.75 396 118.8 45.5 433.07 129.921 48
450 135 46.375 465.06 139.518 48 471.47 141.441 55.5
500 150 51 544 163.2 63.75 512 153.6 65.5

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 79 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Steel Fiber Prestress Torsion : Torque vs Center Deflection Curve :-

SFP - T - 1 SFP - T - 2 SFP - T – 3
Load Torque Center Load Torque Center Load Torque Center
(Kg) = 0.3 X Deflection (Kg) = 0.3 X Deflection (Kg) = 0.3 X Deflection
Load (mm) Load (mm) Load (mm)
(Kg m) (Kg m) (Kg m)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33.6 10.08 4 8 2.4 3 8.8 2.64 2.75
72.8 21.84 9.75 30.4 9.12 8 24 7.2 7
121.6 36.48 14.5 48 14.4 10.5 44.8 13.44 10.75
150.4 45.12 16.25 97.6 29.28 14.5 59.2 17.76 12.75
224 67.2 18.75 137.6 41.28 17.75 72 21.6 16.25
264 79.2 25 204 61.2 22 88 26.4 19.5
304 91.2 34.75 248 74.4 26.5 94.4 28.32 22.75
328 98.4 57.25 338 101.4 34.75 113.6 34.08 25.75
362 108.6 60 362 108.6 39.25 134.4 40.32 29.5
469.33 140.799 65.25 400 120 43.5 153.6 46.08 33.5
- - - 454.4 136.32 49.5 212 63.6 39.5
- - - 477.87 143.361 56 272 81.6 43.5
- - - 490.67 147.201 63.75 372 111.6 48.5
- - - 539.73 161.919 71 535.47 160.641 56.5
- - - - - - 692.9 207.87 63.25
- - - - - - 709.3 212.79 75.5

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 80 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Final Result Table :-

Beam Size Point Moment of Inertia in Fck in Ec of Concrete in Torque Hoz. Ver.
Specimen (Width x Depth x loads mm4 MPa Mpa= Deflection Deflection
Length) in mm 5000√Fck
Series-I PLS – 1 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 40.13 31674.12 - - -
PLS – 2 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 40.13 31674.12 - - -
PLS – 3 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 40.13 31674.12 - - -
Series-II PLD – 1 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 40.13 31674.12 - - -
PLD – 2 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 40.13 31674.12 - - -
PLD – 3 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 40.13 31674.12 - - -
Series-III SFS – 1 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
SFS – 2 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
SFS – 3 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
Series-IV SFD – 1 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
SFD – 2 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
SFD – 3 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
Series-V SFT – 1 140x140x1500 Torsion 32013333 50.43 35507.04 150 37.5 51
SFT – 2 140x140x1500 Torsion 32013333 50.43 35507.04 163.2 20 63.75
SFT – 3 140x140x1500 Torsion 32013333 50.43 35507.04 153.6 27.25 65.5
Series-VI SFP – S – 1 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
SFP – S – 2 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
SFP – S – 3 140x140x1500 Single 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
Series-VII SFP – D – 1 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
SFP – D – 2 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
SFP – D – 3 140x140x1500 Double 32013333 50.43 35507.04 - - -
Series- SFP – T – 1 140x140x1500 Torsion 32013333 50.43 35507.04 140.799 51.25 65.25
VIII SFP - T - 2 140x140x1500 Torsion 32013333 50.43 35507.04 161.919 61 71
SFP – T -3 140x140x1500 Torsion 32013333 50.43 35507.04 212.79 67 75.5

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 81 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

Beam Experimental Analytical


Series Strength in (N) Avg. strength in (N) Flexural strength in MPa Deflection in mm Avg. deflection Strength in (N) Flexural strength in MPa Deflection
in mm in mm
Series-I PLS – 1 5000 1.36
PLS – 2 5000 5333.33 7.65E-06 1.28 1.35 5333.33 4.56 0.36
PLS – 3 6000 1.41
Series-II PLD – 1 9000 1.05
PLD – 2 9000 9000 1.05E-05 1.06 1.053 9000 6.75 0.66
PLD – 3 9000 1.05
Series-III SFS – 1 6000 1.06
SFS – 2 7000 6333.33 9.09E-06 1.1 1.10 6333.33 5.38 0.45
SFS – 3 6000 1.15
Series-IV SFD – 1 10000 0.82
SFD – 2 10000 1.16E-05 0.8 0.8 10000 7.48 1.46
SFD – 3 10000 0.78
Series-V SFT – 1 5000 51
SFT – 2 5440 - 63.75 60.08 5186.67 - -
SFT – 3 5120 65.5
Series-VI SFP – S – 1 5600 45.25
SFP – S – 2 5546.7 5848.9 8.39E-06 50.25 47.83 5848.9 4.98 0.41
SFP – S – 3 6400 48
Series-VII SFP – D – 1 7175 73.5
SFP – D – 2 7790 8405 67 68.83 8405
SFP – D – 3 10250 66 6.31 1.23
Series-VIII SFP – T – 1 4693.3 65.25
SFP - T - 2 5397.3 71 5727.87 - -
5727.87 - 70.58
SFP – T -3 7093 75.5

The purpose of this research project is to study the behaviour of Prestressed Steel Fiber Concrete
(PSFC) beams under shear, bending and torsion. The following conclusions were made from this
1. From above discussion it is conclude that, shear strength and Torsional strength are improved by
addition of fibers irrespective of fiber type and aspect ratio. There is marginal improvement in
torsion and shear strength of concrete with change in aspect ratio.
2. Based on the flexural test results of small beam specimens, the recommended maximum Dosage
of Dramix steel fibers to be used in full-scale PSFC beams considering strength and good
workability of concrete mix is as below:
Dramix Long Fibers - Dosage of 1.0% by volume of concrete
3. Torsional concrete beams strengthened with fiber reinforced concrete exhibited significant
increase in their cracking and ultimate strength as well as ultimate twist deformations.
4. PSFC beam tests showed that the tensile stiffness and concrete softening characteristics of PSFC
improves with an increased Fiber-Factor.
5. The results obtained from deflection curve, it is find that, the deflection of the middle section of
the beam is very high and that’s why Every time there is a failure occurs at the center of the
beam. This failure is torsion shear failure forms.
So, it is conclude that, the without reinforcement beam is very weak. As we added the
steel fiber the strength of beam at the meddle increases and prestressed concrete beam is getting very
high ultimate strength and twisting strength with compare to plain beam.
6. From the last result table, it is observed that experimental deflection is much higher than the
analytical deflection that was calculated.

Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 82 | Page

JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320–334X
PP 68-83

7. The flexural behaviour of PSFC beams was critically examined by full-scale tests on three beams
flexural-shear failure modes.
8. From the experimental results of three PSFC beams, steel fibers were found very effective in
resisting the deflection and mild steel shear reinforcement can be completely replaced with steel
9. From the test results of all three PSFC beams it was found that 1% by volume of Dramix short
steel fibers was an optimum dosage in prestress concrete beams as shear and torsion
10. Using the constitutive laws of PSFC established in this research, an analytical model was
developed and implemented in a finite element program framework (Open Sees) to simulate the
shear behaviour of the PSFC beams. Using this computer program, the load-deflection curves of
all the beams are simulated with acceptable accuracy.
11. Addition of steel fibers in concrete increased the load carrying capacity, ductility and energy
absorption capability (i.e. flexural toughness) of the beam.
12. An increase of 30% to 120% was observed in the ultimate flexural capacities of beam
specimens, when steel fiber content was increased from 0.5% to 1.5% by volume of concrete.
13. In the beam specimens with 0.5% dosage of Dramix fibers, an increase in the fiber Length (i.e.
from short to long fibers) attributed to a significant increase (of about 30%) in the flexural
toughness values. The beneficial effect of fiber length on flexural toughness became less
significant at higher dosage of steel fibers in the beam Specimens.

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JSPM’S Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India

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