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Brachytherapy applicators have come a long way since Danlos developed early intracavitary applicators to treat cervical cancer patients.
Therefore, this review will help in the neoteric designs of intracavitary applicators. A detailed literature survey of the gynecological brachytherapy
applicators from the era of preloading to conceptual intensity‑modulated brachytherapy applicators has been carried out. Depending on the
extent of the disease and patient anatomy, the selection of brachytherapy applicators plays a pivotal role in the treatment of cervical cancer.
Furthermore, the selection of the applicators is also based on the imaging modalities to be used for applicator reconstruction and treatment
planning. Dose acceleration in the target and reduction in nearby organs at risk can be optimized using an applicator having the capabilities
of intensity‑modulated brachytherapy. Now, three‑dimensional printed applicators are used for patient‑specific tailor‑made treatment and
they are fast replacing the old conventional applicators. Newer advancements in technology have greatly influenced the neoteric designs of
intracavitary brachytherapy applicators.
Keywords: Brachytherapy applicator, brachytherapy device, cervical cancer brachytherapy, gynecologic brachytherapy, three‑dimensional
Received on: 29‑04‑2021 Review completed on: 07-08-2021 Accepted on: 19‑09‑2021 Published on: 31.12.2021
DOI: How to cite this article: Mourya A, Aggarwal LM, Choudhary S. Evolution
10.4103/jmp.jmp_62_21 of brachytherapy applicators for the treatment of cervical cancer. J Med
Phys 2021;46:231-43.
His applicator resembled an inverted umbrella with an was fixed. Vaginal applicators were connected with a flexible
intrauterine stem screwed into the concave inner center of the spring having a rubber coating. Uterus and vaginal applicators
vaginal portion. The stem and the concavity were painted with were not fixed together. In this method, dose prescription was
the radioactive varnish and the whole applicator was covered in terms of mg‑hr, therefore, there was a lack of information
with a sheath of lead for filtration.[9] about the actual dose to the tumor and the organs at risk (OAR).
However, the actual dose was later found to be 6,150 roentgen
These primary practices recognized the use of ionizing
at Manchester Point A.[21]
radiation in medicine and clinicians established their own rules
for the treatment of cervical cancer. The treatment given by
different clinicians was not the same; therefore, Stockholm, Manchester System
Paris, and Manchester Systems were evolved. All these systems Tod and Meredith developed the Manchester system in 1938
have their own applicator design, set of rules for activity and introduced Point A for dose prescription. Initially, Point A
distribution, and dose prescription. was defined as a point 2 cm lateral to the central canal of the
uterus and 2 cm up from the mucus membrane of the lateral
Stockholm System fornix, in the axis of the uterus.[21]
Stockholm system appeared in 1910 and was modified During the era of X‑ray radiographs, dose calculations
subsequently.[10‑12] It consisted of an intrauterine tube and were done with the help of radiographs and localization of
vaginal box applicator made up of rubber and silver/gold. Point A was difficult because the surface of the ovoids was
Intrauterine and vaginal applicators were not connected to not visible. Therefore, they revised this system in 1953 to
each other [Supplementary Figure 2]. A semifixed geometry locate Point A from 2 cm up from the flange or lowest most
combination of both applicators was used during the source of intrauterine tandem and 2 cm lateral from the
intracavitary application with help of gauze packing.[13] The central canal.[22]
vaginal applicator was held against the cervix and lateral fornix In this system, the intrauterine applicator made up of thin
by gauze packing to reduce the rectum and bladder doses. rubber or plastic hollow tubes with the superior end closed
For the treatment of cervical cancer, both applicators were and flange present at the lower end. It was available in three
loaded with radium‑226 (226Ra).[14] The intrauterine rubber lengths 2 cm, 4 cm, and 6 cm, which was used depending
tube and vaginal boxes were preloaded with 30–90 mg and upon the length of the uterus[23] [Supplementary Figure 4].
60–80 mg radium‑226 radioactive sources of solid linear tubes. Different intrauterine tube lengths were meant for one, two,
Unequal loading of the source was done in the intrauterine tube or three radium tubes.
and vaginal sources. Total mg‑hrs usually ranged from 6500 The vaginal applicators were called ovoids, made up of hard
to 7100 mg‑hr, out of which 4500 mg‑hrs was approximately rubber or plastic with different varying diameters called
in the vagina. The modified Stockholm method used a larger small, medium, and large ovoids. The ovoids were placed at
amount of radium to reduce the treatment time to 10–18 h for each lateral vaginal fornix at the level of the cervix and tied
each treatment.[15] This loose and flexible applicator had the by thread with the help of a rubber spacer or a washer to fix
advantage of easy insertion into the cervix but at the same time them snuggly. A washer was used for intermediate vaginal size
had the possibility of slippage and a change in geometry after and a spacer with large ovoids was used for large size vagina.
insertion. These applicators were preloaded with radioactive
sources; therefore, it was hazardous to handle them. The Manchester applicators were designed in such a way
that Point A received the same dose rate irrespective of the
intrauterine tube and ovoid combination. Therefore, this system
Paris Method and applicators became more popular than previously available
Regaud and its associate at the Institute of Radium Paris applicators. This system also formed the basis of the modern
developed the Paris Method in 1919. [16,17] It consists intracavitary brachytherapy application and dose specification
of two cork colpostat, connected by a transverse metal methods. However, the definition of Point A has been revised
spring and positioned in lateral fornix perpendicular to the with the change in the design of the applicators and techniques.
intrauterine tube.[18] A hollow rubber elastic tube was used Due to this, the comparison of clinical data between different
in the uterine cavity. The intrauterine tube contained three brachytherapy centers became difficult.
sources in the ratio of 1:1:0.5 i.e. 13.33:13.33:6.66 mg
Applicators used in Stockholm, Paris, and Manchester systems
of radium‑226 [Supplementary Figure 3]. Two colpostat
were not fixed to each other. Therefore, applicator geometry
intravaginal cylindrical applicators were loaded with equal
used to change due to the slipping of applicators after insertion
amount (13.33 mg) of two Radium-226 sources.[19,20]
which resulted in the change of spatial dose distribution. All
An equal amount of radium‑226 source was used in the uterus these systems used preloaded Radium applicators which
and vaginal applicator. The treatment used to be completed were hazardous to staff. The treatment time was also longer
in a single fraction to deliver a dose of 7200–8000 mg‑hrs. because of the low dose rate. To overcome these limitations,
The product of source mass and duration in units of mg‑h the development of rigid and fixed geometry preloaded and
This applicator has different lengths (20, 40, 60 mm) and known as Creteil Method. In the Creteil method, the length of
angles (30°, 45°, 60°) of the intrauterine tube. each vaginal source was 0.8 times the diameter of the cervical
impression [Supplementary Figure 8b]. The radioactive
The ring remained perpendicular to the tandem and having
sources in the vagina were positioned circumferentially at
predictable geometry because the tandem was fixed in the
7 mm from the left and right external lateral walls of the mold.
center of the ring.[39] Acrylic caps cover over the metallic ring
The sources were not loaded in the anterior and posterior region
tube used to reduce the dose to the vaginal mucosa. The ring
to minimize the dose to the bladder and rectum. At the level
applicator is ideal for patients with shallow lateral fornices,
of the vaginal sources, clinicians select the reference isodose
partial or complete loss of the vaginal fornix. The flange is not
to prescribe the dose at 7 mm from the surface of the mold,
used in the ring applicator. The tandem‑ring applicator provides
and 7 mm from the extremity of the intrauterine radioactive
a pear and banana‑shaped isodose distribution in coronal and
source [Supplementary Figure 8c]. Two lead beads are placed
sagittal view that is similar to a tandem‑ovoid applicator.
in the mold, one anterior and the other posterior to the external
The radioactive sources loaded in the ring of the tandem‑ring os. The cervical dose is calculated at the level of these lead
applicator simulates the nearly same dose distribution as sources beads.
loaded in the two ovoids of the tandem‑ovoid applicator. The
The mold applicator delivers personalized tailored treatment,
ring substitutes two ovoids of the tandem‑ovoid applicator.[40]
the vaginal packing is not required, and insertion of the
Insertion of ring applicator is difficult as compared to ovoids
applicator is without anesthesia. The limitation is that one
and especially in a patient with a narrow vagina.[41] The ring has
applicator cannot be used for another patient.
a fixed size inside the patient whereas the separation between
two ovoids can be varied to modify the dose distribution.
Amersham Gynecological Applicator
Mold Applicator Amersham International introduced the Cesium‑137 manual
afterloading system in 1978 and its design was inspired by
Mold technique for intracavitary developed in 1966 at the
the Manchester system applicator.[44,45] It consists of central
Institut Gustave Roussy in Villejuif Cedex, France.[39,42,43] In
tandem, ovoids (fixed to vaginal tandems), flange, washers,
this technique, individualized applicators are designed to adapt
and spacer. These disposable applicators are made up of
to the patient’s anatomy. It consists of a tandem for the uterus
semi‑flexible plastic material [Supplementary Figure 9]. The
and mold for the vaginal part. To prepare the vaginal mold, a
biggest advantage of these applicators was that they could be
thin strip of gauge piece is inserted up to the vaginal fornices
adjusted as per the anatomy of the patient. These applicators
and then an Alginate compound is poured into the vagina.
were inexpensive, sterilized, and disposable. However, they
The Alginate compound becomes rigid after few minutes and
have the problem of rotation inside the patient after insertion.
an impression of a vagina is created. The vaginal mold takes
the impression of the tumor, vagina, and cervix. This vaginal
impression is immersed in liquid plaster. When it dries, the High Dose Rate Applicators
solid plaster is split into two parts and the vaginal impression is The miniature size of the iridium‑192 source facilitated the
removed. The internal surface of the two split parts is covered reduction of the tandem diameter to 3 mm as compared to
with separating varnish. The acrylic applicator is made by 6 mm in the case of the LDR applicator. The smaller diameter
pouring auto‑polymerized synthetic resins (e. g. Palapress). applicator is easy to insert and causes less discomfort to the
When this resin dries, the two plaster pieces are removed and patient. Therefore, many HDR applicators with less diameter
the mold is ready to make the intracavitary applicator. were developed such as tandem and ovoid/Ring, mold
applicator, etc.
The planned locations of the vaginal catheters are drawn on
the surface of the mold, considering the target volume and
patient anatomy. Two plastic vaginal catheters are fixed and Intracavitary‑Interstitial Brachytherapy
immobilized on the internal surface of the molded applicator. Applicators
A hole at the level of the cervical os is made through which
Conventional intracavitary applicators alone are not suitable
the intrauterine catheter is passed.
to deliver adequate dose to the large tumors in the region of
Multiple holes made on the surface of the mold keep it parametrium and lower vagina without crossing the tolerance
immobilized and adhere to the mucosal membrane of the doses of OARs (organs at risk). Therefore, IC‑ISBT applicators
vaginal wall. The holes also help in the circulation of the fluids were developed to give an adequate dose to the bulky
used for vaginal irrigation. Additional holes are drilled at the infiltrative disease, asymmetric tumor growth, and vaginal
distal extremity of the mold for suturing purposes. Radioactive spread.[46,47]
sources are placed through vaginal catheters and intrauterine
Prefabricated perineal templates are also available through
tandem [Supplementary Figure 8a].
which needles are inserted inside the tumor for the treatment
The plastic catheters in vaginal fornices are either parallel of advanced diseases or distorted anatomy. The template allows
or circumferential. If sources are circumferential then it is the insertion of a needle across the entire perineum through a
perforated template and shapes the isodose to encompass the of the MUPIT applicator, Benidorm Template was developed
tumor volume and spare the OAR. with MR compatible titanium needles.[50]
Commonly used early IC‑ISBT applicator for gynecological
interstitial implantation are the Syed‑Neblett template and the Syed‑Neblett Gynecological Template
Martinez Universal Perineal Interstitial Template (MUPIT). A. M. Nisar Syed and David Neblett introduced initially
Modern IC‑ISBT applicator are Utrecht, Vienna, Split Ring, a butterfly‑shaped template for interstitial gynecological
Venezia, Geneva etc. brachytherapy.[51] It consists of two thick lucite plates which are
joined each other by Allen head screws. On the plate, one large
Martinez Universal Perineal Interstitial and several small holes are grooved. Small holes are grooved
in five concentric circles, one on the periphery of the vaginal
Template obturator and the other four on the template.[52]
MUPIT was developed for a multi‑site single template for
A large hole is for the insertion of the plastic vaginal obturator
an intracavitary‑interstitial applicator having an Octagon
having 2 cm diameter and 15 cm length and it can accommodate
shape. Initially, it consisted of a flat template, cover
interstitial needles (Syed‑Neblett Gyn Template, Best Medical
plate, and obturators made up of acrylic material having
International, Virginia, USA) [Supplementary Figure 10e].
multiple holes. However, currently, it is made up of
Inside the vaginal obturator, a hole is present for the insertion
polyphenyl sulfone (PPSU) (MUPIT, Elekta AB, Stockholm,
of the intrauterine tandem. The intrauterine tandem is fixed
Sweden) [Supplementary Figure 10a-d].[48]
to the vaginal guide by tightening a screw. In this template,
Three large holes are located along the vertical central axis of the conventional intravaginal ovoids are replaced with interstitial
template for the passage of Foleys catheter (upper one), vaginal needles, which are implanted through paravaginal and
obturator (middle one), and rectum obturator (lowermost). The parametrial tissue. This template is available with 15 or 17
size of the rectal and vaginal obturators is the same (13 cm in gauge stainless needles. Small doughnuts shaped rubber
length and 2.5 cm in diameter). There are holes in the four O‑rings are placed surrounding the guide needle holes to
corners of the template to suture it to the patient. immobilize the needles. Rubber O‑rings are flattened when the
There are multiple holes (guide holes) in the template at a Allen head screws in the lucite plates are tightened.[53]
1.25 cm distance from each other for the insertion of the trocar In another technique, the steel needles are lubricated by dipping
needles for transperineal insertion. The even and odd horizontal in alcohol and inserted in the guide holes of the template. After
row consists of two different angles for guide holes. In odd a few minutes of insertion, the alcohol evaporates and the
horizontal rows, guide holes are perpendicular to the template needles get fixed at their respective position due to friction.
used for straight placement of the needles, which allows a
The use of this template is easy as compare to MUPIT but it
volume extending 4 cm to either side of the midplane.
does not have the provision of oblique needles. Therefore,
Even horizontal rows, guide holes are 13° laterally outward the tumor coverage is limited as compare to MUPIT.
oblique angle to the template allows wider volume coverage Patients with locally advanced cervical cancer unsuitable
of parametrial or pararectal tissue with the prevention of for conventional ICBT can be treated with ISBT using these
ischium perforation during procedure. Even rows having perineal templates.[54,55]
oblique needles allow a volume extending 7 cm to either side
of the midplane. Computed Tomography/Magnetic Resonance
The vaginal obturator [Supplementary Figure 10c] is used to Compatible Applicators
treat the vaginal surface, and it can be loaded with stainless
Image‑guided brachytherapy is becoming popular for the
steel needles to encompass disease from the fornix to the
treatment of cervical cancer and treatment planning is done
introitus. In case of intact uterus, both intrauuterine tandem
on the images obtained with computed tomography (CT)
and interstitial needles along with vaginal obturator are used
and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Therefore, the
to deliver high dose to the cervix.
requirement for CT/MR compatible brachytherapy applicators
The tumor coverage is better with MUPIT and it avoids has increased. However, metallic applicators and inbuilt shields
a central low dose area, in cases where an intrauterine inside the ovoids generate streak artifacts on CT images. Image
tandem applicator cannot be inserted because of fibrosis or quality is also deteriorated due to beam hardening and photon
advanced‑stage disease. starvation. Reconstruction of applicator and contouring of
structures on deteriorated images affect the quality of planning.
However, the delineation of OAR and CTV during the planning
becomes difficult as CT images have artifacts due to metallic To address the issue of streak artifacts in CT images, some
needles.[49] The length of the stainless steel trocar needles is authors used applicators made up of low atomic‑number
only 20 cm that limits its ability to reach beyond the cervix and materials as it minimizes photoelectric interactions and the
needles are not MRI compatible. To overcome these limitations subsequent sudden attenuation discontinuity at the tissue/
applicator interface. Therefore, FSD applicators were in T2W images produced by metal fiducial markers and
constructed using acrylic material with afterloaded shields.[56] blooming artifacts in proton density weighted (PDW)
Distortion in acquired CT images happened when the metal images.[5,65] The artifacts from titanium applicators improve at
components of ovoids interfere with 3D‑imaging modalities. the tip of the tandem and its source–pathway reconstruction
The shielded applicator overcome these issues by incorporated when T1‑weighted MR images are used with minimal slice
removable shielding in the ovoids. thickness.[64]
For CT compatible applicator, Week’s et al. made tandem and Modern CT/MR Applicators use strong composite fiber tubing
ovoids of black anodized aluminum and the handles were of and plastic to avoid image distortion in CT and MR images. The
stainless steel.[57] The external dimensions of the ovoids were applicator‑modeling module available in the treatment planning
the same as those of mini Delclos ovoids. To avoid the artifacts system is used to reconstruct the applicator as per its actual
from tungsten shielding in the ovoids, the CT scan of the dimensions. Catheters containing copper sulphate (CuSO4)
patients were taken without shielding material. are clearly visible in plastic applicators on T1W and T2W MR
Images. Phantom study on MR and CT images of the titanium
The use of low Z (atomic number) material to design a uterine
applicator/needles help to evaluate the applicator geometry
tandem becomes difficult because these materials are not as
relative to the artifact pattern generated on MR images.[66]
strong as high atomic numbers metals. Therefore, material like
Modern designs of Henschke [Figure 1a], Ring [Figure 1b],
PPSU or Epoxy Polyvinyl ester polyester glass fiber is used
and Fletcher applicators are now compatible with miniature
for CT/MRI compatible applicator that makes the intrauterine
HDR sources as compared to LDR sources. The modern
tube of less diameter (4 mm) in proximal portion for the HDR
Fletcher [Figure 1c], Fletcher Shielded (Elekta AB, Stockholm,
Sweden) [Figure 1d], and Ring applicators (Elekta AB,
Modified values of CT window and level were used in standard Stockholm, Sweden) [Figure 1e], are made CT/MRI compatible
shielded FSD applicators, to reduce the appearance of the by changing using the appropriate material. Other Advance
artifact on the CT image for delineation of the bladder and gynecological applicators are Vienna Applicator (Elekta
rectum boundaries with respect to implanted applicator.[58] AB, Stockholm, Sweden), Vienna II Applicator,[67] Utrecht
Metal artifact reduction (MAR) algorithm based on Projection Applicator (Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden), Split Ring
interpolation methods and hybrid approaches were used to Applicator (Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG, Berlin, Germany),
minimize the metal artifacts produced by the applicator.[59,60] MAC (Mick‑Alektiar‑Cohen) Applicator (Eckert & Ziegler
BEBIG, Berlin, Germany), Venezia Applicator (Elekta
The image based CT planning complemented with MRI
AB, Stockholm, Sweden), Geneva Applicator (Elekta AB,
has benefited over a CT‑only methodology.[61] As the use
Stockholm, Sweden), Ring Tulip Applicator (Eckert & Ziegler
of MRI‑assisted brachytherapy has improved local control
BEBIG, Berlin, Germany), and 3D printed applicators.
and overall survival.[62] However, CT and MRI compatible
Brief details of various Gynecological Applicators shown in
applicators with the absence of ferromagnetic materials are
Supplementary Table 1.
required for imaging. Therefore, applicators made up of
graphite, plastics, titanium, etc., are used.
Vienna Applicator
Applicator reconstruction of titanium applicators is more
challenging than that of plastic applicators due to artifacts. The Vienna applicator is a modified form of ring applicator
having multiple holes in the ring tube to implant needles
The size and appearance of the artifacts in MR images also
parallel to the intrauterine tandem and the circular ring is fixed
depend upon the magnetic field strength, the orientation of the
to the cervix through the tandem. The holes in the ring of the
metal applicator relative to the main magnetic field, magnetic
Vienna applicator have a 2 mm diameter, which is at a distance
susceptibility, and the pulse sequence parameters.[63] The
of 2 mm from the surface of the outer ring. The number of
shields in the ovoids create magnetic susceptibility artifacts due
holes for the needles increases with an increase in the diameter
to perturbations in the homogeneity of the applied magnetic
of the ring [Figure 1f].
field, resulting in image distortion. The susceptibility artifacts
caused by the titanium metallic tandem can be substantial There are nine holes in 30 mm and 34 mm diameter ring
with spin‑echo sequences with short echo times.[64] Bloom whereas six holes are there in 26 mm diameter ring The Outer
or ballooning artifacts at the tip of the tandem applicator diameters of the rings are 42.5 mm, 46.5 mm, and 38.5 mm
may introduce geometric uncertainties in the applicator respectively. Titanium needles of 20–24 cm length are used
reconstruction. In addition, the diameter of an applicator may for the interstitial implant with these templates. The tip of
appear 2 times larger than its original diameter. the needle is placed 5 mm or more above the tumor because
the needle tip is blind up to 5 mm and the radioactive source
The Orthopedic metal artifacts reduction (O‑MAR) sequence
cannot be placed there.[68]
with view angle tilt (VAT) and slice encoding for metal
artifacts reduction sequence (SEMAC) is used to improve With the help of interstitial needles in the Vienna applicator,
the delineation of the titanium brachytherapy applicator in asymmetric changes in the isodose distribution can be made
MR images. O‑MAR also minimizes susceptibility artifacts for better dose conformity depending upon the location of the
disease. Patients treated with this applicator show better dose split ring. Each cap contains 10 equally spaced holes in the
distribution in target while limiting the dose to OARs (bladder inner and outer ring through which the interstitial needles
and rectum).[69] However, if the tumor is extended to lateral are inserted to cover the large tumors [Figure 1i]. It has the
parametrium then it is difficult to cover it with this applicator advantages of a ring applicator as well as ovoids. The ring is
because interstitial needles are parallel to intra‑uterine tandem. split into two, therefore insertion is easy and space between
This problem has been addressed in the Vienna‑II applicator. two halves of the ring can be increased to modify the dose
The modified form of the Vienna‑1 applicator is called the distribution.
Vienna‑II applicator and it has an additional cap, which is
fixed below the vaginal ring [Figure 1g]. This cap allows the Mick‑Alektiar‑Cohen Applicator
insertion of interstitial needles into the distal parametrium/ MAC applicator design consists of a vaginal cylinder,
lateral pelvic wall in an oblique direction of 20° angles relative intrauterine tandem, and template for the insertion of the
to the tandem for appropriate dose coverage.[67] interstitial needle. It has holes in the concentric circles
As compared to MUPIT trocar needles, the round point‑shaped for the placement of the needles in a straight and oblique
needles are used in the Vienna applicator to minimize tissue direction [Figure 1j] to treat disease in the region of the cervix,
damage and discomfort to the patient. vagina, and parametrium.
a b c d e f g
h i j k l m
Figure 1: Modern computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging compatible applicator. (a) Henschke computed tomography compatible
applicator*. (b) Ring computed tomography compatible applicator*. (c) Fletcher computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging compatible
applicator*. (d) Fletcher shielded computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging compatible applicator*. (e) Ring computed tomography/magnetic
resonance imaging compatible applicator*. (f) Vienna applicator*. (g) Vienna II applicator.[67] (h) Utrecht applicator*. (i) Split ring applicator #.[72] (j) MAC
applicator #. (k) Venezia applicator*. (l) Geneva applicator*. (m) Ring tulip applicator #. *: Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden, #: Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG,
Berlin, Germany. Permission was obtained from Elekta, Eckert & Ziegler Bebig to reproduce the figures for publication.
a b c d
Figure 3: Dynamic IMBT (D‑IMBT) applicators design based on electronic sources. (a) S‑RSBT applicator design.[82] (b) D‑RSBT.[83] (c) P‑RSBT.[84] (d) H‑RSBT.[85]
IMBT: Intensity‑modulated brachytherapy, RSBT: Rotational shield brachytherapy, S‑RSBT: Single‑shielded RSBT, D‑RSBT: Dynamic RSBT, P‑RSBT:
Paddle RSBT, H‑RSBT: Multihelix RSBT
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a b c d
Supplementary Figure 2: Stockholm intracavitary brachytherapy
applicator. (a and b) Flat Box with preloaded radium sources for vagina
placement.[13] (c) Intrauterine tube capsules of radium with variable
length.[10] (d) Sagittal view of applicator preloaded with radium sources
in the intrauterine and vaginal box[10]
a b c d e f
Supplementary Figure 3: Paris system intracavitary applicator. (a) Radium‑226 source tubes. (b) Blind ended rubber tandem having three radium
sources (1:1:0.5) i.e. 13.33 mg, 13.33 mg, 6.66 mg of radium‑226 sources. (c) Metal sheath of vaginal colpostat. (d) Radium tube inside rubber
tandem. (e) Two Colpostat joined contain one 13.33 mg radium‑226 source in each.[18] (f) Coronal view of whole applicator assembly inside the patient[20]
a b c
Supplementary Figure 4: Represents the Manchester applicator. (a) Small,
medium, large sizes of tandems and ovoids. [23] (b) Washer and
spacer. (c) Manchester whole applicator assembly
Afterloading 1960
Fletcher-Suit (a) Stainless Steel-Rectangle Handle
Fletcher-Green (b) Stainless Steel-Round Handle
a b c
Supplementary Figure 7: Ring applicator. (a and b) Schematic
diagram of early ring applicator for cervitron II and remote afterloading
machine.[36,38] (c) Applicator with rectal retractor for nucletron machine[39]
a b c
Supplementary Figure 8: Institut gustave roussy applicator. (a) Creiteil
method (or Chassagne and Pierquin) applicator. (b and c) Schematic
diagram of source distribution in vaginal por tion catheter and
Supplementary Table 1: Brief details of various gynecological applicators
Era Applicator name Loading type Application Clinical usage Design
Manual Remote
1900-1952 Wickham applicator Yes No IC Cervix, endometrium T‑R
Stockholm applicator Yes No IC Cervix, endometrium T‑B
Paris applicator Yes No IC Cervix, endometrium T‑O
Manchester applicator Yes Yes* IC Cervix, endometrium T‑O
1953-2004 Fletcher Yes Yes* IC Cervix, endometrium T‑O with shield
Fletcher‑Suit Yes Yes* IC Cervix, endometrium T‑O with shield
Fletcher Suit delclos Yes Yes* IC Cervix, endometrium T‑O with shield
Henschke applicator No Yes IC Cervix, endometrium T‑O
Tandem‑ring applicator No Yes IC Cervix, endometrium T‑R
Mold applicator No Yes IC Cervix, endometrium, vagina T‑M
Amersham applicator No Yes IC Cervix, endometrium T‑O
MUPIT No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium, vagina, distal parametrium T‑C + TE with needle
Syed‑Neblett applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium, vagina, distal parametrium T‑C + TE with needle
Fletcher-shielded applicator No Yes IC Cervix, endometrium T‑O + S
2005 Vienna applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium T‑R + straight needles
onwards Vienna II applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium, distal parametrium T‑R + oblique needles
(hybrid Utrecht applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium T‑O + needle
Split ring applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium T‑R + needle
MAC applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium, vagina, distal parametrium T‑C + TE with needle
Venezia applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium, vagina, distal parametrium T‑R + TE with needle
Geneva applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium, distal parametrium T‑O + TE with needle
Tulip applicator No Yes IC + IS Cervix, endometrium, distal parametrium T + 3D print TE with needle
*Indicate modern design of applicator. IC: Intracavitary, IS: Interstitial, T‑O: Tandem and ovoid, T‑B: Tandem and box, T‑R: Tandem and ring, T‑M: Tandem
and mold, T‑C: Tandem and cylinder, TE: Template for needle insertion, T‑O+S: Tandem and shielded ovoid, MUPIT: Martinez Universal Perineal Interstitial
a b c d