PEk 3
PEk 3
PEk 3
Poly(arylene ether ketone)s are thermoplastic engi-
neering polymers possessing an excellent balance of
mechanical properties and flexible processing with
thermooxidative and chemical resistance.1 The most
utilized compositions employ p-phenylene units to im-
mer 4-fluoro-4′-hydroxybenzophenone (FHB). These
part semicrystallinity with high melting points. The
semicrystalline polymers require high temperatures to
well-known poly(ether ether ketone), PEEK, retains
maintain solubility in diphenyl sulfone4 or benzophe-
none,5 but more moderate conditions suffice for amor-
phous compositions.6 Alternatively, PEKK is polymer-
ized from mixtures of terephthaloyl and isophthaloyl
chlorides with diphenyl ether by Friedel-Crafts acyla-
tion, although linear polymer requires stoichiometric
aluminum chloride in both stages of a two-stage pro-
The solubility and stability of poly(arylene ether
melt processibility because the consecutive ether link- ketone)s in strong acids led to the attempted construc-
ages provide flexibility, while poly(ether ketone), PEK, tion of molecular composites using rigid-rod polymers.
possesses an excessively high melting point. The al- Although phase separation prevented true molecular
ternative poly(ether ketone ketone)s, PEKK, possess dispersions, amorphous matrix resins are hypothesized
lower melting points, despite the rigidity imparted by to prevent such behavior. An amorphous poly(arylene
the consecutive ketone linkages, because m-phenylene ether ketone) reported by Evers and co-workers to show
units are incorporated into their copolymers.2 Both promise for this application is poly(oxy-1,3-phenylen-
PEEK and PEKK are used as matrix resins in high- ecarbonyl-1,4-phenylene).8 Although the trivial name
performance composites. mPEK was used for this composition, it is known as
A principal issue for the preparation of poly(arylene isoPEK in our laboratory because it is the simplest
ether ketone)s is the harshness of the conditions. PEEK
and PEK, as well as many other compositions, are
polymerized by nucleophilic aromatic substitution (SN-
Ar) of fluoro-substituted benzophenones with aromatic
diols in the presence of inorganic bases,3 which proceeds
through the formation of Meisenheimer complexes due
to activation by the carbonyls (Scheme 1). PEEK is
prepared from the AA/BB comonomer system of hydro- isomer of PEK that possesses a well-ordered microstruc-
quinone and 4,4′-difluorobenzophenone (DFB), while ture of alternating m- and p-phenylene rings. A com-
PEK can be prepared from either the AA/BB system of panion composition, poly(oxy-1,3-phenylenecarbonyl-1,4-
4,4′-dihydroxybenzophenone and DFB, or the AB mono- phenyleneoxy-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl-1,4-phenylene),
reported herein is known as isoPEKEK.
X Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, September 1, IsoPEK was originally prepared from 3-phenoxyben-
1996. zoic acid following the procedure of Ueda and Sato;9
S0024-9297(96)00619-5 CCC: $12.00 © 1996 American Chemical Society
Macromolecules, Vol. 29, No. 20, 1996 IsoPEK and Related Polymers 6433
PEK was also prepared by Evers and co-workers from Table 1. NMR Chemical Shifts for Selected Nuclei of
4-phenoxybenzoic acid for comparison. These benzoic p-Fluorobenzophenones
acids are activated for polymerization via Friedel- 1H(CDCl3) 13C(CDCl3) 19F (DMSO-d6)
Crafts acylation in a medium of methanesulfonic acid compd ortho H para C para F
and phosphorus pentoxide. High molecular weights 4,3′FHB 7.85 165.53 -106.47
were only observed for isoPEK, based on solution DFB 7.82 165.27 -106.01
viscosity, although Ueda and Sato reported a higher FHB 7.80 165.24 -107.60
value for isoPEK. Although the 13C nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectrum of isoPEK10 showed that Monomer Reactivity. The reactivity of fluoro-
para acylation dominated the polymerization, low levels substituted monomers in SNAr polymerizations can be
of ortho acylation below the detection limit are always probed using NMR spectroscopy by correlating their
a possibility with Friedel-Crafts chemistry. chemical shifts with electron density.12 Theoretical
Evers and co-workers induced crystallinity in isoPEK studies verify the correlation of electron density with
by slowly cooling a melt to room temperature. Dif- reactivity and with 13C and 19F NMR chemical shifts.13
ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed a modest Table 1 shows the chemical shifts for the relevant 1H,
melting endotherm (Tm) at 304 °C with an enthalpy of 13C, and 19F nuclei of benzophenone monomers. The
fusion (Hf) of 26.5 J/g. X-ray diffraction confirmed that downfield chemical shifts for the nuclei of 4,3′FHB
isoPEK had the same unit cell as PEK. A solvent- indicate that it should display high reactivity. The 19F
induced endotherm at the glass transition temperature NMR chemical shift for DFB shows that its difluoro
(Tg) of 132 °C was due to a solvent adduct. The nuclei are more electrophilic than that of 4,3′FHB, but
mechanical properties of amorphous samples were the para-carbon and ortho-hydrogen chemical shifts
promising but fell short of the best matrix resins due indicate that this does not translate as effectively to
to the development of microvoids during mold shrink- their nuclei. Since 19F NMR is the most sensitive probe
age. These difficulties might be overcome by crystal- of SNAr reactivity, the initial rates of polymerization
linity or by a polymerization method that gives higher with DFB may be greater than those with 4,3′FHB.
molecular weights and eliminates the possibility for However, polymerizations employing DFB slow with
microstructural defects.
conversion and approach the rates of those using FHB,
The SNAr polymerization of isoPEK was investigated
as para-oxy bond formation in both results in the same
for the potential of higher molecular weights using a
end group.3
monomer that ensures a regular microstructure with
strict alternation of meta and para catenation. This Polymerization of IsoPEK. The SNAr polymeriza-
approach led to the preparation of copolymers with PEK tions of isoPEK from 4,3′FHB in common dipolar aprotic
and that of isoPEKEK as well. Our results are quite solvents are displayed in Table 2. The polymerizations
revealing as to the unique chemistry and properties of were monitored in their early phases by the consump-
these polymers and will be reported herein and in a tion of solid potassium carbonate and the intensity of
subsequent publication. the yellow-orange color for the potassium phenolate end
groups. The completion of polymerization was judged
Results by the increase in solution viscosity, the precipitation
Monomer Synthesis. The SNAr polymerization of of potassium fluoride, and the discharge of color, which
isoPEK requires 4-fluoro-3′-hydroxybenzophenone typically required only a few hours. The polymeriza-
(4,3′FHB), while isoPEKEK can be prepared from DFB tions were initially worked up by coagulating in water
and 3,4′-dihydroxybenzophenone (3,4′DHB). 4,3′FHB and washing with methanol.
was prepared following the method of Irwin for Although high molecular weights were attained, the
3,4′DHB.11 The Friedel-Crafts acylation of fluoroben- polymerizations were plagued by the formation of cy-
zene with m-hydroxybenzoic acid is activated by the clomers. This was first evident by gel permeation
strong acid medium of BF3/HF despite the lower reac- chromatography (GPC), which showed bimodal distribu-
tivity of carboxylic acids. tions with substantial low molecular weight fractions;
the GPC conditions were originally developed for PEEK,14
and the reported molecular weights and integrations are
uncorrected. For example, the polymer from N-meth-
ylpyrrolidone (NMP) and toluene at 200 °C (item 3)
contained 37% low molecular weight fraction, which was
shown by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry
(FAB MS) to consist of cyclomers from dimer to octamer
6434 Teasley and Hsiao Macromolecules, Vol. 29, No. 20, 1996
Figure 4. DSC thermogram of semicrystalline isoPEK. Figure 6. DSC thermogram of semicrystalline isoPEKEK.
meta-oxy groups derived from 4,3′FHB cannot enter unreacted potassium phenolate end groups, supports its
conjugation with the carbonyl group, which will increase role as well. It is also significant that the color faded
the electrophilicity of its para-fluoro group and the upon cooling to room temperature because phenolate
nucleophilicity of its phenolate anion. Such “bridge end groups were not observed in the prior PEK work.
effects” are well known for the SNAr polymerizations of This suggests a recombination of the phenolate end
poly(arylene ether sulfone)s, where the chloro-sulfone groups with the other end group species responsible for
analog of 4,3′FHB demonstrated a rate enhancement transetherification; our results point to the p-fluoroben-
factor of 60 over the same analog of FHB.17,18 zoyl end group. At lower temperatures, the yellow color
The nucleophilicities of the phenolate anion end completely discharges at the completion of polymeriza-
groups derived from 3,4′DHB should be affected by tion, and cyclomers are quite prevalent unless long
conjugation in a similar fashion. The meta-oxy anion reaction times are used, so transetherification is pre-
should be more nucleophilic than the para-oxy anion, sumably much slower under these conditions.
although the latter should be less than the para-oxy The ring-opening polymerization of isoPEK cyclomer
anion end group from FHB. Coupled with the electro- mixtures in the melt confirms the existence of transether-
philicity of DFB, the polymerization of isoPEKEK from ification. The required temperature was not much
3,4′DHB and DFB should show a high initial rate that higher than that for polymerization in NMP or NMC,
slows with conversion as the meta-oxy anion is con- even though the conditions were certainly less polar.
sumed preferentially, and DFB is converted to a less The residue of cyclic dimer suggests that its rate of ring-
reactive para-fluoro end group. Indeed, the polymeri- opening polymerization is slower than those of higher
zation of isoPEKEK gave very high molecular weight, cyclomers. Although this is probably a kinetic steric
although it did take longer than those of isoPEK and effect, one cannot strictly rule out a thermodynamic
the PEK/isoPEK copolymers to reach a viscosity plateau. mixture. The structure of cyclic dimer must retard the
Although 3,4′ catenation imparts high reactivity to rate of the nucleophilic attack by either fluoride catalyst
4,3′FHB and the isoPEK end groups, it also provides or phenolate end groups that leads to the formation of
more degrees of freedom for their conformational iso- the intermediate Meisenheimer complexes (Scheme 2).
mers. Together, they allow cyclization of the linear The steric interaction between the relevant hydrogens
oligomers to compete effectively with chain extension of the m- and p-phenylene rings forces the latter to
for enthalpic reasons. Cyclomer formation plagues the rotate out of conjugation with the ketone functions,
reaction in less than concentrated solutions and domi- which should slow the formation of the Meisenheimer
nates with only simple dilution. However, it can be complexes. Thus the 3,4′ catenation of the isoPEK
overcome by copolymerization with 4,4′-catenated FHB repeat unit favors the formation of cyclomers in dilute
and in the homopolymerization of isoPEKEK from solution yet still permits their ring-opening polymeri-
3,4′DHB and DFB. zation to high molecular weight polymer in the melt.
The polymerizations of isoPEK at higher tempera- Further work will be needed to exploit the potential of
tures, or for a longer time at a milder temperature, gave this chemistry.
lower levels of cyclomers, which shows that they are Although the strict alternation of meta and para
kinetic rather than thermodynamic products. Although catenation in isoPEK is enforced by its AB monomer,
an increase in temperature reduces the rate of cyclomer 4,3′FHB, this does not result in the desired thermal-
formation for entropic reasons, it must also accelerate induced crystallinity. The reasons for its absence and
the equilibration of the linear and cyclic oligomers via for the difference in the previously reported melting
transetherification. The transetherification of PEK is point and that observed here for solvent-induced crys-
catalyzed by potassium carbonate at >250 °C in diphe- tallinity are not clear with the available data. The Form
nyl sulfone,19 but the higher reactivity associated with 1 unit cell implied by Evers and co-workers may have
the isoPEK repeat unit, coupled with the more polar the higher melting point, while the mixed crystallinity
natures of NMP and NMC, may enable transetherifi- of the Form 1 and Form 2 unit cells may lead to the
cation at lower temperatures. In addition, our condi- lower temperature, although the linear dependence in
tions employed a slight excess of potassium carbonate, Tm for the isomorphic PEK/isoPEK system shown in
which could serve as catalyst. Moreover, the ring- Figure 8 supports the lower melting point for isoPEK.
opening polymerization of arylene ether cyclomers, SNAr polymerization ensures a regular microstructure,
which proceeds by transetherification, is catalyzed by while the Friedel-Crafts acylation previously employed
nucleophiles like cesium fluoride or the potassium salt for isoPEK can give structural isomers. The amorphous
of 4-hydroxybenzophenone,16 and our conditions have polymer of Ueda and Sato was of higher molecular
both potassium fluoride and potassium phenolate end weight than that crystallized by Evers and co-workers,
groups to serve this function. but only the former polymer was explicitly shown to
Although transetherification during solution polym- possess a regular microstructure. Since the polymers
erization was not explicitly shown, the persistent yellow prepared here have even higher molecular weights, it
color of the NMC solutions at 225 °C, which is due to is possible that this reduces their rate of crystallization
Macromolecules, Vol. 29, No. 20, 1996 IsoPEK and Related Polymers 6439
temperature of 106 °C, which continued for 100 min. The dark Synthesis of 65/35 PEK/IsoPEK Copolymer. FHB (2.81
yellow solution was then heated to 200 °C to drive off residual g, 13.0 mmol), 1.51 g of 4,3′FHB (7.00 mmol), 1.45 g of
toluene. Over the next 4 h, the solution lightened in color with potassium carbonate (10.5 mmol), and 12.5 mL of NMC were
the separation of a white precipitate to ultimately give a charged to a 50 mL round-bottom flask equipped with a three-
viscous brownish-green mixture. The solution was cooled, neck adapter, a mechanical stirrer, a gas inlet, and a gas outlet
acidified with 2 mL of acetic acid, and coagulated in water in connected to a bubbler. The vessel was purged with nitrogen,
a blender to give a fibrous mass. The polymer was collected and then the yellow solution was heated to 225 °C with an oil
by vacuum filtration, washed several times with water, bath under a slow nitrogen purge. The solution became orange
extracted with 150 mL of methanol at reflux for 4 h, collected as it evolved gas, consumed potassium carbonate, and formed
by vacuum filtration, and washed with methanol. The off- a fine white precipitate. After 3.7 h, the solution was very
white polymer was dried in a 50 °C vacuum oven under a viscous and orange-brown. The solution became extremely
nitrogen purge to give 3.84 g for a 98.0% yield. The ηinh was viscous as it cooled to room temperature, and the color
2.51 dL/g. A sample was washed with acetone, and the ηinh discharged to an off-white. The polymer was coagulated in
increased to 2.80 dL/g. FAB MS: m/z 393.3, 589.5, 785.6, 200 mL of acetone with 8 mL of acetic acid in a blender,
981.7, 1178.8, 1375.0, 1572.2; calcd (M + H for cyclic collected by vacuum filtration, and washed with acetone. It
(C13H8O2)n): 393.1 (dimer), 589.2 (trimer), 785.2 (tetramer), was washed with water in the blender to extract the inorganic
982.0 (pentamer), 1178.2 (hexamer), 1374.4 (heptamer), 1570.7 residues, collected by vacuum filtration, and washed with
(octamer). water. The off-white polymer was dried in a 70 °C vacuum
oven under a nitrogen purge to give 3.67 g for a 93.5% yield.
Synthesis of IsoPEK in NMC. 4,3′FHB (4.32 g, 20.0
The ηinh was 1.09 dL/g.
mmol), 1.45 g of potassium carbonate (10.5 mmol), and 9 mL
Synthesis of IsoPEK Cyclomers in DMSO. 4,3′FHB
of NMC were charged to a 50 mL round-bottom flask equipped
(4.32 g, 20.0 mmol), 1.45 g of potassium carbonate (10.5 mmol),
with a Claisen adapter, a mechanical stirrer, and a gas inlet.
and 200 mL of DMSO were charged to a 300 mL round-bottom
After purging with nitrogen, the yellow solution was heated
flask equipped with a large oval magnetic stirring bar, a
to 225 °C with an oil bath. Over a 4 h period, it darkened in
condenser, and a gas inlet. The vessel was purged with argon,
color and evolved gas during the consumption of potassium
and then the yellow solution was heated to 170 °C with an oil
carbonate. Then the color partly faded and the viscosity
bath. The solution darkened with the consumption of potas-
increased slightly with the separation of a white precipitate.
sium carbonate. After several hours, a white precipitate had
The solution increased in viscosity and the color discharged
separated from the dark solution. After 2 days, the mixture
to off-white as it cooled to room temperature. The polymer
was cooled and poured into water to give a suspension. Dark
was coagulated in 250 mL of acetone in a blender, collected
solids were collected by vacuum filtration, and the filtrate was
by vacuum filtration, and washed with acetone. It was washed
extracted with dichloromethane to leave a clear aqueous phase.
with water in the blender to extract the inorganic residues, The organic phase was evaporated to give dark solids. The
collected by vacuum filtration, and washed with water. The solids were combined by dissolving them in acetone, filtering
off-white polymer was dried in a 100 °C vacuum oven under a the solution, and evaporating to give 1.77 g for a 45.1% yield.
nitrogen purge to give 3.54 g for a 90.3% yield. The ηinh was A sample was dissolved in dichloromethane, filtered through
1.27 dL/g. 1H NMR (TCE-d2): δ 7.09 (2H, d, J ) 8.6 Hz), 7.32 silica gel with additional solvent, and evaporated to give an
(1H, d, J ) 7.6 Hz), 7.52 (1H, bs), 7.52 (1H, dd, J ) 7.6, 7.6 off-white solid. The ηinh was 0.06 dL/g. 1H NMR (CDCl3; major
Hz), 7.57 (1H, d, J ) 7.6 Hz), 7.84 (2H, d, J ) 8.6 Hz). 1H peaks for cyclic dimer): δ 6.331 (2H, dd, J ) 2.8, 1.6 Hz), 7.153
NMR (CDCl3): δ 7.059 (2H, AA′XX′, J ) 8.8, 2.8, 2.0 Hz), 7.288 (4H, AA′XX′, J ) 8.8, 2.4, 2.0 Hz), 7.414 (2H, ddd, J ) 8.0,
(1H, ddd, J ) 7.6, 1.8, 1.2 Hz), 7.494 (1H, dd, J ) 8.0, 7.6 Hz), 2.8, 1.0 Hz), 7.541 (4H, AA′XX′, J ) 8.8, 2.4, 2.0 Hz), 7.542
7.504 (1H, dd, J ) 1.6, 0.8), 7.569 (1H, ddd, J ) 7.6, 1.2, 1.2 (2H, dd, J ) 8.0, 7.6 Hz), 7.723 (2H, ddd, J ) 7.6, 1.6, 1.0 Hz).
Hz), 7.829 (2H, AA′XX′, J ) 8.8, 2.8, 2.0 Hz). 13C NMR 1H NMR (TCE-d ; major peaks for cyclic dimer): δ 6.320 (2H,
(CDCl3): δ 117.4 (2CH), 120.8 (CH), 123.6 (CH), 125.8 (CH), dd, J ) 2.4, 1.6 Hz), 7.184 (4H, AA′XX′, J ) 8.4, 2.4, 2.0 Hz),
129.9 (CH), 131.8 (C), 132.4 (2CH), 139.8 (C), 155.5 (C), 161.0 7.461 (2H, ddd, J ) 8.0, 2.4, 1.2 Hz), 7.549 (4H, AA′XX′, J )
(C), 194.0 (C).10 8.4, 2.4, 2.0 Hz), 7.584 (2H, dd, J ) 8.0, 7.6 Hz), 7.725 (2H,
Synthesis of IsoPEKEK. 3,4′DHB (2.142 g, 10.0 mmol), ddd, J ) 7.6, 1.6, 1.2 Hz). 13C NMR (TCE-d2; major peaks for
2.182 g of DFB (10.0 mmol), and 12 mL of NMC were charged cyclic dimer): δ 118.3 (2CH), 121.2 (4CH), 122.20 (2CH),
to a 50 mL round-bottom flask equipped with a three-neck 122.24 (2CH), 130.7 (2CH), 131.2 (4CH), 135.1 (C), 138.6 (2C),
adapter, a mechanical stirrer, a gas inlet, and a gas outlet 157.4 (2C), 157.9 (2C), 195.9 (2C). FAB MS: m/z 393.4, 589.5,
connected to a bubbler. The vessel was purged with nitrogen, 785.7; calcd (M + H for cyclic (C13H8O2)n): 393.1 (dimer), 589.2
and then 1.45 g of potassium carbonate (10.5 mmol) was added (trimer), 785.2 (tetramer).
under nitrogen. The flask was heated to 225 °C with an oil Ring-Opening Polymerization of IsoPEK Cyclomers.
bath under a slow nitrogen purge. The clear solution became Cesium fluoride (6 mg, 0.04 mmol) was dispersed in 400 mg
yellow at >200 °C and then orange after 30 min, with the of cyclomer mixture (2.0 mequiv of repeat unit) with 20 mL of
consumption of potassium carbonate and separation of a white methanol in a glass polymer tube. The solvent was evaporated
precipitate. After a total of 7 h, the solution was diminished under vacuum, and then the tube was immersed in a 200 °C
in color to light yellow and was very viscous. The solution metal alloy bath for 2 min before venting to nitrogen. The
became extremely viscous as it cooled to room temperature, heat was increased to 240 °C for 1 h, and then to 260 °C for 1
and the color discharged to off-white. The polymer was h. The initial melt was orange, but it darkened to brown as it
coagulated in 250 mL of acetone with 1 mL of acetic acid in a increased substantially in melt viscosity. The tube was cooled
blender, collected by vacuum filtration, and washed with to room temperature and shattered to isolate the tough
acetone. It was washed with water in the blender to extract polymer with an ηinh of 0.93 dL/g. The 1H NMR (TCE-d2)
the inorganic residues, collected by vacuum filtration, and spectrum showed isoPEK polymer and the resonance for cyclic
washed with water. The white polymer was extracted with dimer at δ 6.3. FAB MS: m/z 393.2; calcd (M + H for cyclic
water, then methanol, at reflux to remove any residues and dimer, (C13H8O2)2): 393.1.
dried in a 70 °C vacuum oven under a nitrogen purge to give
3.53 g for a 90.1% yield. The ηinh was 2.02 dL/g. 1H NMR Acknowledgment. Robert J. Trotman, Joseph P.
(TCE-d2): δ 7.11 (2H, dd, J ) 8.4, 3.6 Hz), 7.17 (4H, m), 7.34 McKeown, Michael J. Halfhill, and Joseph G. Lynch
(1H, d, J ) 7.6 Hz), 7.53 (2H, m), 7.59 (1H, d, J ) 7.6 Hz), provided excellent laboratory assistance. Technical
7.84 (4H, m), 7.88 (2H, d, J ) 7.2 Hz). 13C NMR (TCE-d2): δ assistance was provided by Robert L. Lock.
117.6 (2CH), 118.5 (2CH), 118.7 (2CH), 120.7 (CH), 123.7 (CH),
125.8 (CH), 130.1 (CH), 132.3 (4CH), 132.4 (2C), 132.5 (2CH),
References and Notes
133.1 (0.5C), 133.2 (0.5C), 139.5 (C), 155.6 (C), 159.3 (0.5C),
159.4 (0.5C), 160.0 (C), 160.5 (0.5C), 160.6 (0.5C), 193.9 (C), (1) May, R. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering;
194.2 (C). Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1988; Vol. 12, pp 313-320.
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