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Names: Nicole Verdugo, Paul Andrade


For our code to work correctly, each the image dimensions must be multiples of 8 for example, the image
must be in one of the standard image aspect ratios, such as 640x480, 1080x720 or 1920x1080 also the
image can be RGB (w/ 3 channels) or grayscale (1 channel). In addition, our implementation is not as
efficient as real JPEG compressors: its runtime scales largely with the area of the image. Here, we run tests
on images of smaller sizes, which are included in this directory, but it may still take a few minutes for the
code to run, more importantly 'quant.csv' must be in the same directory as this code for it to work. The
quantization matrix is kept separate for easy access and editing.

In the following texts some of the commands that were used in the code are going to be described to get
an idea of how each of them works:

Compress ()

Takes in an image filename, splits the image into its R, G, B components if they are there, then iterates
over 8x8 blocks in the image to perform the 2D Discrete Cosine Transform on them, followed by
quantization using the 8x8 quantization matrix stored in the same directory (quant_matrix_filename). This
produces a sparse matrix of the DCT transform coefficients, which is then transcribed to output files using
run-length encoding.

Outputs proportion of numbers needed to be stored from original image to with run-length encoding. For
example, if original raw image is 256x256x3, and the number of pairs stored is 9000, that's 18000 numbers
stored vs. 196608, the compression factor would be ~.09,a ~90% reduction in numbers that need to be
stored –

Decompress ()
Takes in the run-length encoding file of the quantized DCT cosine coefficients outputted by "compress,"
decodes it to reproduce the original sparse matrix, then does reverse quantization and inverse 2D DCT to
produce a compressed version of the original image

Quantize ()

Takes in M, an 8x8 block of DCT cosine coefficients, and conducts element-wise division by the
quantization matrix stored at "quantization_matrix_filename," followed by an additional division by the
quality factor. The entries in the resulting matrix are rounded to the nearest integer closest to zero and
returned. This produces the sparse matrix necessary for run-length encoding, by reducing the high index,
high frequency cosine coefficients to zero.

Reverse quantizes ()

Takes in M, an 8x8 block of DCT cosine coefficients, and conducts element-wise multiplication by the
quantization matrix stored at "quantization_matrix_filename," followed by an additional multiplication
by the quality factor. The entries in the resulting matrix are rounded to the nearest integer closest to zero
and returned. This produces the original DCT cosine coefficients from sparse matrix, except those high
index, high frequency coefficients that were reduced to 0 in quantize() (as multiplication by zero is still
zero, making the original coefficients are unrecoverable)

one_dim_dct ()

performs 1-dimensional Discrete cosine transform on a 1xN array x[n] :

X[k] = [from n = 0 to n = N-1 Σ] x[n]*cos((π/N) *(n+1/2) *k)

outputs the 1xN array of cosine coefficients

DCT ()

performs 1-dimensional Discrete cosine transform on first the rows of a NxN array M, then all of the
columns, which is mathematically equivalent and more computationally efficient than the 2D DCT.outputs
the NxN array of cosine coefficients, with higher indices in each row and column being the coefficients of
the higher frequency cosines.

One_dim_inverse_dct ()

performs 1-dimensionalal Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform on a 1xN array X[k]: which is an array of
cosine coefficients generated from a one-dimensional cosine transform. The formula for inverse DCT: f(n)
= 2/N * (X[0]/2 + [from k = 1 to k = N-1 Σ] X[k]*cos((π/N)*(n+1/2)*k)

output is the 1xN array of original values that were used to generate the cosine coefficients

inverse_DCT ()

performs 2-dimensional inverse Discrete cosine transform on first the rows of a NxN array M, then all of
the columns, which is mathematically equivalent and more computationally efficient than the 2D inverse
DCT. outputs the NxN array of original values used to determine the cosine coefficients that make up the
input matrix.

runLengthEncoding ()

Takes in a sparse NxN matrix, reshapes it into a 1xN*N matrix, and does run-length encoding on the linear
array, e.g. [1 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1] becomes [(1,1) (0,4) (2,3) (1,3)]. The method returns an array of these
pairs, alongside the original dimensions of the input matrix to be printed to a file in compress().

runLengthDecoding ()

This method takes in the name of the file where the run length encoding, i.e., the DCT coefficient matrix
dimensions and (number, quantity) pairs, is stored, and recasts the pairs to a linear array of DCT
coefficients, then reshapes them to the NxNxK arrays they originally were, for reverse quantization and
inverse DCT.
Here we have the complete outcome of the final code:

close all


imageFileName = "MPrint.jpg"; %name of file of image to be compressed, in the same

directory as this file
outputFileName = "MPrintCompressed.jpg";
qualityFactor = 4; %additional quantization factor by which you want to reduce
frequencies of image

[X,proportionCompression] =

%takes as input the output of compress() then runs run-length decoding on input, then
inverse DCT of
% DCT coefficient matrix and outputs the decompressed image matrix
Y = decompress('runLengthEncodingOfCurrentImage.txt','quant.csv',qualityFactor);

% visualize and save the final compressed image

YY = rescale(Y);

originalImage = imread(imageFileName);
title("Original Image")

title("Compressed Image")

function [compressedMatrix,proportionNumbers] =
M = imread(image_matrix_filename);
numRows = size(M,1);
numCols = size(M,2);
numChannels = size(M,3);
compressedMatrix = zeros([numRows,numCols,numChannels]);
M = double(M);
for channel = 1:numChannels
numHorizontalBlocks = round(numCols/8);
numVerticalBlocks = round(numRows/8);

for j = 0:numVerticalBlocks-1
top = j*8+1;
bottom = top+7;
for i = 0:numHorizontalBlocks-1
left = i*8+1;
right = left+7;
block = M(top:bottom,left:right,channel);
DCT_block = DCT(block);
DCT_block = quantize(DCT_block,quant_matrix_filename,quality_factor);
DCT_block = DCT_block + 0;
compressedMatrix(top:bottom,left:right,channel) = DCT_block;
[pairs,pairCount] = runLengthEncoding(compressedMatrix);
proportionNumbers = pairCount*2/(numRows*numCols*numChannels);

function decompressedMatrix =
M = runLengthDecoding(compressed_image_matrix_filename);
numRows = size(M,1);
numCols = size(M,2);
numChannels = size(M,3);
decompressedMatrix = zeros([numRows,numCols,numChannels]);

M = double(M);
for channel = 1:numChannels

numHorizontalBlocks = round(numCols/8);
numVerticalBlocks = round(numRows/8);

for j = 0:numVerticalBlocks-1
top = j*8+1;
bottom = top+7;
for i = 0:numHorizontalBlocks-1
left = i*8+1;
right = left+7;
block = M(top:bottom,left:right,channel);
inverse_DCT_block =
inverse_DCT_block = inverse_DCT(inverse_DCT_block);
% disp(inverse_DCT_block)
decompressedMatrix(top:bottom,left:right,channel) = inverse_DCT_block;
decompressedMatrix = round(decompressedMatrix);

function quantized_matrix = quantize(M,quantization_matrix_filename,quality_factor)

QM = readmatrix(quantization_matrix_filename);
quantized_matrix = fix(M./QM./quality_factor);

function reverse_quantized_matrix =
QM = readmatrix(quantization_matrix_filename);
reverse_quantized_matrix = fix(M.*QM.*quality_factor);

function X = one_dim_DCT(x)
N = size(x,2);
X = [];
for k = 0:N-1
sum_n = 0;
for n = 0:N-1
sum_n = sum_n + x(1,n+1)*cos((pi/N)*(n+.5)*k);
X = [X sum_n];

function M = DCT(M)
for i = 1:size(M,1)
M(i,:) = one_dim_DCT(M(i,:));
for j = 1:size(M,2)
M(:,j) = one_dim_DCT(M(:,j)');

function x = one_dim_inverseDCT(X)
N = size(X,2);
x = [];
for n = 0:N-1
sum_k = 0;
for k = 1:N-1
sum_k = sum_k +X(k+1)*cos((pi/N)*k*(n+0.5));
fn = (2/N)*(0.5*X(1)+sum_k);
x = [x fn];
function M = inverse_DCT(M)
for i = 1:size(M,1)
M(i,:) = one_dim_inverseDCT(M(i,:));
for j = 1:size(M,2)
M(:,j) = one_dim_inverseDCT(M(:,j)');

function [pairs,pairCount] = runLengthEncoding(M)

pairs = [size(M,1) size(M,2) size(M,3)];
for channel = 1:size(M,3)
MM = reshape(M(:,:,channel),1,[]);
count = 1;
pairCount = 0;
previous_number = MM(1);
for i = 2:size(MM,2)
if MM(i) ~= previous_number
pairs = [pairs previous_number count];
pairCount = pairCount+1;
count = 1;
previous_number = MM(i);
count = count + 1;

pairs = [pairs MM(i) count];


function reshapedM = runLengthDecoding(pairs_text_file)

M = readmatrix(pairs_text_file);

x_dim = M(1);
y_dim = M(2);
z_dim = M(3);

lineararray = [];
for i = 4:2:size(M,2)
number = M(i);
quantity = M(i+1);
for j = 1:quantity
lineararray = [lineararray number];

reshapedM = reshape(lineararray,[x_dim,y_dim,z_dim]);
Results obtained after using the code:

Figure 1: Original Image.

Figure 2: Compresses Image.

Figure 3: Compression Time

The following figures 1, 2 and 3 show the results of the code that was made for getting the original image
compressed simulating a DCT function in MATLAB. As shown in the figure 2 the final compressed image
it’s a good approximation to the original due to the great resemblance of the two of them, but also some
difference can tell them apart such as: the opacity of the background, also the colors in the compressed
images are darker than the original and finally it can be noticed that the figure 2 is blurry.

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