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Engleza 2019

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Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență

Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019

Varianta 1

Proba scrisă la limba engleză A

1.Write out the sentences, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0,5 x 6 = 3 points)
a. I (play) chess for twenty years and (win) for as long a time. In fact I (start) playing when I turned 15.
b. I wish the folks upstairs (not play) their records so loud. They (drive) me crazy! If I (not be) such a patient man I would call the police
on them.

2.Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown: (1 x 3 = 3 points)

a. The moment they saw the bear, they fled./ No sooner…
b. None of the students there knew the answer./ There wasn’t…
c. I want them to stop shouting./ What I want is…

3.Provide a passive counterpart for the following sentences: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. Somebody is following you!
b. He has only fired the gun three times.
c. They arrested him yesterday.

4.Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. He has probably heard the news by now.
b. It is not possible for me to help you.
c. Please, help me to open this door.

II. Translate into English: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Glasul fetei suna ca un avertisment: dacă el va crede acest lucru, nu va fi bine.
-Totul se va sfârși înainte de a începe, dacă te iei după cuvintele mele, rosti ea cu patimă.
-Da, conveni el înfiorat ca de o taină. Și îi făcu un jurământ : „N-o să mă iau după mărturisirile tale, Luchi, pe care s-ar putea să le regreți, sau
poate chiar le regreți în clipa de față. Numai ceea ce simt eu e ceva adevărat și numai după asta o să mă iau.”
-N-o să te gândești la ce ți-am spus eu ?! exclamă ea.
-Nu, zise el parcă cu o decizie dureroasă.
Și o privi drept, de astă dată sigur pe el, copleșit, dar liniștit. Ea putea să spună orice, el va rămâne statornic și o va păstra în inimă. (Marin
Preda – Delirul, adapted)

III. Translate into Romanian: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

“When you can’t sleep, son, make a plan,” was something Lev’s father used to say. “Then you won’t have wasted those hours.” So he made a
decision. The decision surprised him and yet he knew it was a sensible one: tomorrow he would call his friend, Lydia. She’d offered to help him
and now he needed help, so he would accept. It was as simple as that. He’d make his way to wherever she was, in her friends’ house. Together,
he and she would read all the job advertisements in the newspaper and Lydia would decipher everything for him. She would know what
everything was. She would call the telephone numbers printed on those pages to arrange interviews, and by nightfall he would have found work.
(Rose Tremain – The Road Home, slightly adapted)

IV. Reading comprehension (9 + 1 = 10 points)

It was Adam Appelby’s misfortune that at the moment of awakening from sleep his consciousness was immediately flooded with everything he
least wanted to think about. Other men, he gathered, met each new dawn with a refreshed mind and heart, full of optimism and resolution; or
else they moved slowly through the first hour of the day in a state of blessed numbedness, incapable of any thought at all, pleasant or
unpleasant. But, crouched like harpies round his bed, unpleasant thoughts waited to pounce the moment Adam’s eyelids flickered apart. At that
moment he was forced, like a drowning man, to review his entire life instantaneously, divided between regrets for the past and fears for the
future. Thus it was that as he opened his eyes one November morning, and focused them blearily on the sick rose on the wallpaper opposite his
bed, Adam was simultaneously reminded that he was twenty-five years of age, and would soon be twenty-six, that he was a postgraduate
student preparing a thesis which he was unlikely to complete in this the third and final year of his scholarship, that the money was running low,
that he was married with three very young children, that one of them had manifested an alarming rash the previous evening, that his name was
ridiculous, that his leg hurt, that his decrepit scooter had failed to start the previous morning and would no doubt fail to start this morning, that his
leg hurt, that he had forgotten to reserve any books at the British Museum for this morning’s reading, and that his leg hurt. But wait a minute…
One of these mental events was unfamiliar. He could not recall any sensation of pain on retiring the previous night. (crouch – lean forwards;
pounce – spring, attack; bleary – unable to see clearly) (adapted from David Lodge, The British Museum is Falling Down)
1. In what way is Adam Appelby’s awakening different from those of other men? Do not exceed 8 lines.
2. What is, in your opinion, Adam’s state of mind on waking up? Do not exceed 8 lines.
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019

Varianta 1

Barem de corectare pentru engleza A

Fiecare subiect este notat cu 10 puncte, dupa cum urmeaza: 9 puncte + 1 punct din oficiu. Nota finala reprezinta media dintre cele patru

I se noteaza dupa cum urmeaza:

1) 0,5 x 3 = 3 puncte 2) 1 x 3 = 3 puncte 3) 0,5 x 3 = 1,5 puncte 4) 0,5 x 3 = 1,5 puncte
La totalul de 9 puncte se adauga 1 punct din oficiu.

II. Se noteaza traducerea corecta a structurilor gramaticale, fluenta textului in limba engleza, cunoasterea vocabularului implicat de traducerea
textului. Se depuncteaza cu 0,25 folosirea gresita sau formarea gresita a timpurilor verbale, a verbelor modale si a diatezei pasive,
nerespectarea regulilor de concordanta a timpurilor, folosirea gresita a infinitivului ca si a gerundului sau a participiului. Se depuncteaza cu 0,10
puncte formele gresite de plural, folosirea necorespunzatoare a principalelor prepozitii din limba engleza, greselile de topica. Se considera ca
cinci greseli de ortografie se vor depuncta cu 0,10 puncte. Se pot puncta cu un bonus intre 0,50 si 1 punct solutiile deosebit de originale pentru
unele structuri mai dificile.

III. Se noteaza corectitudinea si acuratetea exprimarii in limba romana, redarea adecvata a sensului textului din limba engleza. Se depuncteaza
cu 0,25 puncte traducerea incorecta a unui cuvant sau omiterea acestuia. Se depuncteaza cu 0,50 puncte abaterile grave de la sensul textului,
distorsionarea totala a intelesului ca si exprimarea confuza in limba romana. Se apreciaza eleganta exprimarii in limba romana, gasirea de solutii
cit mai aproape de sensul textului englezesc. Se pot puncta cu un bonus de 0.50 pina la 1 punct solutiile ingenioase de traducere.

Se vor deduce 0.25 puncte pentru fiecare 10 cuvinte peste numarul recomandat de cuvinte.
Se apreciaza: exprimarea corecta, coerenta si concizia raspunsului, claritatea si consecventa, incadrarea in limitele cerintei, precum si
capacitatea candidatului de a structura argumentatia. Se acorda un bonus de 0,5 pina la un punct pentru idei originale si exprimare nuantata.
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019

Varianta 1

Solutii corectura A

1.Write out the sentences, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0,5 x 6 = 3 points)
c. I have been playing chess for twenty years and (have been) winning for as long a time. In fact I started playing when I turned 15.
d. I wish the folks upstairs wouldn’t play/didn’t play their records so loud. They are driving/drive me crazy! If I weren’t/wasn’t such a
patient man I would call the police on them.

2.Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown: (1 x 3 = 3 points)

a. The moment they saw the bear, they fled./ No sooner had they seen the bear than they fled. (0.5 puncte pentru inversiune, 0.25
puncte pentru timpul correct, 0.25 puncte pentru corelativul corect)
b. None of the students there knew the answer./ There wasn’t a student (there) who knew the answer.
c. I want them to stop shouting./ What I want is for them to stop shouting/ that they (should) stop shouting.

3.Provide a passive counterpart for the following sentences: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
d. Somebody is following you!/ You are being followed.
e. He has only fired the gun three times./ The gun has only been fired three times.
f. They arrested him yesterday./ He was arrested yesterday.

4.Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. He has probably heard the news by now./ He must have heard the news by now.
b. It is not possible for me to help you./ I cannot help you.
c. Please, help me to open this door./ Would you/Could/Can you help me to open this door?/ Help me to open this door, will

II. Translate into English: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

The girl’s voice sounded like a warning: if he believed this thing, it wouldn’t be good/it would be bad.
“Everything will be over before it even begins if you really believe what I’m saying,” she said passionately.
“Yes,” he agreed, as if overwhelmed by a secret. And he made a vow: “I won’t consider what you told me, Luchi, for you might regret it or are
already regretting it as we speak. Only what I feel is the truth and I will believe only this// it is only this that I will consider/ believe.” (se da bonus
pentru pastrarea emfazei)
“So you won’t think about what I told you…!” she exclaimed.
“No,” he answered although he seemed to have trouble making this decision/and it seemed to be a hard decision to make/ he answered
troubled, but resolute.
And he looked right at her, but this time he was confident, overwhelmed, but at peace. She could say anything/ Let her say whatever she
pleased, he would stay true and keep her in his heart.

III. Translate into Romanian: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

- Când nu poți să dormi, fă-ți un plan, asta îi spunea deseori lui Lev tatăl lui. Așa măcar nu ți-ai pierdut timpul (n-ai stat treaz degeaba).
Prin urmare, Lev luă o hotărâre. Hotărâre care îl suprinse, dar care știa că e una bună/de bun simț: mâine avea să o sune pe prietena lui, Lydia.
Aceasta se oferise să-l ajute și, cum avea acum nevoie de ajutor, avea de gând să accepte (să-i accepte oferta/propunerea). Simplu ca buna
ziua./Scurt și cuprinzător./ Chiar așa. Avea să se ducă (ori)unde stătea ea, la prietenii ei. Vor citi împreună toate anunțurile de slujbe din ziar și
Lydia îi va descifra informațiile. Cu siguranță că ea va înțelege cum stau lucrurile/ce scrie acolo. Va da telefon la numerele scrise acolo și va
stabili/programa interviurile, iar el își va găsi o slujbă înainte de venirea serii// și până seara să vezi că se va trezi cu o slujbă. (Se accepta
Perfect Compus in locul Perfectului Simplu)
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019
Varianta 2

Proba scrisă la limba engleză A

1.Write out the sentences, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0,5 x 6 = 3 points)
And then I heard a gun (fire). We (rush) into the room, but by then the murderer (be able) to get away. My friend (lie) in a pool of blood and I
saw at once that he (shoot) in the head. I sent the maid to phone the police and (tell) the others to leave everything untouched.

2.Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown: (1 x 3 = 3 points)

a. Why did he borrow so much money from the bank?/ If only…
b. “How old are you?” the doctor asked./ The doctor asked…
c. They believe he took a bribe./ He is believed…

3.Provide a passive counterpart for the following sentences: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. I haven’t received your letter yet.
b. His wife is supporting him.
c. She put the money on the table.

4.Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. If you happen to meet him, tell him he owes me.
b. His wife didn’t want to tell him the truth.
c. You are not allowed to sleep so late.

II. Translate into English: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

-Copiii mei, mamă, zise generalul, pe care i-am crezut curați, a căror cămașă verde am îmbrăcat-o și pe care i-am ocrotit și i-am îndrumat, sunt
niște asasini setoși de sânge și nu niște spirite capabile să înțeleagă ce e justiția și dreptatea, ca să poată guverna. La închisoare se găseau
șaizeci și cinci de deținuți, care trebuiau judecați. Nu toți erau, poate, vinovați. ... Nu toți, poate, aveau aceeași vină. Toți au fost însă împușcați
mișelește, orbește, din sete de răzbunare. Dintre aceștia, numai douăzeci și nouă fuseseră arestați cu acte în regulă. Restul fuseseră arestați
fără nici o normă. Câți nevinovați vor fi fost printre aceia? (Marin Preda – Delirul, adapted)

III. Translate into Romanian: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Lev’s bus arrived and he climbed on and was glad of the weak warmth to be found inside, and the lemonish light in the darkness. He wished
someone could have warned him about the suddenness of change in the English seasons. He knew he’d become so accustomed to the fine
weather he’d made no adjustments in his mind for a cold autumn. And now he could see the long tunnel of winter waiting ahead, the dark
afternoons, that old middle-of-the-night sadness you could feel when you heard the wind tormenting the trees. He closed his eyes. His back
ached from his long shift at the factory. He stuffed his hands inside the pockets of his jacket and squeezed the precious money he found there.
(Rose Tremain – The Road Home, slightly adapted)

IV. Reading comprehension (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Educated in the traditional classics at Harrow, Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, young Joseph Banks had discovered science and the natural
world at the age of fourteen. Emerging late one summer afternoon from a schoolboy swim in the Thames at Eton, the teenage Banks found
himself alone on the river, all his schoolfriends gone. Walking back through the green lanes, solitary and preoccupied, he suddenly saw the
mass of wild flowers along the hedgerows vividly illuminated in the golden evening light. Their beauty and strangeness came to him like a
revelation. ‘After some reflection, he said to himself, it is surely more natural that I should be taught to know all the productions of Nature, in
preference to Greek and Latin; but the latter is my father’s command and it is my duty to obey him … He began immediately to teach himself
Botany.’ It seems that to the young Banks botany implied a kind of Romantic rebellion against his father, as well as against the standard school
curriculum of classics. Even more important, it brought him into contact with a race of people who would normally have been quite invisible to a
privileged Eton schoolboy such as he. These were the wise women of the country lanes and hedgerows, the herbalists who collected ‘simples’
or medicinal plants ‘to supply the Druggist and Apothecaries shops’ of Windsor and Slough. They were a strange but knowledgeable tribe, whom
he soon learned to treat with respect. (lane – path; hedgerow – fence made of plants; apothecary – chemist, pharmacist) (adapted from Richard
Holmes, The Age of Wonder. How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science)
1. What is, according to the author, the significance of Joseph Banks’s passion for botany? Do not exceed 10 lines.
2. What is, in your opinion, the meaning of the phrase “knowledgeable tribe”? Do not exceed 6 lines.
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019
Varianta 2

Barem de corectare pentru engleza A

Fiecare subiect este notat cu 10 puncte, dupa cum urmeaza: 9 puncte + 1 punct din oficiu. Nota finala reprezinta media
dintre cele patru subiecte.

I se noteaza dupa cum urmeaza:

1) 0,5 x 3 = 3 puncte 2) 1 x 3 = 3 puncte 3) 0,5 x 3 = 1,5 puncte 4) 0,5 x 3 = 1,5 puncte
La totalul de 9 puncte se adauga 1 punct din oficiu.

II. Se noteaza traducerea corecta a structurilor gramaticale, fluenta textului in limba engleza, cunoasterea vocabularului
implicat de traducerea textului. Se depuncteaza cu 0,25 folosirea gresita sau formarea gresita a timpurilor verbale, a
verbelor modale si a diatezei pasive, nerespectarea regulilor de concordanta a timpurilor, folosirea gresita a infinitivului
ca si a gerundului sau a participiului. Se depuncteaza cu 0,10 puncte formele gresite de plural, folosirea
necorespunzatoare a principalelor prepozitii din limba engleza, greselile de topica. Se considera ca cinci greseli de
ortografie se vor depuncta cu 0,10 puncte. Se pot puncta cu un bonus intre 0,50 si 1 punct solutiile deosebit de originale
pentru unele structuri mai dificile.

III. Se noteaza corectitudinea si acuratetea exprimarii in limba romana, redarea adecvata a sensului textului din limba
engleza. Se depuncteaza cu 0,25 puncte traducerea incorecta a unui cuvant sau omiterea acestuia. Se depuncteaza cu
0,50 puncte abaterile grave de la sensul textului, distorsionarea totala a intelesului ca si exprimarea confuza in limba
romana. Se apreciaza eleganta exprimarii in limba romana, gasirea de solutii cit mai aproape de sensul textului
englezesc. Se pot puncta cu un bonus de 0.50 pina la 1 punct solutiile ingenioase de traducere.

Se vor deduce 0.25 puncte pentru fiecare 10 cuvinte peste numarul recomandat de cuvinte.
Se apreciaza: exprimarea corecta, coerenta si concizia raspunsului, claritatea si consecventa, incadrarea in limitele
cerintei, precum si capacitatea candidatului de a structura argumentatia. Se acorda un bonus de 0,5 pina la un punct
pentru idei originale si exprimare nuantata.

Varianta 2
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019
Varianta 2

Solutii corectura A

1.Write out the sentences, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0,5 x 6 = 3 points)
And then I heard a gun being fired. We rushed into the room, but by then the murderer had been able to get away. My friend was lying in a
pool of blood and I saw at once that he had been shot in the head. I sent the maid to phone the police and told/ to tell the others to leave
everything untouched.

2.Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown: (1 x 3 = 3 points)

a. Why did he borrow so much money from the bank?/ If ony he hadn’t borrowed so much money from the bank.
b. “How old are you?” the doctor asked./ The doctor asked her how old she was.
c. They believe he took a bribe./ He is believed to have taken a bribe.

3.Provide a passive counterpart for the following sentences: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. I haven’t received your letter yet./ Your letter hasn’t been received yet.
b. His wife is supporting him./ He is being supported by his wife. (se scad 0.25 puncte pentru omiterea aspectului continuu)
c. She put the money on the table. / The money was put on the table. (se scad 0.25 puncte daca nu se face corect acordul intre
subiect si predicat)

4.Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. If you happen to meet him, tell him he owes me./ If you should meet him/se da bonus pentru Should you meet him, tell him he
owes me.
b. His wife didn’t want to tell him the truth./ His wife wouldn’t tell him the truth.
c. You are not allowed to sleep so late./ You may not/cannot sleep late.

II. Translate into English: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

“Mother,” said the general, “my children, whom I thought pure, whose green shirt I put on and whom I have protected and guided, are nothing
but bloodthirsty assassins, not people with minds capable of understanding what law and justice are, so that they can govern. There were sixty
five convicts in prison, who were waiting to be tried/ pending trial. Some of them might have been innocent, though. Some of them might have
been guilty of lesser crimes. However, all of them were shot unlawfully, blindly, for vengeance. Only twenty nine of these convicts had been
arrested properly. The others had been unlawfully imprisoned. How many innocents could have been among all of those?

III. Translate into Romanian: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Autobuzul lui Lev sosi la destinație și Lev se urcă în el și se bucură că înăuntru era cât de cât cald și că în întuneric se vedea o rază de lumină
gălbuie/de culoarea lămâiei/galbenă ca lămâia. Își dorea să îi fi spus cineva/ Bine era/ar fi fost dacă l-ar fi avertizat cineva că în Anglia
anotimpurile se schimbă rapid. Știa/își dădea seama că se obișnuise așa de tare cu vremea bună că nu se gândise că avea să vină o toamnă
rece. Și acum parcă vedea tunelul lung al iernii care i se așternea în față, după-amiezile întunecoase, tristețea aceea veche de la miezul nopții
care te năpădea/năpădește când auzeai/auzi vântul torturând copacii/cum torturează vântul copacii. Închise ochii. Îl durea spatele după orele
lungi de muncă în/la fabrică. Își îndesă mâinile în buzunarele hainei și strânse în pumn banii/bănuții greu dobândiți/câștigați pe care-i
descoperi/găsi acolo.
(se acceptă Perfectul Compus pentru traducerea trecutului narativ).
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019
Varianta 1

Proba scrisă la limba engleză B

1.Write out the sentences, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0,5 x 6 = 3 points)
As soon as his cousin (depart), he started (tell) Jane how much he thought they (enjoy) themselves while Jim (be) gone. He was sure they (find)
something to fill their time with while they (wait).

2.Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown: (1 x 3 = 3 points)

a. The girl next door is a stranger to everybody./ No one…
b. I am sorry I said such a terrible thing./ I regret…
c. Come back tomorrow with a large sum of money and I’ll tell you the secret./ Unless you…

3.Negate the following sentences: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)

a. Everybody wants something from him.
b. He has always fought for a good cause.
c. Bill lied to me.

4.Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. You are advised to do as he says.
b. He didn’t manage to go out.
c. I think he is sleeping.

II. Translate into English: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Omul care trecuse pe lângă moarte nu era atent la moartea altora. Tăcu câtva timp, apoi își reluă întrebarea care îl obseda: văzuse sau nu,
Ștefan, nemți prin oraș? Așadar nemții nu interveneau, nu făceau nimic? Apoi: clădirea ziarului în mâinile cui se afla? Apăruseră cumva, din
interior, soldați? Nu?
-Bine, megem atunci la ziar, spuse el, și coborâră, în timp ce își îmbrăca din mers paltonul și își punea pe cap căciula. Uite-l și pe șoferul ăsta
cum a fugit și m-a lăsat singur. Mănâncă de la mine pâine de ani de zile! Tu știi să conduci? Nu? Mergem pe jos atunci. (Marin Preda – Delirul,

III. Translate into Romanian: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Lev walked into the room he had just paid for and set down his bag. He hadn’t understood all of what the landlord had been saying, except that
he knew this had once been the man’s daughter’s room and now that daughter was gone. He looked round at all the child’s possessions and
then out of the window at a sycamore tree, whose wide branches almost touched the glass. Then he looked at the landlord, standing in the
doorway, as though not wanting to come into the room, his hands held at his sides in a helpless way, and Lev was transfixed for a moment,
recognizing something of himself in the other man, some willingness to surrender and not fight, some dangerous longing for everything to be
over. “The room is very good,” said Lev. “I will take it.” (Rose Tremain – The Road Home, slightly adapted)

IV. Reading comprehension (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Warren Harding was not a particularly intelligent man. He liked to play poker and golf and to drink and, most of all, to chase women. As he rose
from one political office to another, he never once distinguished himself. He was vague and ambivalent on matters of policy. His speeches were
once described as "an army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea." He advanced steadily from local Ohio politics
only because he was pushed by his wife, Florence, and stage-managed by the scheming Harry Daugherty and because, as he grew older, he
grew more and more irresistibly distinguished-looking. By early middle age, Harding's biographer Francis Russell writes, his "lusty black
eyebrows contrasted with his steel-gray hair to give the effect of force, his massive shoulders and bronzed complexion gave the effect of health."
Daugherty arranged for Harding to address the 1916 Republican presidential convention because he knew that people only had to see Harding
and hear that magnificent rumbling voice to be convinced of his worthiness for higher office. In 1920, Daugherty convinced Harding, against
Harding's better judgment, to run for the White House. So senator Harding became candidate Harding, and later that fall, candidate Harding
became President Harding. (scheming – dubious, corrupt; the Republican Party – the more conservative of the two major political parties in the
US, fall Am. English – autumn Br. English) (adapted from Malcolm Gladwell, Blink)
1. What are, according to the author, the reasons why Warren Harding advanced in his political career? Do not exceed 10 lines.
2. What do you think the author means by the phrase “against Harding’s better judgment”? Motivate your answer. Do not
exceed 6 lines.
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019
Varianta 1

Barem de corectare pentru engleza B

Fiecare subiect este notat cu 10 puncte, dupa cum urmeaza: 9 puncte + 1 punct din oficiu. Nota finala
reprezinta media dintre cele patru subiecte.

I se noteaza dupa cum urmeaza:

1) 0,5 x 3 = 3 puncte 2) 1 x 3 = 3 puncte 3) 0,5 x 3 = 1,5 puncte 4) 0,5 x 3 = 1,5 puncte
La totalul de 9 puncte se adauga 1 punct din oficiu.

II. Se noteaza traducerea corecta a structurilor gramaticale, fluenta textului in limba engleza, cunoasterea
vocabularului implicat de traducerea textului. Se depuncteaza cu 0,25 folosirea gresita sau formarea gresita a
timpurilor verbale, a verbelor modale si a diatezei pasive, nerespectarea regulilor de concordanta a
timpurilor, folosirea gresita a infinitivului ca si a gerundului sau a participiului. Se depuncteaza cu 0,10
puncte formele gresite de plural, folosirea necorespunzatoare a principalelor prepozitii din limba engleza,
greselile de topica. Se considera ca cinci greseli de ortografie se vor depuncta cu 0,10 puncte. Se pot puncta
cu un bonus intre 0,50 si 1 punct solutiile deosebit de originale pentru unele structuri mai dificile.

III. Se noteaza corectitudinea si acuratetea exprimarii in limba romana, redarea adecvata a sensului textului
din limba engleza. Se depuncteaza cu 0,25 puncte traducerea incorecta a unui cuvant sau omiterea acestuia.
Se depuncteaza cu 0,50 puncte abaterile grave de la sensul textului, distorsionarea totala a intelesului ca si
exprimarea confuza in limba romana. Se apreciaza eleganta exprimarii in limba romana, gasirea de solutii cit
mai aproape de sensul textului englezesc. Se pot puncta cu un bonus de 0.50 pina la 1 punct solutiile
ingenioase de traducere.

Se vor deduce 0.25 puncte pentru fiecare 10 cuvinte peste numarul recomandat de cuvinte.
Se apreciaza: exprimarea corecta, coerenta si concizia raspunsului, claritatea si consecventa, incadrarea in
limitele cerintei, precum si capacitatea candidatului de a structura argumentatia. Se acorda un bonus de 0,5
pina la un punct pentru idei originale si exprimare nuantata.
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019
Varianta 1

Solutii corectura B
1.Write out the sentences, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0,5 x 6 = 3 points)
As soon as his cousin departed, he started to tell/telling Jane how much he thought they would enjoy themselves while Jim was gone. He
was sure they would find something to fill their time with while they were waiting/waited.

2.Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown: (1 x 3 = 3 points)

d. The girl next door is a stranger to everybody./ No one knows this girl/who this girl is/ no one has any idea who is this girl.
e. I am sorry I said such a terrible thing./ I regret saying such a terrible thing.
f. Come back tomorrow with a large sum of money and I’ll tell you the secret./ Unless you come back tomorrow with a large sum of
money, I won’t tell you the secret.

3.Negate the following sentences: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)

d. Everybody wants something from him./ Nobody wants anything from him. (0.25 puncte pentru negatie si 0.25 puncte pentru
negative polarity item)
e. He has always fought for a good cause./ He has never fought for a good cause./ He hasn’t ever fought for a good cause. /se
accepta si He hasn’t always fought for a good cause.
f. Bill lied to me./ Bill didn’t lie to me. (0.25 puncte pentru negatie si 0.25 puncte pentru forma corecta a verbului)

4.Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. You are advised to do as he says./ You should/must do as he says.
b. He didn’t manage to go out./ He couldn’t/wasn’t able to go out.
c. I think he is sleeping./ He may/might be sleeping. (he could be sleeping)

II. Translate into English: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

The man who had just seen death paid no attention/wasn’t paying attention to other people’s death/ other people dying. He kept silent for a while
and then resumed the question that had been on his mind/obsessed him: had Stefan seen any Germans in town? Were the Germans standing
by, without doing a thing? Then: who had occupied the newspaper’s building? Had any soldiers come out of it? They hadn’t?
“All right, let’s go to the newspaper then,” he said and they climbed down the stairs as he was putting on his overcoat and cap. “Look at this
driver of mine, he ran off and left me stranded. And he has been living off me for years!/ After all the money I have been paying him! Can you
drive? You can’t? Well, then let’s walk/ We’ll walk to it.”

III. Translate into Romanian: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Lev intră în camera pentru care tocmai plătise și își puse jos geamantanul. Nu înțelesese tot ce îi spusese proprietarul, însă pricepuse că
aceasta fusese camera fiicei lui și că fiica nu mai era/plecase. Privi toate lucrușoarele de copil și apoi se uită pe fereastră la un sicomor ale cărui
crăci răsfirate aproape că atingeau geamul. Se uită la proprietar apoi, cum stătea în prag, de parcă n-ar fi vrut să intre, cu mâinile lăsate
neajutorat, pe lângă corp, și, pentru o clipă, Lev rămase pe gânduri, recunoscând ceva familiar în celălalt, un soi de tendință de a renunța, de a
nu mai lupta, o dorință periculoasă ca totul să se sfârșească.
- E foarte bună camera, spuse Lev. O iau.
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019
Varianta 2

Proba scrisă la limba engleză B

1.Write out the sentences, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0,5 x 6 = 3 points)
John just (receive) a parcel from the postman when his wife (enter) the house and announced him that they (have) guests for dinner. He (try) to
tell her that he (not/be able) to attend because he (already/make) plans with his friends for dinner.

2.Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown: (1 x 3 = 3 points)

a. She has lost all her money on horse racing./ All her money…
b. Can I help you, my friend?/ Is there…
c. Bill is tall and handsome./ Not only…

3.Negate the following sentences: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)

a. I have something to tell you.
b. Bill knows many things about Susan.
c. Susan rose to her feet.

4.Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. It was impossible for Bill to learn Japanese.
b. You have probably met the new accountant.
c. What a shame they treated her so badly.

II. Translate into English: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

-Să știi, zise fata, că poți să-i scrii și să le spui și fraților tăi să scrie și ei câte o scrisoare tatălui vostru în care să spuneți una, alta, vorbe bune…
E păcat că l-ați lăsat să plece așa, n-aveți doi tați… […] Dacă ar fi după mine, continuă ea, ne-am urca în tren într-o sâmbătă și ne-am duce noi
doi acolo în sat, pe la el, să-i arătăm că ținem la el, nu mi-ar fi rușine. Să-ți spun drept, nu e bine să te mai iei după nea Paraschiv, ce rost are,
treaba lui dacă nu poate să uite bătaia pe care i-a tras-o taică-său înainte de a fugi… Și pe nea Nilă l-a bătut și uite că el a uitat de mult. (Marin
Preda – Delirul)

III. Translate into Romanian: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

By the time the bus crossed the border between Germany and Holland, Lev had surrendered himself to it: to his own small space by the window;
to the eternal hum of the air-conditioning; to the quiet presence of the woman beside him, who offered him eggs and dried fruit and pieces of
chocolate; to the smell and voices of the other passengers; to the chemical odour of the on-board lavatory; to the feeling of moving slowly across
wide distances, but moving always forwards and on. Watching the flat fields and windmills of the Netherlands going past, Lev felt so peaceful
and quiet that it was as if the bus had become his life and he would never be asked to stir from the inertia of this bus-life ever again. He began to
wish Europe were larger, so that he could look at the scenery for days and days to come. (Rose Tremain – The Road Home, slightly adapted)

IV. Reading comprehension (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Human beings sometimes falter under pressure. Pilots crash and divers drown. Under the glare of competition, basketball players cannot find
the basket and golfers cannot find the pin. When that happens, we say variously that people have “panicked” or, to use the sports colloquialism,
“choked.” To choke or panic is considered to be as bad as to quit. But are all forms of failure equal? According to Daniel Willingham, a
psychologist at the University of Virginia, there are differences between "implicit" and "explicit" learning. Under conditions of stress, the explicit
system sometimes takes over. That’s what it means to choke. And that is how Jana Novotna lost at Wimbledon after being a single point away
from the championship, and victory over Steffi Graff. When Jana Novotna faltered at Wimbledon, it was because she began thinking about her
shots again. She lost her fluidity, her touch. She seemed like a different person—playing with the slow, cautious deliberation of a beginner—
because, in a sense, she was a beginner again: she was relying on a learning system that she hadn’t used since she was first taught tennis, as
a child. Panic is the opposite of choking. Choking is about thinking too much. Panic is about thinking too little. Choking is about loss of instinct.
Panic is reversion to instinct. They may look the same, but they are worlds apart. Harder still is the fact that choking requires us to concern
ourselves less with the performer and more with the situation in which the performance occurs. We have to learn that sometimes a poor
performance reflects not the innate ability of the performer but the complexion of the audience; and that sometimes a poor test score is the sign
not of a poor student but of a good one. (falter – hesitate; complexion – character, disposition) (adapted from Malcolm Gladwell, The Art of
1. What is, according to the author, the main difference between choking and panic? Do not exceed 10 lines.
2. How is the difference between choking and panic relevant to defining a good performer? Do not exceed 6 lines.

Varianta 2
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019
Varianta 2

Barem de corectare pentru engleza B

Fiecare subiect este notat cu 10 puncte, dupa cum urmeaza: 9 puncte + 1 punct din oficiu. Nota finala
reprezinta media dintre cele patru subiecte.

I se noteaza dupa cum urmeaza:

1) 0,5 x 3 = 3 puncte 2) 1 x 3 = 3 puncte 3) 0,5 x 3 = 1,5 puncte 4) 0,5 x 3 = 1,5 puncte
La totalul de 9 puncte se adauga 1 punct din oficiu.

II. Se noteaza traducerea corecta a structurilor gramaticale, fluenta textului in limba engleza, cunoasterea
vocabularului implicat de traducerea textului. Se depuncteaza cu 0,25 folosirea gresita sau formarea gresita a
timpurilor verbale, a verbelor modale si a diatezei pasive, nerespectarea regulilor de concordanta a
timpurilor, folosirea gresita a infinitivului ca si a gerundului sau a participiului. Se depuncteaza cu 0,10
puncte formele gresite de plural, folosirea necorespunzatoare a principalelor prepozitii din limba engleza,
greselile de topica. Se considera ca cinci greseli de ortografie se vor depuncta cu 0,10 puncte. Se pot puncta
cu un bonus intre 0,50 si 1 punct solutiile deosebit de originale pentru unele structuri mai dificile.

III. Se noteaza corectitudinea si acuratetea exprimarii in limba romana, redarea adecvata a sensului textului
din limba engleza. Se depuncteaza cu 0,25 puncte traducerea incorecta a unui cuvant sau omiterea acestuia.
Se depuncteaza cu 0,50 puncte abaterile grave de la sensul textului, distorsionarea totala a intelesului ca si
exprimarea confuza in limba romana. Se apreciaza eleganta exprimarii in limba romana, gasirea de solutii cit
mai aproape de sensul textului englezesc. Se pot puncta cu un bonus de 0.50 pina la 1 punct solutiile
ingenioase de traducere.

Se vor deduce 0.25 puncte pentru fiecare 10 cuvinte peste numarul recomandat de cuvinte.
Se apreciaza: exprimarea corecta, coerenta si concizia raspunsului, claritatea si consecventa, incadrarea in
limitele cerintei, precum si capacitatea candidatului de a structura argumentatia. Se acorda un bonus de 0,5
pina la un punct pentru idei originale si exprimare nuantata.
Universitatea din București Ciclul 1 – studii universitare de licență
Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Concursul de admitere – iulie 2019

Varianta 2

Solutii corectura B
1.Write out the sentences, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0,5 x 6 = 3 points)
John had just received a parcel from the postman when his wife entered the house and announced him that they were having guests for
dinner. He tried to tell her that he wouldn’t be able/wasn’t able to attend because he had already made plans with his friends for dinner.

2.Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown: (1 x 3 = 3 points)

d. She has lost all her money on horse racing./ All her money has been lost on horse racing. (se scad 0.50 puncte daca nu se face
corect acordul intre subiect si predicat)
e. Can I help you, my friend?/ Is there anything I can do for you/ can do to help you/can help you with?
f. Bill is tall and handsome./ Not only is Bill tall but he is also handsome.

3.Negate the following sentences: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)

d. I have something to tell you./ I have nothing to tell you./I haven’t anything to tell you.
e. Bill knows many things about Susan./ Bill doesn’t know many things about Susan./Se da un bonus pentru: Bill knows few things
about Susan.
f. Susan rose to her feet./ Susan didn’t rise to her feet. (0.25 puncte pentru negatie si 0.25 puncte pentru forma corecta a verbului)

4.Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (0,5 x 3 = 1.50 points)
a. It was impossible for Bill to learn Japanese./ Bill couldn’t learn/wasn’t able to learn Japanese.
b. You probably have met the new accountant./ You must/ will have met the new accountant.
c. What a shame they treated her so badly./ They shouldn’t have treated her so badly.

II. Translate into English: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

“Let me tell you something,” the girl said, “ you could write and you could even tell your brothers to write a letter to your father, too, in which you
could tell him this and that, (only) good things… It’s a pity you let him leave like that, you only have one father in this life/world… If I were you,”
she went on, “I would take the train one Saturday and we could go to his village, to his place, to show we care(d) about him, I wouldn’t mind at
all/ I would be proud to. To tell you the truth, it’s not a good thing to continue to do as Paraschiv says, what’s the point, it’s his business if he
cannot forget the beating his father gave him before he took off… Your dad beat Nila, too, and yet he has put it behind him/ has long forgotten
about it.”

III. Translate into Romanian: (9 + 1 = 10 points)

Când autocarul/autobuzul traversă/a traversat (se acceptă si Perfectul Compus cu valoare narativa) granița dintre Germania și Olanda, Lev se
acomodase deja: cu locul lui strâmt, de la fereastră, cu veșnicul zumzăit al aparatului de aer condiționat, cu prezența tăcută a femeii de lângă el,
care îi oferea ouă și fructe uscate și bucățele de ciocolată; cu mirosul și vocile celorlalți pasageri; cu mirosul de chimicale care venea de la
closetul autobuzului; cu sentimentul că parcurg lent distanțele uriașe, dar că merg tot înainte. Privind câmpiile întinse și morile Olandei cum trec
prin fața ochilor, Lev se simțea senin și liniștit, de parcă autobuzul devenise universul lui și nu mai trebuia să se mai trezească vreodată din
inerția vieții de călător/autobuzului/acelei vieți. Începu să își dorească o Europă mai întinsă, ca să aibă timp să privească peisajul zile în șir.

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