Radiation Effects On Mosfets: Deepkumar R. Shah
Radiation Effects On Mosfets: Deepkumar R. Shah
Radiation Effects On Mosfets: Deepkumar R. Shah
Nh = f(Eox)g0Dtox (1)
B. Sub-Threshold Slope
close to, the Si/oxide interface [8]. Transconductance also can E. 1/f Noise
be reduced by increase in surface resistivity such as would be
caused in a MOSFET with Lightly Doped Drain (LDD) Flicker noise or 1/f noise increases because of TID. This is
regions intended to reduce hot carrier reliability effects. correlated to the presence of oxide trapped charges and
interface trapped charges in the oxides [8]. An increase in the
Radiation-induced trapped charge in the field/spacer oxide,
flicker noise is detrimental to the phase noise of high
used to fabricate the LDD region, has been found to deplete p-
frequency transceiver front-end circuits (e.g. mixers and VCOs
type LDDs, increasing the resistivity and causing degradation
i.e. Voltage Controlled Oscillators) as well as base band
in Transconductance without affecting the mobility (µ). communications applications such as data converters and
Transconductance affects the speed and output drive of the filters [10].
MOSFET. Any change in the value of gm affects the
performance of the transistor. Figures 4 and 5 show the change F. Gate Oxide Stability and Breakdown
in gm and peak value of gm due to TID.
We know that radiation induced trapped charges affect the
oxide leakage current but these charges also affect the
breakdown voltage of oxides. It has been observed that the
trapped charges increase the oxide leakage current and reduce
the oxide breakdown voltage. This occurs due to electron trap
assisted tunnelling for total dose irradiations greater than 1
Mrad (Si) [8].
G. Mobility
To sum up, it is very important to study radiation effects to
make reliable space electronics. Various properties of the
materials are varied in the space environment due to TID and
SEEs. To mitigate these effects, RHBP and RHBD are used
extensively for space applications.
Fig. 6. Variation in normalized mobility after 8 MeV electron
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