Entrepreneurial Test
Entrepreneurial Test
Entrepreneurial Test
This is a simple test that aims to get information about your qualities or traits as an individual as to give
you clues on your possible success in an entrepreneurial activity or related activity.
Put a check under the column that best describes you. Check High if you strongly agree with the
statement, Moderate if you fairly agree with the statement, and Low if you only slightly agree with the
statement. Take time to understand each statement will before you answer it. This way you are able to give an
answer that best describes you.
Score 3 points for High, 2 points for Moderate answers, and 1 point for Low answers. The highest score is 105
points and the lowest score is 70 points.
86+ points: You have strong qualities to be a successful career person or entrepreneur in the future.
61-85 points: You possess moderately strong qualities which can be a good start for an entrepreneurial
activity or any related job. Your qualities can be further strengthened through experiences and through
further readings, interacting with experts in your area, and doing observations of successful people in
35 – 60 points: There is always an opportunity to strengthen those qualities while you are in your
neophyte years of schooling. What is important is you are aware of those traits you need to strengthen
and have the determination to improve on them.