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English 7

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Second Quarter

Activity No. 1

Topic: Use Phrases Appropriately and Meaningfully

Duration: Dec. 5 – 9 , 2022
Learning Competency : Use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully EN7G-IIa-1
Learning Objectives: Students were expected to:
1. identify the phrases in the sentences
2. use appropriate phrases to form sensible sentences.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand first the concept notes before answering the items A to D. Write
directly the correct answers on a 1 whole sheet of paper.


Writing is one way to help you say clearly what you think or how you feel about people, places, events, or
experiences. The words in the sentence must be in the right order to make sense. In addition, you need to have
a working knowledge of familiarizing oneself with the different kinds of phrases that can be used also in writing.


Use Phrases Appropriately and Meaningfully

Phrase is a group of words that work together to make meaning, but it is not a complete
sentence. In other words, it does not have both a subject and a verb.

The bewildered tourist was lost.
He was waiting for the rain to stop.
I live in the plaza.
Common Types:

1. A noun phrase consist of a noun and all its modifiers which appear either before or after
the noun. It can function in a sentence as a subject.
Noun – refers to a person, place, thing or event
Modifiers = word or group of words that describe the noun

The pattern looks like this: modifier + noun

Example: The yellow house is for sale .

(noun phrase as subject – The yellow ( modifier ) + house (noun)

2. Verb Phrase – consists of a verb and all its modifiers. It includes a main verb and its
helping verbs or auxiliary verbs.
Main Verb : refers to the main action word in the sentence that talks about the subject or
the topic

The common auxiliary or helping verbs are the following:

Forms of be Forms of have Forms of do Others

is was has do shall should
am were have does may might
are being had did will would
been can could
The pattern looks like this : Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb + Verb Ending

Example : She was walking quickly to the mall.

verb phrase (was ( auxiliary) + walk (main verb) + -ing (verb ending)

3. Prepositional Phrase - is a group of words that consists of: a preposition , the

object of the preposition and any modifiers.
Prepositions precede words to link them to nearby words. Above, about, below, for, at,
from, in, inside, into, of, to, until, on, under , around, up are some of the common
prepositions. Lots of prepositions precede words to tell us where or when things are.
Object of the preposition: the noun or pronoun governed by a preposition. It is often
accompanied by modifiers that precede it or follow it.
A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that describes something or makes its meaning
more specific.
This is the pattern: Preposition + modifier + object of the preposition
Example : I left my wallet on the table.
on = preposition
the = modifier
table = the object of the preposition “ on “

A. Directions: Identify the kinds of phrases used in the underlined group of words in every sentences. Write NP for noun
phrase , VP for verb phrase, and PP for Prepositional Phrase. Put the answers on the blank provided.

_____1. We climber up the mountain.

_____2. My friends and I took a walk around the park.
_____3. I searched under the cabinet.
_____4. I will try to eat the cake baked by my friend.
_____5. I am becoming very tired of my daily routine.
_____6. The farmer has fed the farm animals.
_____7. The fat girl sat on the window.
_____8. My little brother cries loudly.
_____9. Our old house is haunted.
_____10. Look for the topic now.

B. Directions: Add a modifier word to each noun given below to create a Noun Phrase. Put the answers on the blank
Example: My ___________________ coach gave me an award.
Answer: My basketball coach gave me an award.
1. The _____________________ child was disruptive at the restaurant.
2. An ______________________ man lived beside the lake.
3. The _______________________ park was open until the afternoon.
4. The _______________________puppy was lost.

C. Directions: Add an object to each preposition given below to create a Prepositional Phrase. Put the answers on the
blank provided.
Example: I went to the __________ yesterday.
Answer: I went to the plaza yesterday.
1. I live in ___________________.
2. I study about _______________.
3. She is putting the book on the _________________.

D. Directions: Add a main verb given below to create a Verb Phrase. Put the answers on the blank provided.
Example: They are __________ to the city today.
Answer: They are going to the city today.
1. My mother is ____________ a toy at the mall for my younger brother.
2. Sheila was _____________ for a partner.
3. I am _________________ a poem.
Second Quarter
Activity No. 2

Topic: Figure of Speech: Simile, Metaphor, Personification

Duration: Dec. 5 – 9 , 2022
Learning Competency : Identify figures of speech that show comparison (simile, metaphor, personification) II-c-10.1.2
Learning Objectives: Students were expected to:
1. identify the figure of speech used in a given poem
2. determine the figure of speech used in the given expressions

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand first the concept notes before answering the items A and B. Write
directly the correct answers on a 1 whole sheet of paper.

Many writers, in composing poems and prose, use language that is not literal but which represent things,
actions, and ideas. Such language includes figures of speech that enhance meaning and imaginative quality of
poems and prose. The most commonly uses figures of speech are the simile, metaphor, and personification.



1. Simile is a figures of speech in which comparison is made between unlike objects which are
however similar in one respect. The comparison in simile is usually introduced by such words as or

Examples : Don ate his salad like a vacuum cleaner.

The thunder was as loud as fireworks.

You can see that the underlined words in the sentences above are compared to each other. The
words as and like are bolded to show that a simile occurs in this sentence.

2. Metaphor compares words in a sentence; however, instead of saying that one thing is like
something else, a metaphor actually makes one thing become something very different by renaming
it. A metaphor can sometimes use words like is, are, or was (and other words) to signal that a
metaphor is present. However, a metaphor never uses the words like or as to compare.

Example: You are my hero.

You can see in these examples that the first underlined word is actually renamed by the second
underlined word. The bolded words are bolded to show that the second underlined word is
something else.

3. Personification is the act of giving non-living things human characteristics.

Example: The glasses danced on the shelf during the earthquake.

The underlined word is the non- living thing. Then the bolded word shows a human characteristic
which is to dance applied by the non – living thing, glasses.
A. Directions: Pick out a lines in the following poem that apply the figures of speech of simile, metaphor, or

The Philippines is like a nest

On which beautiful flowers rest;

She is as full of love for me

As the wide wave-covered sea;

She is like a cherished madness

for whom my thoughts are endless;

She is as self-possessed as a matron

Like an heiress of a great throne

she rules a kingdom of volcanoes.

She wears a crown of stars wherever she goes.

- Fermando Ma. Guerrero, Mi Patria

B. Directions: Read the following expressions and indicate whether it is a simile, metaphor, or personification. Write the
correct answer on the blank provided.

______________1.Girdling my loins is blood rich in milk.

______________2. Mighty rivers are furrowing the earth.
______________3. My house is my land.
______________4. Trees rise as temples.
______________5. Trees grapple with winds.
______________6. Life is a dream.
______________7. The white mares of the moon rush along the sky.
______________8. The wind tapped like a tired man.
______________9. His speech is like a whisper of a thousand bees.
______________10. He is a lion in a fight.

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