Minor Project (MCA-169) - MCA2022-24 - Format
Minor Project (MCA-169) - MCA2022-24 - Format
Minor Project (MCA-169) - MCA2022-24 - Format
1. Students of Semester I of MCA may select a project related to any of the subjects of
the current semester ie Semester I as an Elective. They are to carry out a software project
as part of curriculum. At the end of the semester the students are to submit a written
working project report to be forwarded to GGSIP University. The objective of this
Academic Circular is to standardize the format of submission of the project report and to
lay guidelines to conduct the project.
2. As per the syllabi of MCA (Paper No MCA-169), students have to submit a project
report comprising of 4 credits. The project report has two components, viz.
(a) External: Project (60 Marks), where a written report is to be submitted. It involves
external viva and presentation.
(b) Internal: Project (40 Marks), it includes continuous evaluation from idea generation
to final presentation.
3. It is partly the responsibility of the student to find a relevant topic for his/her project
and decide it in consultation with the concerned Faculty. The project work shall be an
application development in a language/platform that the student has learnt during the
previous semesters or is comfortable in. It shall be an in-house development. Each
student is required to carry out the independent work and submit the report
4. The project proposal should be about one/two page long and must be submitted in
writing to your respective guide. The format of the proposal is attached as Appendix-A.
All students are required to submit the proposal as per the schedule.
Final Report
5. The Guidelines for methodology to be adopted for conducting the project is attached as
Appendix-B. The format of the project report is attached as Appendix-C. All students
are to adhere to these guidelines.
2. Problem Definition:
Students are required to give brief description of the system that is proposed to be
computerized (e.g., in case of Speech Recognition System, your understanding of this
system must be explained in brief). In addition students are required to give the exact
outcome of the system. i.e., what/which part of the system is proposed to be
computerized in the time schedule and available expertise?
3. Objectives & Scope: Explain the objectives and the scope of the project.
4. Methodology:
(a) Explain the methodology for data collection.
(b) Explain the technique (s) & tools/platform proposed to be used for systems analysis,
design, testing and development of software.
5. Nature of Research: If you are writing the dissertation based on literature survey,
give details of literature to be surveyed. Explain whether the nature of research is
exploratory or original thought process is being pursued.
(a) Brief Description of the Organization: If the project work is being done
outside the Institute, describe the organization, its nature of business, products,
turnover, market position etc.
(b) General Description of the System under Study: Briefly explain how the
existing information system achieving the task, which is under study.
(i) Give justification, How & Why without the new system user
requirements cannot be fulfilled.
(ii) How will the proposed solution enhance the efficiency,
effectiveness, better control, security and achievement of
(e) Objectives of the Project: Keeping in view the user requirements and needs,
available time and expertise, lay down the objectives of the project. Clearly spell
out what is proposed to be done in the project.
(f) Methodology: SDLC, Structured Analysis & Design, Object Oriented Design
method or Prototype method. You may follow a mixed methodology and tools;
however, you should clearly mention the steps and tools and techniques that you
are going to follow in the current project with brief justification.
(g) Data Required & Data Collection Method: You should establish
requirement of data and methodology/technique of data collection, e.g., interview,
questionnaire, document analysis. If questionnaire is developed, attach a copy of
the questionnaire as appendix.
Chapter-2: Systems Requirement Analysis
2. In this chapter students are required to establish the user requirements by doing
the systems analysis of the existing system in vogue and by interacting with the
management/staff of the organisation. In every organisation a system does exist in some
rudimentary or manual form, if not computerised. The activities that are required to be
carried out and to be described in the project are:
(b) Identify the Input to and Output of each process, e.g., for Rail Reservation
System input is the form and output is a ticket.
(c) Identify the data elements (fields) in each input and output.
(e) Identify the controls (for I/O & access), security needs, validation rules and
codes used for data elements.
Having collected the data on the above aspects, analyse it and interact with the
management for any changes in process (es), input, output, procedures, access
and control rights, security needs and your suggestions for removing the
6. Interface Design:
(a) Output Design: Screen & Print layouts, i.e., the format and contents (fields)
to be included – along with the file to which it is linked.
(b) Input (Form or Screen) Design: For keying-in data. Give fields, format,
codes to be used, validation (error detection) requirements & the file to which it is
7. Database & File Design:
(b) Programme Files or Query Design: Give purpose and detailed working
of each programme file or a Query and link it to the processing logic and
(c) Compose Data Element Dictionary: List all the fields in all the files in
alphabetical order in a tabular form and serially numbered them.
(b) Testing & Debugging: Use Past Data to check whether the programmes
work as intended by
(ii) System Testing: Integrated module Testing for the entire system.
(You may like to include the test reports in the project to show the errors, if any, and
a write-up on their rectification).
(c) Validation: Check the system with Real-time Data for input, output,
computational processing & controls.
9. Attach programme codes, input and output designs and outputs using the real data
in this chapter. Codes may be attached as appendix.
Chapter-5: Systems Implementation
(a) Acquisition: Workout the memory requirement, disk space required for
programme (s) and database (s). List out HW, SW and people resources required
and indicate the cost of the system.
(d) Documentation:
1. The format for compilation of final report is given below:
(a) Title Page
(b) Certificate
(c) Acknowledgements
(d) Synopsis/Executive Summary
(e) Table of Contents
(f) List of Tables
(g) List of Figures
(h) List of Symbols
(j) Body of the Project Report
(k) References/Bibliography
(m) Appendices
Title Page
2. The format of the title page is attached as Annexure-I.
3. The format of the certificate is attached as Annexure-II. A certificate by the student,
guide and duly authenticated by the Director/HOD is to be attached.
4. In the “Acknowledgement” page, the writer recognizes his indebtedness for guidance
and assistance by the guide and other members of the faculty. Courtesy demands that
he/she also recognizes specific contributions by other persons or institutions such as
libraries and research foundations. Acknowledgements should be expressed simply,
tastefully, and tactfully duly signed above the name.
Synopsis/Executive Summary
5. A synopsis is a brief or condensed summary of the project for higher-level
management positions. It should be about 3-4 pages in length. It should comprise
problem definition, brief description of the system, objectives & scope of the project,
methodology and tools used, volume of work carried out, limitations, and directions for
future development, if any.
6. The format of ‘Table of Contents’ and list of Tables/Figures/Symbols is attached as
Body of the Project Report: Guidelines for Project Report Writing
7. The guidelines for the Body of the Project Report (methodology) are detailed in
Appendix-B. Following aspects must be adhered to:
(a) Page Size: Good quality white A4 size executive bond paper should be used for
typing and duplication.
(d) Page Numbers: All text pages starting from Body of the Project Report as well as
program source code listings should be numbered at the bottom center of the pages.
(f) Table and Figure Number: Table and figure numbers are to be written at the bottom
of the table/ figure as given below:
8. Examples are given below:
1. D.L. Carney, J.I. Cochran, “The 5ESS Switching System: Architectural Overview,”
AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 64, no. 6, July-August 1985, pp. 1339-1356.
2. A. Stevens, C++ Database Development, MIS Press, New York, 1992, p. 34.
3. J. Martin, Computer Database Organization, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
1977, p. 53.
4. Landsberger, J. (n.d.). Citing Websites. In Study Guides and Strategies. Retrieved May
13, 2005, from http://www.studygs.net/citation.htm.
1. The appendices are to be attached at the end of the report and to be numbered as
Appendix-A, Appendix-B etc right justified at the top of the page. Below the word
Appendix write in parenthesis “Refer Para No__”. The para number is to be the number
in the body of text where the reference of appendix is given. An appendix may have
annexure (s). If there are annexure, these are to be attached immediately after the said
appendix. The annexures are to be numbered as Annexure-I, Annexure-II etc.
Title of The Project Report
(Font size = 18)
organisation or of the Institute). The matter embodied in this project work has not
been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my
In the “Acknowledgements” page, the writer recognizes his indebtedness for guidance
and assistance of the thesis adviser and other members of the faculty. Courtesy demands
that he also recognise specific contributions by other persons or institutions such as
libraries and research foundations. Acknowledgements should be expressed simply,
tastefully, and tactfully duly singed above the name.
Student Name:
Student Roll No:
S No Topic Page No
1 Certificate (s) II
2 Acknowledgement III
3 Preface IV
4 Synopsis V
5 Chapter-1: Introduction
1.1 : Brief Description of the Organization
4.5: Class Diagram
Similar tables (as shown above for Contents) are to be drawn for List of Tables
and List of Figures on separate pages.
Symbols that are used in the body of the text are to be listed in tabular form as
given below: