Macro THC
Macro THC
Macro THC
hospitality component which includes climate, (TIAA) - Its main objective is to develop and
lakes, flora and fauna. implement programs that benefit the travel
Direct Providers - Represent the sectors of
the industry that are visible to the travellers. Union of Filipino Tourism Educators
(UFTE) - To unite all colleges, universities and
Bed and Breakfast - Provide a room, bath
schools with tourism programs with the end in
and a hearty breakfast to tourist and/or
view of training and developing their students.
United States Travel Data Center
Hotels - Provide accommodation, meals and
(USTDC) - An independent, non profit
refreshments for those who may reserve their
research and educational organization which
accommodation in advance.
aims to improve the quality and range of
Apartments - owned by individual by statistical data.
managed by an independent company.
World Travel and Tourism Council
Pensions - Are family-operated tourist- (WTTC) - Only global forum whose members
lodging houses which offer an informal family are the top decision makers in the travel and
atmosphere. tourism industry.
1.) Continuous demand international 2.) The demand for pleasure travel is
travel largely dependent on non-
Want something new economic factors
Eager to travel Not urbanize
Delicacies Political
Based social media (expectation vs
2.) Income in developed country reality)
increases Price changes according on demand
High cost of living change the price accordingly high price,
High income, high chance of travel the lower the travel
This means that changes in price and
3.) Foreign Exchange income will also change the demand for
Makes an initial expenditure into the pleasure travel.
3.) Specific fiscal measures DIRECT AND SECONDARY EFFECTS
Different competition
Can manipulate exchange rate Direct means that the income is received
Buy domestic market directly.
The exporting or tourist receiving Indirect or secondary effects mean that
country can manipulate exchange rates the money paid by tourist to business
so that those for tourists are higher or are in turn used to pay for supplies.
lower. Identify the most number of
Tourists are also allowed to buy in expenditure.
domestic markets at the same price as In order to measure the economic
the local residents. impact of tourism on the destination
area, it is important to know the direct
and secondary effects of visitor
4.)Tourism is multifaceted industry expenditures on the economy of the
Network area.
Direct affects (going malls, shops, Tourist expenditures received as income
hotels, restaurants) by businesses such as hotels,
Indirect affects (equipment restaurants, car rentals, tour operators,
manufacturers, utilities) and retail shops serving tourists have a
Higher the demand, the high quality direct effect on the economy of the host
equipment needed. area.
Multiplier is used to describe the total
effect, both direct and secondary, of an
5.) Tourism brings many more non-
external source of income introduced
monetary benefits and costs than
into the economy.
other export industries
Multiplier effect is used to estimate the
Tend to socialize w different individual
direct and secondary effects of tourist
Tend to get investors
expenditures on the economy of a
Tend to promote cultural diversity
Maintain sustainable environment for us
to use it and future gen. MULTIPLIER EFFECTS
- Attract foreign
- Spend for souvenirs
- Money create job
When travellers outside the destination - Job wages for local people
area spend on goods and industry by - Expend on needs
bringing in revenues from outside - Higher wages, grow demand
sources. - Local for farmer
Tourist expenditures also increase the - Higher demand possibility of growth
level of economic activity in the host development
area directly. - Industry grow
Many countries have utilized tourism as
Economy Leakage
a means to increase foreign exchange
earnings to produce investment - It is when the money circulated
necessary to finance economic growth. throughout the economy has “leaked”
Tourism’s economic impact in an area into another country’s economy.
provides a source of income, - Importing/exporting
employment, and foreign exchange.
Cost-Benefit Ratio 3 CATEGORIES
- It is important because of the societal 1.) Direct providers - Represent the
norms which are often subjected to sectors of the industry that are visible to
neglect by the policy makers in the the travellers.
shadow of economic benefit. 2.) Support Services – they can be
- Determines which economic sector will connected w travellers direct or indirect.
produce the most benefit in terms of 3.) Tourism Developmental Organized
income generated. – they focused on development or
Supply Components
- The money we got, provide opp.
- Produce and reduce 1.) Natural Resources - A tourism and
- High income hospitality component which includes
- Adopt culture climate, lakes, flora and fauna.
2.) Infrastructure - Refers to the
Undesirable economic aspects of
underground and surface construction of a
- Some undesirable economic aspects of 3.) Superstructure - Refers to the facilities
tourism are higher prices and economic and services that are above the ground.
instability. 4.) Transportation equipment - is defined
- Since pleasure travel is discretionary as a piece of high-value equipment used to
item, it is subject or changes in prices hold, protect or secure cargo for
and income. transportation purposes (mode of
How to maximize the economic effect of 5.) Hospitality Resources - It is the way that
tourism? tourist services are delivered by service
There are a lot of ways to maximize the providers.
economy in the tourism and hospitality
industry. As tourism itself is the HOSPITALITY TRAINNING
hospitality industry, customer MOTIVATION
satisfaction must be on top priority.
When the guests are satisfied with the Attitude toward self - boost self-esteem.
tourism products, services, and the Attitude toward others – diff culture
places they want to visit, they will be (what you see, leave it there)
ready to pay the price even higher. Attitude toward the Tourism
- Willing to pay how much Hospitality Industry – positive attitude
- Additional income toward service providers.
- Employment opportunity all over the Community Awareness Program – not
country. direct, understand community.